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Lost Rider by Harper Sloan (23)



“Stay the Night” by Jordan Gray

The whole drive out of Pine Oak I’ve been replaying her words in my mind.

She didn’t say the words, but the meaning was clear.

She loves me.

Fuck me, her admission leaves no room for doubt—she’s always loved me. Even after I purposely hurt her deeply, that love never died. God, what did I do to deserve this woman? And more important, how did I ever live this long without feeling what her love could do to me? I feel as if every broken, hollow inch of me has been healed, and fuck, she hasn’t even fully said it. It was implied, no doubt about it, but if I feel this rush of healing power just from her alluding to it, what will happen when I finally hear those three words from her mouth?

“You’re thinkin’ pretty loud over there,” Leighton quips.

I reach over the console and take her hand, lacing our fingers together. Her hand flexes and moves so that the hold is tighter. After she stills, I bring our hands up and press my lips against the smooth skin, breathing in her scent.

“You’ve given me a lot to ponder, darlin’. No doubt my thoughts are loud when I’ve been repeatin’ your words since you walked out of that girly as hell bedroom of yours.”

“Girly as hell, huh?” She laughs.

“Leigh, the only place that has more purple than that might be the PieHole. Hell, I’m startin’ to think that cat/beast of yours wasn’t tryin’ to figure out how to eat me whole the other night, but instead tryin’ to tell me man to man, he needs some more testosterone in that place.”

I see, out of the corner of my eye, her throw her head back. Her fingers tighten around mine as she lets out a loud belly laugh.

“It’s not that bad,” she gasps between laughter. “Just a little purple.”

“Just a little, she says,” I mumble.

“Okay, so maybe a little more than a little. I like it, it made me happy.”

“Made?” I question.

“Well, it still does. I’m thinkin’ a little update wouldn’t hurt.”

“It’s you, Leigh. Don’t change a bit of that. I’m just pullin’ your leg, anyway.”

I hear her shift, her arm moving, but she doesn’t let her hand slip from mine. “I meant what I said about wanting you at my place, Maverick. I don’t want you back at that place.” When she pauses, I glance over and see the look of disgust on her beautiful face. Before I can open my mouth and address it, though, she continues. “The second I said it, I knew that’s where you belong. The hell with the timeline that a normal relationship might hold, we are far from normal and you know it. I want my house to feel like a home again. No, I need it to. I’m starting to realize I stopped feeling like that long before I lost my parents. After all, they say home is where your heart is.”

“God, Leigh.”

“I mean it, Maverick. No expectations. If you still want to bring in something temporary while you’re building our future, then do it, but until then you’re under my girly as hell roof.”

I take a quick second to close my eyes before focusing back on the road, her words washing over me. “I told you earlier I would be there, Leighton. I just want you to be sure.”

“I know what you said, but you also said we would figure out the rest later. I don’t need to figure anything out. I know where I belong, I know where you belong, and that place is one and the same.”

“What was that you said earlier about being too soon?” I hedge, pissed that I’m actually giving her an out. Even if it’s an out I pray she doesn’t take. I don’t think I could stomach it if she realized it wasn’t somethin’ she wanted somewhere down the road. “I have to know you understand what you’re sayin’ here. Full disclosure, darlin’, it makes me feel like the king of the fuckin’ jungle to hear you say you want me in your home, but playin’ devil’s advocate here—you have to look at this from every angle.”

“Yeah,” she snaps. “And every angle begins and ends with you.”

“What happened to thinkin’ things were happenin’ too soon?”

She snorts. Not even a ladylike one either. Deep, throaty, and full of fuckin’ sass. And it shoots through me from heart to crotch.

