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Mr. Accidental Cowboy: Jet City Matchmaker Series: Dylan by Gina Robinson (12)



Laura and Dylan disappeared before the evening was over. They could have gone to one of the onsite restaurants for an after-dinner drink and some quiet conversation. But judging by the way they'd been dancing and looking at each other, I wasn't naïve enough to believe that. The most obvious answer was that they'd gone to Dylan's room. And were breaking the rules.

Look, yes, I'd made the rules. But the rules were based on many years of very good relationship research done by accredited researchers. I wanted the most of this relationship for Dylan and Laura. By the most, I meant I wanted it to last a lifetime. I was worried they were blowing it. Okay, bad terminology. That they were lessening their chances of success. Stacking the odds against themselves.

Despite my earlier euphoria over so many successes, and the overall success of the ball, I was in an anxious mood when the ballroom finally emptied, the tabs were closed, the bills were paid, the staff were sent home, and Lazer and I retired to his room for the night at the Millennium's top floor. We had a corner suite, which was a good thing—fewer neighbors to hear us fight.

Lazer was still in his dark and stormy mood, a mood I had little experience with and wasn't sure how to handle. The sad truth is that I can coach clients how to behave in just about every situation, but being personally on the defensive? I was too close for any real perspective.

"I wish you'd just talk to me," I said to Lazer when the door was shut.

He untied his tie and tossed it away. It landed near the window and lay limp on the floor. "I don't think you want me to talk right now. I'll say something I regret."

I set my crown on a table next to a vase of roses that was supposed to be romantic but looked ridiculous in this angry atmosphere. The last thing on either of our minds was romance.

I clutched my purse. "Maybe I should just go home, then. Give you your space and time to cool off."

"That won't do any good. I won't cool off. I'll stew and get angrier." His gaze was fierce.

I glared at him. "Then what's the solution? You won't talk. You don't want me to leave. So we just cross our arms and glare at each other all night for as long as it takes?"

"You know what this is about."

"Why don't you just say it?" I slammed my purse down again. "Knox. This is about Knox and your stupid jealousy. I don't know what it is with you. Ruck was never jealous when I danced with Knox. If Ruck could trust his brother in arms, I don't see why you can't."

"Knox isn't my brother in arms. Ruck was a fool. Ruck shouldn't have trusted him either. The perfect Ruck." He spat the words out and let out a loud sound of disgust. "I'm tired of being compared to a dead man, an idealized version of a guy I can never compete with. A man I can't ridicule. Never speak ill of the dead, especially an honorable military man who died in the service of our country." Lazer's voice rose with each word, louder and louder. Angrier and angrier. "How do I compete with a hero? Hell, two heroes? One who lost body parts." His chest rose and fell.

He reached out and grabbed my arm. "Ever think that Ruck wasn't as perfect as you remember? Maybe Ruck was fallible. Maybe Ruck was blind to the fact that Knox wants you." Suddenly his voice dropped. "But I sure the hell am not."

I met his fierce look and took a step into him until we were almost nose to nose. "In case you haven't noticed—I'm a relationship expert. You're off base."

"Care to bet on that?" He grabbed me by the arm. "Because I'm not. I love you. I trust you. I want you by my side." His voice broke with his anger. "It's him I don't trust. I don't like being jealous. Believe it or not, I'm not the jealous type."

He was telling the truth—he usually wasn't.

"But I know when another guy is trying to move in on my territory, and Knox is. You can't see it because you can't believe it. Your past and his loyalty to Ruck is blinding you."

I wrapped my arms around Lazer and pressed my head to his chest while he stood stiff and uninviting. "I love you too." As I traced his chest, he relaxed and his attitude softened. "I don't want to fight with you. That's not what I had in mind for tonight, King of My Heart."

Lazer sighed, wrapped his arms around me, and pressed me tightly to him. "Me either."

I cupped his cheek and kissed him lightly, gauging his response. His anger was draining away. He wanted to make up.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"Yeah. Me too." He rested his forehead against mine.

"Let's make up, then." I spun around in his arms to face the mirror and bent over, sticking my butt into his hard crotch. I undulated like the flowing, curving, watery moves of a slow bachata, holding his gaze as I slid my tights off and ground against his crotch with a challenge in my eyes.


"That's exactly what I had in mind." I made kissy lips to him in the mirror. "Are you going to keep me wet and waiting?"

His eyes were dark as he grinned. He tossed his jacket off, untucked and unbuttoned his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and pulled his pants off. He was erect and as ready as I was.

"You're still wearing your mask," I said.

"And so are you."

