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Maniac (Fallen Lords MC Book 3) by Winter Travers (8)

Chapter 8




“You good with this?”

Wren tilted her head back and looked up at The Bar. “We drove an hour to come to a bar?” She seemed less than impressed.

This hadn’t been my planned destination when I had started driving, but before I knew it, we were in Kales Corners and a beer sounded good.

“Yeah.” No sense in letting her know I had no idea where we were headed.

“We couldn’t have gone to bar in Durham?”

I threaded my fingers through hers. “We could have, but I wanted to go for a ride too. Now, you wanna get a beer, or stand here?”

“Not really a beer girl.”

I looked down at her and smiled. “Pretty sure we can find you something else to drink.”

“But will the glass be clean?” she muttered.

A huge, old Cadillac careened into the parking lot and parked in front of The Bar. I quickly tucked Wren behind me and rested my hand on the butt of my gun.

I had kept an eye out the whole way here, but that didn’t mean the Hell Captains hadn’t found us. “Stay behind me, Wren. Don’t move unless I tell you to.”

“Okay,” she whispered. Her body was pressed firmly against my back, and her hands were clutching my cut.

The door to the Caddy opened.

“You gotta be fucking kidding me,” I cursed.

“You two are in Kales Corners, and the only way I find out is by chance driving past The Bar and seeing it with my own eyes.”

Alice. Exactly what I didn’t want.

Wren was finally opening up to me and not running like a scared deer. I didn’t need Alice’s loud mouth and craziness to drive her back into her shell.

“We’re just driving through.” The thought of a beer wasn’t so appealing anymore if Alice was going to be joining us.

Alice stood next to her car with her hands on her hips. “You’re a mountain of a man, Maniac, and while I can’t see her, I know Wren is behind you. Stop hiding her like I’m the devil come to snatch your souls.”

Wren giggled behind me. “I think she would more likely snatch our underwear than our souls.”

I glanced over my shoulder down at Wren. A small smile played on her lips, and there was a slight sparkle in her eyes. “More accurate,” I agreed.

“So are you two going to come in for a drink, or are we just going to keep shouting across the parking lot?” Alice called.

“You wanna stay or go?” This was all up to Wren.

“Uh, well, I really wanna make a cake, but you made it so I can’t make it ‘til tonight, so we might as well kill a little bit of time with Alice. She’s kooky, but she appears to be harmless.”

Harmless. I suppose she was. “Two drinks, and then we head back to Durham.”

Wren stepped out from behind me and grasped my hand. “You’re driving. One for you, three for me.”

Why that little minx. “We’ll see about that, darlin’.”






“And then he just dropped me at the door and rode off.” Alice fanned herself with her hand and lifted the other to the bartender. “We need another round, Reierson.”

The bartender lifted the lid off the blender. “The fact you have a blender in your trunk boggles my damn mind, Alice.”

She shrugged and pushed her glass toward him. “If you guys would get with the times and realize blended drinks are the shit, then I wouldn’t need to.”

Yes, after we had sat down and Alice ordered two margaritas, Reierson had shot her down and said they didn’t make ‘em. Alice then proceeded to go to her car and came back with a blender. All Maniac had done was shake his head and sip his beer next to me.

I, on the other hand, was equal parts shocked and impressed.

“If the market was open down the street, you’d be making those strawberry margaritas,” Alice hummed.

Reierson rolled his eyes and dumped a shit-ton of tequila into the blender. “You ever think you should get your head checked? Maybe your daddy and mama dropped you on your head when you were little and never told you.”

Alice flipped him off. “And maybe you should ask yourself why you’re still single and working in a bar.”

He dumped ice into the blender. “You’re single and work at the diner. You wanna tell me what the hell the difference is between the two?”

These two were like brother and sister. Alice would throw a zinger at him, and he would come right back at her. I would say there was some sexual tension between the two, but Alice had said straight out they had dated for two point three seconds before they figured out it wouldn’t work.

Alice waved her hand at him. “Just make our drinks, boy, and you can come to the diner for breakfast and I promise not to spit in your food this time.”

Maniac choked on his beer next to me, and Reierson slammed the bottle of tequila on the bar. “Dammit, woman. You better not be saying you’ve spit in my food before,” he thundered.

