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Nykon (Zenkian Warriors) (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) by Maia Starr (18)

Commander Nykon Reev


When Amber told me she carried my child, I was filled with happiness. It was not something that I would plan to happen, it was a very dangerous thing. But I was happy all the same. But now I would need to figure out a way to deal with that. I had broken the law by being with her. If they denied a marriage between us, my course of action would be to run away with her and to have a family of our own, but that was not an option. I had my son, and I would not abandon him, not in one million years. I loved him with all my heart. I would do anything for him. I would die for him. So running away was not an option; I had to figure out a way to make the leaders accept my union with a human female.


The next day, Rizim and I were summoned to the chamber of the leaders. We stood in front of Leader Hirun, and two other leaders.


“Commander Nykon Reev, Rizim, you two soldiers are the heroes of the war games battle. Without you, the trap that the Waysaw set for us would not have turned out in our favor. You will be honored with the highest honors and a celebration next week. We want to thank both of you and elevate your positions: a promotion,” Leader Hirun said.



“I humbly do not except,” I said to them. Everyone looked at me with confusion, including my good friend Rizim.



“I am grateful for the honor you bestow upon me for the work I did. But I ask for a different honor. I am a criminal. I have broken the law. I should be punished. But instead of punishing me, I hope that instead of honoring me you will forgive my crimes,” I said.


There was mumbling amongst the leaders as they looked at each other and confusion. Rizim turned to me and looked at me strangely. He crossed his arms over his chest; I could tell that he was amused and trying not to laugh.


“Commander. This is news to us. Do you wish to share the details of these crimes you allegedly you committed?” he said.


“Yes, Leader. I have mated with a human female, and she now carries my child. That is my crime. My crime is that I have fallen in love with the human, and she has fallen in love with me,” I said.


Rizim let out a soft laugh and quickly put his hand over his mouth. He turned away from the leaders. I gave him an annoyed look.


“Commander Nykon! You know the rules! Why did you say commit such a crime? This is unbelievable. You should be banished,” Leader Hirun said.


“I cannot explain my actions. The heart is a strange thing. I know the punishment. That is why I do not accept the honor you wish to give me. I hope that in exchange for my success in the war game battle that I shall be granted this one request. I wish to make the human female my wife and our child legitimate,” I said with a bow, trying to show respect.


Rizim turned back around and stared at attention to the leaders. I stood at attention as well. They were quiet. Then they stood up and huddled together, talking amongst each other.




“After the warnings that you gave me, you did not follow your own,” he said.




“Commander Nykon, in light of the fact that you played such a crucial role in the success of the war games plans, we will grant you this one request. But if another law is broken, you shall face the consequences. This is your one free pass. I hope you know what you are doing. But we will speak to the human female and make sure this is what she wants as well. We take such things seriously. It is up to her whether she will take you as a husband,” he said.


“I understand. Thank you. I humbly accept your offering,” I said with another battle.



Rizim and I both walked out of the chambers. We were quiet as we walked side by side until we were a distance from the building.




“You are not going to tell me her name?” he stopped walking and looked at me.



“It's the human from the treatment center isn't it? The one that was working on your injury.”



“I knew it! Well, congratulations, you criminal. Or should I call you a hero? Which one do you prefer?” he asked.





We laughed and made our way to the tavern. We deserve a good night of getting drunk and blabbing to anyone that would hear about our heroic deeds.