“Let me break this down for you, cowboy. Twenty-six long as hell years. Sixteen of those I spent weavin’ dreams all centered on you. Ten of those I spent prayin’ those dreams would find their way back to me. I might not have realized what I was doin’, but not once in all that time did I ever come close to finding the kind of contentment I’ve felt since you blew back into town. Even through all the emotional punches I got slapped since that moment with you did the contentment dim. Deep down, with you back, I knew that the past twenty-six-years were going to finally be worth something. We were rushin’ to this point before our minds had even had a chance to realize what Fate had in store for us. There is never going to be a minute that ticks by that could be too soon when we have a past as deep as ours, drivin’ us blindly to where we were meant to stop.”

“You came to this conclusion pretty quick, Leigh. Don’t get me wrong, what you’re sayin’ is somethin’ I fuckin’ want, but it’s only been a day since you really understood everything that happened. Everything I did, why I did it, and most importantly, why in doin’ all that I stole ten years from us.”

“Yeah, but it wasn’t you that stole that time. You had no control over the life that you were born in. The pain you felt that meant those ten years were stolen. And, Maverick”—she pauses and squeezes my hand hard—“those years were stolen from you too.”

I swallow the lump in my throat and tighten the hand steering the truck. God, this girl brings me to my knees.

“You said we would talk about this later, but the hell with that. Later just means more time gone, and I won’t let any more time get stolen when we are finally getting our chance. I want you with me. If you feel like it’s too soon, then get your temporary home in place. I’m tellin’ you now, though, it would be a waste of time and effort when you know just as well as I do that you only belong in one place.”

I pull the truck onto the shoulder, no longer content to have this conversation when I can’t look at her. After throwing the truck into park, I turn my head. It’s not fully dark out, so it’s no trouble to see her clearly, and what I see is like a punch to the gut. Her chest is heaving with each harsh intake of air she pulls through her lungs, the harshness of her releasing it coming out like a pant. The color on her cheeks is high, but not because she’s embarrassed. No, this is because she’s on a tear. A tear to make me see what she believes true with unquestionable certainty.

“I’ll unpack the duffel, darlin’,” I answer hoarsely.

Her whole face lights up with those five words. I shift and regard her chin as it wobbles and she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. Jesus Christ. Giving her that, what I wanted just as much as she did, undoubtedly was the right decision. I feel it with the pressure that I’ve always had around my chest easing up. I believe it when I see her curls bob as she gives me a curt nod. I feel it when she moves, pulls herself over the console, and brings the tip of her nose to mine.

“Head over boots, cowboy. Head. Over. Boots.”

They’re not the words she alluded to earlier, but they might as well be. I move quickly, shocking a squeak out of her that quickly turns to a moan when I haul her over the center console and into my lap. We’re a mess of tangled arms and tongues a second later. My hat is knocked off my head when she pushes both of her hands into my hair, pulling me so hard that our teeth knock together. My heart hammers in my chest. I’m vaguely aware of the sounds of traffic passing by us.

What I wouldn’t give to lay her down and sink into her body, and that need just amps up with every slide of her wet tongue against mine. I’m not sure how much longer I’m going to last, not when I feel like denying my need to be inside of her might very well kill me.

My hand moves down her back, and when I hit her hip, I realize that with her position half on and half off the console, it would be so easy to sink my fingers into her body. The scent of her arousal is swirling around the cab, and I have to squeeze my eyes tight when I feel my balls pull up and the wetness from my cock wetting my boxer briefs. I curl my fingers in the soft flesh at her hip, praying that I’m strong enough to resist what I crave.

She whimpers and I’m honestly not sure if it’s from my hold on her body or because she’s feeling the same need I am. It kills me to do it, but I break away from her mouth with a groan. Her eyes are still closed when I lean my head back on the headrest and stare at her. Without opening them, her tongue comes out and licks her red, swollen lips. The sound that escapes her mouth after that is nothing short of sensual.

When she finally opens her eyes the fear that I’ve seen in them since I got back home a month ago isn’t anywhere to be found. Pure, unadulterated love is shining bright.

I’m going to get those damn words out of her. She might believe she wouldn’t give me them until our bodies are naked and fused tight, but I know I won’t make it that long.

