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Mask of Desire by P.L. Harris (1)



Romance on the Go ®


P.L. Harris


Copyright © 2017





An uneasy sensation pricked the nape of Tash Redman’s neck. This is a bad idea. She wiped her sweaty palms down her tattered costume. Her gaze scanned the room searching for the source of her apprehension. “I’m telling you, someone is watching me.”

“Don’t be silly,” Sinead said, flicking her long, silky Morticia Addams wig over her shoulder. “You’ve only been in town for just over a week. Besides, no one will recognize you in that costume anyway. Especially under all that makeup.”

Sinead was right, Tash did look pretty scary. Sinead had insisted on completing Tash’s “Dracula’s Bride” costume with a purple and black, shoulder-length wig, which hosted a full-length veil. Her face was also hidden behind white face paint, black eye shadow, false lashes, and shiny, ruby-red lips.

Tash had only met her boss, Sinead, and her partner, since arriving in Brekin River on the New South Wales central coast. Everyone seemed polite, but pretty much kept to themselves. Just the kind of town she was looking for.

A cold shiver ran up her spine. Why the hell did I let Sinead talk me into this damn Halloween party, let alone dressing in this Dracula’s Bride getup?

This is not the way she wanted to spend her first Halloween in a new town.

Tash’s pulse sped up as she scanned the crowd. Her stomach revolted when she spotted a young man disguised as Dracula, making out in the corner with a vampirette. Eeww, disgusting.

The repulsive image was superseded by a sleazy, tarted-up zombie openly seducing Beetlejuice and attempting to stick her tongue down his throat. Gross.

She hadn’t been to many fancy dress parties in her life, especially not Halloween parties. It wasn’t a holiday Australians normally celebrated—it seemed to be an American tradition—but Tash was impressed with the number of guests in costume. She took comfort in the knowledge that it would be nearly impossible to recognize anyone if she met them again on the street, and she hoped it would be vice versa.

“You need to chill out. Why don’t you go get a drink?” Sinead asked, hanging off her husband’s arm.

They made a cute couple, suitably dressed as Gomez and Morticia Addams. The perfect newlyweds doting on each other. There was a time Tash had felt the same about her husband Connor. She had been a lovesick puppy, devoted to him hook, line, and sinker. Tash closed her eyes, a wave of nausea threatening to fester in her gut. She put all her trust in her husband. What a fool she’d been. Never again.

“Maybe I will. God knows I could do with some fresh air,” she said, heading in the direction of the bar, which was squished in the back of the lounge room. She ignored the line of gaudy men making cutesy faces at her.

You’ve got to be kidding me, she thought, shaking her head in revulsion. She hadn’t been interested in men back in Sydney, why the hell would she be interested in them now?

Her heart raced under the suffocating confines of the crowded room.

The young bartender eyed Tash. “What will it be, love?”

“Raspberry martini please.”

“Sure thing. Coming right up,” he said with a cheeky smile.

Tash wrestled with the red velvet cape knotted around her neck. It felt like a noose strangling her airway.

“There you go,” he said, placing her drink on the bar. “Anything else I can get you?”

“No, I’m fine. Thank you.” Her fingers gripped the thin stem of her raspberry martini and she headed out to the patio.

Alone, at last. The cool air filled her lungs as she forced herself to take several deep breaths. Her eyes gazed at the stunning lush hills surrounding the party house. It truly was a spectacular location. She removed her cape and draped it over the guardrail. Leaning against the rail, the thin material of her dress hardly provided a barrier against the cold metal as it chilled her hot skin.

What the hell am I doing here? She cursed herself. Sinead’s sob story did a real number on her. She was a sucker for a good sob story. She recalled Sinead’s pleading voice. “Oh, please come. You have to. I’ve already told her you’d be there and she won’t take no for an answer. She hasn’t many friends, she’s kind of a loner, and besides, you’re new in town, so this is the perfect opportunity to meet new people. Come on, Tash. Please come for me.”

Tash gazed at the happy gathering of people. Not many friends, my ass.

From behind, a deep, husky voice broke through her haze of annoyance. “Interesting outfit. I’ve been trying to work out who you are for some time now.”

She stiffened and her entire body tensed. The timbre of his voice sent electric shocks through her veins. His words rang true in her head. For some time now. She had been right, someone was watching her and he was right behind her.

She pursed her lips and turned. “Have you been—” She stopped mid-sentence. Shell-shocked. Tash stared at him open-mouthed. Heat flooded her cheeks and her belly.

Holy fuck. He was sex on legs. Her nipples instantly hardened as his smile ricocheted right down to her groin.

“Have I what?” he asked.

“Um…” she hesitated, her chest tightened with an unnerving burn. “Been watching me?”

“For a while now, actually.” He chuckled.

