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Middleweight (Hallow Brothers Book 2) by Trish Andersen (6)

Chapter Six

Eve was thankful the path didn’t branch off as she drove through the early morning dawn back to the highway. She couldn’t formulate a coherent thought if she tried. She was filled with lust, regret, and anger. Before she realized it, she was spat out onto the road not far from Sharky’s. The old man was outside polishing a pump with a dirty rag as she pulled into the lot.

“Alo, Miss. Yer Micah’s girl,” he announced.

“Eve, yes,” she answered quietly.

“I didn ear ye pull up from de highway.”

“I didn’t come from the highway.” Eve pointed a shaky finger toward the line of trees. “I spent the night up there.”

Sharky gaped at her as he ran a weathered hand through his thin hair. “Miss Eve, da full moon.”

Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “I know, Sharky. I know. I’m wishing it was a bad nightmare.”

He tucked the dirty rag in his back pocket. “Do ye want me to take ye to Miz Edith’s and Miz Edna’s? Ye can be with Missus Evelyn and Missus Meg then.”

“Not really. I don’t know them at all. But I don’t want to go home and deal with my roommate either.” She gazed at the forest and sighed. “I guess I have nowhere to go.”

“Ye can stay ‘ere with me till the moon iz pass.” Sharky billowed his chest out proudly.

Meg couldn’t help but laugh. “I would appreciate that. Thank you. I do need to get a few things from town. I can’t wear this same outfit every day.”

“Righty. Me’ll fix uz up a big pot of stew for sup’r. Me brother Amos can keep iz eye on it. He lives ere wit me.”

“That sounds great. I’ll run into town now. My roommate shouldn’t be home. I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

“See ye then.”

Sharky waved wildly as Eve kicked off the ground and drove down the highway. She forced her brain to process a list of things to pack to take back. She needed clothes. She highly doubted the old man had any soap and shampoo for her to use. Did he use any of that at all? She would need something to wear to bed at Sharky’s. What would she wear to sleep with Micah? Nothing but his skin on mine. I’ll stay warm with his body heat.

She raced up the steps to her apartment and slipped the key into the lock. She froze as she heard voices inside. Shit. Was Tabitha home? She stood in silence as she strained to hear. She exhaled slowly in relief. Tabitha must have left the television on. She popped open the door and stormed in.

She grabbed the first bag she could find in her closet and jammed clothes into it. She had more bags than a woman should, but they were helpful in her line of work. She could pack several of them to go out on jobs to strip for private parties when Deacon assigned them to her. What she would do with them now she didn’t know. Sell them, give them away, she didn’t care. She just wanted to get back to Micah.

She hurried through her bathroom and then opened a dresser or two. The bag was about to burst. She zipped it closed as her gaze fell to beneath her bed. She slumped to the floor and stared.

Eve crawled across the carpet and pulled a cardboard box out from beneath the frame. Popping the top off, she searched the contents inside. The plastic bag was nearly full of white powder. There were also some plain white straws, a lighter, a package of syringes, and a metal spoon.

She closed her eyes. When did she get high the first time? She let out a heavy sigh. It was right out of foster care when she was on her own for the first time. She should have been excited. She didn’t have to answer to anyone but herself. It was the worst time of her life. She couldn’t get lower than she was then. Shooting up was the only thing that took away her pain. It was the only way to forget the life that she loved, the one that she lost, the one that never got a chance to be born. It was either that or suicide.

She had just kicked the habit when she met Deacon. He forced her into the ugly spiral once again. Every time she thought she could get clean again, he found a way to tempt her. And if temptation didn’t work, he jammed the needle in her arm.

Could Micah be her new start? She wanted him to be. Despite what she saw, despite what the truth about him was, she wanted to be Suzy Homemaker. Her heart sunk in her chest. A tiger couldn’t change its spots. All she knew was abuse and scorn. Love wasn’t possible for her.

Eve pried open her bag and shoved the things inside.

She closed it again and fled her apartment, locking the door behind her.

