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Must Remember: Dead or alive, they want her back. (Solum Series Book 1) by Colleen S. Myers (15)

Chapter Fifteen

My hands shook from leftover adrenaline. I was so angry. I knew people would blame me. I wondered myself if I caused this, but hearing it pissed me off. And I knew I didn’t have anything to do with these killings. I paced to the fireplace; I was getting damn tired of this room.

Time crawled by as I ached in silence.

There was a knock on the door after lunch. Hana drifted into the room. “Hello.”

“Hi,” I responded warily.

“I was just stopping to make sure you were all right,” she said as she sat at the table, looking up at me.

“You hear about Lara?” I asked.

Hana nodded and chose her words with care. “She is not…nice. Never has been. Please do not let her words upset you. It is not worth it. She is probably just repeating what her father said.”

“Who’s her father?”

“Stein, leader of Clan Halit.”

“Ah.” I nodded and lifted my book. “I’m fine, thanks for checking. Just reading.”

Jack had followed Hana into the room and stood inside the doorway. She peeked up at him.

Some things stayed the same no matter where you were. I grinned at Jack. “Can I help you?”

He started and cut his eyes to me. “Just making sure everything is all right.”

He turned and dashed back outside. Hana watched him leave.

“You like him?” I waggled my eyebrows.

She blushed. “Maybe.” Then brushed it off. “So how are you really?”

“I’m fine, like I said, getting stir crazy.”

“What do you mean?”

“Impatient. I hate sitting here reading, feeling helpless. I want to do something.” My hands open and closed as I got up and paced.

She studied me a minute. “Do you know how to fight? How to use a blade?”

Interesting question. I didn’t know any martial arts, but I always considered myself in shape. But my “in shape” might not compare to their “in shape.”


“Would you like to learn? I could teach you some basics and help you learn some moves with the knife. You should focus on self-defense first. Knife fighting is close combat, and you are small; your opponent could muscle you and use the knife against you. You need to be strong and quick to compensate.”

“Yes, I’d like to learn.”

“Good. Let us make room.”

We started to shove the books around.

Jack stuck his head in. “What are you doing?”

“Girl talk,” I panted as I shoved the table out of the way.

“You have to move the furniture to do that?”

Hana threw a stack of books in the corner. “Jace, you need lots of space to have girl talk.”

Jace. I swung around. “Your name is Jace?”

“Yes, you have been pronouncing it wrong.” Aww, he thought I knew his name.

“What’s your friend’s name?” I waited with bated breath.

He just looked at me, blank faced. “Bob.”

“Bob. His name is Bob?”

Jack, err, Jace nodded his head.

I bit my lip. He was a big Bob.

Hana shooed Jace out and we began.

“First, you need to have your center. Stand still, bend your knees slightly, and relax. This is a stable position. I should not be able to move you, not if you are centered.” She circled, pushing me from various angles, trying to break my stance.

The longer I stood there, the more rooted I felt. I could feel the heat gather in my stomach, the ground pulse underneath my feet, and the air brush against my face. Wind blasted the room, rattling the walls. Hana jumped, startled. I heard her breathing as she walked around me. I fancied I heard the beat of her heart, how it sped up right before an attack. She looked for an opening; I repositioned myself, ready.

“Good. Very good,” she said after about fifteen minutes or so. “Next, you learn to strike.”

She demonstrated some basic kicks and punches. This reminded me of karate at home; I guessed all combat had some basics. I air-boxed until my muscles got loose; it felt good. My dad made me exercise, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.

She nodded approvingly. “You are good.”

She showed me a series of moves to counter certain attacks. I aced those and then we began to spar. Hana was a little bit faster than I was by just a smidge. It was weird. The more we fought, the more connected I felt to this world. The more in tune I felt with the land. My power coiled up inside me ready to strike as we battled.

Hana threw one punch. I blocked it easily. She narrowed her eyes, and it was on. She flew across the space and threw a jab at my head. I countered and side-kicked at her knees. She dodged back, smiling, then screamed and ran at me, peppering me with blows. I countered them all. She did better with close combat.

We were wrestling; Hana was on top, her knee pressed into my stomach, when Finn entered.

He put his hand over his heart. “Do not stop on my account.”

Hana jumped up, nervous, pushing one last time on my gut, making me groan. “We were training.”

“She’s showing me how to fight.” I made a fist and gave him my tough look. He cracked up. Man, I’d have to work on that.

“That is fine, right?” Hana asked.

“Yeah, that is fine.” Finn said. “You have been practicing, Hana. Do you wish to spar?”

Hana bounced up. “Yes!”