She shivered. His gaze eagerly roamed her jittery body. “Why?” she gasped.

She tensed as he leaned closer, his warm breath scooting over her hot skin. “Well, apart from trying to work out your costume, it’s my business to get to know every pretty new face in town.” His eyes widened and then through a grin he said, “And I can tell by that tattoo there is a lot more to you than meets the eye.”

Damn it. My tattoo. She’d forgotten she’d exposed her tattoo when she removed her cape. She always kept it hidden. If people didn’t see it, she wouldn’t have to explain why she’d been a fool. The past was the past; no more Connor and no more working in dives to pay off his debts.

Her gut tightened, and the stern focus in his cobalt-blue eyes held her in his clutches.

Tash swallowed the knot in her throat. “Well, you don’t need to worry. I’m sure there are more interesting people than me with tattoos.”

 “I’m sure there are, but not everyone has a tattoo as sexy as yours.” He smiled. “I’m intrigued.”

The rich tone of his voice bled warmth into her veins. It did strange things to her body.

It’s just a voice, for God’s sake. A deep, sexy voice. She shuffled on the spot, conscious of her moisture-soaked knickers.

“I, u-u-um,” she stuttered, butterflies flooded her stomach.

“The name’s Kayden,” he said, nodding his head in a seductive greeting. “Detective Kayden Langford.”

Detective. No, no, are you insane? Not a good idea to let a detective into your life.

Saved by his phone ringtone.

“Langford,” he mumbled down the line. Annoyed by the interruption, his face wore a disgruntled frown.

Her pulse sped up as she heard a loud voice scream. He paled and his expression blackened. Deep pain bombarded his gaze, his pupils dilating. “What the fuck do you mean, shot?”

“Excuse me,” he said ending the call.

“Is everything all right?” Tash pried.

He started backing away. “No,” he paused. “It’s my partner.”

Tash’s gut clenched as she watched his retreating figure.


New Year’s Eve

Tash gawked, wide-eyed at the shimmering black strapless evening gown laid out on Sinead’s bed. Her heart leapt into her throat. Her curves would be on display for all to see, not to mention her tattoo. She’d managed to keep it hidden from everyone in town. Except one man. Tash remembered the Halloween party as if it were yesterday. Kayden’s deep voice still melted her insides like chocolate.

Sinead had no idea she even had a tattoo, let alone an elaborate vine that spanned her shoulder blades and snaked down her back. She had been so young and in love, blindsided by passion. She would have done anything for her husband Connor. She had.

 “You want me to wear that?” she asked, gaping at the beautiful garment. “To Detective Langford’s New Year’s Eve party?”

Between sneezes, Sinead coughed up a croaky answer. “Yes, what’s wrong with it? I’m sure it will fit. We’re the same size, after all.”

“I thought you were going,” she said. Tash’s heart sank with every sneeze that shook Sinead’s body.

“Do I look like I can go?” she blurted out in a nauseating tone. “Would you go out looking like this?” she asked, pointing to her blood-red nose and bulging, puffy eyes.

Tash ran her sweaty palms down her jeans. “I thought you said you wouldn’t drag me along to any more parties after Halloween,” she said in a huff.

The last thing I want to do is go to a bloody New Year’s Eve party. Especially one hosted by the scrumptious Kayden Langford.

“I know, but look at me,” Sinead said, clutching the tissue box under her arm. “I can’t stop sneezing. I can barely keep my eyes open, and my nose is so red and swollen it would give Rudolf a run for his money.”

Tash grimaced. Sinead did look like she’d just risen from the dead. Watery eyes, a nose that looked like it’d been wiped with sandpaper, and a voice that would rival Frankenstein on a good day.

Frustration pooled in the pit of Tash’s stomach. Before she joined Sinead’s Hair and Beauty, she’d been very specific about keeping out of the public eye. Brekin River was a new beginning, a way to keep her secrets close to her heart—a fresh start.

As soon as her tattoo was exposed, few would understand it and too many others would use it against her. They’d judge her and make assumptions about her character, without knowing the whole story.

“I’m all out of options. You’re my last hope, Tash,” she pleaded. “You know how much I want Kayden’s place by the lake for the new salon. It means everything to me.”

“I know, but I’m sure you can arrange another time with him to discuss—”

Sinead abruptly cut her off, midsentence and mid-sneeze. “There is no other time. He’s leaving town, now that he’s put the bastard who murdered his partner behind bars. The doctor said I’ll be out of action for at least a week. I had planned to talk to him tonight and get a good price. One I can afford. I know you’ll be able to secure the deal.”

Tash’s gut churned at the mere idea of parading around in a tight dress. Her days of pretending were over. She had been addicted to Connor—his body, his scent, and his sex. If only the real Connor had shown himself before he almost single-handedly destroyed her future.