Eve parked her motorcycle outside the station as the sun bathed the barren fields around it in a pumpkin glow. She strode to the door to knock, but Sharky yanked it open before she could. “’Bout to lock ‘er up. Come in. Let’s git some grub.” Sharky waved her in the store and locked it behind her. He led her through the dark shop. Eve was a little shocked to find modern cars perched on the lifts. She assumed that Sharky would only be experienced with the antiques the Hallows drove. She shook herself to her senses and followed the old man through a hallway into an amber lit room.

The shack was hardly bigger than her apartment, but it was warm and cozy as far as bachelor pads went. The smell of beef and vegetables hit her the second she crossed over the threshold. Her stomach growled in protest. It suddenly dawned on her she hadn’t eaten yet that day. The smothering feeling of need and fear took away any desire to eat.

Sharky waved toward the farthest door on the left. “Ye can ‘ave my room. I’ll just bunk wit Amos. That right, old coot?” Sharky smacked his brother in the shoulder with the back of his hand. Amos grunted in agreement.

“Thank you.” Eve scurried through the living room until she was surrounded by the cool dark of the bedroom. She dropped the bag on the bed then stared at it. Did she have time to shoot up? With the day she had, she really could use it.

“Miz Eve,” Sharky called.

“Shit,” she muttered under her breath. “Coming,” she called back. She stepped into the living room again to be greeted by a toothy grin and the biggest bowl of stew she’d ever seen.

“’Ave a seat. Eat ‘er up.” Sharky waved toward the sofa and then sunk into a faded, threadbare recliner. Eve settled on the couch and took a bite. She groaned. It was the best stew she had ever had. She inhaled half the bowl before she realized it. The two old men picked at theirs as they grumbled at each other.

She sat quietly with them as they watched an old black and white western on the console TV. She felt like she was back in the fifties. It just lent to the nightmare. She stood to get a drink of water. Neither man moved as she opened cupboards to find a glass. She stopped as she found a piece of paper taped inside one door. Eight phone numbers and the person each belonged to was handwritten onto it.

“Sharky, are these the cell phone numbers for the brothers?” she asked.

He bolted upright in his chair. “And Missus Evelyn. But none ‘posed to know those.”

She smiled. “I’m only interested in one. Do you mind? The full moon isn’t quite out yet.”

He slumped back in the chair and took a bite of stew. “’Pose it won’t hurt.”

Eve slipped her cell from the back pocket of her jeans and typed the phone number into her contacts. Then she opened up a screen to send a text.

Hey, sexy. Still human?

She gnawed on her lower lip as she waited. Maybe the moon didn’t have to be up to turn. She smiled as a message popped on the screen.

Who is this?

I hope only one woman is calling you sexy. Or at least there should be since you and I are mates.

She hit send and then took a selfie and followed up by sending it too. She wished Sharky and Amos good night and then disappeared into Sharky’s room, closing the door behind her. Her phone lit up before she could land on the bed.

This is a surprise. I didn’t know you had my number. Are you with my mom and Meg?

Her fingers flew across the screen before she hit send. No. I’m staying with Sharky. I got your number from the list he keeps. Hey, I sent you a selfie. Where’s mine?

She frowned when the response came. Let’s not play that game, baby.

Why not? Just send me a selfie.

There was a long moment before Micah texted back. The photo he sent made Eve’s throat go dry and every nerve in her body tingle in anticipation. He stood in the bathroom, the one she was trapped in that morning, taking a photo of his reflection. He was naked with an erection bigger than she remembered. The sight alone made her pinch her breast through her shirt until her nipple was hard.

She let go of herself to tap on the glass. Wow. What the fuck are you thinking about to get that hot and bothered?

She licked her lips as she waited. It’s a typical reaction before the change. It helps to have inspiration though. I’ve probably fucked you five or six times in my mind tonight.

She typed before she could think. I want you here to fuck me now.

I want the same thing.

I can be there in an hour.

The moon will be up before then.

Fuck. Eve exhaled loudly. The torture was too much. She glanced back at the cell to see another message. Lay back. I want to try something Cay told me about.

I’m on Sharky’s bed. She protested in text.

Don’t give a shit. Do it. But hurry. We’re running out of time.

