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New Beginnings: Holiday Novella Barrington Billionaire's Series Book 5.5 (Barrington Billionaires) by Jeannette Winters (2)

Myla couldn’t believe it. That man had the nerve to sit in the classroom and not even pick up a pencil and write one note about what the professor was saying. After all that, Leon texted her first thing the next morning, asking if she was still available to meet. She wanted to tell him where he could go, but she really could use the money. Alex said he would help, but she wanted to be as independent as she could be. Even it if was only a hundred dollars, at least she’d have earned it herself.

Thankfully she’d completed all her work last night before bed so meeting him at the café on Main Street wasn’t an issue. Why he couldn’t be like other people and go to the library was beyond her. This wasn’t coffee hour, and she wasn’t going there for small talk. Myla was being hired for a tutoring service, and that was all he was going to get.

When she entered the café, she looked around, but he was nowhere in sight. She was on time, but it appeared he didn’t value this meeting any more than he did the class. Doesn’t matter. I get paid by the hour, and the clock starts ticking now.

Myla ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream; coffee was something she never liked. She found a table where she could set up her laptop and see the entrance in case he decided to show up. If he didn’t show, at least she would get some studying done. Exams were going to begin the end of next week, and as far as she was concerned, a person could never be over prepared.

She was able to review not only the notes from last night’s seminar, but two others as well before Leon finally decided to grace her with his presence. “Sorry, I’m late. I was—”

“It’s your money. Feel free to take as much time as you need.” Myla wasn’t going to let him know she was perturbed at his lack of commitment. What he did was none of her business. All she needed to focus on was preparing for the final exam; the rest was on him.

If he was shocked by her words, he didn’t let it show. Instead, he asked, “Can I get you another coffee?”

“Hot chocolate, but I’ll have water, thank you.”

As he walked over to the counter to place their order, Myla rolled her eyes. She noticed Leon didn’t bring his computer with him. From the looks of it, there was no notepad either. It took a lot for her not to grab her coat and laptop and leave him standing there alone. Think about the money.

When he returned, she didn’t question him. “How about we start with the class notes from last night.” She turned and adjusted her chair, so they could both view the screen as she opened her notes. “I’m not sure how much you retained last night. Would you like me to start at the beginning?”

He took a sip of his coffee then shook his head. “What’s your major?”

Myla shot him a look. “We’re not here to discuss me.”

“I thought you said it was my money?”

She arched a brow at him. What game are you playing? “I did. That doesn’t mean I’m yours to do what you want.”

Leon chuckled. “Now that sounds like an anatomy class I’d enjoy taking.”

Myla got up from the table. “I think you need to find yourself another tutor.” She didn’t leave Tabiq only to find herself being used for some man’s sexual needs.

Leon grabbed hold of her hand and said, “Sorry, Myla. That was uncalled for. I really appreciate the fact you’re willing to tutor me.”

She met his gaze and the arrogance which had been there vanished. Was it possible he truly felt bad for his behavior? Myla hoped so because something within her wanted him to succeed. Pulling her hand from his, she sat back down. “If that’s the case, let’s get started.”

“Sounds good.”

“And you plan on taking notes on what exactly?” Myla asked sarcastically.

“Believe it or not, I can retain more than you think.”

So far the only thing he seemed to retain was a cocky attitude. Myla had her fill of men who thought they were better than women. It was probably wrong for her to judge him since they barely knew each other, but there was something not right, and she couldn’t put her finger on it. Part of her said this was a waste of time for the both of them. Then again, she had the time, and he had the money to pay. Myla would uphold her end of the bargain. She didn’t care what he did afterward.

Myla spent the next two hours talking about not only the lecture last night, but some of the major pieces she thought he’d need to know to prepare for the anatomy exam. She’d anticipated it to be a one-way conversation. To her surprise, Leon didn’t veer off course, and he also added information she didn’t know. She knew there was more to him than met the eye, but she hadn’t expected this. He actually did retain what she said. She was almost jealous. Knowledge meant everything to her, but she had to work hard at it. That’s why she took such good notes, so she could read them over again when she was alone.

Myla actually enjoyed having a discussion with him. Someone like him would make a wonderful study partner. But with the distractions of his arrogant butt and being drop-dead gorgeous, I’m not sure how much I’d retain.

She knew it was time to end this session when her mind started to wander. Closing her laptop, she said, “That will be eighty dollars please.” Leon opened his wallet and handed her a hundred-dollar bill. “I’m not sure I have enough change.” It was sad, but she actually knew she didn’t. The hot chocolate earlier had taken the last few dollars she had to her name. That’s why this job meant so much to her. It would give her enough money to handle the essentials without having to ask Alex.

“Consider it an apology again for my rude comment earlier.”

Myla wanted to tell him that wasn’t necessary, but she wasn’t going to pass up the extra money. As long as it doesn’t come with any strings. “Thank you.”

She looked past him and noticed snow flurries coming down. She had worn her coat but forgotten her gloves at the dorm. Myla was used to the warmth of Tabiq, but there was something exciting about experiencing snow for the first time. She could hardly wait to get outside and feel it fall onto her face. “Sorry I have to go.” She grabbed her laptop and slipped it into her backpack.

“I also was hoping you might consider meeting again tomorrow to continue where we left off.”

Myla stopped and shot him a look of surprise. Making more money sounded great, but she didn’t know what else she could tell him. Although she hated to admit it, she’d misjudged him; he knew his stuff. “I don’t think you need me.”

“Let me be the judge of that. So tomorrow the same time and same place?”

Myla looked out the window again. The only thought was to get out there before it stopped. “Yeah, sure.” She didn’t look at him as she replied.

“Is something wrong?” Leon asked. She heard concern in his voice.

