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Lawless (The Finn Factor Book 8) by R.G. Alexander (6)


Chapter Six


“Is there a reason you’re laughing like a lunatic? Did I break you? Please tell me I didn’t break you, because I’m not done playing yet.”

Still chuckling, Solomon nudged Hugo’s shoulder with his foot, laying his head back down on the muscular thigh he was using as a pillow.

Not that he had anything against the hotel pillows, but they were currently outside on the balcony because they’d forgotten to take them back inside.

“I’m no medical expert, but I think it’s called endorphins. Or you’re right and the excessive pushing of my On button has actually broken me the same way we broke this room.”

The bed was destroyed after the last three times they’d come together. There were several trays of half-eaten food scattered around the room and he had no idea what time it was.

Dark. It was dark o’clock and he’d been fucked into a laughing, exhausted pile of bones.

They’d been at it for hours. He wasn’t sure how he wasn’t broken at this point, considering his age and his aching arm. His ass was sore inside and out—he’d bet there would still be handprints on it for days. And at least one visible bite.

Hugo really had a thing for his ass.

Solomon wasn’t complaining. He felt better than he had in years. Tired and aching, but more clear-headed and centered. Maybe it was the endorphins, but he thought it had more to do with being exactly where he belonged. With Hugo.

This was what it was supposed to be like. Having sex with someone you cared about, someone you trusted, made all the difference. He finally understood that glow he’d seen on Brady’s face, the satisfaction on Owen’s. If he looked in the mirror right now, he knew he’d be wearing the same expression.

Before, he’d thought of it more as addressing a physical need. A basic haircut with a happy ending. An oil change with a money shot. It wasn’t sexy, but it wasn’t meant to be, because for him, without the emotion it was all mechanics.

With Hugo, there was no comparison. Solomon was different with him. Demanding, pleading, playful. He didn’t have to be in charge. He didn’t need to be responsible or careful or circumspect. He gave himself completely, trusting Hugo to give him what he needed.

There was nothing casual about it.

The idea of sex with anyone but the man lounging in bed beside him was unacceptable now. And if he was honest, it had been for a long time.

He might wish they’d done it sooner, but thinking about that led to remembering why they hadn’t, and all the time they’d spent apart because he’d been a stubborn jackass.

Hugo massaged his calf absently. “Well I am a medical expert and I say people shouldn’t cry or laugh hysterically after coming. It’s too easily misconstrued as commentary on their partner’s sexual prowess.”

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about on that score, Nurse Wayne. And I think you heard my commentary every time. All of it was good.”

“I know. But thank you for confirming the rumors. Same to you.”

“Cocky.” Solomon chuckled softly. “And if it really bugs you, I’ll do my best to hold in my humor from now on.”

“You know I wasn’t serious. Laughing Younger is nice to see.”

“Can I ask you something?”

Hugo tensed beside him. “Only if it’s not about why I left the department.”

“Oh. Okay then.” He nodded against his thigh, trying not to take it personally. He knew why they were here, and he wasn’t going to do anything to spoil the time he’d been given. Pushing for confidences he wasn’t ready to give or rushing him wouldn’t help his cause.

“Why did you resign?”

He froze. “Is this a quid pro quo situation? I share if you share?”

“Tell me, Younger.”

Where did he begin? And how much did Hugo really want to know, especially right now when they both knew what they were here for? “There was a lot going on with my family. Changes, some good, some not so good. When you left… No. You were a catalyst, but I was having doubts before that happened, and I know now it was mostly wrapped up in who I was versus who I wanted to be. Whose life I was actually living. Sometimes it felt more like a sequel than an original script, if that makes sense.”

Hugo was silent long enough for Solomon to worry that he’d said too much, then he felt lips press against his hip, offering comfort. “I get it. I remember being a rookie when Elder was the chief. He was hard. Dedicated, but hard.”

“He gave the only good part of himself to that job,” Solomon said, unable to keep the restrained anger out of his voice. “He didn’t have anything left to offer my brothers but his abuse and disappointment.”

“Your brothers? Not you?”

“Not as long as I served a purpose in his world. I had his name. But Rory, James and the others weren’t so lucky.” Solomon pushed away the guilt that had no place here. “The last few years he’d gotten worse. Especially after we’d forced him to show up for a few of the family dinners. After that we distanced ourselves so we didn’t have to see it. We handled him so we could minimize the damage. Worked around him the way any dysfunctional family would. And he got worse.”