Eve lay back on the mattress with her head resting on the pillow. She texted him back. Okay. I’ve laid back. Now what?

She nearly jumped off the bed when her phone rang with a call instead of a text. “Hello?”

Micah’s voice was a deep rumble. “Lay the phone on the pillow next to your ear. Listen to what I say. Do whatever I say. Understand?”


“All right. Unfasten your pants. Slip your hand inside your panties. Rub yourself.”

Eve popped the fly on her jeans and slid the zipper down. She ran her hand down her body inside her underwear. She turned her head toward the phone, so the men couldn’t hear her on the other side of the door. “I’ve done it.”

“Imagine me running my tongue up and down the length of you, teasing you, dipping inside you to taste you. Feel my fingers pump in and out of you.”

She didn’t have to imagine it. His voice hypnotized her. She tugged and rubbed herself as her imagination ran wild. As he spoke again, she dipped a couple of fingers inside her and rocked hard against her hand.

“Next I smother your breasts with kisses and bites as I thrust deep inside you. Each stroke gets deeper and deeper until I fill every sweet, hot crevice of you.”

Eve whimpered as her hand picked up the pace. She felt a knot grow in her belly. She needed release. She needed him. She writhed and thrashed as the fire built inside her.

“I kiss you deep as I pin your hands to the bed with mine. I swell inside you, pulling you apart, as I get closer to coming. Come with me, baby. Come now, Eve.”

Eve bit down on the sleeve of her shirt to muffle her cries as the orgasm ripped its way through her. She shook in sheer pleasure. No man ever made her come over the phone. It was too hard to take them seriously. Micah did things to her she couldn’t understand. It terrified her.

She was slightly aware of the long string of curses he spat out followed by a guttural groan. Eve wiped her hand on her jeans and then pressed the phone to her ear. “Did you?”

She heard a breathy pant. “Fuck yeah. The same time you did. You were a good girl. You listened well. I won’t have to punish you now.”

The thought of Micah’s large hand swatting her ass sent one last shiver through her. “I might like that.”

There was no response. Eve frowned. “Micah?”

The sound of his cell clattering to the floor hit her ears. There was silence for a long time. “Micah.”

An inhuman growl came through the receiver. There was huffing and snorting. Eve turned toward the window and sighed. The yard outside the shack was bathed in the pure white light of the full moon. “I’ll talk to you soon. Stay safe out there.”

She ended the call and set the phone on the end table. She flopped to her other side and fidgeted to get comfortable. She stared at her bag. It wouldn’t take much to get her things out, to get a quick high before she went to bed.

Her eyes suddenly grew heavy. She tried to push herself up to get to her things. The mystical force that made her lust so strong for Micah now beckoned for sleep to overtake her. She hugged her pillow tight and fell asleep.


The next few days of the full moon felt like an eternity. Eve hit the needle hard for the first couple of days. She wasn’t sure if it was to numb the insane desire that possessed her or to help her forget a man she hardly knew but had already saved her life. She hated herself each time the syringe pierced her skin. There was no hope for her. Micah deserved better.

Then Sharky asked for help in his shop. It wasn’t much. He just asked if she would mind pushing a broom along the garage floor. He must have sensed the abuse she was putting herself through. She reluctantly agreed. The old man had offered up his bed to her. But sweeping led to ridding each flat surface of the half-inch layer of dust that caked over it. Dusting led to scrubbing the dingy windows until the sun streamed through. By the time she was done, the place looked almost new.

Each night she found a wad of bills tucked under her pillow. She tried to return them, but he wouldn’t accept it. She didn’t want to insult him even though she was sure he needed the cash. With all the chores she did for Sharky, she kept herself busy enough and exhausted enough to avoid getting high. Not that her body didn’t crave the drugs. The pain and sweating was almost too much.

She was on her hands and knees cleaning the cement floor when the bell over the door chimed. She gazed up at the person she had been fantasizing about the past week.

Micah grinned at her. “This is an exciting position to find you in.”

She sat back and glared at him. “What are you doing here?”

“The full moon is over. I’ve been sent to tell Sharky to go get Momma and Meg.”

