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Maxxus: Talonian Warriors (A Sci-Fi Weredragon Romance) by Celeste Raye (24)

Chapter 8

Alexis spent a few days in a haze of sorts, with Nabvan treating her wounds and helping her wash up. They talked a lot and got some rest. She remembered that after the second shot of pain meds that the ship began to move again, and it made her afraid that King Shene would show back up for another round of punishments. But he never came. Nabvan suspected he was into commanding the ship since Nabvan himself was not there to see it through. Apparently, that was part of Nabvan’s old job: commanding the ship. Why had fate been so cruel as to place the king on the ship at that time instead of just Nabvan? Nabvan might have chosen her then, and she wouldn’t be going through this. She would be free to tell him that he was making her new and pitiful life livable again. She would be free to tell him that she blushed sometimes when his eyes landed on her body or when hers grazed over his six pack.

The day the ship stopped moving again, she knew that she was doing better. She could move with little to no soreness, and she could stand to have heavy clothes against her body. She did not know where they could be or what would be happening next, but she somehow felt she could face it as long as Nabvan was not taken away from her. Though, in the back of her mind, she feared that it was exactly what was going to happen once they got to their home planet.

Some instructions came through the intercom, but it was in the Milisarian language. Alexis looked to Nabvan for an explanation, and he nodded somberly. She doubted it was any news she wanted to hear, but it was better to be prepared.

“We are home,” he told her, and she raised her eyebrow at him. She wasn’t sure how she felt about calling Milisaria home yet, but it was going to be the case regardless of whether it felt that way or not.

“What will happen to me once we are there?” she asked, hoping there was already an answer. The unknown at this point would be so much worse. There had been too many surprises since she left Earth, and she was done with them.

“I am to wait with you until everyone else is off the ship and gone before I take you into the inner city. You’ll be given your own room at the palace, which extends out into the knights’ quarters as well. I do not think the king is ready to see you just yet. I am not sure if it is because he is giving up on you or because he is coming up with a new plan. I just know that you get your own room and you get to eat again.” Alexis was not sure if she could dare to have hope about the news. Her mind ran a hundred miles an hour as she thought about the possibilities. Maybe she could find her freedom. Maybe she could find a ship to escape on. But it was too soon to say.

Nabvan did exactly as he said, waiting until the ship was clear until he took her out, wrapped up like a woman from the Middle East so that if they did run into anyone, they would have no idea it was the king’s mate or a beautiful human. Those were the words Nabvan had used with her. She was beyond flattered by it, and she wondered what he was feeling for her.

He ushered her off the ship and tried to get her to move quickly down a long shooting hall, but she had to stop and look out the long, large windows. The view was stunning. Two of the moons were so close she swore she could reach out and touch them, and large marshes spread out in front of them. Milisaria was full of water: green seas and expansive marshes, and a few rolling hills for miles and miles. It was too bad she was barely above being a prisoner. She wanted to be out there exploring all the landscapes and new creatures and bacteria that lived on the planet. Instead, she would be locked in a room again, even if it was entirely her own.

Finally, they came into a white building with plenty of hallways. It looked a bit like a massive version of the ship, except there was noise coming from everywhere. Apparently, the living quarters for the Milisarian knights were pretty rowdy. It reminded her of college dorms a bit as they kept walking towards the center of the structure.

They reached a room that was on what Nabvan explained to be the second tier. That meant it was the second tier of the spiraling center of the city, away from where the king lived. Why she was being kept so far away, she didn’t know, but maybe he wanted her to have nothing to do with the decisions he made or what was going on in the government on the planet.

The room was smaller than the one on the ship; cozier, but it was nice. It felt more homey to her.

Alexis went to take off all the wraps, but Nabvan reached over to stop her. “Maybe not just yet,” he whispered with a cheeky grin on his face. “You look like you could use some good food.” Alexis cocked her head to the side, wondering what he was up to when he took her hand and led her further into tier two. Soon, they came upon a large kitchen with tons of female Milisarians working on delicious smelling food. “Pick what you want,” he told her. “And we’ll take it back to your room.” She nodded happily and began to smell around for what she thought was the best of the food, picking what she wanted to try. It was the best time she’d had since getting captured.

