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Oceanside Marine (Kendall Family Book 4) by Jennifer Ann (18)

Chapter 18


Sometime around nine I find myself wandering into the spacious kitchen via the aroma of nutty coffee brewing calling to me like a bullhorn through a groggy haze. My very pregnant sister-in-law leans back against the large island, already dressed for the gift opening in an a-line dress with black floral print that the three of us created exclusively for her a few months back.

I almost trip over her feet when I notice she’s grimacing. Thick lashes brushing her cheeks, hands smoothing over her belly, rouged cheeks puffed out with a slow breath, it would seem she’s in serious pain. Possibly in labor. How did I not notice yesterday how much her bulging stomach has dropped? Holy hell.

“Ev?” I ask, telling myself to remain calm. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just having some of those Braxton hicks things. I’ve been having them a lot the past few days. I didn’t say anything before because I didn’t want Shar to worry.” Opening her eyes, she tries to smile, but her expression remains strained. “Charlie had to meet with his producer this morning, so he’s just going to take a cab from there to the gift opening. I put some coffee on, thinking you might be hurting after last night.”

“Thanks.” As I start for the coffee pot, my conversation with Jason comes back in a blinding rush, and I moan. “I was a mess last night, huh? I called my ex after we got here. I haven’t talked to the bastard in ages, but he kind of apologized for being a bad parent. He wants me to see if the boys are interested in meeting with him.” I rub at my tired face and moan. “Vodka is never a good idea.”

“Wow. That’s huge, Kate. Do you think you’ll ask Connor and Allen?”

“Maybe. Turns out he’s fathered several other children, so I think it’s only fair if they know they have brothers and sisters.”

She huffs as I’m pouring myself a cup. “Guess it’s better than drunk-dialing Braden. Have you figured out what answer you’re going to give him on California?”

“I still want to go…but I have to make sure Allen can be at peace with it first.”

I pour the dark liquid into a cup, telling myself I won’t cry. Maybe I’ll have to postpone the trip for awhile. Wouldn’t hurt anyway. It’d give me time to pack and line things up here before I leave.

“Do you think you’d move out there for him?” Evelyn asks. There’s a little hitch to her voice, but I can’t tell if she’s saddened by the idea of my leaving, or she’s hurting.

Casually turning back around, I study her while blowing on my steaming drink. “You know, I think I might. Not just for Braden, but because I’m ready for a fresh start. Don’t get me wrong—it would royally suck being so far away from all you guys and everything, but there’s something about California that really speaks to me.”

Evelyn bites on her lip in a way that still makes it hard to decide the severity of the situation. She’s trying to put on a good show, but I can tell she’s still feeling a fair amount of pain. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? Do you want me to call Charlie?”

“I’m fine, I swear. Have you told your mother about Braden?”

“No, but I suppose I should have a talk with her this afternoon.”

“You know she’ll support you, whatever you decide.”

Guilt-ridden, I hang my head. “Yeah, I know. I just wish it didn’t feel like I’m abandoning her.”

“How many times has she told you and Charlie that she doesn’t want you putting your life on hold because of her health? You were always there for Charlie when your mom couldn’t be—she’ll probably agree you deserve some time to focus on what you want.”

She cries out suddenly, cradling her stomach like she was just zinged with a painful contraction. As much as I’ve tried to black out the whole nightmare involved in giving birth, there’s no forgetting the first true signs of labor. My stomach plummets when I try to remember how far she’s along at this point. What if something’s wrong?

“Why don’t you sit down and I’ll grab you a glass of water,” I suggest, zipping around the corner of the island to rub her back. “When’s the last time you had a contraction?”

“I don’t know…every couple of minutes, maybe?” she answers between clenched teeth. Then her eyes pop wide. “Why? You don’t think I’m having real contractions, do you? I’m only thirty-eight weeks!”

“Thirty-eight weeks isn’t a bad thing, sweetie. But it wouldn’t hurt to give your doctor a call. If you’re in a lot of pain, it may be time to get you to the hospital.”

Her breaths come out slow and heavy. “Number…on…the…fridge.”

While I’m grabbing their portable phone from the kitchen desk area, Evelyn lets out a strange little whimper behind me. “Oh my god, I think I may have either wet myself or my water just broke.”