Even if it kills me, I’m getting them before that.

When I watch her shimmy back down to her seat, the skirt of her dress riding up and giving me a glimpse of her white panties, I really do think I might die before then.

“What’s wrong?” I question when Leigh returns to our table after a quick bathroom break.

“Nothing,” she mumbles at the table, not looking me in the eye.

“The fuck, darlin’?”

“It’s nothing, Maverick. Just leave it alone and let’s finish our dessert.”

She picks up her fork and takes her sweet-ass time getting a bite of the chocolate cake that had arrived while she was gone. I wait, silently, hoping for some sort of a clue to why her mood went from blissfully happy to sullen in a span of five minutes.

I open my mouth to press harder for answers, but when I hear the sound of catty giggling behind her, I shift my attention to the duo of women coming from the bathroom. They’re looking at the back of Leigh’s head, snickering and whispering to each other, but they’re doing a shit job if they think it isn’t obvious who they’re talking about.

“You know them?” I ask her with a bite in my voice.

She straightens her shoulders, and even though she’s trying to put on a brave front, it’s clear as fucking day that she’s trying her damn hardest to become invisible as they get closer.

Looking back at them, I can’t help but notice the differences between them and Leighton. We’re in a fancy Italian place just outside of Dallas, but it isn’t fancy enough for the shit they have on. The blond hair on both of their heads is just about the only thing they could come close to having in common with Leigh. The shit they have on is just as tight as it is short, their sparkly dresses leaving nothing to the imagination. I steal a glance down and see the ridiculously high heels they’re prancing on. They look like hookers, but judging by the amount of diamonds dripping off them, they’re more likely just rich sluts.

To my complete shock, they walk right up to the table and stop.

“Can I help you?” I question, annoyance fueled by my worry over Leigh making my words come out uninviting and harsh.

“Are you—” thing one starts to say, but her irritating as fuck giggles start back up again and she just ends up smiling.

“What my friend here, Tamera, is trying to ask is, are you Maverick Davis?” The other one cuts in, leaning forward a bit so her ample cleavage pushes together even farther. “The Maverick Davis?”

Leigh makes a noise that sounds a whole hell of a lot like a whimper, the sound so low I almost miss it.

What the fuck?

“I am,” I respond, not looking away from Leigh until the chick opens her mouth again. The sticky sweet voice is as high as a mouse.

“I’m Veronica, by the way,” she continues. Like I give a fuck.

Not wanting to do something to embarrass Leigh, especially when I’m not sure what’s got her upset to begin with, I bite my tongue and answer politely. “Nice to meet y’all.”

Thing one, whatever her name was, moves closer, pushing into Leigh and making her fork clatter onto the plate. Her head shoots up at the sound, looking around the restaurant with wild eyes before stopping on my face.

“Fuck this,” I grumble, tossing my napkin on the table and leaning back. “Excuse me, but could you have a little respect?” The chick rolls her eyes, not moving an inch. I look from her to her friend and then back again. “Back away. Now.”

This time she moves, but barely, and only because her friend pulls her away.

“We just wanted to stop by and give you this,” Victoria, Vicki, whatever her name was says, holding out a piece of paper. I stare at it, but only when she starts to jam it into my face do I reach up and take it. “We weren’t sure how much time you had here in town, but if you want to have some fun, we would love to show you how a real lady can rock your world.” When she says the last part, she looks down at Leighton like she’s some sort of diseased animal.

“A real lady?” I ask incredulously. Leighton’s eyes narrow as she regards me. I look from her up to these bitches and raise my brow. “Are you trying to imply that my woman isn’t a real lady?” I seethe. I hear Leigh gasp, but fuck if I know what’s gotten her heckles up now. I don’t look away from them, hoping like hell they can see how pissed I am.

“Well,” the giggling one says, still fuckin’ giggling, and looks down at Leigh. “I mean, look at her.”