Alice giggled. “Who knows?”

Reierson added lime juice, triple sec, and lemon juice to the blender. He turned it on and glared at Alice. “It’s a good thing I like your mama, Alice,” he hollered over the noise.

Maniac leaned into me, his lips next to my ear. “I’m gonna hit the head quick, darlin’, and then we gotta get back to Durham after your drink.”

I slightly turned my head and felt his lips brush against my cheek. Things had changed between us. I welcomed him being close and knowing he wasn’t ever far away. “I’ll be here,” I mumbled. He nodded and smiled.

My eyes watched him until he disappeared into the bathroom, and Alice elbowed me in the side.

“Giiiirl, what on Earth is going on?”

Reierson set a glass filled with frothy margarita in front of me.

That was a question I didn’t have an answer to. “What do you mean?” Before today, Alice and I had barely spent any time together, but after a pitcher of margaritas, she was talking like we were best friends.

“I mean, that hunk of a man who is looking at you like you’re the only person in this bar.”

Reierson stuck a straw in my drink and ambled down to the other end of the bar. He was apparently done bickering with Alice and didn’t care to hear about whatever the hell was going on with Maniac and me.

“Technically, I am pretty close to being the only person in this bar.” Alice and Reierson were the only other people here. The Bar was not exactly a happening place. Although that might have something to do with the fact it was only four o’clock in the afternoon.

Alice shook her head. “You know what I mean, girl. What has been going on since he kidnapped you and has been hiding you away from us all?”

Kidnapping was a pretty accurate word. “Not much has happened. Other than the Lords having to rescue my friend in Kentucky from the Hell Captains, there hasn’t been any excitement.”

She nodded and took a sip of her margarita. I had to say I was rather impressed by the fact she was on her third one and she didn’t show any signs of being tipsy or drunk. Her normal flare and funkiness must have helped to hide it. “Heard about Jezebel and Jake. Nikki called the other night to catch me up on all things Fallen Lords. I haven’t been able to get to visit her in the past month because I’ve been busy between work and taking care of my mom.”

“Your mom?” I asked. Here she thought she was out of the loop, while I wasn’t even in the realm of the loop. I was really being a shitty friend to Cora by not even calling her once.

Alice waved her hand. “It’s nothing really. She’s just getting old and needs a bit of help doing things every now and then. There just is never enough time in the day lately.”

Here Alice was running out of time, and I always felt like time was dragging by at a snail’s pace. That had more to do with the fact most of the time, I wasn’t doing anything other than reading or watching TV. Baking and cooking had helped to eat up some of the time, but if I kept cooking the way I was, Maniac and I were going to each weigh five hundred pounds by the time the Hell Captains left me alone.

“I can give you some of my time. I used to always be on the go with work and what not, but now I can sit for hours just counting the seconds away.”

She patted my hand. “I think that is what you needed though, babe. A little quiet to get your head straight.”

I stiffened and wrapped my hands around my glass.

“Wren, don’t get mad at me. None of us know what happened to you, but it had to be bad. Maybe that man is thing you need to help you heal.”

“A man is what did this to me, Alice,” I whispered.

“But it wasn’t that man.”

She was right, I knew deep down, but it was still hard. Maniac made me waver all the time on whether or not I could be me again. Some days, I couldn’t even remember what my life was like before the Hell Captains destroyed me. “But how do I know he won’t become that type of man?”

“I think you already know the answer to that. Although, I think if you’re struggling with how to figure that one out, it has to do with the fact that man looks at you like you’re the only person in the room.”

I closed my eyes and bowed my head. I didn’t want to see that. “I can’t rely on him to heal me.”

“He's going to help heal you, babe. In the end, you’re going to have to be the one to close those wounds.”

I pushed back my sleeve on my right arm and looked down at the raised scar. “Scars never go away, Alice. They’ll always be there.”

She put her arm around my shoulders and rested her head against mine. “They are there to remind you of how strong you were and are. You made it out of the Hell Captains, and even though you tried to leave us for good, those scars are going to be a reminder to you that you are one tough ass bitch who refuses to die.”

Tears reached my eyes, but I couldn’t help but laugh. “I think you are the only one who could put it that way.”

