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Loving the Boss (Mid Life Love Series Book 2) by Whitney G. (15)

Chapter 11


I leaned on Kim’s shoulder as we left the third club of the night. My feet were completely numb from dancing so much, and my throat was aching from the amount of alcohol they’d forced me to drink.

We hadn’t been on “the list” for any of the clubs we’d been to, but Bobbie Jo and Kim had turned on their charm—i.e. rubbed their breasts against the bouncers and flirted with the security guards, so that we could skip everyone and get in for free.

“Is this the last club, Helen?” I slurred, noticing that we were stopping in front of an all-black building where there was no line. “I’m...I’m not sure if I can...If I can take any more tonight...”

She rolled her eyes. “Yes this is the last club. Well, it’s not really a club. It’s...” She put her hands on my shoulders to steady me. “This is what I’ve been putting together ever since you told me you were engaged. I honestly hate to lose any friend to the married life, but since you want to go that route, I kept that sentiment in mind while I was planning every moment of this...”

Why is she acting like this is the greatest thing she’s ever accomplished?

“This is how I want your single life to come to an end.” She pretended to wipe a tear from her eye. “So, please do me a favor and try to let yourself go for the rest of the night. No judging, no worries, nothing. Can you please promise me that?”

I nodded.

“Say it like you mean it, Claire.”

I promise.”

“Great!” She opened the door and ushered us all inside.

We walked through two dimly lit hallways, where I could hear the thumping bass of music coming from another room.

The air was getting thicker and thicker with each step I took and I was starting to sweat.

As we rounded a corner, a buff body guard stood up and crossed his arms—blocking the silver door that was behind him.

Name,” he said flatly.

“Claire Statham.” The three of them said in unison.

He looked all of us over, as if he were questioning why we were there, and then he opened the door. “Have a nice night ladies.”

I felt myself being pushed inside the room, and once my eyes realized what the hell they were seeing, my jaw hit the floor.

Jonathan is going to kill me...

The room was massive. I couldn’t make out where the “walls” were because there was red smoke seeping from the floors and the ceilings. However, I could clearly see half naked men everywhere. And by ‘half naked,’ I meant that they were only wearing tight white briefs and a smile. And since they were sweating, I could see everything.

There was a huge black stage on the far end of the room where a few male and female dancers were writhing against one another as if they were having sex. There were even people standing right below the stage, tossing dollar bills and panties at them.

The bar that was on my right was all glass and it extended all the way across the room to a wall I couldn’t see. The words “Cum Shots” were flashing in neon red letters behind it, and a long line of bartenders were frantically mixing drinks.

I was about to ask where the hell we were, but a man who was built like a Greek god stepped in front of me and handed each of us a small velvet bag.

“Welcome to Club Sin, ladies.” He smiled and Bobbie Jo reached out and cupped his cock.

“He’s not stuffing.” She winked at me.

No one here is.” He smiled even wider. “Follow me to your table. You have a reserved space in VIP.”

I shook my head and turned away to leave, but they pushed me forward and made me follow him across the room and up a flight of steps. Our table was directly above the dance floor and right in front of the stage.

The Greek god took a pen out of—somewhere, and waited for us to take our seats.

“It should feel a little cooler up here than downstairs,” he said. “But if you get too hot, there’s a cooling station behind that door.” He pointed to a sign below that read ‘Cool after You Cum.’ “What type of drinks can I start you ladies off with tonight?”

“I’ll have a water.” I said. “In a bottle...”

“Ignore her.” Kim covered my mouth. “We’ll all have cum shots to start.”

“And a round of Sex on the Beach.” Helen looked him up and down. “With two bottles of your best vodka and a pitcher of orange juice to share.”

He wrote it all down and turned to walk away, but not before Bobbie Jo slapped his ass, laughing. “I am so bringing someone back to the suite tonight.”

I shook my head and opened the velvet bag he’d given us at the door: Condoms, Blow-pops that read “For your blowing pleasure,” a mini vibrator, handcuffs, a blindfold, and lube. Lots and lots of lube.

