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Newfound Love (The Row Book 3) by Kay Brooks (10)



TREVOR FOLLOWED the GPS directions although in the small town of Edmondsville, Idyllwild Lane wasn’t that hard to find.  He recognized some of the four cars parked in front of her house and understood the five pizzas.  Randi had company.

“Hope you didn’t mind the extra food,” Randi said nervously when she opened the door for him.  “Brina called and since you were in town, we thought it might be good to have a group meeting.  About the firehouse.”  She reached for her purse.  “I’ll be glad to pay you for it.”

Trevor set the pizzas on the table and reached for her. He saw the worry in her eyes and felt the tension in her body.  “No problem.”  He smiled down at her.  “I think I can afford a few pizzas.  And I agree, it might be good to discuss the project.”

Sandy raced into the kitchen.  “You gonna kiss mom again,” he shouted.

“Want me to?” Trevor asked.

“No,” Randi exclaimed.  “I’m nervous enough about Tim, now the whole world knows you’ve kissed me.”  She grabbed one of the pizzas and handed it to Sandy.  “Here take this in the other room.  I’ll bring the rest.  Trevor, you can grab the beer in the fridge.”

Thirty minutes later everyone sat in the den while the boys played in their room.

“You know, Trevor, if you’re going to stay in town, you don’t have to stay in the loft at the firehouse.” Ginny sat beside Cliff on the sofa. “You’re more than welcome to stay in the cottage at Spicer Meadows.  I lived there for a few years and Brina lived there when we started the project.  Now that she and Rafe are married, it happens to be vacant.”

Cliff and Ginny had gotten married last year after they both had served as administrators in Claudette Spicer’s estate.  By the time Cliff had found out Claudette Spicer was really his grandmother, he had fallen back in love with Ginny and cut his blonde ponytail.

“Thank you, I might take you up on the offer,” Trevor said.  One night on the cot had been enough for him.  It’d be good to sleep in a real bed.  Give him a reason to stay in Edmondsville.  “Hopefully it won’t be too long.”

“I’m glad it was simply painting over the graffiti,” Brina said.  “I don’t understand why we’ve been plagued with so many problems at the firehouse, but at least they’ve been minor ones.  Even the fire was minor.” 

Renovating the firehouse had originally been Brina’s idea.  Then Randi, Ginny and Marcie had become partners in the project.  Brina had moved back to Edmondsville then married Rafe earlier this year after he’d hired her to do his Christmas shopping.

“I’m trying to catch up with this ‘Homeless Hal’ everyone seems to think might have started the fire,” Travis said.  “He’s also a suspect with the graffiti but I’m not so sure.  I can understand his starting the fire to keep warm, but not the graffiti?”

“Yeah,” Cliff said as his Paul Newman eyes stared into his beer.  “Guess we’ll all have to keep our eyes and ears open, if you know what I mean.”  Everyone smiled at Cliff’s use of an old song in his conversation.  A music fanatic, he often inserted song titles whenever he could.

Trevor looked at Randi who mouthed, “I’ll explain later.”

“Tell us about your stay in Snowridge,” Marcie said.  “I’m glad you two finally met one another.  Randi was always saying,” Marcie almost said you have a cute butt but stopped herself.

“Saying what?” Trevor teased.

“She told you?  About your cute butt?”

“No but that would explain why she made make me walk across the room when we met.”

Brina, Ginny and Marcie chuckled while Randi’s cheeks turned pink.

“It was great getting away,” Randi stated.  “Dad played golf, the boys played some soccer and I just relaxed.  Trevor took us on a couple adventures and we enjoyed that.”

“You know,” Brina said, “you didn’t really have to come back a day early.  We could have handled the graffiti situation.  I just wanted to let you know it had happened.”

“Yeah, I know.  But I was ready to come back.  I needed to come back.”

Ginny frowned.  “Needed?  I don’t think I’ve ever needed to come back from vacation a day early.  Did something happen?”

Randi looked at Trevor. “We had a great time until the last two days.  I ran into my ex-husband and his new wife.”

Everyone was silent until Marcie spoke up.  “You’ve never mentioned your ex-husband.  Is everything okay?”

“Yes. No.  I don’t know.  We’ve been divorced since the boys were born.  Part of the divorce agreement was that he would fund an education account for the boys.  And other than that, he has had no contact with them.”

“Never?”  Ginny looked at Cliff.  “Their father has never seen those beautiful boys?”  Randi knew Ginny was thinking about the child she and Cliff were going to have and how Cliff would never agree to not being a part of his son or daughter’s life.

Randi sighed.  “It was for the best, okay?  And I thought things were going smoothly until I realized he hasn’t contributed to their education fund for eighteen months.  Now he’s petitioning for joint custody of the boys.”

