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Omega Sanctuary: An M/M MPREG Romance (Northern Pack Alliance Book 1) by Alice Shaw (10)


You? How the hell did you find me,” Carter asked. His father looked on edge, but he was feeble from the beatings the interrogators gave him.

“Carter, who is this?” Daren asked, alarmed as well.

I grabbed Carter’s hand and squeezed. “I know you don’t trust me, but I’m drawn to you. I want to help,” I said.

“Don’t trust him,” Daren said. “He’s another snake.”

He furrowed his brow and took a step back, breathing heavily. He closed his eyes. “Dad, we have no choice but to trust him now,” Carter said. “And that makes me sick to my stomach.” Daren leaned against the wall, hurt.

“Just follow me, or you’ll never get out of here alive,” I said.

His father was the first to step forward. “I’l follow your lead, son. Let’s go. There’s a house up north, a mile west of the highway. It’ll be safe there,” he said.

Carter shook his head at me, before following my lead. I knew we weren’t going to mend things right away, but there was a glimmer in his eye that told me he had already started to forgive me.

At the top of the stairs, I pulled out my ID card. “Alright, guys. Just breathe and take it easy. Once we open this door, there’s no going back. That goes for me too,” I said.

Carter’s eyes were intensely staring at me. “What do you mean?” he asked.

“I mean, I’m not coming back here. I’m fleeing this hell hole,” I said. The realization kicked in as soon as I said it. I wouldn’t be staying here ever again. I wasn’t going to have a home anymore. It wasn’t something I had planned out, but I wanted to finally do something.

“Bullshit,” Carter said.

“Both of you, shut up,” Daren said.

I smiled and felt my pulse with my index and middle finger. It was racing. “Okay. Here we go. Keep your heads down and stay quiet,” I said.

As soon as we opened the door, we were in the loading zone. The loading zone was where all of the prisoners were hauled in from the various refugee camps. It was a sad sight, and guards were roaming around everywhere.

The three of us walked toward a bus and stepped on. The driver looked at us curiously. “I need a private transport. These prisoners are expected at Block 37,” I said, voice trembling slightly.

The driver didn’t look up once from his book. “No private transports today, guy. I got a group comin’ in later today. Strict orders,” he said.

I looked around. None of the guards noticed us getting on the bus, but I didn’t have much time to figure this out. In a spur of the moment action, I grabbed my pistol and whipped it over his head.

“What the fuck!” Carter yelled.

“We need to get out of here, right? Just grab him, and I’ll drive us out,” I said, throwing on the man’s driver cap.

Carter paused. His eyes were faltering. “You’re the real deal?” he asked.

I nodded and took his hand. “I could be your omega,” I said.

There was a lump in my throat. Every strange and new emotion in my body was bubbling to the surface. Daren cleared his throat and smacked my shoulder, a bit too hard. “Rev that engine, boy. We need to get the heck out of here!”

I turned the key, and without hesitation, I slammed my heel against the pedal. “Hold on!” I screamed as we smashed through the first set of doors.

The alarms started ringing. The doors were put on lockdown and were slowly shutting in front of us. A set of guards ran out with their rifles aimed at the bus windows.

“Come on. Come the fuck on,” Daren growled.

As we approached what could have been my death, I closed my eyes. The sounds of gunshots rang out all around me. I was sure that this was going to be my demise.

When I opened my eyes, we were clear through the door. The bullets missed all of us, luckily enough. We were safe and on the way to the outskirts of town.

“An omega, huh? You hear that, Carter? An omega soldier saved our asses.” Daren laughed and shook his head. “Shit, son. This week just keeps getting better and better.”

Carter blushed and walked to the back of the bus. “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t do that, dad,” he said.

Daren laughed, rolling his eyes. “All I’m pointing out is that there aren’t any omegas left around these parts anymore. It might be good for you two to get to know each other,” he said.

“He’s a soldier,” Carter replied, red in the face.