Sinead flopped down on her bed, hiccupping between words. “I know you’ve only worked for me for a few months, and we’re still getting to know each other. What I’m asking isn’t a normal request from a boss, but I’m desperate. Maybe this will clinch the deal?” She picked up the most exquisite black velvet half-mask, adorned with shimmering diamantes, silver lace, velvet ribbon, and dainty blue feathers. “It’s a masquerade ball so no one will even know who you are, and I’m sure you can do something stunning with your hair that will fit with the theme.”

Pain stabbed at Tash’s heart. She liked Sinead a lot. As bosses went, she was pretty great to work for. Almost like a big sister she never had. What harm would it do?

If she kept the mask on, changed the color of her contacts, and did her hair in a different style, as well as covered her tattoo, no one would recognize her. No one did after the Halloween party. She could pretend she was Sinead’s agent, working on her behalf.

“So, I would be kind of like your agent there, to sort a real estate transaction?” Tash asked.

Sinead shrugged. “Sure, if that’s the way you want to look at it.”

“Can I wear my own dress?” One that will hide my tattoo.

“Sure, if you have a formal gown. Do you?”

Tash’s chest tightened. “Well, maybe not as formal as that, but I’m sure I—”

“It must be formal, that’s the dress requirement for attending the evening,” Sinead said.

Tash’s heart sank. Nothing in her limited wardrobe came close to formal wear. She’d thrown them out with her past.

“Fine, I’ll wear yours,” she moaned.

Sinead’s high-pitched squeal rang out in Tash’s ears. Vibration ricocheted up her legs as Sinead jumped up and down.

“Sinead, calm down. Too much excitement can’t be good for you in your condition,” Tash said. “Okay, I’ll do it, as long as we keep this between us.”

After an exhausting coughing fit, Sinead gasped for air. “Okay. Yes, of course. Now, first you need to get his attention. I have no doubt that in this dress you will.”

“Sinead…” Tash sighed, crossing her arms across her chest. “I told you, I am not in the market for a man, so can we just stick to the task at hand?”

“Of course.” Sinead continued to sniff. “First, you’ll need to get Kayden alone.”

“What…why?” she gasped, her eyes widened in alarm. “Jesus, what do you expect me to do to the man?” She agreed to go to the party and speak with him, nothing else.

Mortification flashed across Sinead’s face. “Oh my God, that is not what I meant at all…unless…”

“Sinead.” Adrenaline surged through her veins.

“Don’t be silly. I just want you to get him alone to discuss a good price, and you won’t be able to do that if there are nosy busybodies hanging around, eavesdropping on your conversation.”

“Oh…okay.” Relief swarmed her body.

“But it wouldn’t hurt to show some interest in the opposite sex while you’re there. If you’re not socializing with me, you’re moping around your house. You’re not a hermit, you know.”

The constant drone of Sinead’s croaky voice was sending Tash’s head dizzy. “I know that, but as I’ve already told you, I’m not interested in men or socializing. Not now, not ever,” she’d stated plainly.

“Okay,” Sinead huffed, holding her hands up defensively.

If Sinead had any idea of the debt Tash’s husband left her with after his death, she’d understand why men were the last thing Tash needed in her life. A cold shiver shot up Tash’s spine. She silently prayed her past stayed hidden.

Her ears buzzed with the sheer amount of information Sinead threw at her. She was very clear on what price she would pay, so all that was left to do was seal the deal. Easier said than done.

Tash grabbed the dress and held up her hand to stop Sinead’s babble. “Okay, I think I’ve got it. If I’ve any chance of pulling this off, I need to head home now to get ready,” she said on the way to the door.

Sinead waved as she headed down the path. “Call me tomorrow.”

Tash pulled out into traffic. “How the hell do I get myself into situations like this?” she muttered.

Tash drove on autopilot, her pulse drummed vigorously. It was a simple task: meet Kayden, offer him a good price, and convince him it was in his best interests to sell to Sinead. Simple enough…but not for Tash.

Goose bumps assaulted every inch of her body as memories of the Halloween party flashed across her mind. She’d only briefly spoken to Kayden, but it was enough to know that he was going to be a huge distraction she didn’t need. The naughty kind of distraction that made her wish she could take him home and have him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Tash’s heart had deflated when she’d heard of his partner’s untimely murder that same evening. Death was a fact of life she was all too familiar with. If it hadn’t been the car accident that killed Connor, she’d have murdered him herself.

Anger kicked in. Her life had been ruined by Connor’s secret obsession with gambling. She shivered in disgust. The worst were the vulgar loan sharks that came to collect from her after his death.

She jolted back to reality when her ears exploded with the high-pitched blast of a horn. She jumped and sharply swerved her car to avoid ramming another oncoming car.