“I’ve got a way with words,” Alice chuckled. She leaned back and picked up her glass. “Now, enough of this blubbering. Grab your glass, bitch.”

“Are you always going to call me bitch from now on?” I lifted my glass and held it next to hers.

“When the time is right, yes. Right now, you are totally bitch because you’re a badass bitch.”

I tilted my head to the side. “I don’t know if you’re drunk, or if this is just you.”

She clinked her glass to mine. “Being drunk just intensifies me to more me.” She wrinkled her nose and giggled. “I don’t think that makes sense, but I’m going to go with it.”

She downed half of her drink and slammed the glass on the bar. “Now, I need to grab my blender and walk my happy ass home.”

“You’re leaving?” I asked.

I heard the heavy falls of Maniac’s feet then felt his warmth against my side. “We need to get going too, darlin’. It’s an hour and half ride home, and that’s if I take the same way back.”

“Give me ten minutes, and I’ll drive ya home, Alice,” Reierson called.

Alice walked around to the other side of the bar. “Nonsense. I live five minutes away, and if I cut through a few yards, I’ll be home in four.” She unplugged the blender, slammed the cap back on, and hauled it into her arms. “I’ll get my car in the morning.”

“Maybe you should get a ride,” Maniac agreed with Reierson.

“Oh, no.” Alice ambled to the door and threw a wave over her shoulder. “Call me, Wren, and don’t be too big of a dick to her, Maniac. Later, Reir!”

Reierson threw his towel on the bar. “I don’t know how many times I have asked you not to call me that. It’s Reierson!”

“Yeah well, I’ve always wanted a unicorn, but you don’t see me throwing a damn hissy fit, Reir!” Alice slipped out the door with a huge smile on her face.

“Chick is crazy,” Maniac muttered. He pulled two twenties out of his wallet and tossed them on the bar. “You ready?”

I took three huge sips from my drink then nodded. I couldn’t waste the whole thing. Although when I moved to stand up, I stumbled into Maniac and his arm wrapped around my waist.

“Uh, hi.” My cheeks heated, and I knew they were tinged pink. I tilted my head back and looked into his deep, dark green eyes.

“You all right, darlin’?” he asked quietly.

Maniac was touching me, and I had a slight buzz going on. I was more than all right. “Never better,” I hiccuped.

A smirk spread across his lips. “You gonna be good to ride?”

“Uh, I just gotta hold on to you, right?” I could totally do that.

“And try not to fall off on the turns.”

I patted him on the shoulder. “I got this. Don’t worry, dude.”

“Dude?” he laughed.

I cringed and shrugged. “Badass Biker Dude better?”

“Good to know you’re a funny drunk.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the front door.

“Hey,” I protested. “I am not drunk.”

We stopped next to the bike, and he set the helmet on my head. “Hate to break it to you, but you are drunk. A definite lightweight. You only had two drinks.”

I reached up to fasten the strap, but I couldn’t seem to get my hands to work. “I’m tipsy. That is completely different from drunk. Tipsy is cute, drunk is, well, not cute.”

Maniac knocked my hands away and swiftly fastened the helmet under my chin. “Call it whatever you want, darlin’. I’ll agree it’s damn cute, so you can say you’re tipsy.”

I smiled big. Won that argument. “Can we go home now so I can make stuffed peppers and chocolate cake?”

“You still up to cooking?”

I rolled my eyes. “We’ve established I am tipsy, not drunk. By the time we get home, I’ll be sober and hungry.”

“We can order in pizza or I can pick up Chinese.”


“You sure?”

I nodded my head. “Yes.”

Maniac studied me for a few seconds then shrugged. “Whatever you want.” He threw his leg over the bike and cranked it up. I managed to hop on behind him without stumbling or falling over.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek to his back.

“Make sure you hold on, darlin’,” he hollered.

My arms tightened around him, so he knew I had heard him.

Maniac maneuvered through the town roads easily and opened it up when we hit the open road.

“You good?” he hollered.

I was more than good. I leaned forward so my lips were next to his ear. “Way good.”

Maniac turned his head slightly and looked at me.

He didn’t say anything, but something different was in his eyes. Something that scared me but also excited me. He looked at me like I was the only person in the world.

I pressed a kiss to his cheek and leaned back.

I never wanted to get off the back of this bike.






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