“It’s fine,” I said. “You guys just relax. Daren, I need the exact address. They’ll be looking for us soon enough, but there’s a side road that parallels the highway. Maybe we can take it.”

The road was empty, but not without peril. I knew I’d break through Carter’s wall soon enough. And when I did, I could finally feel like my life had a purpose again.

* * *

“Guys, wake up!” I shouted, pounding on the large steering wheel. “There’s our safe house.”

Daren and Carter both darted up from the teal seats. I slowed the bus down to a halt, parking it nearby. We were off the beaten path and surrounded by trees. It didn’t look like we would be found here, and we were technically over the border zone. Still, anything was possible these days and soldiers were known to break jurisdiction for a good kill shot.

Daren jumped to the front and pointed at a group of shifters. They were standing in front of the house with guns aimed. “There’s the Northern Pack Alliance,” he said.

“The… Alliance?” I asked, unable to believe what I just heard. “I thought they were finished. The militia took most of them out.”

“They’re all over the place, son,” Daren said. “Open the door and I’ll clear everything up. I don’t want any of you getting shot, even though I’m not sure if I can trust you yet, comrade.”

I released the pressure on the door and watched as he ran out, smiling with his arms up in the air. The small group of people lowered their weapons.

For a good few seconds, we sat in silence. I wasn’t sure what I should say. I knew that he didn’t like me, but I also felt like we were part of something more significant. It was hard to explain, and my emotions were all over the place because of it.

Carter was the first to break the silence. “I don’t hate you,” he said. “I just don’t understand you. How could you do this to your own people?”

I lowered my eyes and remembered my parents. He was right. I had sunk into the own darkness. I made some horrible decisions. But I wanted to repent.

“You don’t know my past,” I said. “What I’ve been through has been horrible. It’s no excuse, though.”

Carter stood up and walked toward me. He stopped near the driver’s seat. I felt the light graze of his finger run down my arm. “You’re right. It’s not an excuse,” he said. “But maybe we can talk about it together inside, alone.”

“I’d like that,” I said.

I followed him outside, walking steadily toward the Alliance members. I was still in my uniform and slightly freaking out because of it. It wasn’t every day that you met real freedom fighters. Unfortunately, I took some of their members into prison, in the past.

“Who the hell is this traitor?” An older, gruff man with a red colored beard stepped forward. He pointed his rifle at my chest. Two long-haired omegas stood next to him.

“There are omegas here?” I immediately asked. “How?”

The two omegas laughed. The older man pointing the gun pushed the barrel harder into my chest. “No more questions,” he said.

“I’m an omega too,” I said. The crickets were loud this evening. The night was cruel, but the lack of violent noise was refreshing.

“And I saved these guys’ lives, so take your shitty gun away from me. I can’t go back to that place. I can’t live that life any longer. I am on your side,” I said, walking toward the front door.

“Charlie,” Daren said, “It’s fine. He’s a rebel now.”

Charlie spat onto the dirt. “Okay. Everyone, let’s head inside. It’s late. We have separate rooms laid out for two. Two of you will have to bunk up.”

I turned around at the foot of the door. Daren smiled, causing me to blush. “I know which two are going to bunk up,” he said, laughing. Then, turning to me, he lowered his voice. “If you do anything to fuck with my family, I’ll leave you for the real wolves, the ones on the other side.”

“Dad, chill,” Carter growled.

Carter’s eyes focused in on mine. He forced a small smile. I felt my heart pump with excitement.

“Wait,” Carter said before I walked into the house. “I have this camera. I’m trying to document my journey whenever I can.”

He awkwardly shifted against the dirt. “So, you want to take a picture with me? That it?” I asked, smirking.

He furrowed his brow and stepped back. “That’s now what I meant. Never mind.”

I walked back to him and threw my arm around him. “I’m only joking around. Let’s do it.”

Daren let out a sharp laugh. “You want me to take this?” he asked.