“Why now?” Rafe asked.  A financial advisor, he calculated the missed investment opportunities that would have benefited the boys’ education fund.

“Apparently, Miriam, his wife, can’t have children so he wants to share custody of mine.”

Trevor reached for Randi’s hand.  “When we both got the phone calls about the firehouse, we figured it was a good reason to come back early.”

“Especially after I found out that Tim had hired a private investigator.” 

“I certainly understand that feeling,” Brina said, casting a look at her husband.  Rafe had hired Brad’s father to investigate her past.  In the long run, it had brought closure for Brina but she remembered the shock and hurt she’d felt when she found out.  Rafe squeezed her hand.

Randi looked at Ginny.  “The guy actually got close enough to overhear a conversation you and I had about the trip.”  She shuddered.  “It gives me the creeps to think that someone has been watching me. Taking pictures of me, and probably the boys, without my knowledge.

I talked to Brad this afternoon about what to do and he’s going to help me.  Said if Tim followed through, some guardian ad litem would probably be assigned to the boys.  He or she, whoever it is, will be talking to all of us.  Ginny, you will probably be interviewed since you’re their teacher.  The rest of you because you’re my friends.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about us,” Brina stated.  “We will all attest to how great a mother you’ve been and how happy the boys are.  You’ve done so much on your own.  I know I will certainly be making this guardian whatever aware of how your husband has shirked his contributions to their education fund.”

Randi smiled.  “Thank you.  All of you.  Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that, though.”

Trevor decided not to share that the process had already started.  That was Brad’s job and Randi didn’t need to worry about it till tomorrow.

“Ginny, if your offer still stands, I think I’d like to check this cottage out and settle in tonight.  It’s been a long day and I’d like to get an early start tomorrow.  I also need to make a quick trip home for more clothes.”

“Of course,” Ginny reached for Cliff’s hand.  “I’ve been more tired myself these past few weeks.”  She rested a hand on her stomach.

Cliff kissed her cheek.  “Been eating a little more too.”

Randi called the boys in to tell everyone good-bye.  The adults exchanged smiles when Scott and Sandy rushed to Trevor’s side.  He squatted down to talk to them, man to man.  “You take care of your Mom, okay?”

“’Kay,” they both said.

“See you for breakfast?”  He asked Randi who nodded, tried to ignore more smiles from her friends.

“Don’t worry,” Marcie hugged Randi after Trevor drove away.  “We’re all here for you but it looks like you already have your knight in shining armor.”


Trevor awoke early the next morning with no back ache and feeling refreshed.  It wasn’t quite six and he was sure it was too early for breakfast at Randi’s.  He’d missed his early morning jogs the past couple days and decided to see a little of Spicer Meadows.

He took a deep breath and enjoyed the smell of dew on the hay and headed up the long drive.  The sun was just coming up when he reached the end of the drive and started back.  He followed the path between the manor house and cottage to the back fields.  Past the barns, cemetery and open fields.  New territory made for an interesting run.

He was worried about Randi.  Wondered how she would react to the bad news Brad would be telling her today.  She didn’t deserve any of this and it irritated him that her ex-husband would suddenly decide to pursue custody.  Why now, he wondered.

Before going to Randi’s for breakfast, he decided to drive by the job.  Aaron, his foreman was already there and assured him that nothing had happened in the night.  On the way to Randi’s, he kept an eye out for Homeless Hal.  If he didn’t see him today, he planned to talk with the deputy.

Randi poured him a second cup of coffee after breakfast.  “Brad called,” she sighed.  “Said he needed to see me today.”  She sat across the table.  “Guess that means he’s heard something.”

Trevor leaned back in his chair.  “If Tim decides he wants shared custody, we’ll do what needs to be done.”

“I haven’t told my father I saw Tim at Snowridge.  And if Tim is going to pursue custody, that will upset him even more.”

“Maybe, but I’m sure he’ll do whatever is necessary to help you.  I don’t know Brad that well, but hopefully he’ll look out for your best interest.”

Randi stared at her cup.  “What am I going to tell the boys?  How do you tell six-year-old boys that the man they just met is their father?  A man that had no desire to see them until now?”

She rubbed the back of her neck.  The headache was gone but not the tension.  She looked at Trevor, saw the concern and frustration in his eyes.  She wanted to tell him that he’d been more of a father to them than Tim, but didn’t.  Didn’t want to put him on the spot.  After all, they’d only just met.

“Listen, when are you supposed to see him?”

“Sometime this afternoon.  He’s going to call.”

“Who’s watching the boys?  Do you want me to take them?”

Randi’s eyes grew wide.  “Oh my gosh, I hadn’t thought that far.  And they have their first soccer session with the recreation department.”  She leaned forward, her head in her hands.  “Too much is happening all at once.”