What the fuck?!

I dropped the bag under the table and squinted at the scene that was playing below me on the dance floor. One of the half-naked men was giving a woman one hell of a lap dance and it looked like she was enjoying it a little too much. She was grabbing onto his back and panting, crying out like he was actually—


I stood up. “I can’t be here, Helen! What the fuck is this place?”

“Club Sin. Did you not hear the man say that when we got here? Just relax, Claire. Every person in this place knows you’re about to be Mrs. Statham and that you’re off limits. Your lap-dance will be a lot tamer.”

“I don’t want a lap-dance.”

She rolled her eyes as our drinks were placed on the table.

“Ladies and gentlemen.” A deep voice came over the speakers—drowning out the high frenzied techno music. “The dance floor will shut down in two hours for our scheduled ‘All Eyes’ performance. Please take advantage of it before we close off that section.”

“Okay wait!” Kim slid all four cum shots towards me. “I think you need to toss back all of these for yourself. We need you good and drunk way before the show starts.”

“What type of show is it?”

“It’s a scene show. They show off different sex positions and I really need some new ones to add to my sex bucket list.”

“Your fuck-et list.” Bobbie Jo corrected. “Toss back the drinks so we can dance, Claire. Now.”

I sighed and tossed back the first one to loud cheers, wincing at how bitter it was.

Two! Three! Four!” They clapped and thrust another drink into my hand as soon as I finished the last cum shot.

I took a few sips and before I knew it, I was being pulled onto the dance floor.

The room was spinning and everything was blurring together—so much so that I wasn’t sure if what my eyes were showing me was true: A half-naked police officer was rubbing against me, swaying my hips to the beat as I struggled to keep my balance. Helen was grinding against two men at the same time, and Bobbie Jo and Kim were sandwiching another Greek god, rubbing him all over.

Out the corner of my eye I saw people lining up at a different type of bar. There were no alcohol bottles or glasses hanging behind its wall: There were chains, ropes, whips, and lots of metal things I didn’t recognize.

I watched a couple buy a long silver chain, and raised my eyebrow as they were led out of the room and through the smoke by a bouncer—to somewhere I was sure I didn’t want to know about.

Dizzy and confused, I slowly freed myself from the stranger’s sweaty embrace and headed back to our section in VIP. I looked at my phone and realized I had a text. Jonathan: “Your new makeover is so fucking sexy. Can’t wait to see it in person. Call me as soon as you get back to your room.”

I was too dazed and disoriented to even think about talking to him tonight. I didn’t want to slip up and tell him anything about this club. Ever.

“Are you alright, Claire?” Kim put her hand on my forehead. “I saw you dancing with that cop. I’m proud of you! You’re learning!” She sat down and handed me a bottle of water.

“Helen wasn’t lying to me, right? This really is the last club?”

“Yeah...It may be just you and I walking back though.” She pointed to the corner where Bobbie Jo currently had her hand down a fireman’s briefs and Helen was grinding against a different set of men.

I shook my head and took slow sips of water, savoring every cold drop. Just as I was finally cooling down, a stark-naked sheriff took the bottle out of my hand and positioned himself over my lap.

“Oh my god—no...NO....NO...” I slurred. “Why is your cock out?! I don’t...I don’t want—Could you at least put your briefs on?!”

“Don’t worry.” He smiled. “Your friends told me to be extra gentle.”

What?!” I shut my eyes as he “danced” against me. He was grunting and using my shoulders to brace himself, saying, “I bet your fiancée doesn’t give it to you like this.”

When I finally opened my eyes again, he was gone and everyone was back in the VIP booth. The lights in the club were dimming, and the words “scene show” were flashing in white lights across the stage.

“I think I’ve had enough for one night.” I stood up. “This has been really fun, but—”

Helen pulled me back down. “Sit still, Claire. We have four more hours left and we’re using every last second! Besides, the DJ just announced that the dance troupe is going to twerk before the show even starts.”