She was practically skipping by the time they left with a tray full of food for them both, but there was one thing she felt brave enough to ask for. “Nabvan,” she asked, pausing before they reached the door to her new room. “I had a really good friend on the ship with me. Her name was Destiney. Is there any way you would be able to find her so I know that she is alright?”

Nabvan looked down at her like he was thinking it over and found it to be the worst idea in history. It probably was, but she needed to know. She had to know for her own sanity. “This could get us in a lot of trouble depending on who she is with, Alexis. But I will at least try and see where she is. Is that good enough?” Nabvan asked with a sigh. He seemed to be giving into her a lot lately, and she wondered why that was. Did he know their time together was getting shorter now that they had landed on Milisaria?

She watched as he used a holographic watch to send a call out, one she did not understand. The Milisarians knew English very well, but their language was more beautiful. It sounded dark, like their planet, which lacked much light beyond the four moons; two of them were close enough to make the planet look more like Earth at dusk or twilight.

After speaking with someone, Nabvan pointed her in the direction of the further end of the second tier. “She is that way and is prepared to see you. She is with a friend of mine named Siefer. He will not give you any trouble.” Alexis could not believe it as Nabvan led her to one of the final doors down the second there, and they knocked on it. She was about to see Destiney, something she never thought she would have the pleasure of again.

Alexis hoped for the best as the door swung open to reveal a familiar-looking Milisarian knight. He was tall, but a little shorter than Nabvan, and he had dark eyes and hair like the rest of them. He seemed a little older though. It must have been Siefer, and Alexis was surprised to see the two men embrace before letting her in the door. Sure enough, there was a glowing and happy Destiney sitting on the bed leisurely. Alexis ran over to her, not caring about the wounds she still had. Her skin still had some angry cuts that she knew could open up, but she was just so happy to see Destiney alive and well.

“Destiney!” she squealed with excitement as she tackled her in a hug.

“Oh, don’t squeeze too tight. My body is a little more delicate than usual,” Destiney warned. Alexis slid back to look at her friend. That glow was the glow of pregnancy.

“You’re having a baby?” Alexis was horrified at first until Destiney smiled with reassurance.

“Yes, but it was my choice. Siefer and I are a real match.” Destiney winked at Siefer, and Alexis could see the pride and love on his face. He was treating her exceptionally well. “I can’t say much else for the rest of the women, though. I have only met two others that are alright with who they are with. Neither of them are pregnant yet but are trying. I don’t think it was as easy as the king thought it would be.” The mention of the king made her flinch. “You were chosen by him, weren’t you?”

Alexis did not know how to answer. Destiney was happy like she deserved. She did not want Destiney to worry about her, but she also could not lie. She just nodded and hoped it would not be pushed any further. “Yes. This is just Nabvan. He has been assigned as my keeper while the king is busy.” Alexis nodded towards her constant companion, and he waved awkwardly.

“I thought I would have been able to see you already since you are with the king. What’s been going on?” It was the question she was dreading. Alexis looked to Nabvan like he might save her from the answer, but it was actually Siefer who spoke up first.

“King Shene has many women. None of them are allowed much freedom, and this human one even more so. He wants to have a half human child very badly, so badly that he does not care who he hurts to get one.”

Destiney looked at Alexis, and Alexis could see the sadness in her eyes. “You’re hurt then, like some of the others?” she asked. Alexis did not like to hear that other women were being harmed.

“I don’t know anything about the others. This is the first time I have been outside of the king’s suite on the ship. But, yes, he has hurt me for refusing to mate with him just like that. I cannot just give myself up like that. But I am glad you have found the right man here,” Alexis told her, placing her hand over Destiney’s.

“You stay safe out there, okay? Don’t let him run over you, even if he is the king. I’ll do what I can,” Destiney said with a whimper. Alexis could tell that Destiney was holding back tears.

Alexis nodded and hugged her friend one more time. She knew she could not stay. “I’ll come see you again if I can.” She stood up and walked to the door with Nabvan, not looking back for fear she would not be able to leave. She followed him back to her new room and removed all the wraps, leaving on just the black body suit she had on underneath. Her hair fell over her still-healing wounds, and she did not know what to do with herself.

“What now?” she asked Nabvan, unsure of how she was going to just sit there again and wait for the next attack from King Shene.

“Now, we wait.” She nodded, figuring that would be the answer before sitting down to the much-needed meal. They ate in silence, and all Alexis could think about was that she was going to live and die here sooner or later.