“Oh my God!” she yelled. Pulling off to the side of the road, she gasped, sucking air into her burning lungs.

Tash gripped the steering wheel to steady her shaking hands, her fingers turning white from the constant pressure. Her heartbeat was rampant against her rib cage, like a football match playing inside her chest. Thanks to Connor, she’d nearly become a statistic herself. “Bastard,” she hissed. She squeezed her eyes shut and dropped her head on the back of her hands. Jesus, Connor. Even from your grave, you’re still able to put my life in danger. Will it never end?

Finally, the fuzziness began to clear and her breathing returned to normal. Tash’s gaze fell on the dress on the seat beside her. “Connor, you will not win. I am stronger than I used to be, and tonight I’m going to prove that. If not for me, for Sinead.”


Kayden stood by the foyer door and surveyed the jovial crowd gathered in his company. He’d known some for years, but others were new friendships, barely given the chance to prosper. Grief struck Kayden like a lead weight in the pit of his stomach. This was his first New Year’s Eve without his partner. Kayden clenched his fingers into fists at his sides. His gut churned, knowing that Todd’s hero antics cost him his life.   

Damn it, Todd, you should have been with me at the Halloween party, not off trying to be a fucking hero. What the hell were you thinking, going into the drug bust without backup?

They had a deal to never go it alone. Kayden’s heart twinged with a pang of guilt. Todd wouldn’t even see his daughter, Emma, blossom as she grew into a beautiful young lady. At least his wife Katie had Emma to keep Todd’s memory alive. She looked more and more like Todd with every passing day.

“Are you sure you have to leave so soon after New Year’s?” Katie’s words shook him from his stupor.

“Ah, honey, I’ll be back before you know it,” he said engulfing her in a warm brotherly hug. “Now that the bastard’s behind bars, this is a good chance for me to take some down time. Maybe I’ll travel for a while. I’ll always be a phone call away, if you need me. I hope you understand?”

Katie pulled back and socked him one in the upper arm.

“Ouch,” Kayden said rubbing his tender muscle. “What was that for?”

“You dummy,” she barked, hands on hips, showing her best authoritarian pose. “Of course I understand. I’m the one who insisted you go…remember?”

He chuckled. “Yes, I suppose you are.” He lightly pressed his soft lips on her forehead in a kiss of appreciation.

“I just didn’t realize you’d be leaving so soon.”

Their gazes connected and her green eyes flickered, a hint of sadness reflected in them.

“It’s time you took care of you for a while. Emma and I will be fine. We have plenty of support around here and Todd’s parents will be here mid-January. ”

“Thanks, sweetheart. I promise I’ll pop over to see you before I leave.”

“You bet your arse you will,” she said, folding her arms across her chest. “Now, go and mingle. Say your good-byes before your adoring public gets antsy.”

She made a shooing action and he grunted and moved away. He barely made it past the staircase before his breath caught in his throat. The sight of the mysterious, tattooed beauty across the room sent his blood boiling. Kayden’s lungs burned with desire.

She was here. He’d recognize that tattoo anywhere. The brief glimpse he’d gotten at the Halloween party baited his interest. It was colourful, vibrant, and flowery, almost like a vine of some sort. He was intrigued. Kayden was pretty sure it extended off her shoulder and down her back, but it was where it ended that piqued his interest the most. His gaze followed her delicate moves as she floated across the floor toward him.

Who are you? Where did you come from? Hell will freeze over before I let you get away this time.

He wanted inside her, deep inside her. Feel her melt in his arms. His dick grew hard, just at the thought of her beneath him. This was his second chance and he would not blow it.


Tash stood by the entrance, frustrated by the unwanted attention she was receiving from the masses of men ogling her assets. Damn you, Sinead, for making me pretend I’m someone I’m not. More lies. Thankfully, the intricate black mask, coupled with her curly, brown hair extensions and blue contacts, safely hid her identity.

The place was packed. It looked like the whole town was in attendance. Tash’s ears stung from the deafening music blaring in the background. How the hell anyone could have a decent conversation was beyond her.

Tash ignored the nosy male glances and headed toward the drinks table. All Tash wanted to do was stay home with a chilled glass of wine and bring in the new year with her best friend, Bridget Jones, but Sinead had other ideas.

Who the hell comes down with a fever and a cold right in the middle of the Australian summer? Sinead, that’s who. It’s not like it’s cold. In fact, the weather hadn’t dropped below thirty degrees since November.

Tash’s sides ached. Her tight corset held the dress firmly to her tense body. It was the only undergarment she owned that would hold Sinead’s dress in place. Tash hadn’t worn it for some time, and it was a fluke it still fit so snuggly. With any luck, she’ll be able to find Kayden, finish the deal, and be back home with Bridget before midnight.