Twerk? Do I even want to know what that means?”

Bobbie Jo stood up and bent over slightly, placing her ass in my face. Then she braced the floor with her hands and proceeded to bounce her ass up and down, moving closer and closer to me.

“Smack itttt...” She danced a few more seconds before laughing and standing upright. “Now, imagine men doing that with hard cocks and tight briefs and ahhhh...Heaven...”

“Sounds thrilling.” I rolled my eyes and poured myself a large glass of vodka. No orange juice.

I tossed it back and clenched my jaw as the burning sensations rolled down my throat. As I was pouring myself another one, a group of men took the stage in black briefs—briefs that perfectly highlighted their huge cocks, and they began to dance to a loud techno beat.

They were in sync with one another, bending over just like Bobbie Jo had done. But instead of shaking their asses, they were shaking their cocks—making them touch the floor with every lowered move.

They rubbed their hands all over their sweaty and chiseled chests, winking at the various women in the crowd. And then one by one they began to “twerk” solo, and slowly removed their briefs.

Oh. My. God...” We all said in unison.

I was sure my mouth was hanging wide open at the sheer perfection of their bodies—at the delectable sweat, at the hugeness, at the—

I shook those thoughts away and tapped Helen’s shoulder. “Do we really need to stay for the sex show?”

“Of course we do, we’re—Oh, god!” She looked at her watch. “You haven’t gotten your massage yet. You need to get it before the parlor closes. That was included in the package.” She waved over to the bar.

“A massage? Seriously, Helen? Are you not aware what the phrase ‘I’m-getting-married’ means? It means that I can’t act like you. And who the hell picked this club?”

“Do you hear something, Bobbie Jo?” She ignored me. “How about you, Kim? I could’ve sworn we all discussed someone letting herself go before we stepped through that door tonight.”

Bobbie Jo shook her head. “Nope, I don’t hear anything. But do you see that man at the edge of the stage?” She licked her lips. “God, I would love to lick his nipple piercing...and his chest...and his...everything.”

Kim and Helen shot her blank stares.

Anyway...” I sighed. “Jonathan wouldn’t like me being touched by another man—especially not a half-naked one—professional massage or not...”

Claire...” Helen took a deep breath. “I would never, ever suggest anything that would make your crazy, jealous, and overbearing fiancée upset with you. All you’ve done tonight is dance, drink to excess, and experience the lamest lap-dance in the world.”

“He was naked.”

“He barely touched you. And you know something else?”

“Good evening, ladies.” A perfectly sun tanned god stepped into our booth. “Who’s getting the massage tonight?”

I couldn’t find any words to say. He was utter perfection—even more attractive than the men we’d seen on stage.

Helen eye fucked him for a few seconds before looking at me again. “As perfect as this man is...I specifically made it clear that A) Your masseuse must be gay. And B) It must be a steam massage, so once again, he’ll barely touch you. Trust me, he doesn’t want you. At All...And it’s a damn shame.” 

I blinked and looked up at Mr. Perfection again.

“I have a boyfriend.” He shrugged and reached for my hand. “I won’t hurt you. Besides, it’s only fifteen minutes.”

I tossed back another shot and reluctantly took his hand.

He introduced himself to me as Sean and led me down two dark hallways, into a room that scared the living shit out of me: There were whips and chains hanging from the ceiling, slow burning red candles that nearly covered the entire floor, and countless metal contraptions that jutted out from the walls.

I looked around for the massage table and spotted it in the corner.

“This is the best room available for a massage?” I asked.

“Is there a problem?”

“No, just...People actually come here to do this stuff?” I tugged on a pair of handcuffs that hung from the wall. “This is a sex club?”

“You’re just now figuring that out?” He led me over to the table. “But to answer your question, yes. My ex used to get a real kick out of this. He loved it.”