Turning, she said apologetically, “Sorry. Now I’m being rude. It’s just that it’s snowing outside.”

“I can see that.”

“I’ve never seen snow before.”

Leon looked out the window then back to her. “Really? Then what are we waiting for? I think there are a few flakes out there with your name on them.”

He reached out, took her by the hand, and led her outside. Although she’d been solely focused on the snow, his hand on hers changed that. As they left the café, they were met with a cold gust of wind. She normally kept her distance from men she didn’t know but somehow found herself turning and burying her face in the front of Leon’s jacket. The temperature had dropped significantly in just a few hours. Maybe snow isn’t for me.

Leon let go of her hand, and she felt his strong arms wrap around her. “Maybe you’d rather see the snow from my car where it’s warm.”

He must’ve felt her tense as she panicked. Back in Tabiq men didn’t use such tactics to persuade women to go with them. They didn’t have to. But Alex had warned Myla to be wary of the men here. Is that what this is, Leon? Are your intentions dishonorable?

“It’s okay, Myla. I’m not going to hurt you. I wouldn’t hurt anyone.”

She looked up and met his gaze. His honey brown eyes matched the soft tone of his voice. He was far from demanding or threatening. That didn’t mean she should be foolish and take him up on his offer. If Alex knew I was even considering it, he’d have my head.

“Leon, I can’t.”

He looked down at her, and for a split second she thought he was going to insist. “I understand. Do you have any gloves?” She shook her head. Leon reached into his pocket and pulled out a pair of leather gloves. “They’re going to be way too big, but at least your fingers will be warm.”

Leon held out the gloves, and she slipped her hands inside. It was a relief to have her fingers protected from the bitter cold, but it didn’t compare to the warmth she felt when his hand held hers. You’re not here for a boyfriend. You’re here for education only. “What are you going to wear if I have your gloves?”

“I have my car to keep me warm. And you can return them to me when we meet tomorrow.”

She looked up at him puzzled. “I don’t remember agreeing to that.”

“I’ll be here, and I’ll even be on time.” Leon placed a finger under her chin to bring her face toward the sky. Snowflakes continued to fall and melt as they made contact with the warmth of her cheeks. “Now you can say you’ve seen snow. What do you think?”

Think? I’m not sure I can think right now. “It’s . . . more than I imagined.” Because I never pictured you in it.

“The first snow is always the most beautiful.” She thought he was looking toward the sky as well, but when she faced him, she noticed he was looking down at her. “Very beautiful indeed.”

She didn’t need science to know the chemistry between them was strong. The look in his eyes told her more than she wanted to know. If it wasn’t for the fact that her heart was racing for the same reason, she’d have turned and run.

“Leon, I can’t. I mean we shouldn’t. Next week is exam week, and we both need to concentrate on what’s important for the future.”

Leon bent, placed a light kiss on her left cheek, and said, “I’ll see you in the morning, Myla.”

She was left standing, stunned and alone. Myla watched as he hustled across the street and got inside a black Range Rover. As he pulled away, another strong gust of wind hit her. It seemed to make its way through the thick fabric of her winter coat. I wish I would’ve said yes to that ride. Maybe tomorrow.

Leon had more time on his hands than he wanted. Spending it with Myla had seemed like a good distraction. After meeting with her earlier this morning, he questioned that. The rest of the day he found himself thinking of her often. Under normal circumstances that would be a good thing. But she was way too young for him, and the way she was looking at him was going to make it hard to resist.

Of course, I asked her to meet again tomorrow. I encouraged her every chance I could. Leon was disappointed in his behavior. The last thing he wanted to do was lead her on. In just a few weeks he’d be gone. His family expected him to be back in Italy, but that wasn’t where his heart was calling him. The first chance he got he was heading back to West Africa to meet with Dr. Phillips.

The email he’d received right before he left to meet Myla had delivered a clear plea for help. The need was great; they needed every hand they could get as soon as possible. He wished he could board a plane right that minute, but he couldn’t. It would mean returning at a later date only to start over on the one elective again. If it had been early in the semester, he’d probably have jumped on that plane without giving it a second thought. I’ve gone this far; I might as well finish.

Leaning back and sipping his beer, he stared out the window. It was dark, but he could tell the snow was still coming down by looking at the streetlights. The weatherman predicted flurries, which once again was wrong. There were already six inches of snow on the ground and no end in sight. He couldn’t help but think about Myla and wonder if she was home safe and warm. I wish she’d let me drive her home.

He didn’t know why, but he needed to make sure. Grabbing his cell phone, he sent her a text. “What are you doing?”


That girl is as dedicated as I am, but she has a long way to go. “At home?” No response came. He realized that probably made her uncomfortable. I don’t want to look like a creep. For all he knew she had a boyfriend, and he’d overstepped his boundaries. Either way, he needed to know she was okay. “Wanted to make sure you’re not out in the storm.” That must’ve eased her mind as she responded.

“I’m home. Thank you for checking.”

He wanted to continue chatting with her, but pushing was only going to make her retreat. “See you in the morning.”


He tossed his phone on the coffee table, wishing he could’ve continued their conversation. There were a million things he’d rather be doing, and none included sitting alone in his apartment. This place was too damn quiet. Leon was anxious to get back in the field, doing what he studied and trained for all these years. To be able to put it to use with someone as well-known as Dr. Phillips was an honor. My family’s not going to think of it that way.

His phone rang. He checked caller ID—his mother. The last thing he wanted was to add mother’s guilt for not going home. Leon, let it go to voicemail. The conversation had to happen, but not tonight. That’s what tomorrows are made for. He laughed softly because he’d been avoiding her for days. And even if we talk, nothing is going to change. I’m not going back to Italy. Not now at least.