“Randi, you don’t have to worry about the boys.  What time is the practice?  I’ll come by, take them to lunch and then to practice.”

“But you have your own work you have to do.  Didn’t you say you had to go back to Snowridge?”

“One more day won’t matter.  And if I have to, I’ll go late tonight.  As for the job, that’s why I have a foreman.  He and the crew are finishing up the loft.  I’ve also been trying to track down this Homeless Hal and the boys can ride along.  I want to talk to him.”

“I’d appreciate it.  I’m sure the boys will enjoy an adventure in your truck.” 


Randi sat in the car outside Brad’s office.  Tried to calm her nerves.  She’d been a wreck ever since Brad had called and asked if she could meet him and the guardian ad litem in his office.

She’d waited until after Trevor left with the boys to react.  Her headache was back and her eyes hurt from crying.  She needed to get control.  Too much was happening all at once.  Less than a week ago, her life had been great.  She and the boys were relaxing at the resort and she’d just met Trevor.

Now, because of Tim, she’d have someone interfering in her life.  Observing her, dictating what she could and couldn’t do.  All she knew was this GAL was a woman.  A retired lawyer that took on special cases for Judge Reamy.  Randi hoped a woman would be to her advantage.

Another car parked beside her and she watched a woman get out.  That must be her, Randi thought.  Short and grandmotherly came to mind when the woman smiled at her then headed towards Brad’s office.

Randi pulled the visor down and checked her makeup.  Her eyes weren’t as puffy as when she had her crying jag.  She reached for her purse, added some lipstick, then opened her door.  It was time, she tried to encourage herself.  She could do this.

Stacie was coming out of Brad’s office when Randi stepped inside.  She smiled, walked across the room and gave Randi a hug.  “I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this but know Brad and I will do everything we can to help.”

Randi smiled.  “Thank you.  I guess they’re waiting for me.”

Brad appeared at his door.  “Randi, glad you’re here.  I want you to meet your GAL.”  When Randi followed him into his office, the woman from the parking lot chuckled.

“That’s short for guardian ad litem.”  She extended her hand.  “I’m Harriet Young.  Your GAL. I retired from my law practice a couple years ago and serve as a GAL part time. Judge Reamy asked me to take your case.”

“This is all so new to me,” Randi said.  “I feel like my private life won’t be so private anymore.”

“Things will be a little different for a while,” Brad said, “but once the preliminaries are done, things should go back to normal.  Let’s hope your ex-husband will be cooperative.”

Harriet smiled.  “I will certainly make my part as painless as possible.  I’ll be interviewing everyone involved and reporting to Judge Reamy.  The reports will be sealed and shared with no one.  I will be at the court hearings and handle any mediation that might be needed.  I’ve also been known to testify if called upon.”

Randi felt an instantaneous feeling of relief.  The friendly smile and soft blue eyes chased away the nerves that had been building up over the past two days.  “I hope you’ll be able to help us, Mrs. Young.”

“Please, call me Harriet.  I will be meeting with your ex-husband as well but wanted to meet you first.  As you requested, Mr. Beckman has told me about your marriage with Mr. Cavanaugh.  I’m sorry it was so difficult.”

“I don’t want anything to happen to my boys.  He says he has straightened up but I still worry.  Two six-year-old boys can be challenging; I worry that he won’t have the patience.”

“Well, I plan to take it slow.  I wanted to meet with you, let you tell me about the boys and your father.  I’ll also be talking with their teacher,” she looked at her notebook, “Mrs. Spicer?”

“Yes, Ginny and I became friends when I moved here two years ago and I was so happy to have her as their first real teacher.”

“I don’t know how much Brad has told you but I’ll also be talking with their school counselor and your father.  There will also be a home visit just to be sure that the boys live in a safe environment.  You don’t need to worry, I’m sure all is fine.  All I ask is that you not coach the boys in any way. After I chat with the boys, I’ll be going to Maryland to visit with your ex-husband and his wife.”

“They just met Tim for the first time. Last weekend.  I haven’t even told them he is their father.  I don’t know what to say.  Shouldn’t I do that as soon as possible.”

“Yes. Especially before I meet them for the first time.  They need to understand why I’m visiting and asking them so many questions.  I have six grandchildren of my own.  I’m sure they will have lots of questions for me.  Many times, children open up to strangers they are comfortable with.  No matter how close you are with them, they might ask me questions they wouldn’t want to ask you.  Are they at home now?”

“No.  Trevor, Mr. Graystone, a friend took them to their soccer practice.”

“And is this Mr. Graystone important to the boys?”

“Actually, we’ve only known him for little over a week.  You see, Trevor, ah Mr. Graystone is working on a project for Brina and me.  He and I officially met when the boys and I went to Snowridge last weekend.  The boys like him very much.  They took to one another almost instantly.”