“Don’t be closed minded.” He sounded offended. “It’s the thin line between pleasure and pain that turns people on. Look, come here.” He pulled my arms up over my head and secured a rope around them. “I’ll show you a few things that you can take back home to your fiancée. Does this hurt?”


He tightened the rope and the bristles started to rub into my skin. “How about now?”


“Okay, good.”


He nodded and took a few steps back. “So, right now your arms are suspended in the air and you don’t have full control of yourself. You’re submitting that remaining power to your significant other.”

“I’m sure he would love that...” I mumbled.

“Hmmm...How about adding this too?” He hoisted my body up from the floor by a few inches. Then he spread my legs wide and clamped each of my ankles to heavy weights. “How do you feel now?”

“I drank a whole lot of alcohol tonight...I’m honestly not sure if this is really happening or not...”

He laughed and walked over to a table, unwrapping a black box. “We sell pleasure kits at the gift shop upstairs, but seeing as though you’re almost Mrs. Statham, I’ll make sure you get a bunch of them for free.” He brought the box over to me and showed me a state of the art vibrator with several smaller pleasure toys.

“Do you think you’d be willing to try some of the more daring things at home?” Sean shut the box and gestured to the other things in the room.

“Are my eyes red? Do they look puffy to you?”

He smiled and pinched my cheek. “I think you’ll warm up to it one day. I’ll go get the steamer and some bottled water from next door. I’ll untie you the second I get back. Hopefully ten more seconds like this will convince you to try it, right?”

I laughed at his enthusiasm and shook my head as he walked away.

I looked around the room again, wondering why I’d ever doubted Helen when she promised an “over the top” party. She’d truly outdone herself and the week wasn’t even over.

I tried to move my legs and get down, but it was no use. It’d only been a few seconds, but it felt like they were falling asleep. With the amount of alcohol that was coursing through my veins, I knew I was about to pass out if I didn’t get down soon.

I’m going to have one hell of a hangover tomorrow...

My eyes were struggling to stay open and the heat from the candles was making me sweat. I wished he’d at least tied me up closer to the door—or at least let me face it, so I could be closer to the air vents.

Sean!” I called out.

I heard the door opening and I sighed, relieved. “Look, Sean. You don’t need to give me a massage. Just cut me down from this and I’ll lie and say everything was great. I’m starting to feel a bit—”

“Is this the type of shit that turns you on, Claire?” The sound of Jonathan’s voice made my heart race ten times faster.

Jonathan?!” I felt him kissing the back of my neck. “What the hell are you doing here?”

He pressed another kiss against my skin, ignoring my question. He ran his hands up and down my sides and I could sense him smiling. “So, there was some truth in what you told our therapist about our intimacy problems? You aren’t satisfied with our regular sex?”

“Traditional sex.” I fired back and heard him laugh.

“I’m learning so many new things about you lately, Future Wife...First, you take exotic classes after work, and now you’re into bondage...Are there any more secrets you want to tell me about before we tie the knot? Do you strip for extra money on the weekends?”

I rolled my eyes. “Could you hurry up and untie me, please?”

“Untie you? Why would I do that?” He planted kisses down the exposed groove of my back. Then he secured the ropes even tighter around my wrists. 

What are you doing?!”

He stepped around to face me. “Were you about to let that man touch you?”

“You’re really not going to untie me?”

“It looks like you were about to let him touch what’s mine...” He stepped forward and kissed my lips, slipping his hands underneath the fabric of my dress. “And is this how you normally dress behind my back? This dress shows everything...You might as well be naked...”

“Untie me. Right now, Jonathan.”

“I don’t think so.” He kissed me again, whispering, “I don’t know who you are anymore, Claire...”

I let out a sigh, but I didn’t get a chance to say anything further because he clamped my lips shut with his fingers.

Glaring at me, he wrapped his other arm around my waist. “I don’t give a damn if he is gay. No other man massages you. Ever. Are we clear?”

I nodded.

Say it.”

“We’re clear.”

