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My Brother's Friend, the Dom by Nikki Chase (56)


“I can’t wait to get you home,” Raphael says as we walk across the tarmac. He puts a possessive hand on my waist and pulls me close.

Feeling the heat of his hand through the thin fabric of my floral sundress makes my core clench. I can feel myself leaking some wetness down my thighs.

The wind grazes over my bare pussy, making me hyper-aware that I’m not wearing any panties. I hope we get to the car before anybody can see something dripping down my legs.

There’s no need to worry about a crowd, though. It’s late afternoon, when commercial airports would be busy. But here, it’s quiet and it takes no time for us to make our way to Raphael’s black convertible.

As he turns on the ignition, he puts one hand on my thigh and slips it up until he touches my pussy. He runs a finger over my wet folds as I bite my lower lip, worried about a moan escaping.

Someone could hear us, but Raphael doesn’t seem to care. He touches me like he wants everyone to know who I belong to, and it’s such a trip.

I’m not used to a man treating me this way. I used to think I wouldn’t like being treated like property.

But with Raphael, it flatters me that he’d want me that much, and it turns me on when he touches me like he owns me.

Like right now. He dips one finger inside me without asking—in public. This being a convertible car with the top down, anyone who happens to pass by can see us.

Yet, instead of getting indignant, I surrender to his touch. I grip the leather seat tight, giving Raphael free access to my most intimate place, which was untouched up until last night.

I can’t believe it has only been one day. Or has it been two days and it’s just the time difference playing a trick on me?

Either way, my pussy is getting used to having Raphael inside me. As soon as his finger invades me, my pussy muscles eagerly clenches around it.

“I think the engine’s warm enough now.” Raphael smirks as he takes his finger out of me and sticks it into his mouth. “And I’m not just talking about the car. You taste like you’re ready, princess.”

“We’re going to my apartment?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

“Yeah.” Raphael turns his attention to the road and starts driving. “Guess what’s going to happen there?”

“I don’t know,” I say with a cheeky grin. I know exactly what he wants, and I want it, too.

I know we’re together now—I can’t be happier about that—and he has already seen me in various states of undress within the past couple of days alone. But it still makes me feel self-conscious to be overly sexual. My whole life, I’ve never shared this part of me with anybody else.

Maybe a part of me still can’t quite believe that someone like Raphael Holt would choose to be with me, when he could be with practically every other girl in the city.

It scares me to think about letting go and giving in to my feelings. It feels like I’d be giving him a lot of power. I don’t have any good reason to think he’s going to mistreat me. He’s been nothing but kind, gentle, and patient with me.

Still, by his own admission, he’s been with many women in the past. How am I supposed to believe that I’m not just another one of them, to him?

“What are you thinking about, princess?” Raphael asks.

“You,” I say, not quite lying and not quite telling the truth. I give him a sweet smile.

“I hope you’re thinking about my cock inside you. Because that’s happening, as soon as we get you home.”

“Um, Rafe, what are we going to tell your family?” I ask.

He groans. “Do you have to bring up my family when I’m talking dirty to you, baby?”

I laugh. “Seriously, though, are we still going to tell them we’re engaged?”

“It wouldn’t make sense to say that we broke off the engagement and now we’re back to just dating, would it?”

“Not really, no. But I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page.”

“Yeah. As far as they’re concerned, we’re still engaged, but we’re taking our time planning our wedding.”

And just like that, the seed is planted in my mind. I imagine a church filled with our friends and family, me in a white dress walking down the aisle, and Raphael waiting for me at the end, wearing a big grin on his face as he gazes at me lovingly.

Jesus, Piper, I scold myself. Cool it, okay? You’ve only just made it official, like, three seconds ago. This is no time to be dreaming about a wedding just yet.

“How long are we going to keep this up?” I wonder what we’re going to tell them when Raphael’s mom either succumbs to her illness or recovers. Would we ever tell them the truth?

“Until we get engaged for real,” Raphael says casually, as if he has just said something trivial.