“You guys have phones. Why don’t you call?”

“Momma and Meg get extremely anxious to get back to us. We can’t waste time trying to reach Sharky by phone. The old man doesn’t hear it ring half the time anyway.”

“Oh.” Eve stood, wiping her hands on her pants. She felt her nerves quake. He never left her mind. He filled her dreams. Now he stood here in the flesh. “So, I need to figure out a place to li…”

Her words were stolen by his kiss. She clung to him and pulled him against her. Her body craved his. He cupped her head in his hands so she couldn’t escape. Not that she wanted to. It was the last thing she wanted to do.

The bell tinkled again. “Meester Micah, yer here.”

Micah broke the kiss. Eve nearly screamed in protest.

“Yeah, Sharky. It’s all right for Mom and Meg to come home. I can go get them if you’re busy.”

Sharky chuckled. “Ye look likes you have yer hands busy. I be goin’ shortly.”

They waited just long enough to hear the door shut before they attacked each other again. Eve gasped as Micah nipped the curve of her neck. He gripped her ass and ground her against him.

“I need you,” Eve begged.

“I need you too, and I can’t wait until we get back to camp.” Micah let her go and crossed the store to the door. He smirked at her as he flipped the lock and turned the sign to CLOSED.

Eve swallowed hard before she spoke. “What about Amos?”

“Don’t scream too loud and we won’t disturb him.” He grabbed her hand in his and led her into the garage. He lifted her up and sat her on the hood of the first antique car he came to. He tugged her shirt over her head and then nestled his lips against the curve of her breast. She weaved her fingers in his hair as she moaned.

He unfastened her pants and rubbed hard between her thighs. She bucked hard at his touch.

“Jumpy?” he questioned.

“Micah, please. I do nothing but think of you. I don’t even know you. Just…”

She didn’t need to finish her sentence. He pulled her off the hood and then spun her around. He gently leaned her against the car. The cold metal against her nipples sent delicious shivers down her spine. She felt him roll her jeans and panties down her legs. Then she heard the clatter of his belt coming undone.

She let out a hiss of relief when the tip of his cock dipped inside her. His powerful fingers gripped her hips. He arched his hips against her ass as he impaled her. His thrusts were deeper, faster as he moaned her name.

She tried to meet his strokes but failed. Whimpering, she pinched and tugged at her nipples. Her dreams were nothing like the real thing. She felt him swell as his pace picked up, as he dug deeper inside her. His hand snaked between her legs and gently rubbed her. She screamed as the sudden wave hit her. “Micah.”

He twisted his hand in her hair as he pumped a few last deliberate strokes. She shook as he throbbed inside her, panting and grunting as he released. He collapsed against her, pinning her between his body and the car.

“You were seriously a virgin?” she questioned.

“It was a lot of porn,” he confessed. He pulled free from her. She stood up straight from the vehicle. Before she could turn or bend over, he redressed her in her panties and jeans.

“Micah, I can’t go home,” she murmured.

He turned her to him. “You’re going home. My home. My cabin. My bed. But we need to get back soon. I want more of you. And I seriously need to get training soon.”

Eve picked up her shirt and put it on. She touched his face. “Are you sure? I’m not right for you. I’m bad. So bad.”

He turned his face into the palm of her hand and kissed it. “You are my mate. Yes, I’m sure. Now go get your things. I have lost time to make up for, and I’m getting hungry again. Let’s go home.”

Eve pressed a kiss to his lips and then hurried into the shack for her things. She shoved her stray clothes into her bag and zipped it shut. She left a butterfly kiss on the forehead of a sleeping Amos and then weaved through the shack and garage to the front shop. She paused for a second to gaze at the car she had just been sprawled across as Micah fucked her. The memory took her breath away. She slipped into the front shop to search for him.

She found him outside leaning against his Jeep with his arms crossed over his chest. He strode to her and slammed the door to the store closed behind her. His gaze never left her as he slipped the key in the lock to secure the building. He followed her to the passenger side to help her in before sliding behind the wheel and flipping the ignition.

