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Marrying His Omega MM Non Shifter Alpha Omega Mpreg: A Mapleville Romance (Mapleville Omegas Book 7) by Lorelei M. Hart (7)

Chapter Eight



Everything had happened so fast, yet it had taken years to get to this point. Years wasted while thinking Tak was just a friend, even though he’d been in my mind every day. And not listening to my better self wondering why if he was “just a friend” I didn’t give him a call, see how he was doing.

Sure, pride played into it. Not wanting those who voted me most likely to succeed to know how low I’d fallen, that instead of finishing college and starting on my way to the Supreme Court, I’d had to drop out and go to work to pay for the debts incurred when my parents died in that accident. Their deaths had also dried up my tuition funds. Sure, I’d been good at sports, but being the superstar at our little school did not in any way equal a full-ride scholarship to a university. My folks worked their butts off to put me there, going into debts for that as well, without telling me.

Before we went any further, I needed Tak to know what he was getting into, or, rather, who was getting into him. I gave him one more deep, warm kiss, just in case he changed his mind about me when he learned who I was. Placing a hand on each of his cheeks, I looked deep into his eyes. “I need to tell you something.”

He licked his lips. “You’ve changed your mind?”

I rocked my hips against his, our cocks butting again. “Does this feel like a changed mind?”

He tried to back away, blinking furiously. “What? You’re seeing someone else, so this is a one off and a pity fuck?”

Holy hells.

“I practically begged you to marry me back at your place. And I’ve spent the last hour seducing you. So, no on another relationship or a pity fuck. If it was, or if you were a one off, I wouldn’t care if you knew what I do for a living.”

He hesitated, a foot or so of water separating us. “Is it illegal?”


“Are you a priest or anyone else who has taken a vow of celibacy?”

I choked. “I don’t think so.”

Then he was back on me, his legs wrapped around my waist, cock bobbing against my belly.

My cock, on the other hand, was poised right below where I wanted it to end—see what I did there?—to end up. “Then what are you waiting for.”

As his lips closed on mine, the thought of a condom flashed through my mind. I had tested clean, but bareback opened the possibility of pregnancy. Of course, that was no problem for mates. Still I felt honor bound to offer. And to ask. “Condom?”

“I’m clean. And I don’t want to wait.”

And didn’t that guy, the Tak who’d always been reserved and never even let me know he’d wanted more from me than friendship, didn’t he rise and bring his ass down over my cock, driving the head right past the ring of muscles there. For a second, I paused, not wanting to hurt him, but even in the pond water, he was slick and ready for me. Resting his hands on my shoulders, he wriggled until I was buried deep inside him, in that dark, tight, slippery place I’d fantasized about since I couldn’t remember when. I exhaled his name like a prayer.

There, under the dock, in a country pond, I made love to a man for the first time. I gripped his hips, taking over the rhythm, pushing all thoughts of what I did for a living far back into the depths of my brain. All that mattered right now was the muscular ass milking my cock, the fingers digging into my shoulders, the legs flexing around my waist, and the lips parting under mine as I put everything I had into a kiss that carried us into the heights.

Sliding my palms back to cup his buttocks, I lifted and lowered him, faster and faster, my knees wobbling under the water’s surface. Tak’s eyelids fluttered closed, and he parted his lips to admit my tongue as I explored the inside of him with my tongue and my cock—at different ends, of course. After just a few moments, he moaned, and I grabbed his dick and rubbed up and down, feeling his hot cum spurt over my fingers as mine jetted into his ass. And...I knotted. Not something that happened with every omega, or at least for me with any before now. My cock swelled and held us connected while we hung in the cool water.

I’d had my share of omegas, but never bareback before, which at least partially explained the lack of knotting. But then, I’d never wanted permanence with anyone else. After a time, I withdrew from the tight, hot glove and felt the cool water speed my cock’s relaxation. I wanted him to know everything about me, so I whispered, “I am a truck driver.”

But it didn’t matter. I released my hold on him and he floated, face in the water. He’d fainted again. This time, in a dangerous location.

With a sigh, I scooped him up into my arms and started for the bank. If he couldn’t stay conscious, how was I going to tell him how far I’d fallen? I hoped it wouldn’t matter, but he certainly deserved to know what I had to offer a mate.

I wished more than I ever had that I’d been able to stay in school. I probably could have taken out loans and ignored my parents’ debts. I wasn’t legally liable for them, but honor was another thing altogether. An alpha never took the easy way out, at least not if he wanted to be worth the name.

Unfortunately, that route made me less financially able to care for a mate. Sure, I made a living with the truck and even with the payment and all the other expenses—insurance alone cost as much as the mortgage on a small house—I had managed to put some money away. And I’d never think of Tak as looking for financial gain, but he deserved the best.

And I wasn’t 100 percent sure I met that criterion. Laying him on a patch of soft grass, I dropped next to him and propped myself on an elbow. He sure didn’t look unconscious, with easy, slow breaths and a small smile on his lips.

“Tak.” I tapped his cheek. “Wake up.” He stirred and gave a little groan. “There you go.”

His eyes opened, and he sucked in a quick breath. “I didn’t faint again, did I?”

“You did, and I have to admit, it’s starting to worry me.”

“Don’t worry. I don’t make a habit of this. I think I’m just still overwhelmed by your being here. Even just now when I came to, I expected to be in my bed, waking from a dream.”

I studied his expression then stood up and headed for where we’d dropped the soft-sided cooler. Back at his side, I unzipped the top and withdrew a bottle of water. Uncapping it, I put an arm under Tak’s shoulders and helped him sit up. “Drink some water then we’re taking our picnic to your place and I’m going to tuck you into bed.” I gave him my best stern glare. “And no arguments. We can picnic in your bedroom.”

His eyes twinkled. “Who’s arguing? I’ve been trying to get you in bed all day.”

“Cheeky omega.” I recapped the bottle and tucked it in the cooler before assisting him to his feet. “I have half a mind to give you a spanking as soon as I’m sure you won’t pass out during it.”

“Hurry up, alpha,” he tossed over his shoulder, starting toward the house with a spring in his step I’d never have expected, given his recent unconscious condition. “Time’s a wastin’.”

Dang, a guy would almost think he liked the idea of being spanked.

I knew I’d enjoy administering it.

This was shaping up to be a heck of a weekend.