She sipped her wine and scanned the crowd. Tash’s gaze fell on the robust man in the corner of the room chatting to another woman. Kayden. His costume wasn’t much of a disguise. Although his eye mask covered his high cheekbones, it really did nothing to disguise his sexy, deep-blue eyes. But then she would recognize his muscular physique anywhere. She may have only met him once, but her body remembered it as if it were yesterday. Breathless, Tash forced herself to look away. She glanced around the room, but repeatedly her gaze was drawn back to Kayden. The florescent light highlighted the straight line of his jaw. His broad shoulders were hidden only by his expertly tailored tuxedo, which fit him like a glove.

She shook her head. Stop, stop, stop! This is not why you came here tonight.

Hesitantly, she lifted her gaze, holding her breath as her eyes met his. It was as if lightning had struck, and she felt the jolt right down to her sex. Get a grip, for God’s sake.

It’s now or never. She started to make her move before she lost her nerve.

She placed her glass on the table, took a deep, quivering breath, and headed in his direction. Stay focused, Tash. Remember, the only person you can count on is yourself. Men cannot be trusted, even ones as handsome as Kayden .

Tash couldn’t breathe around the knot in her throat. She was within meters of him. God, he was gorgeous. The perfect man. But Tash knew they didn’t exist.

Men cannot be trusted…men cannot be trusted.

She swallowed. “Mr. Langford, how nice to see you again.”

Kayden’s intense expression crawled down her body, taking in every detail. His chest expanded in slow, controlled breaths. She didn’t move. Seeing him this close had an entirely different effect on her than any other man, even Connor.

“It’s very nice to see you again. Welcome, I hope you enjoy the evening,” he said.

“Thank you, I—”

He offered her his hand. “Shall we dance?” he asked, cutting her words short.

She paused and swallowed hard. Tash finally threaded her hand in his. His silky touch shot electric charges up her spine. He all but dragged her to the dance floor.

 “I…I can’t dance.”

“No problem,” he said, swinging her into his arms. “I’ll lead.”

His hand imprinted on her skin like a scorching burn. Holy shit.

Their bodies connected like magnets. Gone was the gentleness, replaced by an edgy man that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. His jaw flexed and his gaze locked with hers. His dark eyes consumed her, and just when she thought she’d die from lack of oxygen, he spoke, triggering a gasp of breath.

“You have me at a disadvantage.”

Her brow creased. “Excuse me?”

He pulled her jittery body closer, electrifying Tash. She felt the heat rush to her face as his rock-hard erection pressed into her belly.

Men cannot be trusted…men cannot be trusted.

Beady eyes of onlookers gawked at them as their bodies swayed in unison to the music like liquid silver.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“They’re all staring at us,” she whispered, her heart plummeting.

“No, they’re staring at you,” he smirked.


“More precisely, they’re staring at the most beautiful woman at the party and she just happens to be in my arms at this very moment.”

Tash tensed and she opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught around the knot in her throat.

Kayden’s gaze sharpened as if he could read her thoughts. “They’re just as intrigued about you as I am. You’re a mystery, one that needs further investigation.”

She shook her head. “No, no mystery here.”

“Oh, but there is, and I’m going to make it my mission to find the mystery behind the woman.” He smirked. “I’m extremely good at reading people, and I think we both know there is strong chemistry between us.”

“I wouldn’t exactly call it chemistry,” she blurted out, ignoring her racing heart, which was ready to explode from her chest.

“Really?” he said with raised eyebrows. “What would you call it then?”

She stared at him, her eyes roaming every feature of his face, finally resting on his soft lips.

“If you keep looking at me with those sultry eyes, I’m going to get ideas…well, more ideas than I already have.”

Kayden held her captive gaze in his. Tash closed her eyes and held her breath as he ran the back of his fingers down her cheek, past her earlobe, and along her neck. “Smooth, like silk.” His finger stopped behind her earlobe. “I’ve wanted to taste you here,” he whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He traced the skin down to her collarbone. “And here.”

Good Lord, the man’s lethal. She bit her lower lip and he released it with his thumb.

“You’re making me nuts, the way you bite that lip of yours.”

Focus. She guided her thoughts back to the real reason she was here this evening. She cleared her throat. “Mr. Langford, the reason I’m here tonight is—”

He silenced her ruby-red lips with his finger. “No, don’t tell me. Tonight is about us. You and me and the pure sexual hunger that burns between us. I know you feel it, just as I do. It doesn’t matter why you’re here, just that you are.”

A sweet ache pooled in the depths of her belly. Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. She was fighting a losing battle. Tash couldn’t ignore the attraction between them, any more than she could ignore the wetness between her legs.