The sunshine was robbed by the trees as they sped up the lane into the forest. She felt Micah’s hand wander up her thigh. She returned the favor until her fingers caressed the ridge pressing thick against the zipper of his jeans. He hissed at her touch.

“Answer something for me?” she asked.

“What do you want to know?” he countered.

“What I saw up at your camp was the singularly most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen in my life bar none. Why, instead of screaming or sobbing or freaking out in general, did I want to fuck your brains out?”

Micah chuckled. “Good question. The past few days while we were apart I talked quite a bit about it with Cay.”

“Who’s Cay?”

“My little brother.”

“You discussed our sex life with your little brother?” The statement shocked her. A sex life? Up until Micah, all she had were one night stands. Now she had a sex life? She shook her head and waited for his answer.

Micah must have noticed her inner turmoil because he flashed her a crazy grin. “Up until our first night together, Cay was the only brother who mated. You know the perky, pregnant blonde? She’s Cay’s mate. And his wife.”

Eve nearly choked over his words. “Wife? You don’t expect…” She waved a finger between him and her.

Micah’s smile faded. “No. We don’t have to get married. If this arrangement as mates works for you, it works for me.” He took a deep breath. “Anyway, Cay explained that whatever spiritual power mated us also sends that crazy need for sex into us. You know, the one that has your hand wrapped around my cock? It’s there, so we get to know our mate better. We may be polar opposites, but we’re going to find common ground if all we want to do is fuck each other. It intensifies during the full moon because that’s when we’re fertile. It’s how we populate our kind.”

“Oh. I see.” Eve pulled her hand away and laid it in her lap. The look on his face when he said they didn’t have to get married broke her heart. It was the same one he had when she told him she couldn’t have children. They had never talked about their future. They hadn’t even known each other for a month. But she could sense he wanted a family. Oh, baby. I’m not the kind of woman you want to have a family with.

“I didn’t say I minded having your hand there,” Micah objected.

Eve laughed and leaned over to kiss his cheek. He smiled again as he laid his hand on her knee and then turned his attention back to the road.

The rest of the drive through the forest was silent. The tension between the two of them grew almost too thick to breathe. Eve couldn’t figure it out. Was it sexual or had they reached an impasse? She let out a sigh of relief as light broke through the cab when they reached the clearing.

Micah shifted into park and leaned against the steering wheel. An old beat up truck sat outside the largest building. Eve was certain it wasn’t here the night she drove her bike up here. Her eyes grew wide in alarm. She was so hypnotized by Micah, and what hung between his legs, she forgot her bike at Sharky’s. It was her prized possession, and she left it behind. “Oh, shit.”

Micah’s stare never left the truck. “What’s wrong?”

“I left my motorcycle at Sharky’s. I have to go back for it.”

“We will. We have to move your stuff up here anyway. At least I’m assuming we are. Correct me if I’m wrong. What the fuck is Littlefoot doing here?” Micah popped open his door and jumped out. He didn’t bother to help her from the vehicle. She watched, dumbfounded, as he stormed to the long building. She threw open her door and hopped out to follow him.

She didn’t look far to find him. Over half the building was converted into a martial arts gym. Micah had joined the group of men she had seen at the garage a week ago, including the older man with the long black hair. He held a piece of paper in his grip.

Eve curled up against her mate, aware of the stares of the other men on her. Micah looked down at her and cussed. “Shit. Sorry.”

“It’s all good,” she replied.

One of the brothers, a muscular guy with a Mohawk, chuckled. “Did you leave her in the Jeep? Micah, you’re such a dumbass.”

“And still your older brother, Sam. So shut the fuck up.”

The older man cleared his throat to get their attention. “We have important things to discuss, gentlemen. We need to talk about this before your mother gets back. I don’t want her to know about what I have to share. It will kill her. But I do think we need to take a moment to introduce our new member of the family. When you seven bicker, you sort of blend together.” He offered a hand to her. “I am Adam Littlefoot. I was Zane’s best friend. When he died, I took it upon myself to help out with Evelyn and the boys.”

“Who is Zane?” Eve questioned.

“My dad,” Micah answered softly.

“And Evelyn is their mother,” Littlefoot added. “Boys, introduce yourself to your new sister.”

