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Nero (Made Men #1) by Sarah Brianne (7)


A Deal With the Devil


When Elle walked into English class the next morning, she came to a halt, causing Chloe to bump right into her. Elle slowly started walking to her seat, unable to believe it. She stopped at the seat in front of hers, staring down at a gloating Nero. She really wanted to wipe that smirk off his face.

“Good morning, Elle.” Elle could hear how shocked Chloe was at hearing her name come out of his mouth.

Completely ignore him, Elle decided.

She took her seat, and of course, all she could see in front of her was Nero. She had spent the whole night trying to forget him, and now he’d graced her with an upfront view of himself.

She turned her head to look at Chloe, unable to look at him anymore; even the back of his head was handsome. She didn’t even want to get started on the back muscles she saw under his white, button-up shirt.

It wasn’t long before Elle couldn’t even look at Chloe, either; she had a big smirk on her face.

Attempting to ignore them both, all Elle could smell was Nero’s cologne; it was the scent of pure man. The smell of him brought her back to yesterday in the art supply closet. She got chills at the memory of his finger running down her skin. Stop!

Elle swore this was the longest class of her life. She needed to get away from him.

She jumped out of her seat when the bell rang and threw on her bag. She would wait for Chloe in the hall. The problem was, Nero was prepared for her running away today. He grabbed her arm.

“Could you please stop doing that?”

Elle looked down at his warm hand, holding her back. “Doing what?” She gave him the same smile he had been giving her before.

“Running from me.”

Elle laughed. “I am not run—”

Nero squeezed her hand ever so slightly. “Remember what I said yesterday, Elle.”

Elle looked him in the eyes. Damn, he really must not like liars.

“I just wanted to walk you to class.”

“Nope, sorry.” She jerked her arm away from his grasp and ran straight out of there.

Waiting in the hallway, she hoped Chloe would appear before him and was thrilled when she did. Elle wasted no time in walking to their next class. She got there quickly and they took their seats.

Once she was settled, Elle couldn’t help feeling Chloe’s eyes on her. She looked over at her best friend to see she was smiling from ear to ear.

“Stop it! I swear, if you don’t stop looking at me that way, I’m going to find a new best friend.” Elle covered her face with her hands. It was hard not to smile with Chloe.

“Hmm, like Nero?” Chloe was way too happy for Elle’s liking.

Elle sunk down in her desk. She really wanted to dislike Nero, but everything was telling her to like him.

“Elle, I don’t know why you’re trying so hard to dislike him. He clearly likes you.”

“Are you joking right now?” Elle was serious.

“Uh, no.”

“I dislike him because he didn’t give a shit about me all the times I was pushed around and hit. Or how about all those times I was called waitress, all the mental abuse I took, no we took. Then, just two days ago, he called you a freak in English—I know it was him.” That had been on our first day back from Christmas break in English class. Mr. Evans had asked us to introduce ourselves, and when Chloe had finished, a whisper of “freak” had echoed around the room, coming from Nero’s general direction. “Now, for some odd reason, he wants to be friends? No, screw that.” Elle was done thinking about him; she wasn’t wasting any more thoughts on him.

“Listen, Elle; all I can tell you is when I see him look at you, I know he likes you. Maybe you should give him a chance. I think you’re fighting your feelings because of me.”

“Chloe, it doesn’t matter.” Elle didn’t want to talk about this.

“It does matter. I want you to be happy, Elle. Don’t do this because of my fears. I don’t think Nero would do anything to hurt you, or me for that matter. I could get used to Nero, for you, of course.” Chloe looked down at her hands.

Elle smiled. She loved her best friend. Chloe meant everything to her. It would take a lot for Chloe to trust Nero, though.

He is going to have to prove himself big time.

The day went on and Elle realized Cassandra still wasn’t back in school. She and Chloe were able to have one more day of peace, and they enjoyed every second of it. The only bad thing about it was they were sure, when she got back tomorrow, it would be Hell.

Elle and Chloe went to the cafeteria when the bell rang and got in line to eat chicken patties, again. They sat down and Elle scanned the room. She knew she was looking for Nero but didn’t want to admit it. When she finally spotted him, he was at his table.

Elle looked back down at her food and began to eat, but then saw Sebastian out of the corner of her eye, heading her way. She had no time to warn Chloe. This is going to be bad.


She paid him no attention when he stood, looking down at her. “Have you heard why Cassandra isn’t here?”

Elle kept her eyes glued to Chloe.

“Well, she was suspended. Do you know why?” Elle could feel him losing his temper with each passing second. She wasn’t going to look at him, though. He honestly scared the shit out of her.