He thought about Owen’s wedding and sighed. “But I made sure he knew before he died that I’d quit. That I’d let him believe I was something I wasn’t. I was so angry at what he’d done to my family, the people he was supposed to protect… I wanted him to know that he’d failed with all of us. That none of us were like him. That I wouldn’t put my head down, walk the line and ruin any chance I had at happiness to protect my image or his name.”


“That’s why I resigned,” he interrupted, tamping down the emotions threatening to overwhelm him. “Your turn. That was the deal right? I tell you, and then you tell me.”

Hugo pushed himself up to a sitting position, his hand gentle on Solomon’s thigh. “You’re already wallowing. I don’t think you want to hear this right now.”

“I don’t wallow.”

“You could get a medal in it.”

He refused to be distracted. “You said I was only a piece of the puzzle.”

The sound Hugo made was resigned. “That’s right, I did. I wanted a clean break from what was happening between us, and I admit that was part of it. Also, we weren’t that good at keeping our relationship secret.” He held up his hand before Solomon could respond. “I don’t think anyone guessed what we were up to, but I got a lot of shit for being your go-to outreach boy. Actual phrasing was more offensive. It got to be a daily occurrence, and that didn’t help the situation.”

Solomon sat up, anger roiling in his gut. “Names, Wayne. I want them.”

“Why? You aren’t Chief Finn anymore, remember? Attacking cops because they’re assholes would only get you arrested.”

“We had zero tolerance for workplace bullshit. You should have told me.”

“Don’t insult me, Younger. You know I’ve always been able to take care of myself. If it crossed the line I would have done my job and reported it, but where’s the line? Ignorant bullshit happens everywhere you go. There have always been one or two good old boy apples spoiling the bunch. People so unhappy with their lives and the lack of effort they put into them, that it’s easier for them to find someone else to blame.” He shrugged. “Add that to my growing dissatisfaction with the state of the world in general, and my desire to work miracles instead of crime scenes, and my decision was an easy one to make. I’m a nurse. I needed to heal wounds, not potentially inflict them.”

“I was stubborn about you taking your job back. Obsessed, and I know it, but I can see why you did it now. I’m a selfish son of a bitch, and I’m glad you were a cop for a while, or else we’d never have gotten together.”

“I don’t regret my choices.”

Solomon covered his hand with his own, needing to touch him. “You never told me why you joined the academy in the first place.”

“I’d been in a bubble through nursing school, up to my eyeballs in anatomy and bed pans, when a friend of mine was shot on her way home from class. It happens, right? I heard a lot of stories like that from other police officers. I was young, saw one too many movies and thought I could change the system from inside. Catch the bad guys. You and I both know reality isn’t that romantic or heroic. There was a lot more paperwork and frustration than I expected.”

“You made a difference. They still ask about you at the center. You got their present, right? They’d like you to come around again.”

Hugo looked down at his hands. “I should. I will. You made a difference too, Solomon.”

“We’re not talking about me.”

“We should be.” Hugo looked up in disbelief. “The way you acted at dinner. Have you honestly not been paying attention to what Chief Miller is doing?”

He’d been too busy with what Hugo called wallowing. But he was starting to get an idea. “I know they haven’t implemented a few things that were in the works. Rolled back some of the community programs in favor of focusing on other aspects of service.”

“That was so smooth you sound like you’re running for office,” Hugo snapped. “There are no more body cam requirements. Nearly all the outreach has been scrapped. My friends still on the force are thinking about following your lead and bailing, because the mood and tone has changed so dramatically in the last year.”

Solomon frowned. “It can’t be that bad. The mayor would step in if that were the case. You know how hands on he is.”

“The mayor is dealing with his own problems. Trust me, he doesn’t have that many hands.”

He pushed his hair back and got to his feet. “I can’t—can we not talk about this right now?”

“So we’re done sharing because you don’t like the topic?”

“Please, Hugo. For now?” He rolled his shoulder to ease the newly forming knots.

“I need to wash up, anyway.” Solomon eyed his cast grimly. “Damn it, I’m not going to make it four weeks.”

Hugo studied him from his perch on the bed before rolling off with an athletic grace Solomon had always admired.

There wasn’t a lot about the man he didn’t admire. Even the way he challenged him to face hard truths, no matter how much he wanted to avoid them.

“I can help with that arm.”

Hugo grabbed his duffel bag and started pulling things out. A clean shirt. A pair of handcuffs. A few plastic grocery bags and a roll of duct tape. “What the hell are those for?”