Butterflies filled the pit of her stomach. What harm could one night of pleasure do? It had been so long since passion and excitement played a role in her life. Sinead’s deal can wait.

She took a deep breath. “On one condition.”

“Name it,” he said breathless.

“No questions.”

He hesitated only a moment. “Deal.” He slid his palm down her tense arm and held on tight to her hand. His tone was suddenly formal. “I’m assuming this is your first visit to my house?”

She nodded.

“Then how about I give you a tour?” he said, his breath hard and fast. “I’m sure there are much more…appropriate places we can conduct business.”

Kayden held her close to his side as he marched in the direction of the hallway, ignoring anyone who stood in their way.


Kayden stood by the bar in the corner of his study. His hands shook as he poured two glasses of wine. Nervous energy shot through his body. He’d never been nervous around a woman before, but she was different. Kayden didn’t want her to be a one-night stand. Finally, he was ready for more.

He paused at the veranda door, soaking up the serene picture of her silhouetted against the silver moonlight. The wind swirled her long, chestnut-brown curls around her bare shoulders. Kayden’s chest tightened under the weight of her beauty. The moon’s rays caught the shimmering outline of her tattoo. It was beautiful; she was beautiful. He’d never wanted to taste a woman as much as he wanted to taste her, and taste her he would. By the time tonight was over, he’d taste every inch of her delicious body. But it wouldn’t be enough. It would never be enough to satisfy his want. Not wanting an inch of distance between them any longer, he joined her.

Kayden handed her a glass and her smile weakened his knees. “Shall we toast?”

She nodded, holding up her glass.

“To new beginnings,” he said softly.

“New beginnings,” she repeated. They tapped their glasses together and sipped. Her eyes softened as the glass moulded to her plump lips. His balls ached from being so close and not touching her. Kayden’s teeth clenched, evidence of his struggle to maintain control of his physical reaction to her.

She shivered, even though it was a balmy thirty-seven degrees.


“A little, must be the sea breeze,” she said almost in a whisper.

Itching to touch her, he said, “Let’s head inside where we can make ourselves more comfortable.”

She nodded and headed back inside, Kayden palming her lower back. She paused by his mahogany desk and placed her glass down, her slender back teasing Kayden’s senses. Reaching her in three strides, Kayden pushed in behind her, brushing the wisps of hair from her silky neck. He pressed his lips to her right shoulder, where her tattoo began. He wanted to kiss it all the way down her body to its unknown end. His cock grew more painfully hard by the second. He’d wear a permanent imprint of his zipper, if he didn’t release it soon.

She glanced toward the door. “What if someone comes in?”

“Impossible,” he said. “I locked the door.” Eager to know her identity, Kayden reached for the ribbons holding her mask in place.

“No,” she whispered stilling his hands with hers. “It adds to the mystery of the night, don’t you think?”

His hands burned under her delicate touch. Saucy little minx. Two can play at this game. “Your wish is my command, milady.” Kayden ran his tongue over the outline of her tattoo. He sucked at the emerald-green vine leaves. She gasped when he nipped her skin between his teeth. “My woman likes that.”

Moaning in pleasure, she rolled her head back into the crook of his neck. “God, you’re so beautiful,” he said against her soft skin. She tasted every bit as yummy as she looked. “Honey, if the masks stay on, then the clothes are coming off.”

“I think that can be arranged,” she said, her breath coming in short bursts.

God help him. He wanted to be inside her now, feel her sweet wetness surround his rock-hard shaft. His hand slid around her torso, anchoring her to his chiseled chest.

Her ragged breathing matched his. She was as hot for him as he was for her.

“Oh God,” she gasped as her body wilted into his. “You feel so good.”

“Sweetheart, I haven’t even begun to make you feel good,” Kayden said, unclipping the top button on her dress. “By the time I’m done, you’re going to beg me to never stop.” He could feel her racing pulse against his lips as he worked his way up her neck to her cute little earlobe.

The glide of her dress zipper opening purred through the semi-silent room. The swiftness with which it fell both shocked and pleased him.

Kayden’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, posed in a black, bone and lace corset, adorned with the sexiest stay-up stockings he’d ever laid eyes on. He didn’t think he could get any harder, but the image of her in those black heels would be burned into his mind forever.

“Holy shit, what are you trying to do to me? Kill me before we even get started?”

She turned, her brow creased. “What are you talking about?”

“I’m talking about how fucking amazing you look, dressed in that sexy corset. I’ve never seen anything so hot in my life.”


Kayden raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Seriously? Is that all you can say?”

A cheeky smile spread across her face.

“You have no idea how sexy you look right now, do you? If I were any more turned on, I’d probably come in my pants,” he said, threading his arm around her waist, thrusting her body up against his rock-hard cock. He eased a hand around the back of her neck and brought his lips down on hers. He took them hard, tasted them, savored them.

