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Link: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 3) by Chelsea Handcock (12)


Carri felt like a fool. A few clipped words from Link, and she was running like the little girl she used to be, not the confident, successful woman she was today. She’d been foolish enough to think they made some kind of connection back there at the pond. She’d even gotten her hopes up they could at least be friendly with each other. Carri didn’t like a lot of the things Link had done in the past or, hell, even a couple of hours ago—his mouth had a way of getting him in trouble—but for a couple of minutes there, she’d seen a different side to the man.

He cared deeply for the people he considered family. She knew some of his past, everyone in Defiance did because there was always gossip about the Frost brothers or worse yet, their mother. She knew Link had been responsible for his brothers from a very young age and that his mother left them for long periods of time.  Carri also knew Link took that responsibility seriously, it was the way he watched out for Whiskey and Talon back when they were all in school.

If someone messed with either of them, they knew Link wouldn’t be far behind, and he would make them pay. What had astounded her was his abrupt departure to the Service, dragging Whiskey right along with him, leaving Talon behind. She hadn’t seen that one coming, and she knew that Talon hadn’t either. They were friends, and although he never once mentioned it, she knew it had hurt him. Maybe that was his way, he cared, but he couldn’t stick around for the long haul. Carri didn’t know, and she didn’t have the brain power to figure it out.

Carri was hurt and wanted the comfort of her friend. Climbing the stairs, she went right to Addy who held up the end of the blanket covering her. Carri didn’t need another invitation, she burrowed right in.

“I’m sorry Addy, I just…” Carri paused her emotions getting the better of her then stuttered, “why didn’t you tell me? I would have been here for you, Addy, you know that.”

“Yeah, I do Carri,” Addy sighed, but hugged her closer, “and that’s one of the reasons I didn’t tell you everything going on. I didn’t want you to run to my rescue again. The other reason, well I know you’re going to hate this even more, but when I agreed to become Whiskey’s Old Lady, I decided to put him and the Club first. That doesn’t mean I don’t love and care for you as much as I always have, it just means I can’t talk about things that have to do with the Club.”

Carri knew what she was saying, she was an outsider and not entitled to the information; that stung.

“I know what you’re thinking, and you're wrong. I still need you and there are things going on that, hell, Carri, I wanted you to come back. I needed you here, and Tal’s case was the way to make that happen.”

“What’s going on, Addy, what aren’t you telling me? Why did you need me? I would have come with or without Tal’s case, you have to know that.”

“I’m pregnant,” Addy blurted out, and it took Carri a couple of seconds to register what she’d actually said. No wonder she was scared. With everything that had happened with Sunshine, losing the precious girl, Carri knew being pregnant again would be a constant worry for her friend, she would be thinking of her miscarriage the whole time. 

“Oh, Addy, things are different now, you’re not alone, you have help. You aren’t trying to take care of Pops and run the farm to keep a roof over your head. And Aiden is here this time, you have to know he’ll help. Have you been to a doctor? I mean, I know you have to be worried, but you're tough and you're healthy. This pregnancy doesn’t have to be like Sunshine’s. What does Whiskey say?” Carri needed to get used to calling Aiden Whiskey; it seemed the guys preferred to be called by their road names instead of their birth names. Link was easy, but Whiskey and Talon, that was giving her some problems.

“I haven’t told him. I only found out two weeks ago, and I know it’s stupid, but what if he does what he did before and leaves? I mean this pregnancy wasn’t planned. We haven’t even talked about kids, other than a slim possibility of maybe someday. We haven’t been back together long enough.”

“Okay, stop it right there, Addy. What the hell? You didn’t get knocked up on your own. This is his child, too, and if he takes off, so what? You aren’t alone, and we aren’t sixteen anymore. Hell, I’ll be the baby daddy. But, Addy, you have to know that won’t happen. He loves you, even I can see that, and I haven’t even forgiven him yet. You need to tell him and let the cards fall where they may. But I have to say, I think that man will amaze you and probably beat your ass for keeping this from him.”

“You might be right, but damn, Carri, it’s bringing everything up again, and I’m freaking out.”

“Honey, you can forgive someone, but you’ll never forget, that’s just the way it goes. But by the same token, you need to let Whiskey in, tell him all of this, everything you’re feeling. If he turns out to be a dick about it, I’m here now, and I’ll gladly kick his ass, but you know deep down, that won’t be the case. The man is pacing the family room, waiting for you to come in.” Carri pointed to the window. “Watch, every three seconds he makes a turn. That’s not a man who’s going to let you down. That right there is a man who’s as desperate for you as you are for him. Talk to him, this is too important to keep to yourself.”