Warm brown eyes sparkled. “Don’t worry, I’m not that freaky, Younger. Choking hazards are not sexy. The bags and tape are for your cast. I didn’t want you getting it wet.”

That was thoughtful. What man took someone to a hotel for no strings sex and cared about something like that?

Don’t reach. He’s a nurse and he’s Hugo. He’d do it for anyone.

“What about the handcuffs?”

That dimpled, irrepressible smile came out to charm him. “On the other hand, I’m not completely freak free. I had a few daydreams about you, and these were included. But with your arm, it’s not exactly feasible. Yet.”

“Another fantasy? Like taking me on my desk?” His cock twitched and started to fill so fast he reached out behind him to put his hand on the wall for balance.

“You love it, don’t you? Living out all my dirty dreams. Who’s a freak now?” Hugo’s chuckle had a sensual thread that put him on high alert. “Speaking of, we’ve never properly addressed the masturbating elephant in the room.”


Bag and tape in hand, Hugo stalked toward him. His body was distracting. Exquisite. The more he touched and tasted, the more he wanted.

“We need to deal with your problem before it gets out of hand,” Hugo murmured, wrapping his cast with swift proficiency. “You jacked off thinking about me right before your shower attacked and broke your arm. You’re traumatized.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Who’s the medical professional?” Two fingers pinched his chin playfully. “It’s probably buried in your subconscious. Weeks from now, maybe months, it will surface and wreak havoc on your psyche. We don’t want you associating shower orgasms with broken limbs. What if you developed an unnatural fear of water? You’d never get to enjoy sex in a hot tub or under a waterfall. You’d never be invited to another family dinner.”

“Yours or mine?”

“Either,” he laughed. “The Waynes take hygiene seriously, and I hear the Finns are marrying well, so good habits are bound to catch on soon.”

“Ass.” He glanced down at Hugo’s blatant, mouth-watering erection. “So you think you know how to solve my problem?”

He let himself be led to the room’s walk-in shower, waiting while Hugo adjusted the temperature, his own rising with every second that passed.

“I know I do.”

Part of him couldn’t believe either of them was ready for another round. But this was Hugo. Solomon could be eighty, and he’d still be ready for him whenever he snapped his fingers.

“What happens now?”

Hugo used a bar of soap to lather his hands. “Now I take care of you, Solomon Finn. And we let the healing begin.”

He started to laugh but it turned into a gasp when Hugo laid his hands on his chest and began to thoroughly wash his body. “That feels nice.”

“Nice and sexy, or nice with flashbacks of moms, rubber ducks and bubbles?”

Goosebumps rose along his arms as Hugo traced his tattoo and then slid down along his ribcage. “Never had that, so I’m going with sexy.”

Strong hands massaged his shoulders and biceps. “There are way too many nevers in your life, Younger. We need to fix that.”

“You already are,” he said blissfully, loving the way his palm curved over his ass, unable to resist a light tap. “You’ve spanked me, topped me, put me in a positions I didn’t know were possible. Taken me to a hotel to get freaky.” He could feel Hugo smiling, even with his eyes closed. “You’re the only one.”

My only one.

“I shouldn’t like that as much as I do. That I’m the only one who really knows how well the mighty Finn submits. Not sure if I believe you never went to a hotel with a hookup before, but I do like being the first to spank your ass.”

Hearing something in his voice he didn’t like, Solomon reached out with his good hand to grip Hugo’s hip and tug him closer. “It was never like this. It was cheap and quick and…nothing. I knew the first time I touched you I’d had it all wrong.”

“Stop saying things like that, Younger.” Hugo pressed their foreheads together and spoke against his lips. “You don’t mean it the way I think you do.”

The importance of the moment slammed into him.

Knock down his barriers.

“I’ve never meant anything this much,” he said honestly. “I know I hurt you, and I’ll follow your rules as long as you need me to, but you deserve to know I want more.”

When Hugo kissed him he felt like he was coming up for air for the first time. He clung to him, backing him up against the shower wall and giving everything he had to the man he’d never been able to forget.

Their cocks slid against each other, making him shiver, and Hugo’s hand slipped around to press a finger against his tender ass. “Sore?”

Not enough to stop this. “We forgot the lube.”

Hugo knocked over a small bottle of shampoo to get to the conditioner. “In case of emergency, we adapt.”