I dragged myself to the corner and watched. They circled each other for a few seconds. Finn crouched and lunged without warning to grab Hana’s left leg. She weaved back and performed a roundhouse kick. He dodged left and remained crouched. They circled some more, staying close to the ground. Hana took a few steps forward in a front kick. Finn caught her leg and tipped her sideways. Down she went. Boom.

Hana scrambled up just as he placed his knife next to her throat. “You got impatient. Better to wait and dodge, get me to attack and catch me on the way back. Again?”

She groaned as she got up from the ground, not accepting his hand up. “I yield. Plus, I am hungry. Another time.”

Hana fled, but I do believe she delayed at the door to flirt with Jace.

Finn cocked his brow at me, indicating the floor. I snorted. “Hell, no. You’d kick my ass.”

“I like your ass. I would be gentle.” Finn smiled.

I gave him a dirty look.

“You hungry?” Finn asked.

“Yes, and sweaty. Is there anywhere to take a bath?”

“Yes, but you cannot use them. It is public bathing, and we are keeping you away from the public.”

“You are not a shy race, are you?”

“Not at all; quite the opposite. We tend to be aggressive, but ‘no’ is a magical word. We do understand it. A Fost will let you know if he is interested. He will crowd you, separate you from others. Touch you. Steal kisses.”

Now, who had been doing that lately? I cleared my throat. “So, sponge bath?”

“Yes, want help? I can do your back.” When he got the beady eye, he laughed, but didn’t look cowed. Must work on that.

Finn left to get dinner. I used the basin after I barred the door. I didn’t trust him not to rush back in to sneak a peek. My clothing choices for the evening were the uniform—that would be a hell no—or my new leathers, or some of the dresses. I didn’t feel like wearing leather; that left one of the dresses. I put on the blue one and dunked my head in the basin. I was drying my hair when Finn knocked.

He’d changed. He was in what looked like pajama pants and a linen shirt in sage green. First time I’d seen him without a wife-beater and vest. He looked good. Must not be caught staring.

Finn gestured to the table. I went to sit across from him, but he moved next to me and pulled my chair close to his. After we were seated, he kept tapping his fingers on the table.


“What, what?”

“What is this?”


I narrowed my eyes at him.

He smiled and batted his eyelashes. “It is dinner.”

It would be hard to eat with him watching. “What?”


Silence fell. I fiddled with my fork.

Finn cleared his throat. “So do you like it here?”

“Yes, we’ve covered this before.”

“Stop talking back.”

“I can’t.”

He grinned and shook his head. “I love it here. My mom died giving birth to me, so it was just me and my dad. I caused him a ton of trouble.”

“I have no trouble imagining that.”

He narrowed his eyes at me. Hee. “I did, though. I loved doing pranks. Sneaking up on people. Scaring people. Anyway, I used to be a nightmare.”

“Used to be?”


“I’ll stop.” I raised my hands, laughing.

“What happened to your father?”

“He died in an attack. I was thirteen at the time. Ute took me in for a few years. Then I was on my own.”

“Do you miss him?”

“My dad? Every day.”

“I miss mine too. We weren’t close, but he did try. I’ve been thinking about him a lot, him and my mom and all the things I never got to say.”


His eyes met mine and understanding flowed between us. That single moment stretched as the air heated between us. I looked away and took a sip of my wine.

We ate the rest of the meal in silence, and afterward Finn pulled out what looked like a banana from his pocket. Hah.

He turned his chair so he was facing me and cut up the fruit. Then he speared a slice and waved it in front of my face. When I leaned forward to taste, he yanked it out of the way. Narrowing my eyes, I lunged and bit into dessert. The fruit was sweeter than a banana, with a thicker texture.

“That was good.”

“Good.” He put his hand behind my neck and yanked me against him. No tentative kisses this time. This was a claiming. Sweet, hot, demanding. His mouth opened on mine, tongue licking my teeth, demanding entrance. With a moan, I let him in. His tongue brushed against mine. He growled deep in his throat and tugged me onto his lap.

I straddled his waist, my hands on his shoulders, his on my thighs. Our faces level, he smiled and kissed me over and over, inching my dress up around my waist.

This was going way too fast. I pulled back to catch my breath.

He took advantage and nuzzled my neck. “No?” His hands were rubbing little circles on my inner thighs.

“I don’t know.”

Mentally, I knew I shouldn’t be doing this, but my inner tramp was all on board. I didn’t know what it was about this place, but I felt more, wanted more, ached for more. His warmth called to me, and I felt so damn alone.

His hands came up to cup my face. “Sex does not have to be complicated. That is not the Fost way. Do you want to feel something? Feel alive?”

He kissed the corner of my mouth and let his lips drift along my jaw. His hands dropped to resume their tantalizing circles on my thighs.

“I’m not built that way. I don’t do one-night stands.” Flushing, I leaned farther back on his lap.