I turn to her with a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, sweetie. I’ll get you to the hospital and we’ll call Charlie along the way. Everything will be just fine.”

Deep down, I’m freaking the hell out. We better make it to the hospital in time, because I have no fucking clue what I’m doing.

* * *

Somewhere between Brooklyn and Manhattan, shit gets real. Evelyn’s contractions become even more extreme, falling within mere minutes of each other. Turns out she had lost some blood while we were in the kitchen. It wasn’t enough to cause panic, but made me wonder if it was that “bloody show” they say mothers often have before going into labor.

The doctor’s office said her OBGYN would be waiting for us, and told me I should do my best to prevent her from pushing. Between grabbing the bag Evelyn packed for the hospital and slipping into a pair of her leggings paired with a sweatshirt, I called Charlie. The way he freaked I thought he was going to give himself a heart attack, so I arranged for his manager to give him a ride to the hospital.

I’m admittedly close to hyperventilating myself when I try texting Braden with a general message saying that I’d really like to talk to him when he has time. Several minutes pass without a response, and my throat thickens with tears. I need you, Brae. Please don’t give up on me.

Evelyn sits with her head resting against the back of the passenger’s seat, breathing the way they taught her in Lamaze classes among labored moans. I smooth her hair away from her sweaty face and assure her everything will be okay even though I’m pretty sure she’s way closer than we thought and we’re fucked.

The painfully young, male cab driver keeps throwing her annoyed looks through the rearview mirror whenever she lets out a cry.

“What do you keep looking at? She’s in labor!” I snap, all at once resenting those judging dark eyes. “You obviously haven’t been in her shoes before, and that shit hurts! Keep your eyes on the road, buddy!”

“I can feel the baby coming, Kate,” Evelyn whimpers, turning to look at me.

Oh shit. “Hold on, Ev. The doctor’s office told you not to push until you get there.”

“But I can feel her head spreading me.”

The cabbie repeatedly glances over his shoulder, my panic reflected in his expression. “Holy shit. Want me to pull over?”

“Are you kidding?” I bark at him. “Unless you want her to have this baby in your back seat, you might want to try to get us to the hospital a little faster!”

Evelyn’s hand clamps over my wrist with surprising strength. “Kate. I have to push. She’s coming. Now.”

I swallow down a surprised cry. Why couldn’t the doctor’s office have told me what could happen if she did push? Aside from having a baby in the back of a germ-ridden cab that smells like feet, what’s the worst that could happen? My stomach churns with the possibilities.

There’s no time to reply before she’s lifting her hips off the seat and hiking her dress up amidst a strangled cry. I release her seatbelt and allow her to squeeze my hand as she bares down, crying out between clenched teeth.

Reaching over her lap, I pull her underwear down, yelping when I discover the top of the baby’s head. “Oh my god, Ev! She’s really here!”

“No shit!” she shouts back.

With one last push, my niece slips out into my arms, just like that. Even though she’s covered in blood and slime, skin a purplish tone, she’s the most beautiful baby in the world. I burst into tears with the sight of her.

“Is she okay?” Evelyn cries along with me. “Is she breathing?”

The baby lets out a wail, and we both laugh joyously.

“Hi, there, sweet baby girl,” I say, lifting the goop-covered infant into her mother’s arms. “We weren’t expecting you this early.”

“Oh my god, Kate! She’s so beautiful!”

“She most definitely is.” I bend in to kiss my sister-in-law’s slick head. “Congratulations, momma. You did great.”

Watching the mother and child bond, I’m struck with an emotional tsunami that has me quietly crying along with Evelyn for the remainder of the ride.

There’s no doubt about it, I want another baby. Braden’s baby.

* * *

Once I’ve tipped the cab driver generously for cleaning services and for scarring him for life, I hand Evelyn and the baby off to hospital staff and my blubbering wreck of a brother who almost falls to his knees with the first glance of his daughter. As soon as I’m certain they’re well taken care of, I catch an Uber back home. Along the way I start the long task of contacting my mom and each of the Kendall siblings to let them know Evelyn and baby are just fine.