Solomon let out a shuddering breath when the cool, thick substance was poured on his skin, Hugo’s fingers massaging the seam between his cheeks, his clenching, empty ass that already missed being filled. “Jesus, that feels good.”

Hugo kept kissing him, cock pressing against Solomon’s stomach as his fingers pushed inside. Yes. He rocked back, taking more, telling Hugo without words what he wanted.

“Wet Younger is doing things to me. Giving me ideas. If your arm wasn’t in a damn cast I’d take you on all fours right here,” Hugo rasped.

He was tempted to rip the thing off, but he lowered himself to the floor instead, lying on his back and letting the hot water pound his stomach and chest. “This is an emergency. Adapt, Hugo.”

“Condoms?” Even as he said it, Hugo was kneeling beside him and reaching for his cock.

“I haven’t touched anyone since you. I’m clean and I know you. I trust you.”

He closed his eyes, shuddering. “Damn you, Younger.”

Hugo kissed him, moving between his thighs and wrapping them around his waist. “I said casual. Bareback isn’t casual.”

But he wanted it. He could feel how much Hugo wanted it. Solomon looked up and his heart tightened at the image above him. A gorgeous, wicked god with water pouring over his shoulders, eyes dark with lust and something else that was harder to read.

“This isn’t casual for me. I want you like this. I need you inside me with nothing between us.”

Hugo didn’t need a second invitation.

“Younger.” His face tightened in ecstasy with the first, slow thrust. “Jesus, there’s nothing between us. You feel so fucking good.”

So full. So deep.

He could feel everything. The cool tile at his back. The water falling around them. Every nerve in his body firing with each dragging glide of the bare cock inside his ass. The faint smell of apples, spice and sex that drove him wild.

“Harder,” Solomon growled.

“I need to be careful,” Hugo shook his head, caressing Solomon’s bruised hip, the hot cheek of his ass. “Quit trying to top from down there. You’re hurt and I’ve been rough with you all night.”

“I want it rough, damn it. I want to feel it tomorrow. Next week. I need to know it’s real.”

He hadn’t meant to reveal that much, but it did what he needed it to do. With a broken, feral sound Hugo curved his body over Solomon’s, lifting his legs higher, nearly bending him in half as he set his hands on either side of his head.

“You’ll feel it,” he promised hoarsely. “You’ll fucking feel how real this is.”

Solomon cried out his name as Hugo claimed him, pounding strokes grinding him into the floor again and again. Harder and faster and so fucking deep it almost hurt. But the pain was part of it. “Hugo!”

“Do you feel it now?” He muttered, leaning back to stare at Solomon’s stretched hole. “God, that ass is greedy, trying to make me come. You want to feel that too? Want me to come inside your ass?”

“Fuck, yes.”

“This is my first, too, Younger. I’ve never been with anyone bare. With nothing in the way. It feels… You’re so hot and tight. You’re taking it so good I don’t think I can last.”

Solomon reached for his cock, jerking as Hugo’s hips pumped against him with enough force to slide them across the wet floor.

“Only me, Hugo. Give it to me. Fill me up.”

Hugo came with a raw cry that rang in his ears. The rush of liquid heat set off his own powerful release, making him cling to Hugo as each new wave rolled through his body, leaving him shaken.

“That was…” There were no words. The entire day had been a revelation, but what just happened felt different. Like he’d been torn to pieces and put back together. Consumed and born again, new in the ashes.

Hugo buried his face in Solomon’s neck.

He was trembling.

“Hugo?” He wrapped his good arm around him, holding him close. “What’s wrong?”

“I should have known better,” he murmured, the sound vibrating against his skin. “I knew once I had you I wouldn’t be able to keep my distance.”

Solomon closed his eyes in relief. He needed to tell him how he felt. How he’d always felt. “Hugo, I am so—”

“No.” He lifted his head and covered Solomon’s mouth with his hand. “No more sweet words or confessions today. No more. And I guess we can forget my rules, since I couldn’t even follow them for a single day. We’ll see, okay? We’ll see how it goes. No pressure and no promises.”

No limits. No time limit.

Solomon didn’t fight his smile. “We’ll see. On the bright side, your cure worked. I could stay in this shower forever.”

Hugo nodded, his forehead still wrinkled with worry.

“You won’t regret it, Hugo,” Solomon swore softly.

“Did I not just say no promises?”

“Not a promise. A fact.”

After all this time, Hugo was giving him another chance. An opening. He’d do whatever was necessary to make sure he didn’t fuck it up.





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