Carter nodded and tossed him the camera. “Yeah, but turn the flash on. It’s pretty dark outside,” he said.

“Say cheese,” Daren said, aiming the camera.

“Cheese,” I muttered, feeling pretty awkward. The flash blinded me. Carter wriggled out from my arm.

“Thanks,” he said.

I walked into the house, dazed and smiling. He was my mate. He had to know it. Why else would he want a picture with me? When we were together, things felt like they had a purpose to them.

I walked into the most beautiful home I had ever seen. The wood ceiling was polished, there was a lovely fireplace going, and every set and couch cushion had woven blankets draped over them. It was the kind of house you might see in a magazine.

“God. This is a real home,” I whispered. “I can’t believe it! It’s so beautiful.”

Charlie eyed me cautiously. It seemed like everyone except for Daren hated me over here. “Never been in a house before?” he asked.

“Actually, no. Well, not since I was a baby. I lived in the barracks. I had my trailer, but that was about it. No running water or any of that. This is just superb,” I said.

The smell of food and coffee wafted around the vibrant kitchen. There were spices, a whole set of pots and pans, and they even had a microwave oven! In my book, this place was luxurious.

Daren laughed as he sat his butt down on the couch. “I had faith that someone would come to my aid. I didn’t know it would be some young buck like yourself,” he said.

I smiled. For the first time in a while, I felt proud to be myself. “I had to do it. I couldn’t keep living this lie forever,” I said.

Carter bit his lip and looked away. “The world is changing, dad. Everyone keeps telling me that the Alliance has been waiting for me to lead. Do you know anything about this?” he asked, eyes full of concern.

I felt an urge to take his hand. I wanted to tell him that everything was okay. But I knew that would go against logic. A week ago, I identified as a ruthless soldier. That’s just who I used to be. I knew that created conflict between us and probably would for some time.

Daren didn’t know how to answer his son straight, but I did. “I’ve been feeling your presence for days now,” I said. “Remember when you found me at the camps?”

He nodded but refused to make too much eye contact with me. “Yeah, so? Some people have fits,” Carter said.

“Yeah, well, not me. I mean, I used to have them as a kid, but I was taught to block them out. That seizure was different. Now, whenever I close my eyes, I can see you. I can feel you. I can hear your heartbeat,” I said.

“Stop talking, omega,” Carter growled. “You’ll make me vomit.”

Daren’s eyes were fixed on me. “No. Keep talking, son,” he said. Carter scoffed.

I felt embarrassed talking about my emotions freely like this. I was taught to suppress every inner desire, passion, and excitement that came to mind. As a soldier, we were supposed to be stiff and calculating.

“I feel drawn to him. I know that might sound odd. I didn’t expect it. If people are telling you that you’re special, Carter, it must be true. I’ve felt it. You’re destined for something,” I said, finally making eye contact with him.

His eyes looked harsh and distant. His body was trembling with disdain. He walked right past me, checking my shoulder and pushing me away. I fell to the floor and he stood over me, pointing into my chest. “Shut the fuck up,” he grunted. “You don’t know anything about me.” Then, he walked into a room at the end of the hall.

Daren stood up and sighed. “Dammit,” he said. “Just let him pout. He has a lot of stress put on him right now.”

The Alliance members looked at me as if I was the one to fix everything. “Fine. I’ll talk to him,” I said.

Charlie acted aloof. “No one said you had to run after him.”

“Yeah, but I’m the omega, right? Don’t worry, I’m walking,” I said, a bit pissed off too.

I walked through the hallway, opening each door until I found him. He was sitting, curled up into a ball against the bed. He was crying silently. “Go away,” he said.

I ignored his request and sat down next to him. I rested my hand against his thigh. “You can trust me, Carter. I know it feels like you can’t, but I got your dad back to you, right?” I asked.

“You can’t just change your mind that quickly,” he said. “It doesn’t work that way. You’re not making any sense, Liam.”