"I like it this way." I bent and extended my butt to him. There was no need to go up on my toes. I was still in my heels.

He reached around and pulled one of my breasts free from my costume.

"Mmmmmmm." I closed my eyes as he played with my nipple and entered me with a sudden thrust.

Sometimes hot, quick sex is all you need. This was one of those times. But what was I going to do about Knox?


I didn't finish my champagne. We each only had one chocolate.

"If I eat more," Dylan said, "my trainer will make my life hell working it off. I've already eaten too much today."

I got the impression he was trying to make it clear that he didn't have any intention of putting his weight back on anytime soon. But the main reason we ate so little is that we cuddled and talked and watched the city lights twinkle.

Dylan still had a killer wit and sense of humor. He was still on the quiet side, a man of few words, but he had no trouble talking to me. We avoided mentioning knowing each other before and just talked about where we were now. He told me about developing the dating app with his friends, selling it for millions, and working on a new project with them.

I told him about my engineering work, my friends, my aspirations. He was encouraging and asked intelligent questions.

He was fiercely loyal to his friends, even though he told me funny stories about them. Lazer, Cam, Jeremy, and Austin seemed like guys I'd like to get to know. They had some crazy adventures together. I understood better now the relationship between Lazer and Ashley and Dylan. And why it was so important to Ashley to see Dylan well matched.

All in all, I was floating—no thanks to the champagne, even.

Finally, though, I had to go. It felt too soon to spend the night, and I had things to think about and digest.

"Do Ashley and Lazer have a suite here too?" I asked.

Dylan grinned. "Lazer miss out? What do you think?"

"Okay. I'll take that as a yes." I glanced at the time. "It's late. Do you think the ball's still going?"

"It was supposed to end at midnight."

I frowned. "Yeah."

He grabbed my hand. "Are you going?"

I nodded. "This has been wonderful, but"

"You could stay for breakfast…"

I raised an eyebrow, even though he couldn't see it. I pointed to my mask. Yes, we still wore them. I was almost afraid to take it off. "Sleeping in a mask will be difficult."

He grinned. "Who said anything about sleeping?"

I laughed.

"The guys and I are used to partying all night." He sounded hopeful.

I sighed. "Sadly, I'm not. Getting up early every morning for work has made an old lady out of me. Early to bed, early to rise. Besides, I think staying with you will be a dead giveaway to Ashley that we broke the rules."

"Ask me if I care."

I smiled. "I admire your bravado, but"

He nodded. "All right. I get the point. Can I get you a car?"

"I parked in the lot."

"I'll walk you out."

I nodded. "Thanks. I'd appreciate that." I'd have to feel safe with a guy as big as he was. And he was a gentleman. That hadn't changed.

He nodded back as I got my purse. He took my arm.

I put a hand on his shoulder as we reached the door. "Do you hear that?"


"Voices in the hall."

He put an ear to the door, frowned, then cautiously opened it a crack and peeked out. He shut it to almost closed, watching with an eye through the slit until I heard a door slam. "Good call. That was Ashley and Lazer. They're in their room now. The coast is clear."

I smiled and took a step forward.

He took my hand and held me back. "Can I see you again, Odette?"

This was, of course, what I'd been hoping to hear. I nodded. "With or without the mask?"

He grinned. "I'm thinking without. Otherwise we're going to draw some stares. And I'd like to see your eyes. I imagine they're beautiful."

"Why, thank you, cowboy. You have a mighty high opinion of me, and I appreciate it. Give me your phone." I held out my hand for it. When he handed it to me, I typed my contact info in.

His brow furrowed as he read it. "Odette? You don't think we're ready to be on a first-name basis after…" He grinned and nodded toward the bed.

"Let's keep the mystery going a little longer." I handed him my phone. "Give me your number so I'll know to answer. I don't pick up numbers that aren't in my contact info."

He grinned, typed, and handed my phone back.

"Cowboy," I read aloud. "All right, cowboy. I look forward to your call." I pointed a finger at him. "No ghosting me."

He laughed and took my hand again. "Not a chance." He peeked out the door. "No matchmaker. Let's make a break for it."

We ran down the hall, trying to hold our laughter in. Waiting for the elevator, we both nearly cracked up. He shook his head and put a finger to his lips, looking so funny that he didn't help.

When the elevator arrived, it was empty. We tumbled in. When the doors were safely closed, we broke out laughing. He hit the button for the lobby.

"Let's hope no one calls the elevator back"

He pulled me into a kiss, cutting off the rest of what I had to say. It didn't matter anyway. As soon as he kissed me, I was lost. Any rational thoughts deserted me. Who knew I would be falling this hard for Dylan?