She can’t be serious. I glance at the other one, Vanessa or whatever, but get only more pissed than I was when it’s written all over her face that she thinks the same. Opening the paper, I see a hotel name, room, and a phone number written down. I blink a few times, not even believing the nerve of these two.

Leaning back in my seat, I shift my scrutiny and scan my eyes over Leighton’s face. I can’t tell if she’s pissed, but she is definitely upset by their words.

“Let me ask you, what makes you think I don’t already have a real lady?”

Their lips curl in disgust. Both of them roll their eyes with a huff. It almost looks like something they coordinated in advance. Vapid bitches.

“She’s wearing old, dirty boots and something that I bet she bought at the discount mall,” the one closer to Leigh says smartly with another roll of her eyes.

Vanessa bats her ridiculously false eyelashes. “I think what Tamera means is that you’re clearly used to women more like us and we didn’t want to leave without making sure you knew that you have options. We would hate for someone like you to end up with, well . . . options is what we wanted to give you.”

I lean forward, pulling my wallet out and snagging a few bills. More than enough to cover our dinner and leave a more than generous tip. Flipping their proffered paper around between my fingers, I look up and smile. Leigh remains silent, and I know she recognizes my fake sincerity.

“In my book, ladies, my princess always wears boots. You two have no clue what type of women I’m used to, but let me assure you, it has never been the type of woman that would rather look like a two-bit whore than a . . . what did you call it? A real lady? A real lady wouldn’t be caught dead outside the house wearing something a hooker would have in her closet. A real lady doesn’t have to show off her body, because all she has to do is smile and men will drop at her feet to give her the world. This woman, my woman, is as real as it gets and you two would be lucky to have just an ounce of what she does.”

I stand, towering over them, and reach my free hand out for Leigh. She takes it with no hesitation and I pull her into my body. Her soft curves pressing into my side dims some of my anger. With the paper they had given me between two fingers, I reach forward and sink it to the bottom of my water glass.

“With all due respect, you can take your offer and fuck right off.”

They sputter and gasp. I pick my hat up off the chair that I had hooked it on before we sat down, and place it on my head. Turning at the same time, the people at the tables around us start clapping. I ignore it, but Leigh just presses her head into my chest. Leighton keeps pace with me all the way out of the restaurant, even though I know, in my anger, it can’t be easy. I help her up into the truck, pulling the seat belt across her body silently. Right when it clicks into place, her tiny hand folds under my chin and tips my head up.

“I lov—” she starts, tears in her eyes, but I interrupt her instantly when I realize what she is about to say.

“Don’t you dare give me the words I want and have the memory of this moment tainted with that bullshit you just had to sit through. You hold them tight and let me get us home, baby. Let me get us home.”

I don’t even waste a second before pressing my lips to hers. The contact is harsh with the quickness that I move to erase the space between us. Everything that just happened in there vanishes. I feel her wet tears move between our faces and I move my hands to the back of her neck, pulling her closer. I take a deep pull of air through my nose, our closed mouths still pressed tightly together, and with her words banging around my body, I feel like I might add some fuckin’ tears of my own.

We’re both breathing heavily when I pull back. Moving my hands, I clear the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs. “You’re going to give me all of you?” I breathe.

She opens her mouth, my eyes moving to watch her lips open. “I . . .” she begins, but stops and closes her mouth, getting me to unglue my attention from them and back to her blue gaze. “Yes.” She clears her throat. “Yes, Maverick. I’m going to give you all of me.”

We don’t look away from each other, what just happened inside only adding to this moment so we’re both feeling nothing but raw emotion. With a kiss to the tip of her nose, I release my hold on her and back up.

“Let’s go home then, darlin’.”

Her smile wobbles and her gaze brightens, all the clouds that had started to brew inside of them while in the restaurant clear. I shut her door, and with my heart about to race out of my chest, I round the truck and climb in. She reaches out this time, grabbing my hand, and we jump back on the road . . . headed home.




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