Finn tightened his grip, pulling me close, breath whispering into my ear. “Who said anything about one night? We will see what happens…”

He watched me as I chewed my lower lip. It was that look that did it. That intent stare that let me know he wanted me. Maybe it was the wine but…


“No,” I breathed out.

Face falling, he stopped, his hands dropped from my hips.

“No, wait. I meant no to the no. I meant yes.” I still didn’t know if I should be doing this, but damn, I wanted to be doing this, even if it was only for tonight. I wanted to forget everything for one night. I wanted to not feel so unwanted.

A smile broke across his face, and his eyes gleamed. He gripped my waist and pressed me against him. “Yes?”


One corner of his mouth rose as he leaned back and looked me over.

“Yes,” he whispered. His lips met mine, his hands trailing up from my waist to cradle my breasts. His thumbs moved lightly across my nipples.

My heart stuttered. I stopped kissing and arched back to give him more access.

He bit my neck, then soothed where he’d bitten with butterfly kisses.

Impatient, I shimmied out of my dress and let the fabric fall to my waist.

Never one to miss an opportunity, his tongue swiped across my nipple; I couldn’t stop a breathy cry from slipping out. Excited, he pushed up, grinding. He sucked my nipple into his mouth, first one, then the other, pressing my breasts close together.

My hands plowed through his hair and tugged, eliciting a growled, “Beta.”

With my top off and dress bunched around my waist, I used his hair to steer him back for a kiss. I struggled to get his shirt off, wanting to feel his skin against mine. Taking a breath, he reached and ripped it off.


The light from the fireplace turned his skin golden. For a moment, I was struck by the contrast of my pale skin against his creamy tan. Now that he’d bared his torso, I pressed against him so my breasts rubbed against his smooth chest. Logs crackled in the background, adding to the ambiance. My hands traveled down his side to his waist. I leaned in to kiss him as my palm dropped to the front of his pants.

He inhaled shakily as I slipped my hand inside. His moan filled the room; his manhood filled my palm. I could just fit my fingers around him. And it felt like I expected. Thank God. For a minute, I was yanked out of the moment. How would this work? It wasn’t like I was that experienced. I’d only ever been with Billy, and I didn’t think that counted, it was so quick.

Finn had no such problems and no such lack of experience. He shuddered and enjoyed my hand on him. “Not too much of that if you want me to last.”

Despite my fears, I stroked him. “You want me to stop?”

“Lands, no.” He kissed me, urging me on.

When I first met Finn, I thought his eyes were pure white, but they had this thin inner rim of blue that seemed to expand when he focused on me. That blue swirled now as he looked at me with lust. And it was quite a look. In that moment, I knew he would give anything to have me, and just like that, he did.

Tugging, I pulled his shaft free of his trousers. My arms went round his shoulders.

I couldn’t stop looking at his eyes, looking at his hair, my hands threaded through it. His ridiculous hair, longer and thicker than mine. I rocked on him, kissing wildly, tongues clashing.

His hands dropped to my waist then to my thighs. He feathered his thumb across me, and I couldn’t stop my answering thrust. My juice covered his hand. He lifted my skirt and held me over him.

His eyes closed as he slowly lowered me onto him. We both shouted and my thighs quivered. He wiggled himself down to the chair edge. I wrapped my legs around him as he slipped in even deeper. Finn bunched his muscles and eased up into me with short strokes, pulling me to meet the thrusts. When he was all the way seated, he bit my neck hard, sucking.

I shuddered and pressed back so just the tip of him was teasing my folds.

Growling, he clenched his teeth, and his arms tightened, shoving me firmly back onto his shaft. I rocked on him, and he bit my shoulder as his hips answered my movements. He circled one arm around my waist, and his hand wedged between us. His fingers feathered along my sex, nudging me into climax.

Screaming his name, I came on a rush of heat and pleasure. Finn jerked and followed with a groan. He kept licking and biting my neck. I wondered if I would get any hickeys. Nah, not with the way I heal. I ran my fingers through his hair.

His hands ran up and down my back in response, making me shiver. It’d never felt this good. With a groan, Finn got up, held me tight, and carried me to the cot, then dropped down on top of me.

I lifted my arms to remove my dress. Finn shook his head no. His pants were undone; he never even got them off. He gazed at me for a second, splayed out before him. Then he pushed his pants down and stepped out of them. He was already halfway hard.

“Lay back.” He rubbed my feet as he said this. Finn massaged his hands up my calves, my thighs, my hips, paying extra special attention to my groin. His hands cradled my sex for a second; his fingers teased me. He blew lightly into my curls and then continued his northward journey. Finn’s hands caressed my belly, my breasts, and my shoulders. He braced himself above me and proved he was more than halfway.




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