My chest feels so full it’s about to burst. Could I really… Is it really okay to think that’s in my future? Getting engaged and married to Raphael Holt?

“Do you mean that?” I ask. “Or are you just pulling my leg again?”

“Of course I mean it, princess. I told you, you’re mine, and I’m not letting you go.”

The corners of my lips pull up to form a smile, even as tears prick my eyes. Emotional tears. Happy tears.

I dab at my eyes before Raphael notices. I don’t like crying in front of people. I’ve never even cried in front of Carly, even though she’s my best friend. The only time I’ve ever cried in public was at Mom’s funeral.

“Diana would want to see pictures of us in Paris,” I say, remembering what she told me at Raphael’s parents’ anniversary party on the private island.

“Yeah, I already sent my mom some pictures. No doubt she has already shared them with Diana.”

We spend the rest of the drive chatting about his family. I haven’t even that spent much time with them, and I already love them.

I’ve never had a close relationship with my dad, so I’ve been feeling alone since my mom died. It feels nice to feel like I’m part of a family again. I can’t believe I got this lucky.

As soon as the car is parked and we get out of the car, Raphael’s hands are on me. He grabs my waist, brushes over my ass, and whispers filthy things in my ear, knowing his hot breath on my sensitive skin would drive me crazy.

I fight to retain my composure as we make our way down the sidewalk and into my apartment building. My face feels hot, and I feel like everyone knows I’m not wearing any panties, even though that’s unlikely.

Raphael climbs the stairs behind me, making me feel uneasy about my ass being at the same level as his line of sight. I twist around to see him—and sure enough, he’s staring at my ass with a wicked smile on his face.

He grabs one ass cheek as we reach the landing and walk down the hallway to my apartment door. We can’t get there fast enough. I don’t want him to stop but, at the same time, I don’t want any of my neighbors to see us. I have to live with these people.

I fumble with the keys at the door. Raphael’s not helping. He stands behind me with his arms around my waist and his hard-on poking into my ass, kissing the back of my neck. My pussy is throbbing by now, clenching at air, yearning to be filled.

“Hold on,” I say when the door finally opens. “I need to check on McClaw.”

Raphael groans, but I ignore him. I’ve never left McClaw on his own for this long, and I’m worried, even though I’m sure Carly has been taking good care of him.

I’ve had McClaw since middle school. During my first year of college, he stayed back home with my parents, but I had to take him with me when Mom died. At first, it was to keep me company while I was grieving, but then I just got used to having him around.

“Hey, McClaw, what you been up to?” I ask as I walk over to my wardrobe, where he’s napping on my clean clothes. Again.

He half-opens his eyes, then closes them again, going back to sleep. What a warm welcome. But then I guess I should’ve gotten a dog if I wanted an enthusiastic welcome every time. I scratch the top of his ginger head and give him a kiss.

“The cat’s getting more attention than I am,” Raphael complains with a teasing smile.

I glance at McClaw’s bowls. He has plenty of food and water, so Carly has been doing her job.

“Let me take a shower and I’ll be right with you,” I say to Raphael. I’m so wet I must be staining my dress. I can feel my wetness all over my thighs. I need to freshen up.

I head to the bathroom and pull the door to close it, but there’s unexpected resistance. When I look back, Raphael’s holding the door open.

“You think you can get away just like that?” Raphael asks, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

“It’s only going to take a few minutes.”

“I can’t wait ‘a few minutes.’” He steps forward and pushes the door closed behind him. Putting one arm around me, he gets ahold of the zipper in the back of my dress and pulls it down, staring at my face the whole time.

There’s only the sound of Raphael unzipping my dress now, along with my heartbeat. I wonder if he can hear it, too. When he’s finished unzipping, he puts both hands on my shoulders and slides my dress off my shoulders. It falls into a heap around my ankles. With a quick, smooth motion, he unhooks my bra, and soon it joins my dress on the tiled floor.

“You’re so fucking beautiful,” he says.

The way he stares at me makes me blush. It’s a mixture of tenderness and bad ideas. It makes me feel like I’m treasured, and at the same time he’s about to ruin me. And I want it. I want everything, whatever he has to give me.