Sebastian slammed his hands down on the table. “I am talking to you, waitress!”

While the whole cafeteria went silent at his outburst, Elle could see Chloe was absolutely terrified; she had practically jumped ten feet. As Elle finally looked up at him, she thought he resembled a complete psychopath.

“Now, do you know why?”

Elle said nothing, only looked at his crazed face. There was never a point in saying a word to Sebastian; it only made things worse. And yes, it’s been worse than this.

Do you?” That was it; he snapped. Elle could see him jump toward her. He wanted to put his hands on her and make her answer. Elle shut her eyes, waiting for it to come.

“I better not see you lay your fucking hands on Elle, ever. I don’t want to see you talking to her or even looking in her direction, and that goes for Chloe, too. Because, if you do, I will make damn sure everyone in this school will be calling you the freak. Do you understand me?”

Elle was no longer scared of Sebastian with one glance at Nero. His voice was too calm, his face too composed, but his green eyes promised his words were true.

Sebastian was shocked. He knew not to question him, though. He only nodded. That, however, didn’t stop him from giving Elle a look that said he would get her next time, when Nero wasn’t around. She knew he would, too. That, I have no doubt of.

When Nero was satisfied he understood, he finally let him go. Then Nero looked around the cafeteria, making sure everyone was paying attention.

“Their names are Elle and Chloe, and you will call them by their names.”

Elle had not been expecting that, and by the expression on Chloe’s face, she hadn’t been, either. She couldn’t believe he had not only told Sebastian to fuck off, but the whole school, as well. All these years, she had gone with not one person standing up for her, and here Nero had stood up to the whole school.

Elle watched Nero come over to her. “You okay?”

She hoped her face didn’t look as dumb as she thought. It does. I know it does. “Um, yeah, I’m fine.” She looked over at Chloe to make sure she was good. She didn’t look terrified anymore; she looked a little dazed. Elle was certain she looked the same.

Nero grinned. “Do you think I could sit here now?”

Elle knew he deserved some consolation for what he had done. Still, she felt that this wasn’t going to change anything. She didn’t believe his intentions were good and knew a guy like Nero would never like her. Elle figured she could let him sit with her, though. It’s not like he will keep sitting here, anyway.

She glanced at Chloe to make sure she was okay with it. She knew she wasn’t thrilled, yet she would deal.

Elle looked up at Nero and smiled. “Sure, why not?”

“Good.” Nero looked up across the cafeteria and motioned a ‘come here’. Elle saw Nero’s crew get up from their table and come toward them. Oh, shit.

She immediately got up and stood beside Chloe. “What are you doing?” She could feel Chloe getting nervous.

“Uh, I’m sitting here, and they sit where I sit.”

“No, I said you can sit here. I didn’t say they could.”

“What’s the big deal?” Elle saw it dawn on him the moment he asked. He could figure it out by the way she was standing in front of Chloe.

“They can’t sit here, Nero.”

Elle watched Nero hold up his hand, stopping his crew.

“Ba-Elle, listen; letting them sit here will make sure no one will ever say or do anything to you and Chloe again. They won’t hurt you. I promise.” He made sure to hold her eyes, letting her know he was telling the truth. “They won’t touch Chloe, either. I give you my word.”

Elle looked at Chloe. She knew she was running out of room to protect her friend in this Hell. This semester had started out terribly, and it was only the first week. Elle knew she needed help, and if anyone in this school could protect Chloe, it was Nero and his crew. Sorry, Chloe.

Elle sat down beside Chloe. “You better not be lying to me, Nero.”

Elle knew he had heard her; he nodded, not only for her, but for his crew to come over.

Elle whispered to Chloe, “It’s going to be okay. I haven’t let anyone in here hurt you, have I?” And she hadn’t. Elle did whatever it took to make sure no one laid a finger on her. Yes, that meant Elle got the short end of the stick in here, but Chloe got the shortest end of the shittiest stick outside of here.

Elle gave Chloe a smile when she finally answered, shaking her head no.

Elle could see the signal Nero gave the young blond one to sit beside Chloe. That tugged at her heart a little. He was a good choice because he was practically a kid and had never had any part in their bullying.

Nero took his seat on the other side of Elle and draped his arm on the back of her chair as Amo and Vincent took the other two remaining seats across from them.

“This is my little brother, Leo.” Leo flashed his shiny, white teeth.

Jesus, he is a miniature Nero.

“Leo, this is Chloe.” He nodded toward Chloe.