He stared at me a few more seconds before letting me go. He walked over to the table and grabbed the box Sean had opened. Then he set it behind me and muttered something to himself I couldn’t hear.

I tried to turn around and see what he was doing, but it was no use. I couldn’t move my legs, and the bristles from the rope were really starting to hurt.

I suddenly felt him pressing kisses against the back of my shoulders, reaching around me and squeezing my breasts.

“Have you enjoyed being abstinent this week?” He sounded amused.

“It’s been the best week of my life.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. It’s been so much fun that I don’t think I want to have sex ever again.”

He let out a low laugh and gently pulled my head back with my hair—until I was looking up at him. “I think the last few nights have been the worst nights of your life...”

I didn’t say anything. I kept the slight smirk on my face and looked into his eyes.

“I think you’ve tossed and turned in your sleep—wishing I was here, so I could help relieve that longing ache between your thighs.” He lowered his voice. “And I know you’ve woken up every morning, reaching for me...” He pulled my hair a little more and pressed his lips against mine for an upside down kiss. “Because I’ve reached for you...”

My heart fluttered and I lifted my head forward. “Please untie me...” 

He didn’t answer so I repeated myself.


”Jonathan?” I called his name again and tried to tilt my head back, but I felt him pressing a buzzing vibrator against me.

“Did you pack one of these in your suitcase?” he whispered into my ear.


“Are you sure?” He held me steady with his other hand. “The infamous purple one was missing from your closet the other day...”

“Were you planning to use it on yourself while I was gone? Patiently awaiting the opportunity?”

He trailed the vibrator around to my stomach and pulled me back against him, letting me feel his hardened cock against my skin. “I thought we agreed on no self-pleasure either...” He softly bit my shoulder. “You’re cheating on me with a vibrator?”

My voice caught in my throat as he trailed his other hand against my sides and up to my bound wrists. He started to rub his palm against the rope, chafing my skin.

“Jonathan...That hurts...”

He continued rubbing against it, forcing the bristles to slowly tear into my flesh, and he suddenly stopped.

I heard a clanking noise above me—the harsh sound of metal grinding against metal. Then I felt my body slowly tilting to my right—turning and turning until I was upside down with my entangled fingertips grazing the floor.

I looked up and saw Jonathan standing in between my legs, and I swallowed. “What are you—”

He snatched my panties off and slipped his tongue in between my legs, making me cry out.

Ignoring my moans, he held a strange bottle over me and squeezed it—letting the warm liquid drizzle all over me.

I shut my eyes as blood rushed to my head, as he dipped his head low again and teasingly slid his tongue into me. I started to relax as he established a torturous rhythm: probing his tongue in and out of me, swirling it against my clit, French kissing my lips...

I felt my insides quivering, begging for more, but he stopped.

I looked up at him in confusion—longing for him to continue, but he laughed and grabbed something off the table.

Before I could say anything, he smacked my ass with a leather whip. Hard.

I screamed out and he smacked it again. And again.

“This is what you honestly like?” He placed the tip of the whip between my legs, tapping it against my swollen lower lips. “I’m not going to turn you right side up unless you tell me the truth...Is this what you like?”

I didn’t answer. I just moaned as he dropped the whip to the floor and positioned his cock against me.

I braced myself for the much needed sex—using what little control I had to flex my hips, but he grabbed my waist and held me still. 

“Do you know how hard it is not to fuck you right now, Claire?” He rubbed his cock against me—back and forth, again and again—but not entering me.

I scraped my nails against the floor to deflect some of the pleasure, and tried not to cry out in utter frustration.

I failed.

Please, Jonathannnn...”

He slipped two fingers inside of me, groaning once he felt how wet I was. He slowly slid them in and out, making both of us moan with each deep stroke.

I shook my head and bit my lip, begging him to stand me up and fuck me, but he answered each of my pleas with a tender kiss against my thighs.

He continued to torture me with his fingers, and my thoughts became hazy; I started to feel familiar tremors traveling up and down my body.