“I know,” Addy sighed and laid her head against Carri’s shoulder, “and I’ll think about it. I just needed someone to kick me in the ass and get my head out of the past.”

“Well, honey,” Carri laughed, “anytime you need your assed kicked, you know who to call. I’m open twenty-four seven and ready, willing, and able to do the job. Just don’t expect me to change any diapers; that’s where I’m drawing the line in the sand. I’ll spoil your kid like nobody’s business. I’ll be the best auntie ever, but hell to the no on poopy diapers, that stuff needs to be kept right in the immediate family.”

Addy laughed like Carri knew she would; it felt good to be here for her friend. She wanted more of these moments.

“Carri, you said you would be the baby daddy, and baby daddies change diapers.”

“Oh no, this baby daddy doesn’t. I’ll buy presents, feed the kid ice cream and candy, then send him home to you. But I do have one suggestion, if it’s a girl, you need to name it Moonbeam or something, you already had Sunshine now you need to make it full circle with the moon.” Carri heard Addy sniffle, so she quickly said, “Although if it’s a boy and he has any of his daddy’s and uncle’s genes, you might want to call him Storm because that kid will be out of control. I’m just saying.”

“Speaking of Storm’s uncles, you and Link seemed to be pretty cozy there for a second before you took off running.” Carri nudged Addy with her shoulder.

“You think? Hmm, I don’t think I remember that.”

“Oh, come on, Carri, there are some definite sparks flying between you and Link. I saw it when he first walked in the kitchen. You still want him.”

“No, what I want is to do him. See, the problem with Lincoln Frost is he’s one sexy as hell man, one who knows it. But as soon as he opens that mouth, all that sexy fades away and what it leaves behind is not what I’m willing to deal with, understand?”

“Ahhh, yeah, maybe, but you know, they do have ball gags which would eliminate that problem. You just have to get close enough to put the sucker on him, then voila, problem solved.” She and Addy erupted in a fit of giggles so strong, it made Carri’s stomach hurt. Imagining Link with a ball gag in his mouth made her continue to laugh until she cried.

“Although I would love to see that with my own two eyes,” Carri said when she got her giggles under control, “Link and I are a no go. He’s way too much drama for my tastes. That man would drive me nuts. He has to be in control of every aspect of everyone’s lives. But let me ask you this, why are you pushing me toward Link, have you forgiven him? Whiskey played you dirty, but Link was right there with him. Shoot, he even has more to be sorry for.”

“No, I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m getting there. His intentions were in the right place, he wanted to protect his brother. The way he went about it, yeah, that sucked. But under all that rough and gruff bluster, Link is a good man, I’ve seen it. Granted, it’s not overt like helping old ladies cross the street or rescuing small animals, but he has his moments where his true self shines through; seen one in my kitchen not too long ago. You just have to keep your eyes open and listen. There is good in Lincoln Frost, I’m sure of it, and one day I’ll forgive him and put the past behind us, like I did with Aiden.”

“I don’t know, Addy, you might be right, but I don’t think I’ll be around long enough to see it. One thing I can tell you, when I grow up, I want to be just like you.”

“Whatever, ‘Miss I am the youngest partner in my law firm’. I think when I grow up, I want to be just like you. Big house, lots of money to spread around, and unimaginable success.”

“Please, you and I both know you would be miserable outside of this farm. Plus, money and success yeah, they’re nice to have, but they aren’t everything. Look at what you have, see what you are growing. Addy, you have a family, people who love you, and you are one of the sincerest and giving people, I’ve ever met. Your ability to forgive and move forward amazes me.”

“Stop it, Carri, you’re making me blush. You make me sound like some sort of saint when we both know that’s not true. I can hold a grudge as well as the next person, and I get plenty pissed off daily.”

“Alright, Saint Addison, you’re a bad ass, my mistake. Now get your ass up and go and talk to that man of yours. He has changed his direction; now every five seconds, he goes toward the door, you know what that means.”

“Yeah,” Addy said standing up then leaning down hugging Carri, “it means it’s time to let the crazy man know he’s going to be a Daddy. Thank you, Carri, I know it wasn’t right how I got you here, but I’m still glad you came.”

“Back at ya, sister, now get in there before he comes out here. I’m going to hang out on the porch for a while and let you guys have some privacy.” When Addy turned away, Carri slapped her on the ass and said, “Go get your man, Addy, and never let doubt tarnish what you guys are building here.”

“I won’t. Love you, Carri, glad you're home.”

“You, too, honey.”

Carri sat on the porch, swinging back and forth. She laughed when a few minutes later she heard Whiskey’s whoop of excitement. Those two were going to make it this time, and she couldn’t be happier for them.