I watch, hypnotized, as he takes off his shirt, revealing his hard, sculpted chest and abs. As if in a trance, I step closer and trace the lines on his body with my fingers.

He undoes the fly of his jeans and lets them fall to the floor. He’s already hard, his thick cock pointing right at me.

“I thought you said you wanted to take a shower,” Raphael says.

“I do.”

“So why are you just standing there?” He smirks as he steps inside the shower enclosure, pulling me inside by the hand before he closes the glass door.

As water starts to spray from the shower head, Raphael holds me from behind, his cock brushing against me occasionally.

Everything feels hot and steamy as the water runs down my body and washes me clean. Raphael’s hands and cock feel just as hot.

“You need a good cleaning, dirty girl,” he whispers in a hoarse voice. “Look how dirty you are.”

I moan as Raphael runs his fingers up my thighs, which are slick with my arousal.

“A thorough cleaning,” he says. “And I can help you with that. You’re lucky I’m here, aren’t you?”

“Y—yes,” I say between my gasps and sighs. My body wants him, just as his body wants me. We’re both ready to fuck, and yet he’s drawing this out.

I reach behind me to grab his cock, but he grabs my wrist and says, “Be patient, princess. I know you want my cock, but you’re so dirty we need to get you cleaned first. That’s what you said, right? That’s what you want?”


“Then let’s get it over with, shall we?” He grabs a bottle of body wash on the metal shelf hanging on the wall. As he pours some of the white, creamy liquid onto his big, manly palm, I swallow in anticipation.

He starts to lather my body, starting from my shoulders, to my arms and hands, then down my back. He turns me around to face him, then cups my ass cheeks and pulls me against him, letting his erection poke into my stomach.

Wearing an asymmetric smile on his face, Raphael’s hands travel up my torso, covering my belly and chest with soap bubbles. He lingers when he gets to my tits, squeezing and kneading longer than he needs to.

“Just want to make sure they’re really clean,” he says. “Because my mouth will be on them.”

He crouches down to do my legs. As he works the lather up my thighs, I moan. “Oh, Rafe…”

“Fuck, I love it when you call my name like that.” As if possessed, he grabs my hips and pushes me right up against the door of the shower enclosure. The glass feels cold and wet on my face.

Raphael parts my ass cheeks and kisses my inner thighs. I stick my butt out, asking for more. I let out a big sigh when his lips touch my pussy.

With his tongue, he teases my lower lips until I’m panting and squirming. I realize he’s deliberately staying away from my clit, and it drives me crazy.

I can’t think. My mind and my senses can only focus on the part of me that’s throbbing and aching for him. I whimper and push my ass back.

“What’s that, princess? What do you want?”

“Please…” I moan, unable to say the words.

“Please what?” He flattens his tongue and gives me a lick, grazing my clit lightly, which only makes me even more needy. “Tell me what you want.”

“I—I want to come…”

“Beg me.”

I remain quiet as my thoughts war inside me. Beg him? That sounds…wrong. My pride protests, but my body knows exactly what it wants.

“If you’re not going to beg, I’ll leave you to finish your shower yourself,” Raphael says, taunting me. He’s enjoying this torment.

Despite my pride, a whimper escapes between my lips, and my hips push back into his hands and mouth on their own.

“Beg me, princess.” He takes his lips off my pussy, and I immediately feel the loss. His warm breath, along with the steam hanging in the air around us, play with my pussy and make me desperate.

I want him to lavish his attention back on my body. I need him to. “Please…”

“Please what?” He gives me a light kiss at the top of my thighs, and I can’t help but mewl.

He knows exactly what he’s doing to me, and it drives me nuts, knowing I have no control over the situation, knowing I can’t get the same satisfaction myself. Sure, I can get myself off, but it’s not the same. It’s nowhere near the same.