“Is Mr. Graystone important to you?”

“Well, he’s working on our firehouse project, but yes, he has become a good friend too.”

“I’ll probably interview him as well.  What do the boys think of him?”

“Oh, they’re crazy about him.  They’re comfortable and relaxed around him.  He plays with them, encouraged them to go to the soccer clinic at Snowridge, spent an entire day with us.”  Randi realized she may be saying too much.  “He also owns the resort.  Did I tell you?”

Harriet smiled.  “I take it their mother likes him as well?”

Randi felt her cheeks flush, then let out a chuckle.  “A little.”

“That will be another plus for you.  If he’s as much a part of your family as you say.”  She added Trevor’s name to her notebook.  “I’ll be visiting with your ex-husband and his wife as soon as I can coordinate things.  Since he has never been a part of Scott and Sandy’s lives, my first recommendation will be that he have supervised visitations with the boys.”

Randi felt a great burden fall off her shoulders. Her greatest concern had been the visitations and had secretly hoped that Trevor’s suggestion was true.

“It probably wouldn’t hurt for your husband to visit with everyone here in Edmondsville.  Maybe he and his wife could attend some family outings?”

“I’ll see what I can do.” Randi sighed.  “First, I need to sit down and have a talk with my boys.  This evening.”


Boys, we need to talk.”  Randi sat between the boys on the sofa, her father and Trevor sat across the room.  After her meeting with Harriet in Brad’s office, she had called her father, then invited Trevor to join them for dinner.

Dinner was over and she tried to keep her thoughts organized.

Sandy reached for her hand and looked innocently at her.  “What have we done?”

“Yeah.  We didn’t mean to push David in the pool.”

Randi smiled and gave each a kiss on the cheek.  “You haven’t done anything.  And I’m sure David enjoyed being dunked in the pool.  No, I need to talk about something else.”

She looked across at Trevor and her father.

“Do you remember the man that you met at Snowridge the other day.  Tim?”

“The man that doesn’t smile?”

Randi’s eyebrows shot up as she cast another look at Trevor and her father.  Her boys were more observant than she gave them credit for, she thought.

“Yes.  The man that didn’t smile.  How do I say this?  That man’s last name is Cavanaugh too.  He’s your father.”  She watched the boys process what she’d just told them.

“Our daddy?”

“Yes.  You see, shortly after the two of you were born, your daddy and I decided to get a divorce.  He moved out of our house and we didn’t live together anymore.”

She watched Sandy’s eyes fill with tears.  “But why didn’t he visit us?”

“Well, he lived a long way away and was very busy.”  She never expected them to get upset and certainly wasn’t going to tell them their father had no desire to see them.

“Didn’t he love us?”  Scott asked.  He was getting upset like his brother.

For the second time that day, Randi’s eyes filled with tears.  She looked across at the adults then hugged both boys close.  “Of course, he loved you.  That’s why he and Miriam want to be a part of your life now.  You know how David lives with his Mama part of the time and his Daddy the other part of the time?  Tim, your father would like to do the same thing.”

“Is he going to move here with us?”

“Yeah, what room will he have?

“No, he won’t move here.  He’ll probably come to visit us but he and Miriam won’t move in with us.  They will continue to live in Maryland but will visit us here in Edmondsville.  Then, maybe one day, when you get to know him better, you two will go and visit them at their house.”

“But what about you?  Who’s going to take care of you?”

“Who will you live with?  You’ll be all by yourself.”

Randi hugged them closer.  She should have known their first thoughts would be about her.  “I’ll be fine, don’t you worry.  And it will be a while before you go to stay with them.  Until you get to know your father better, he will visit you here and someone, GrandPop, me, maybe even Trevor, will always be with you.”

She paused a minute for them to digest what she’d told them.

“I also need to tell you that a lady, Mrs. Young, will be coming to visit with you.  Probably tomorrow.  She’ll sit down with you and talk to you about all sorts of stuff.  I want you two to answer all her questions and tell the truth.  She’ll be the one to decide how much time your father and I have with you.”

“But I don’t want to leave you,” Scott sobbed.

“No.  We don’t want to go live with the man that doesn’t smile.”

Randi’s heart ached.  Ached for these two little boys who were so confused and had their world turned upside down.

“You two will get to know him better and I’m sure that he will smile more, the more he gets to know you.  After all,” she tickled them, “who wouldn’t want to smile at two big boys like you?”

Scott and Sandy stared across the room at their grandfather and Trevor.

“Why can’t we live with Trevor?”

“Yeah, Trevor always smiles.”

Trevor couldn’t help but laugh.  “Boys, I would love nothing more than to spend more time with you two but Tim is your father and you need to get to know him better.  I’ll still be around.  In fact,” he winked at the boys, “I’ll help GrandPop take care of your Mom.”




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