Ohhhh, god...” I started shaking—convulsing, getting ready to let go. But he didn’t let me cum.

He flipped me right side up in seconds and looked into my eyes.

Holding the vibrator against my clit, he brought his face close to mine and whispered. “How would you like me to finish this?”

By fucking me...

“I can’t read your mind.” He lied, smiling. “How would you like me to finish this?”

“By fucking me...”

“With my mouth?”

“With your cock...Now, please.”

“I don’t think it would be special if we had sex right now...” He moved the vibrator away and my insides continued to throb in tortured pleasure. “It wouldn’t make us feel intimate...”

Please...” I pleaded with my eyes and I could tell he was about to give in. I tried to push myself forward so I could kiss his lips, so I could convince him that I needed this, but he stepped back.

“After we’re married.” He kissed the tip of my nose and pulled his pants back up, leaving me panting and utterly lost. He freed my legs from the weights and slowly untied the rope from around my hands.

I fell into him and told him to take me back to my suite, but he lifted me up and laid me on the table, flat on my stomach. I didn’t even bother asking why. I was too frustrated.

I shut my eyes and vowed not to speak to him for a while, but I suddenly felt him placing warm stones down the center of my back. “Talk to me...” he whispered.

“About what? Sexual frustration?”

“If that’s what you want...”

I sighed. “Did my friends see you? Do they know that you’re here?”

“No.” He kneaded his hands against my sides. “They were way too drunk to pay attention to anything. I had Greg take them back to your villa so they wouldn’t pass out in that so-called club.”

“How thoughtful of you...”

He added a few more warm stones against my back. “Thank you.”

“What happened to your Vegas party? Was it that boring that you felt the need to come and ruin mine?”

“I didn’t ruin your party.” He kissed my hair. “I was having a pretty good time in Vegas, but I received a distractingly sexy ‘makeover’ picture from my fiancée while I was at a club.”

“I don’t remember typing ‘come crash my party’ at the bottom of it.”

“It was implied.” He pushed my new swooped bangs away from my face. “I didn’t want to wait until you came home to see you like this.”

“Really? Because I think it’s because you can’t go more than three days without touching me.”

Four. I do have some restraint.”

I rolled my eyes and felt him removing the stones. “I’m never drinking that much again...I can’t even remember how many shots I had...Oh, and just so there are no secrets between us: I danced with a lot of men, tonight. And you know what? I loved it, just like Helen said I would...”

“Shhhh.” He sighed as he began pressing his hands into my back. “Be quiet, Claire.”

“No...You said you wanted me to talk.” I shut my eyes. “If you can crash my party and deny me sex, you can listen to—” I yawned. “You can let me tell you...” His hands felt too good to be true. “All about...”

Everything went black.


I woke up and realized I was in my suite. The sun was slowly rising outside my window and Jonathan was standing over me, fully dressed and fluffing my pillow. On the nightstand to my left he’d placed three bottles of orange juice, a bottle of Tylenol, and a note: “Enjoy the rest of your week in Costa Rica, Future Wife.”

“You’re leaving?” My throat was dry.

He nodded and kissed my forehead. “Your friends will be waking up soon. I’m sure you’ll want to rehash last night with them. Tell Helen to send me the receipt for the villa and anything she and your friends bought this week. I’ll reimburse whatever she spent.”

“Okay...Can you take a shower with me before you go?”

“Of course.” He smiled and slid his arms beneath me to pick me up. He carried me into the bathroom and quickly removed my slip.

As he placed me inside the shower and turned on the water, I thought about how I was going to seduce him and make him give me some damn sex.

He’d been right hours ago. The last few nights had been horrible. My body craved his body every night; it ached for his touch like it wouldn’t survive without it.

I can’t believe I asked him to be abstinent! What the hell was I thinking?!

He joined me underneath the steamy water and ran his fingers through my damp bangs. “I really love what they did to your hair. Are they doing it for our wedding?”

