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My Vice: Fallen Angels MC (Fallen Angels MC Series Book 1) by Breanna Mansfield (14)

Chapter 14

“I want to know who the fuck I was following if Anne was in the diner with Schuyler the whole fucking time. And I want to know now!”

I wake up to Stanton barking orders into his phone as he paces back and forth.

I stretch my deliciously sore body and sit up. I walk to the bathroom connected to his bedroom and start my morning routine.

As I stand in the shower, letting the water run down my face, I smile.

Despite the shit storm surrounding us, my heart is content.

“Hey, sweetheart, when you get done, we are going to run to the clubhouse. We have to check on your friend and I have to talk with my guys,” Stanton says as he brushes his teeth.

I smile to myself at the normality of the notion.

“Okay, I’m almost finished,” I yell out from the shower.

As I finish up in the bathroom, I decide to wear my hair down, and let the wind catch it on the bike. I’m riding with Stanton today.  As much as I love my own bike, there is something to be said about holding onto him.

I walk out of the bathroom in my favorite silver jeans, and a purple, long sleeve to make my cut patches pop out.

“Damn, Schuy, I will never get tired of looking at you,” Stanton says as he comes up and pulls me into his embrace.

I look up into his eyes and smile. “I’ll never get tired of you pulling me into your arms.”

He grins a wicked grin and brings his lips to mine. I open immediately and lose myself in his show of love.

The kiss is a slow burning coal under the flames. The longer it burns, the hotter it gets.

He releases my mouth with a groan.

“I wish we could stay here all day. I do, but we have to go any take care of a few things,” he says while rubbing my back.

“I know.  Can I ride with you today?” I ask.

“Of course, that’s never a question.”

“After you then, handsome.” I pinch his butt as he turns around to walk out of the door.

We arrive at the clubhouse.  Hand in hand, we walk through the doors. I run my free hand over the top of my jeans, on my backside, feeling the tops of my blades tucked into their leather pocket.

Some people carry guns, some carry pepper spray.  I carry twin blades about three inches long, serrated on one side with a black leather handle. These babies are sharp, light weight, and I can throw them fast. My dad would never let me have a gun. I was too young. Then as I got older, I didn’t need one because I’m a girl. But he gave me a pocket knife, so I can feel better.

I roll my eyes to myself. It’s kind of humorous really. He didn’t want me to be able to defend myself and that kind of backfired on him. I was the fastest, most precise, and the smartest with blades in his whole MC.

“Hey, VP, Schuyler.” Hawk says with a nod.

“News?” Stanton asks.

“Yep, come on.” He nods his head to the round table by the wall of glass windows, overlooking the parking lot.

We walk to the table, and everyone is already sitting around it. As we sit down, Chris slides a folder over to Stanton.

“What’s this?”  he asks.

“That, VP, is the twin sister of Anne, aka the person you were following yesterday,”  Alex answers.

My brows scrunch together, and I try to remember if Anne had a sister.

“Where is she now?” Vice asks.

“In our questioning room,” Chris says. “She is saying she had no idea her sister was into the MC life. She says Anne had some blackmail on her and she used to do Anne’s bidding whenever she asked in order to keep her sister’s mouth shut.”

“Bidding?” Vice asks the question I’m thinking.

“Yeah, like yesterday. She knew she would have a tail on her, so she called her sister and made her go into town and go shopping so you would follow her, and not Anne,” T says.

“Are we sure she isn’t part of their scam?” Vice asks. “What’s her name?”

“Her name is Ashley. Her information is in that file.” Chris nods to the folder he slid Vice. Her picture is stapled to the front. “She is a school teacher for fucks sake. She doesn’t know about any of this.”

Chris runs his hand down his face, and when he looks back up, his brows are drawn together.

“Do you hear that?” he asks as he places his palms on the table and starts to stand up.

“I’ll check it out, Prez,” Alex says as he stands and goes to the far side of the windows before the table.

I lean over to look out the window, too, when I see the tire of the first bike coming through the parking lot. I spot the helmet the rider is wearing. My blood rushes to my ears. He has a high-powered rifle pointed at the clubhouse.

“Get down!” I scream as I pull Stanton’s arm. “It’s the Strykers! Get Down!” I scream again over the noise of their bikes.

I leap over and pull Chris down by the thighs, and right as we fall, I hear the bullets leaving the barrels, headed right through our windows. The sound of glass shattering all around us.