“Hey, Chloe.” Leo held his hand out.

Elle quickly took his hand. “Sorry, she’s germaphobic. I’m Elle.”

Elle watched the four guys stare at her and Chloe. The situation was already awkward, and that had just made it a lot more so.

“That’s freaking genius, Nero. Why haven’t we thought of that after all the gross hands we’ve had to shake?” Leo laughed at his own joke, the guys all joining in, and Elle couldn’t help herself from laughing with them. Even Chloe chuckled.

Elle automatically liked Leo. It was something you couldn’t help; he was completely adorable with his long, dirty-blond hair and deep-blue eyes. He knew how to handle himself even at a young age, and Elle knew he had gotten it from his older brother.

Surprisingly, Elle thought lunch was going well. Nero, Amo, and Vincent talked mostly to themselves the whole time while Elle asked Leo questions about how he liked high school so far. Leo, being easy to talk to, had Chloe chiming in, as well. It was a nice lunch. They’d never had any company besides themselves. They, of course, never minded it, but it was a nice change. It was time to head back to class before they knew it.

Elle and Chloe got up first to take their trays to the trash, but Nero stopped Elle. He grabbed her tray and took it from her while Amo came up and grabbed Chloe’s tray. Chloe, however, didn’t let it go; she kept her hands on the tray, holding it tight. Amo held on tighter and slowly pulled it closer to him, freeing it from her hands.

“I-I can throw away my own trash.” Chloe kept her eyes down to the floor; no way she would look a big guy like Amo in the face.

Elle tried hard not to laugh at little Chloe fighting for her tray against Amo.

“Yeah, so what’s your point?” Amo was asking a rhetorical question because he knew Chloe wasn’t going to be able to answer it. He went to the trash can with Nero and tossed it in.

“Catch you later, girls.” Elle and Chloe smiled at Leo as he went off to his class. He is way too cute.

“What class are you in?” Nero asked Elle.

“Spanish, why?”

“Because we’re gonna walk you to class.” Amo started walking out front and Nero took Elle’s arm to start walking. Chloe walked right behind Elle like she did as usual. Nero stopped and turned around. “What are you doing, Chloe?”

Um, walking?”

“Why the hell are you walking on Elle’s ass?”

“This is how I always walk.” Chloe’s face was confused as to why it mattered.

“Jesus Christ.” Nero ran his hand through his hair while Amo and Vincent shook their heads. “Chloe, walk beside Elle.”

When Chloe took a hesitant step forward and stood next to Elle, Elle gave her a reassuring smile and nodded for her to start. It took a minute for her to comfortably walk beside Elle because it was hard for her to look at something other than Elle’s back.

It even felt slightly awkward for Elle. She had grown used to Chloe being right at her back. It was also hard for her to let go and trust Nero on his word. Yet, here she was, walking beside her best friend on her right and Nero on her left while Amo and Vincent rounded out the front and back.

She tried not to notice the stares she was getting down the halls; not that she could blame them. They had started the day out as invisible, and now they were walking with the king and his court.

They reached the classroom and Chloe practically ran inside. Amo and Vincent leaned against some lockers close by. Elle was going to go in her classroom; however, Nero grabbed her arm, dragging her back.

“What is it with you running away from me?” He tugged her close to him and held on to her waist.

She tried to free herself, but honestly, it was useless. “Stop it. People are staring at us.” The constant attention from everyone was seriously making her blush.

“So, let them. I didn’t get a thank you, you know?”

“Well, you’re not going to get one now.” He still was not budging on letting her go, even just a little.

Nero smiled. “That was not the right answer. Now you’re not going to like how you’ll be thanking me.”

Elle laughed. “Oh, really? And how’s that?”

“I’ll need a kiss as a thank you.” He grabbed her chin to position her face.

“No, no, no. I am not kissing you. You’re crazy to think I would kiss you in front of everyone.” She felt her face grow even redder. No way is my first kiss going to be here, with him.

“I can wait then. I’ll get my kiss by the end of the day. Oh, and stay here. We’ll be back to pick you up, so don’t even think about leaving without us. Your ass better be right here, understand?”

“Excuse me?” Elle’s body returned to normal. He can’t tell me what to do.

Nero squeezed her tighter. “You don’t want to defy me, Elle. Remember, you owe me a thank you.” He let her go.

Elle was astounded as she stormed into her classroom. Who does he think he is?

She thought he was unbelievable. No way was his mouth coming anywhere near hers. ‘I’ll need a kiss as a thank you.’ Ha! As if!

Elle suddenly realized she had made a deal with the devil.