“Yeah, well. You snapped me out of my misery. Look, I’m putting myself on the line here. I know how insane I sound, but I can’t go back there. If I go, they’ll kill me,” I said.

He quickly wiped away his tears. “Fuck,” he sighed. “Life is pain. You know?”

“Trust me. I know. The world we were born into isn’t tolerant. I lost both of my parents and was handed a gun by their killer. I turned into an intolerant sack of shit,” I said.

He started laughing. “Yeah. You were an intolerant sack of shit. That’s for sure,” he said.

“Damn right I was. But you changed me. You saw me for who I was. Within an instant, you knew I was an omega. No one else in this world knew. But you did,” I said.

“But they’re saying that I’m the one who needs to dismantle this whole system. How the fuck am I going to do that by myself?” Carter asked.

I squeezed his thigh gently. “People will help you. I’ll help you,” I said.

He smiled, but he was avoiding eye contact again. I couldn’t understand why, since he seemed to be lightening up a little with me. Then, out of nowhere, he turned his head and smashed his lips against mine. His nose knocked against mine before I could enjoy the kiss.

“Ow!” I yelled, falling backward. My head knocked into the corner of the bed, causing double the amount of pain.

“Oh, shit! Liam, are you okay? I didn’t mean to, I swear!” He cupped his hands over his mouth, and his eyes widened with fear.

“All good,” I muttered, dazed.

He crawled over me and kissed the top of my nose lightly. “Sorry,” Carter said.

I smiled, even though my head was throbbing. “Trust me. I’ve felt worse,” I groaned.

“Well, can I make it up to you?” he asked.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to change your mind,” I teased.

He glanced down at the center of my pants. His cheeks turned a darker shade of red. “Sometimes, I talk a lot of bullshit,” Carter said.

I felt my heart pumping against my sternum. The excitement drove down into my chest. My cock started to dance against my thigh. I gulped and nodded my head in response.

This time, he lowered his head slow and gentle. His hand ran through my hair, caressing the back of my head. I closed my eyes and felt his soft, beautiful lips crush against mine. His kiss felt terrific and pure, and I wasn’t sure how I could handle any days without him after it.

When he pulled away, I licked my lips and savored his sweet taste. “I haven’t kissed anyone in years,” I whispered.

He smiled and kissed my forehead. Then, he playfully jumped onto the bed. “We should probably go to bed, right? We have a long day tomorrow,” he said.

I didn’t want to go to bed at all. I just wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to take all of the pain I experienced away. I had no home now either.

“Okay. Yeah, you’re right. Tomorrow will be crazy,” I agreed.

I pulled my shirt over my body and unclicked my belt. Slowly, I zipped down my pants and kicked off my boots. Carter did the same, but he was staring at me intently. When we were both in our underwear, we climbed under the covers and turned off the light.

For what felt like minutes, we closed our eyes and sat in silence. The tension was insurmountable and real. I couldn’t take it. I needed him, but I didn’t want to speak up.

He broke the heavy silence with his laughter. “What’s so funny?” I asked.

“I’m in bed with a soldier,” he said.

His warm thighs brushed up against mine. They were strong and sexy. His body begged me to submit to him, to let him consume me. I had never been with anyone but him.

I wasn’t afraid of bonding with someone. In the past, I was afraid of the rule of law. If I was caught touching an alpha, I would be sent away. Here in this house, I felt infinite and free.

I reached out and traced my fingers up his thigh. He moaned and curled his body toward me. I had to stop right when I got to the edges of his underwear because I was so excited. I didn’t want to take it further than he wanted to. When he pushed his pelvis forward, I knew he wanted more.

I cupped my hand in between his thighs and lightly ran my palm around his balls. Feeling his hard shaft in between them made me unbearably excited. My slick was warm, and my body felt jittery with anticipation.