He kissed her again, deepening it this time. His urgency bled into her mouth. He stole her breath. Her sweet scent soaked his body from the outside in.

 Jesus, I’ve died and gone to heaven. Once he was deep inside her, soaking up her wet desire, she would know that she was his.

He drew in steadying breaths, trying to calm the adrenaline that buzzed through his body. “I’ve changed my mind. The panties come off but the corset stays on,” he whispered against her sensitive earlobe. “I’ve thought of nothing else all night, except fucking you naked, but now all I want to do is have you take me deep inside you while you’re wearing this sexy corset and those fuck-me heels.”

“I…I think that can be arranged,” she said, visibly shaking in his arms, her breathing heavy and laboured. Just the way he wanted her, hot and desperate for him.

He ran his hand down the inside of her black, silky knickers, easing a finger into her wet pussy. “Bloody hell,” he rasped out. “So wet, and so ready for me.” He kissed her again, couldn’t stand to be away from her mouth for even a second.

She gasped when he pushed another finger inside her. “You like?”

“Mmmmm, I like,” she panted.

“I want to taste you, taste that sweetness bathing my finger.” He walked her back toward the lounge, lowered her, and spread her legs. He leaned down and pressed kisses over the silky hairs of her pussy. Her hips bowed off the lounge, thrusting into his waiting mouth. He nuzzled deeper into her folds, soaking up her sweet honey scent. He used his wet fingers to open her to him, his tongue plunged in, brushing from her entrance to her clit. She let out a jagged moan that filled his ears with pleasure.

He felt her body tense under his touch. “Let go, sweetheart. Show me how good it feels.”

“Oh God, don’t stop,” she moaned as her fingers dove into his hair. Need oozed from every inch of her taut body.

“Not gonna happen, baby.” He lapped up her sweet-smelling juices with his tongue. “Come in my mouth, let me taste you.”

Kayden stepped up his attentions. He dove his tongue deep inside her, while his thumb slipped over her clit. She went even softer around his tongue, rolling it as he licked and sucked her dry.

Greedy for her orgasm, his finger delved inside her silky walls. She went wild underneath his touch. “That’s it, baby. Get there.”

Her juices bathed his lips. He lapped up the smooth, sweet liquid like it was melted caramel. Her hips bucked, riding out the wave of her orgasm. Goddamn it, he was so hard. He wanted inside her. Now.

He rose up and she groaned at the loss of contact. Kayden’s gaze roamed her breathless, splayed body. His heart surged, adrenaline spiking through his veins. “Been dying to be inside you all night.”

She gasped, her breathing ragged. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

He made a mad grab for his wallet. “Just let me get a condom on, baby.” He ripped open the wrapper, and his cock twitched. It hated the touch of his own hand. He took a deep breath and positioned himself over her snug entrance.

“You’re tight, I don’t want to hurt you. Guide me in, sweetheart,” he said hoarsely. Sweat broke out on his forehead. Her fingers wrapped tightly around the shaft as she guided him to the mouth of her hot pussy. His body shuddered as he slid inside her. A snug fit. He couldn’t help but thrust deep. She gasped and her hands shot to his shoulders.

The intensity of her orgasm shook her body to its tightened core. She was still riding the euphoria when he entered her. She gasped, and her pussy swathed his stiff rod like a glove.

Oh God. She closed her eyes and savored the pleasure that washed over her as he thrust harder toward her G-spot.

She gasped, “You’re so big.”

His warm breath scooted over the sensitive spot behind her earlobe. “Music to me ears, baby,” he rasped. “The words every man wants to hear, but coming from you, they’re even sweeter.”

Her breath came out in staggered huffs. She was sure she was going to pass out. A tsunami of heat rushed through her and she couldn’t get enough air into her starved lungs. Her heart raced, beating hard against his chest as if it were running its own sprint race.

He pulled back, just so the head barely rimmed her entrance then he pushed back in, hard and fast, sending a multitude of shock waves coursing through her belly.

“Ahhhh,” she screamed. Her skin burned under his potent touch.

He groaned an assortment of sexy sounds. “I can’t hold back much longer. I want you with me, sweetheart.”

Her nipples tightened and they strained against her corset, desperate for his caress. Her head thrashed from side to side. “I…I can’t do it again,” she whispered, each word draining the air from her body.

“Yes, yes, you can,” he grunted between thrusts.

“Oh God, don’t stop,” she gasped breathlessly, her nails digging into his heated flesh. She knew she’d leave marks. At least he’ll have these to remember me by when it’s over.

“Are you far, honey?

“No. Oh God, now…don’t stop. I’m going to explode into a million pieces.”