I call Sharlo second-to-last to tell her she’s an auntie, knowing our conversation will probably take up the most time. Nearly a full minute passes as she cries, shooting off a string of incoherent questions before I can get another word in.

“The nurse that met us at the curb was pretty confident that they’ll both be fine,” I tell her. “She said they had to run the usual tests, but the baby seemed perfectly healthy and Evelyn was all smiles. You would’ve been proud of our girl, Shar. She handled giving birth in a taxi like a champ.”

“I’m at this bloody brunch…in a room filled with bloody guests,” she stammers in a weepy voice. “How can I possibly sneak away?”

“You can’t,” I say firmly. “Enjoy your morning with James. Ev and the baby are in good hands. They wanted to keep them overnight for observations. You can visit them this afternoon before you leave for your honeymoon.”

“I suppose you’re right.” She pauses to pull in a slow breath. “Love, have you seen any sign of Braden this morning? Nolan was set to give him a ride here, but he had already checked out of his hotel room, and he hasn’t made an appearance for brunch.”

Disappointment ripples through me, followed by a paralyzing bout of panic. What if he changed his mind and left? What if he flew back to California, and that’s why he didn’t text me back? How bad did I fuck up by pushing him away?

“I haven’t heard from him since he left the reception last night,” I admit sadly. “No one else has heard from him?”

“I’m sure he’s on his way” she says, her voice soothing. “The party’s only just begun.”

“I’m going to be late, too. I’m heading home first to shower and change.”

After we say our goodbyes, I check to see if maybe I missed a message from Braden. Since my last text still goes unanswered, I decide to give him a call. Yet another round of tears make their way down my cheeks when I realize how badly I want to be with him, but may have missed my chance.

“You’ve reached the one and only Braden Kendall,” his voicemail immediately answers. “You know what to do, so do it already.”

I’m laughing when I reply, “Hey, you cocky little shithead. I’m calling because no one seems to know where you are this morning, and I wanted to make sure you’re alright. If you haven’t heard, you’re an uncle again. Your sister and I were in the cab when it happened. She gave birth in the back of the fucking cab.” When the Uber lady’s eyes pop wide back at me through the mirror, I laugh a little harder. “Trust me, the experience was every bit as freaky as you’d expect. But overall it made me realize a few important things.”

Pausing, I sniffle while pointing out to the driver where to pull in by my apartment. Then, as I decide what to say next, I drop my head and break out sobbing. “I love you, Brae! I wasn’t sure that’s what I was feeling for you because last time I felt that way about someone he knocked me up twice and took off, so I was starting to question what the hell love actually feels like, but now I understand, and dammit, I love the shit out of you, you cocky bastard! I’m sorry you’re hearing this for the first time over the stupid phone but I want you to know how I feel before it’s too late and you leave for California without me! I’m sorry I’ve jerked you around this long and made you wait around for me to get my shit together but I really, truly love you and don’t want to spend another day without you, so please don’t give up on me! You were so right, we’re good together, and I don’t want to miss out on whatever future we may have together! And I do want your baby! I want a mini little Braden with your charm, and beauty, and strength, and kindness, and even all the things you do that drive me insane! If you’re already on your way back home, please call me when you get there and I’ll grab the next flight out! I can’t stand the thought of losing you!”

“Um…Katie?” The driver turns in her seat, fighting back a smile as she points out the windshield of her Jetta. “Is that someone you know?”

I follow the direction of her finger, and my heart rockets into my throat.

Braden stands outside my apartment complex with a bouquet of red roses held in one hand, suitcase and garment bag sitting by his feet, other hand stuffed in his pocket. He’s watching me with a dimpled grin lighting his masculine features, coy “I wanna fuck you” look twinkling in his eyes. It’s like my very own Sixteen Candles moment—which just so happened to be my favorite movie as a teen—only better because there isn’t any of that teenage angst bullshit between us, and I’m already well aware he can fuck like a porn star. In tight blue jeans, black leather jacket over a checked dress shirt, short hair messy like he didn’t get much sleep, he’s easily the most beautiful man on the planet.

And he’s all mine. Hopefully.

At least I don’t think he’s here to say goodbye the way he’s already eye-fucking me.

