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Latvala Royals: Bloodlines by Danielle Bourdon (20)

Chapter 20

Everything happened in quick succession: the private jet from Latvala landed, took on its passenger, and got airborne shortly after. Elias made all the connections he needed to on his end and with Weithan Isle, procuring an official invitation that allowed him to land his plane and have an escort waiting to drive him to the castle.

En route, he showered, changed, and shaved. He chose a sharp suit with navy pinstripes, a thin navy tie, and platinum cuff links.

Jeremiah was aboard, having flown out of Latvala with the aircraft, and he sought the man’s company in the main cabin to lay out his plans.

“Going all in, I see,” Jeremiah said. Rather than a suit and tie, Jeremiah wore dark, easy to move in clothing.

“All in,” Elias agreed. He approached the table situated before a long sofa of white where Jer had set up maps, photos, and other papers with details Elias had asked for. He slid onto the cushion and pulled a map of Weithan Isle closer.

“All right. Here are the best ways on and off the island,” Jeremiah said. He pointed to four separate points, three of which happened to be on the east side. “There are docks here where there is a boat already waiting, should you need to leave the island that way. It’s less than an hour to the Dalmatian coast, where we’ve got people waiting, just in case. There’s a private airstrip, which is where we’ll be landing, so of course that’s the first priority.”

Elias studied the marked sections, making note of main roads in and out. He’d been blessed with a good memory, and would not forget the directions once he was on site.

“There’s a helipad here, with three helicopters stationed there at last check. The hard part would be convincing one of the pilots to fly you to Croatia. And last, there’s another dock at the south end, but it’ll take longer to get there from the castle, and it’s a bit riskier to navigate the waters around the island. More rocky outcroppings. You’d have to rely on a local to get you out of there.” Jeremiah leaned back and draped an arm across the back of the sofa. “Those are all emergency contingencies, of course. For some reason, I don’t think you’ll need them.”

“We,” Elias corrected. “We won’t need them.”

“Wait, I’m coming, too?”

“Yes.” Elias glanced across to Jeremiah. “I need you to find out where Valentina is while I’m playing up the princely visit with the officials. I’ll have to spend an hour or two with Severian, or whoever they set me up with, and then, after they show me my suite, I want to talk with Valentina.”

“Well, won’t that be a crappy task,” Jeremiah said with a laugh. “I get to skulk around while you’re taking tea and crumpets.”

Elias laughed. “If you get caught in a bad spot, I’ll do my best to get you out of it.”

Jeremiah snorted. “The things I do for friendship. All right. I’m on it.”

“You love every second of it. I would have heard nothing but complaints for a year if I hadn’t brought you along, and you know it.” Elias called his friend out on his feigned affront then got back to business. “I suspect Valentina won’t be happy to see me, considering I’m Sander’s son, and especially when she realizes what I’m there for. So keep your eyes and ears open. Be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.”

“I still don’t know that it’s wise to accuse her without proof,” Jeremiah said. He sounded and looked concerned.

“I won’t have to show proof. If everything works out right, she’s going to confess.”

“You’re on their turf, remember. Even if she does admit to it, she could have you detained or any other atrocity. I wouldn’t put it past her.”

“I wouldn’t either,” Elias said, pulling over a blueprint of the castle. “It’ll come down to who is better at bluffing, and whether or not she wants her crime to come to light.”

“What if she takes offense, sends an assassin after you next time?” Jeremiah asked.

“She won’t, unless she wants her actions splashed all over the front page of every news site known to mankind.”

Elias stood in the foyer of Novak Castle and adjusted the cuff link on his coat. The flight had continued unhindered after his conversation with Jeremiah, and had landed in good time on the private airstrip that they would hopefully be flying back out of in a few hours’ time. He did not plan to stay longer than he had to.

The castle was as lavish as he’d expected it to be, with a more medieval air that reminded him somewhat of Kallaster Castle back home. Wood beams interspersed with heavy stone to create an intricate ceiling, which rose high above the foyer and sported a large chandelier that threw light in all directions. Grand portraits of life on Weithan Isle dominated the entrance, as well as woven tapestries that hung from wooden rods tipped in gold. Several archways led to different areas, and a staircase, narrower than he expected it to be, circled upward into higher floors.

The butler, who had recently shown them inside, directed staff members to whisk away Elias and Jeremiah’s luggage, as would be expected for visiting nobility. Elias hadn’t packed anything worthwhile in his suitcase except a few old rags in case he had to leave Weithan Isle in a hurry. He paid little attention to the minute details of running the castle, and waited patiently for his host to show. Prince Severian, friend to his father, was the man Elias expected to see.

When Wolfe Novak entered through an archway, dressed immaculately in a black-on-black suit and polished shoes, Elias couldn’t have been more surprised.

“Holy shit,” Jeremiah whispered.

So this was the man Inari had been involved with. Elias had never officially met Wolfe in person, hadn’t come face-to-face or spoken with him at galas or royal gatherings. Wolfe’s bastard status was well known, and worked both for and against him: many high-titled royals wanted nothing to do with him, and lesser-titled ones craved his presence at their parties. Wolfe had a reputation for livening up any event he happened to attend.

Elias took in all the pertinent details of Wolfe in one brief sweep. About the same height as himself at six feet four, black hair worn neck length, and striking green eyes. Wolfe seemed to be in excellent shape, filling out his suit in much the same way he himself did.

The man would make a worthy adversary.

“Well, well, well. If it isn’t Prince Elias Ahtissari, come to call. To what do we owe the pleasure?” Wolfe asked, striding right up before Elias and extending a hand.

Elias grasped Wolfe’s hand and shook. It didn’t matter to him that Wolfe was a bastard son, it mattered that he show respect in another royal household.

“Prince Wolfe Novak, my pleasure.” Elias pocketed his hand and forwent the question to instead introduce Jeremiah. “This is Jeremiah Morgan.”

Wolfe finally acknowledged Jeremiah and, after a moment of consideration, extended his hand again. The men exchanged a handshake.

“Pleasure,” Jeremiah drawled.

Elias knew by Jeremiah’s droll tone that he was less than impressed. Ah, the semantics of royal life when you weren’t of royal blood. Poor Jer.

“I’m here to see your uncle, Severian. We have some business to discuss,” Elias said, getting back to the reason for his visit.

“Pity. I would have enjoyed a little time to discuss business of our own,” Wolfe said. “You should come find me when you’re done.”

Elias was intrigued over Wolfe’s mention of business. What could they possibly have to discuss? He also wondered what Wolfe would think if he knew his own mother was plotting the death of the woman he loved.

“I’ll see how much time I have. This is a short trip,” Elias replied, leaving his options open.

“There you are. Prince Elias, good of you to visit Weithan Isle,” Severian said from the archway. He strode across the stone floor, boots clicking with every step.

It had been some time since Elias had seen Severian in person. The man was aging well, though Elias detected some sort of inner exhaustion lurking around Severian’s eyes that suggested the whispers of Weithan Isle’s money troubles were not all rumors.

He shook Severian’s hand. “Thank you for the warm welcome. I know it has been some time since Weithan Isle and Latvala have discussed trade, but I think we should explore a few avenues of import and export, if you’re willing.”

“Absolutely. This way.” Severian nodded to Wolfe and Jeremiah.

Elias shot Wolfe a cordial smile and passed a specific look to Jer. Find Valentina.

Moments later, Elias found himself behind closed doors, ready to begin negotiations that would likely never come to pass.

His focus was not to mend the rift between countries, but to stop Valentina from murdering the future queen of Somero.