I nodded. “In exchange for throwing a party on one of your yachts this winter. I already told them they could.”

“What if I say no?”

“I’m a co-owner. It doesn’t matter what you say.”

He smiled and I didn’t bother wasting another second. I pressed my lips against his and kissed him deeply, using my hands to massage his cock.

Before he could tell me to stop, I bent down and took him into my mouth—moving him in and out until he was rock hard. I looked up at him as I slid my tongue around and he seemed surprised, but he pulled me up and kissed me.

As the water continued to fall over us, he kept his lips attached to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist. 

I felt his cock pressing against my stomach and murmured, “Please...” but he continued his deep and passionate kiss. He rolled his tongue around mine and bit my bottom lip whenever I tried to pull away from him.

I was completely breathless when he released me and spun me around to face the wall. He gripped my hips and adjusted my stance—slowly tilting me forward for easy access. I moaned as he reached around and caressed my breasts, as he placed a wet kiss against the groove of my back.

“Are you sure you want this?” he whispered.


He gripped my hips even tighter and pressed his cock against me. Then he slid his hand between my legs and groaned as he touched my swollen clit.

“I want to fuck you so badly, Claire...” he whispered. “You have no idea...Enjoy the rest of your trip.” He suddenly let me go and stepped out of the shower.

I gasped and braced the wall. “What?!”

More frustrated than ever, I turned the water off and wrapped myself in a towel. I walked back into my room and crossed my arms once I saw that he was putting his clothes back on.

“You’re leaving?”

He smirked and zipped up his pants.

“You’re not going to have sex with me?”

“Of course I am.” He walked over and kissed my cheek. “After we’re married.”

I opened my mouth to speak, but he pressed his finger against my lips. “I’ll pick you up from the airstrip the second you get back. I want to take you on a date after you settle back into your job.” He planted a kiss on my forehead. “I love you, Claire.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Say it back.”

“Make me...” I gave him my best seductive look.

He smiled and pulled me close. “Once I commit to doing something—whatever that something may be, I never back down from it. You can keep trying to tempt me—you’re very good by the way, but I made a promise and I never break my promises...Now, say it back.”

“I love you, too.”

He kissed me one last time and I watched him leave through my side door. He looked over his shoulder every few seconds and smiled at me, so I waited until he was no longer in my sight.

I immediately rushed over to my suitcase and searched for my vibrator so I could end this frustration myself. I pulled the flap open where I knew I’d placed it, but it wasn’t there. Instead, there was a folded napkin with a note: “No cheating, Future Wife. You’ll get it back AFTER the wedding :-)”

I cursed under my breath and headed for the kitchen, where Bobbie Jo, Kim, and Helen were all staring at me with looks of horror on their faces.

“You brought someone home with you from the club last night? And don’t you dare lie because we all heard voices this morning.” Helen practically lost it. “That’s not like you at all, Claire! What the hell were you thinking?!”

What? You think I cheated on Jonathan?”

“It doesn’t matter what we think.” Bobbie Jo stood up and paced the floor. “It’s okay. We can definitely fix this...I know we told you to let go, but you weren’t supposed to completely let go...You’re marrying Jonathan-fucking-Statham! You don’t need to experience any other man, ever!”

Helen shook her head in disagreement at that last line, but she kept the look of worry on her face.

“No more clubbing this week.” Kim clasped her hands together. “We’ll still drink tons, but we’ll stick to the lame activities we were doing before. We’ll even take you shopping for a whole new wardrobe today...Jonathan will never find out about this. Your secret is safe with us...”




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Alec Mackenzie's Art of Seduction: Mackenzies (Mackenzies Series Book 9) by Jennifer Ashley

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Famous Love by Lelly Hughes

Body Heat by Mia Ford

The Kanes: The Complete Series (The Kane Family) by C.M. Steele

Jack: A Christmas Motorcycle Club Romance (Lonely Rider MC Book 2) by Melissa Devenport

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Judged: A Billionaire Biker Romance by Ellie Danes

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