“Please make me come, Rafe… I beg you…”

“That’s a good girl,” he says. “Since you asked so nicely…”

True to his words, he sucks my lower lips into his mouth, where it’s warm and wet and slippery and… I can’t even find the words to explain it. It’s like nothing else matters—there’s only Raphael’s mouth and tongue on my pussy, and nothing else in the world exists anymore.

With my petals in his mouth, his tongue finds my clit and zeroes in on it, teasing and licking it until I’m reduced to a moaning body full of pent-up desire. “Rafe, oh my god…”

Busy with eating me out, he doesn’t say anything. He already knows he’s doing an excellent job. His warm, wet tongue circles my clit faster and harder until, finally, like he has already promised, I explode.

My whole body feels alive, from the top of my head to the tip of my curled toes. I shudder and shake with Raphael’s face buried between my legs.

“You taste amazing, princess,” he says as he gets up. He grabs my wet hair and tilts my head to the side. Raphael nibbles on the back of my neck as my pussy continues to throb from the orgasm. As the hot water from the shower head pelts our wet bodies, he whispers, “I can’t get enough of that honey between your legs, but now it’s time for you to make me come, too.”

With his hard cock pressing against my ass, it’s obvious what he wants now. And I want it, too. “Please fuck me, Rafe.”

“I see you’ve learned how to beg now. That’s good. And good girls get rewarded.”

As the tip of his cock pushes against my opening, I bite my lower lip so hard it’s painful. I want him inside me, but I know he’ll do it in his own time. I know by now how much he likes to draw out my agony.

Raphael enters me inch by inch, pulling my hair to force me to face the side so he can watch my face get distorted by lust. My cheek presses against the wet glass, and so do my tits.

“You’re so big,” I say as he fills me up, stretching my insides. I’m fully aroused and well lubricated, but it still feels like I’m about to burst from his thickness and length.

“The better to fuck you with, princess.” Raphael spears into me until his balls slap against my ass, making me gasp.

My breaths fog up the glass as Raphael drives his rock-hard cock into me again and again, impaling me. His arms cage me in. There’s not much room for me to move, with my body sandwiched between the glass and Raphael’s hot, hard, unyielding chest.

“Say you’re mine,” he growls right by my ear as he fucks me harder.

“I’m yours,” I moan.

“That’s right. I own this ass,” he says as he slaps my ass cheek, making me shriek with surprise.

As Raphael plunges into me with reckless abandon, I get giddy. I stick my hips out to let him get in deeper inside me. There’s no denying it. He may be the one in control, but I crave being under his control, as well. I love the way he dominates and claims my body.

I feel his cock get slightly bigger and harder. His movements get more animalistic, and it drives me over the edge. When his cock twitches in my pussy, we both explode together, me shaking uncontrollably, and him grinding deep inside, shooting his come into my pussy, marking me as his own.

“Wow,” I sigh as he pulls out.

Raphael turns me around. With my back against the glass, he kisses me—a claiming, possessive, breathless kiss. Meanwhile, his thick, white, warm come dribbles out of me and down my thighs.

This body belongs to him now, and I can’t have any other man. I don’t want it to be any different.

“You’re mine,” he says as he bites my lower lip.

I look into his intense green eyes. That’s a statement of fact. We both know it’s true. Still, I feel the need to say, “I’m completely yours, Rafe.” Because it’s true.

“Look how dirty you are now,” he says with a teasing smirk. “Dirty, dirty girl. You just can’t stay clean, can you? I’ll have to clean you up again now.”

I smile. “Okay.”

Tenderly, he pulls me against his chest and makes me face the shower head so the water washes away the proof of our love-making.

But even if nothing of his remains on my body, I know I’m already permanently, irreparably marked as his. I know it in my heart, even if nobody else can see it on my skin.

As he gently runs his hands over my naked body, I remember the room in Paris.

“Did you notice there were flower petals in the bathtub in Paris?” I ask.

“I did. It’s a shame we never used it, huh?” Raphael says with his strong arms around me. “Well, we can always go back, princess. Any time you want.”

I smile, knowing what this means. He plans to stick around. Just as much as I’m his, he’s mine, too.




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