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Married This Christmas (Married This Year Book 5) by Tracey Pedersen (6)

Chapter 6

“Hi, Luke,” Rachel closed the door behind her as the bell rattled above the door.

“Hey, Rachel, how are you?”

“I’m great.”

She watched as Luke sifted through the pile of papers on his desk with a frown. “Do you have a booking today? I don’t see your name on any of the sheets.”

“Nope. I’m here on a personal mission.” She put her bag on the counter and dropped her keys inside. “I was worried I wouldn’t catch you. I’ve had my car fixed here a few times since we last met, but I haven’t spotted you.”

“I’m only here a few days each week when Jordan is working, so I don’t distract her.”

“I’m so glad to hear you guys are still together.”

He held up his hand and the light glinted off his wedding ring. “Definitely together.”

“Oh my God, you got married?” She laughed and clapped her hands. “That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard!”

“Last year. We had a double wedding with some friends.” Luke’s smile lit up his face.

“How cool! Congratulations.” She smiled at him and rested her chin on her hands. “I’m actually here to ask you something related to a wedding.”

“Please tell me you’re marrying Henry Baxter, newest television star in the Turner household.”

“How did you know?”

“You have that,” he waved his hand, “shiny, in-love glow about you.”

She laughed before she answered, “We are getting married. I wanted to know if you and Jordan would come to the wedding.”

“Are you sure?”

“I know we don’t really know each other, but you were there the day he proposed, and Lori and Jack are coming, since they’re our best friends. We thought it might round out the luck if all of us were at the wedding.”

It was Luke’s turn to laugh. “That sounds weird and kind of perfect for a wedding. I was worried you didn’t have any friends to invite.”

Rachel giggled. “Oh, plenty of people are coming. It won’t be massive, since we don’t have too many relatives, though. We’re having it at Henry’s restaurant in the city on a Tuesday in early December. I’m trying not to worry too much that it’s only weeks away. Can you write down your address and I’ll send you an invitation?”

“Sure.” Luke pulled a business card from a pile on the desk and wrote his address on the back. “Here you go. I’ll let Jordan know—she’ll be so excited! We watch Henry’s show all the time, and she always wonders if you stayed together.”

* * *

“They’re married. Can you believe it?” Rachel took her seat at the hairdresser and showed Lori her phone as her friend sat in the seat beside her. “This is the style I want, by the way.”

“It blows my mind that they’re married! I knew he was keen on her! Remember how he cried on the ground at the end of the jump?” Lori pulled her own phone out and showed a photo to Rachel. “I like this. Do you think it will suit me?”

“Yes, that’s really nice. Maybe we should have hooked you up with his friend, Jack. Imagine if we had all ended up as couples!”

“Missed opportunity there, but I’ve found my Prince Charming all by myself.”

“Wow. You’re keen on this guy.”

“I am. Now I have to convince him that he’s keen on me, too.”

“That sounds ominous.”

“He likes me, I can tell, but his story is that he gave up dating an hour before we met and that’s why he’s not keen.”

“Can’t he just change his mind?”

“I’m working on doing exactly that. We’ve only met twice, but you know, I really felt a connection.”

“So, he’s the DJ from the club? The one who drove you home after you sent me that picture?”

“That’s the one.”

“Well, he’s certainly good-looking.”

“He is. Throw in funny, sweet, and a bit shy when he’s not working. He told me he still lives at home.”

“Wait, what?” Rachel frowned as the hairdresser pulled out her hair tie and brushed her fingers through her blonde locks. “Have you forgotten our pact?”

Lori laughed as her cheeks turned pink. “I haven’t forgotten, but there’s a chance we made a mistake.”

“No way, we definitely didn’t.” She met the eyes of the hairdresser in the mirror. “Guys that still live at home: red flag or not?”

“Hmm…” the hairdresser thought about her answer. “On the face of it, yes, if he’s older. In reality, however, we ignore that information, don’t we?” She laughed at Rachel’s horrified face. “I hear about it every day in this place. Oh, the stories I could tell.” She chuckled and moved to the counter to serve another customer.

“He’s twenty-eight. That’s not too old to be living at home, is it?”

“I feel like it is. That’s nearly thirty.”

“I know, but I like him… a lot.” Lori tipped her head back and turned puppy dog eyes on her friend as she tried on her most whiny voice. “Let me keep him, Rach!”

Rachel laughed and pushed her away. “Just remember this conversation if it turns out he won’t spend any money on you and constantly compares your cooking to hers.”

“Phew, thanks. I thought I was gonna have to really fight there. Can you make sure I’m present for any meetings you have with him, please? I need to keep dropping hints until he decides to ask me out.”

“I’m not your mother, even though I feel like it right now, so I’ll give you every opportunity I can. Anyway,” she deftly changed the subject, “let’s try out these hairstyles and see if we look hot. If not, we’ll try them all until we do!”

“You’re going to look beautiful no matter what you do with your hair.” Lori reached out and squeezed her hand. “I’m so excited. Your wedding is going to be amazing!”