“Oh…my…shit,” I cry, slapping my free hand over my mouth. With hysterical laughter, I finish the voicemail message to Braden with, “Babe, I have to go. I’m about to maul the shit out of the gorgeous man waiting outside my place.”

The Uber lady starts laughing as I throw my purse over my shoulder and open the door. “Congratulations, your man’s hella hot!”

I’m not even sure how I make it from the car into Braden’s open arms, because I don’t remember my feet moving. I only vaguely register the aroma of leather and roses as our bodies tangle together before his mouth covers mine with a hard, urging kiss that I doubt I’ll ever forget. My salty tears mix with the intoxicating flavor of Braden when he pushes his tongue past my lips, ravaging me in a way that’s reminiscent of our first kiss in Vegas. He lifts me off the ground at the end of it, squeezing the air out of my lugs and dangling my feet beneath me. If this is what it will always feel like to kiss him, now that I realize I’ve met my true love, he can expect to get mauled quite frequently.

My hands wander beneath his shirt when he sets me back down on the ground, brushing over his tight stomach. He releases a little growl as his tongue brushes with mine one last time and the day-old stubble on his chin tickles my skin. With his hands tangled in my hair, forehead pressed to mine, he stops abruptly. “Does this mean you’ve decided to come with me?”

“Maybe if you had bothered answering your phone, you’d have your answer,” I tease, lightly raking my fingernails down his chest. My voice cracks when I say, “Brae, you had me so worried. I thought you left without saying goodbye.”

“I’m so fucking sorry, babe. Is that why you’re crying…because you thought I went back to Cali without you? I wasn’t blowing you off, I swear. My phone died earlier this morning while I was out…running an errand.” Fingers massaging the back of my head, he releases a weighted sigh. “We need to have a serious talk, beautiful.”

“Please don’t tell me you’ve changed your mind about us.”

“No fucking way. You’re going to like at least some of what I have to tell you. Allen and I had a talk this morning.” His lips bend with a crooked smirk. “He gave me his blessing to date you. He’s even okay with you going back with me.”

I gasp, my heart skipping a beat. “What? Oh my god, Braden!” I throw myself into his arms, wondering how much more excitement I can handle in one day. “Are you sure? How did this happen? Where did you see him?”

“I’ll tell you everything later. First, I believe I owe you a strip-tease.” Then he drags his warm lips along my jaw before pulling me tight against his bulging shaft. “Good thing I still have the suit.”

Ho-ly shit. The floodgates just opened on my underwear. I brace myself against his hard chest, struggling to control my emotions. “Brae, there’s something I have to tell you before we do this—I can’t wait any longer.”

Breath held, he becomes still as he waits for me to continue, uncertainty flickering through his beautiful eyes.

“I’ve already said this to you—well, technically I said it in a voicemail so that doesn’t really count I suppose. I want to say it to your face before you hear my blubbering message.” With a smile stretched tight across my lips and tears pooling in my eyes, I take his face in my hands. “I’m in deep love with you, Braden Kendall. So damn much that it scares the shit out of me. And I want your baby—”

He stops me with a deep, probing kiss that leaves me panting and squirming against him, dying to relieve the pang between my legs.

Drawing away, he chuckles quietly and strokes his thumb across my bottom lip. “You have no idea how badly I wanted to hear those words on your lips. I love the living fuck out of you, beautiful. If I have my way, you’ll have my name and be knocked up by the end of the week.”

“Cocky son-of-a-bitch,” I mutter with a bright grin.

“That’s enough talking for now,” he growls, slowly stroking his fingers against my wet spot over my leggings. “There’s a certain record I want to break with my girl. Seems I’ve only succeeded in making you come three times in one session.”

I arch into his touch, moaning. “Once will have to be enough for now. We can’t let your brother and Shar head out for their honeymoon without saying goodbye, and you have a new baby niece to meet. Besides, we’ll have all the time in the world for that once I’m settled in at your place.”

“God, you make me so fucking happy.” He nuzzles his face against my neck, wrapping me in the most delicious Braden-sandwich. “Thank you for giving me another chance. I promise I won’t let you down.”

I hug him back through another rush of tears, wondering how I was lucky enough to win him over. For the first time in my adult life, I finally know how it feels to be loved unconditionally.




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