Her words seemed to spur the caveman locked inside him. Guttural, animalistic sounds filled her ears. He slapped his body hard against hers, unleashing a multitude of expletives as his orgasm exploded, sending her falling into a heavenly abyss.

The world went blurry, and her body seemed to splinter in all directions. Shards of sexual desire ricocheted through her body. Tash tightened so painfully that she cried out, her body begging for release.

And then she was propelled over the edge, as if she had jumped off a cliff into the unknown, free-falling on a wave of ecstasy. Her orgasm sailed on until her body went limp in his arms. Spent, unable to move, the blazing heat in her body threatened her ability to function.

Kayden’s words zapped Tash from her fantasy. “You’re amazing,” he said still out of breath. “I knew it from the first time I laid eyes on you. You are the woman for me.”

Damn it, Kayden. This wasn’t part of the deal. You were supposed to be a distraction. You weren’t supposed to work your way into my stone-cold heart. This was a mistake—a big mistake.

Her heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to pound right out of her chest. It sent a wave of panic through her body. “I…”

Tash’s words were stolen by a sharp knock at the door. She bolted upright into his rock-hard chest. Intense fear consumed her and she started to shake.

“Hey, it’s okay, the door is locked, remember,” his lips murmured against her sensitive skin. “Now…”

 The knock sounded again, more rushed, more urgent. “For God’s sake, will they never give up? Don’t they know I’m in heaven right now?” Kayden said as he ran his finger down the side of her cheek.

Tash held her breath; his eyes froze her in place. “Shouldn’t we…ah…maybe get dressed?”

“The only thing I want to do is get rid of this damn condom. Then I want to hold your gorgeous body for a while.” Her silky pussy coated him as he slowly withdrew. “Wait here, I’ll be right back.” He smiled at her. “It seems I finally have a reason to stick around.”

The persistent knock was getting louder by the second. A baritone voice boomed through the solid oak door. “Kayden…Kayden are you in there? It’s Marty. Lucas is looking for you. He wants to talk to you and square away the deal before the night is out.”

“For God’s sake,” he muttered under his breath, disposing of the condom.

“Who’s Marty?” Tash asked, her voice shaky.

“He’s my cousin, and the man that helped me organize the party tonight.”


“I am damn well not talking business tonight,” he said fixing his clothes. “Wait right there while I get rid of him.”

 Kayden opened the door just enough to block the room with his body. Tash scrambled into her dress, his sharp words nabbing her attention.

“No, I don’t care,” he snapped. “I don’t want to talk to anyone. This is a party, not the time or the place to conduct business. Tell Lucas he’ll just have to call me some other time.”

Tash’s chest tightened. She swallowed and shook her head. I’m here on business.

“Tonight is a celebration to bring in the New Year,” Kayden said. “I don’t want to talk to anyone who is here on business. If that’s all they’re here for, show them the door.”

Tash’s heart pounded inside her chest. Oh God, as soon as I mention Sinead, he’s going to think I used him for sex. Which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Kayden’s stern voice startled her. “What now?”

Tash spotted the only escape—through the open veranda doors. If she managed to get out before he came back, her life, past and present, could stay a mystery and he would be none the wiser. At least she’d have this one amazing night to remember.

Sinead will understand. I’ll just tell her I never got the chance to speak to him alone.

Tash grabbed her shoes and purse and bolted on tiptoe toward the veranda. Kayden’s voice faded into the distance with each tortured step.

Why put her heart through this again? A tight knot formed in her throat.

Will you never learn from your mistakes?


Kayden was fast losing his temper. “Listen, Marty I’m not interested in speaking to anyone at the moment. You could say I’m in a personal meeting of sorts. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back.”

A smirk spread across Marty’s face. “Of course. Say no more, and if I don’t see you again, Happy New Year.”

A chill worked up Kayden’s spine. “I intend it to be a very happy new year. Now go.”

Kayden chuckled to himself as he watched Marty swagger away. Thank God. The next person that interrupts is going to wish they were never born.

He closed and locked the door, smiling to himself. It had been a long time since he had a reason to smile. He did now.

“We’ll have no more—” He stopped midsentence. His breath caught in his throat, his eyes transfixed on the empty couch.

Kayden’s gut clenched, an unnerving silence filled the room. “What the fuck?” he said an octave higher. Where the hell did she go?

Anxious, his eyes sort the open veranda door. I don’t understand. Why the hell would she leave after what we shared together?

 His pulse raced, and he battled to keep his thoughts in check. The idea of losing her for a second time nearly sent him to his knees. His eyes scanned the empty veranda, which riled him up even more. “If you think you’re going to be able to skip out, think again. There’s no way I’ll let you go. I’ll turn this town upside down before I give up on you…on us.”




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