The brother with the long, curly black hair offered his hand. “I’m Josiah. I’m the only one who can claim to be Micah’s older brother.”

The brother with the Mohawk followed suit. “I’m Samuel. Or Sam. I’m the third oldest.”

The one with the shaggy dark hair shoved his hands in his pockets. Then as if it was an afterthought, he held out his hand. “Caleb. I’m dead in the middle. I can introduce you to my mate, Meg, when she gets back.”

The next two stepped forward at the same time and then elbowed each other. The slightly taller one spoke first. He looked eerily like Caleb. “I’m Joshua, the third youngest. This idiot next to me is Ezekiel.”

“Hey, stupid shit. I can introduce myself.” He did the same as the brothers before him. “I’m Ezekiel, the next to last.”

The last was a little smaller and sort of gangly. His hands were shoved in the pockets of his jeans. He barely lifted his head when he spoke, and his voice was barely audible. “I’m Abraham, and I’m the youngest.”

Eve smiled as she waved. “I’m Eve. I’m, well, Micah’s mate I guess.”

Josiah grinned at her. “Welcome to our family.” He turned to Littlefoot. “So what’s going on that you needed to talk to us without Momma?”

Littlefoot turned to Eve. “Maybe you could give us fellas a moment?”

Micah snaked his fingers between hers and held her to him. “She’s fine. What’s up?”

Littlefoot paused before he spoke. “There was an attack last night. Something killed an old farmer and his wife near the reservation.”

“So what does that have to do with us?” Caleb asked.

“It was a beast.”

“And you assumed it was us?”

“Whatever killed them left a full herd of sheep. A wolf or bear would have eaten the sheep and left the humans. Whatever attacked them wanted human flesh. And it left a bloodbath inside the house.”

The brothers looked at each other warily. Eve frowned at Micah. “You feed on humans?”

“No,” Micah assured her. “We are ingrained with a blood lust. But it’s easy to control.”

“Well, not for all of us,” Caleb commented as he glared at Abraham.

Abraham ripped his hands from his pockets and clenched them on his hips. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“You almost attacked Eve when she showed up the first night of the full moon.”

“I didn’t do whatever it is Littlefoot is talking about. I was hunting near the North Cabin. Next to the stream.”

“Were you cognizant of what you were doing at the time?” Sam interrogated.

“None of us are. But I’m telling you I didn’t do it. Didn’t Cay tell us humans taste different?”

Eve bit back a gasp. Micah squeezed her hand. Caleb shot a glance at her before turning to Abraham. “Thanks for bringing that up, asshole.”

“Guys, shut the fuck up,” Josiah ordered. “We can’t prove anyone did anything. We need to keep a low profile. And during the next full moon, everyone hunts in pairs. Agreed?”

There was a low rumble of agreement between the seven of them. Slowly they wandered off to their next activity. Micah led Eve from the gym back outside to his vehicle. Eve stared at Caleb before he disappeared around the corner.

“Caleb attacked a human and ate them? He likes feeding on humans?” Eve whispered to him.

He opened the door and grabbed her bag. He slung it over his shoulder and then slammed it shut. “You have to understand. My stupid ass brother joined the army after our dad died. He was sent overseas and promoted to Special Ops.”

“How could he be in the Army and hide who he was during the full moon?”

Micah gazed at her as he brushed a dark lock of hair from her shoulder. His touch made her shiver in anticipation. She needed him to touch other parts of her right now. “We can control the change. It feels like someone is disemboweling us though. I haven’t felt greater pain. I’ve suppressed it once or twice. Cay did it for six months. He was on a mission when he confronted a single enemy. It was a full moon, and he was under so much pressure he couldn’t hold it. He did what he had to do to neutralize his enemy. No feasting. Just survival.”

Eve tuned out every other word he said. She didn’t want to hear about Cay. She understood enough that she knew he wasn’t a threat to her. She wanted to taste those lips that were talking. She wanted to feel them on her skin.

He hovered over her, a wicked grin spread across his face. “Ready to go home?”

“Uh-huh,” was all she could stammer out.




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