I slowly slid the elastic band down and pulled out his firm cock. He was much harder than expected. “I feel really good with you. Right now, at least,” he said, kissing me.

“Right now?” I felt worried. I didn’t want him to stop liking me. I had no one now. It was us against the world out here.

“Just a joke. Don’t worry. I know you’re serious about this,” Carter said.

He moved on top of me, placing his hands against my chest. “Do you really think we’re fated mates?” he asked.

“Who said that?” I asked him, smiling.

His hands ran up and down my abs. “It’s something I feel, and I know you feel it too,” Carter said.

I knew he was right. He was everything I wanted in a mate. He was dedicated, emotional, and he treated life like it meant something. I thought of Hansel and Boots. Guys like that didn’t care about life. It wasn’t important to them.

“We are fated mates. I want to bond with you, Carter,” I said. “We’re in this together now, right?”

He leaned forward and kissed me. “Yes, sir,” he said.

I felt really fucking good with him on top of me like this. I reached forward and gripped his hard cock, softly stroking it. His balls lay stiff against my pelvis.

He tilted his head back and moaned, “Fuck, omega.” I spat down on his shaft and slyly grinned.

“Are you going to zip-tie my wrists again?” I laughed, but it turned me on to think about it.

He took my hands and pushed them above my head. We kissed again, slow and sensual. Every emotion in my body was put on overdrive as he slid his body down. This time, he grabbed my cock and ran his tongue around my head.

“I would if I had more zip-ties,” he moaned.

Both of his hands wrapped firmly around my shaft. He rolled his thick lips over me, sighing with pleasure. I let out a gasp of air, as his warm mouth flooded my senses. I felt my slick turn wet to the touch. I had nothing but animalistic desire, and I needed to explore every avenue with him.

He choked on me, skating his tongue in circles. “I want you to eat me now,” I said. I wanted him inside of me.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” he asked.

“Don’t give me that shit. Just taste me, alpha,” I whispered, licking the bottom of my lips.

He smirked and pinned my legs to the side. Extending his tongue, he slowly rotated around my rim, kissing the edges of my taint. Sliding one finger in, I felt the pressure build inside of me. He slid it back out and rubbed me.

“You sure you’re okay?” he asked. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

I took a deep breath and laughed. “I’m just not used to it, so go a little slower,” I said.

“Okay,” he whispered, kissing my thigh.

He was so sweet to me, despite all of the bullshit surrounding us. He took his time with me, kissing up and down my body. When I felt comfortable with him, I started to open up. He slipped one finger inside of me with ease, and it felt incredible.

“There we go,” I whispered. “More.”

He ran his tongue against my hole and inserted a second finger inside me. I groaned with excitement, feeling the hairs on my neck stand. Slowly, he moved in and out, until I was loose enough for him. But first, he pressed our cocks together, gripping them in his palm and breathing loudly.

Bustling with desire and uncontrollable urges, we kissed and rubbed cocks until we were at our boiling points. There’s a feeling of hunger that choked up inside of me, so strong that it took over every sense. I needed him inside of me.

He was already there, positioning his cock against my warm slick. I closed my eyes as he whispered, “Relax. I want to take it slow with you.”

I felt safe to be an omega now. His warm body thrust forward, cock pushing my rim open. Carter throbbed, stiff as a board. Suddenly, I felt his hand tighten around my girth. He pushed until my hole latched around every inch.

I gasped with pleasure. He rocked his hips back and forth, moaning in unison with me. “Holy shit, you feel so good,” I whispered.

He was all the way in. The pressure turned into a warm and abrupt amount of pleasure. He stroked my cock, beginning to thrust his hips. His lips met my neck, kissing along all my sweet spots. I felt submissive and beautiful at that moment, and he knew it.

“Omega, you’re so fucking tight,” he moaned, biting his lip hard.

I never believed that I would feel this way with an alpha. As soon as my life fell apart, I decided that I’d never have to be close to anyone again. I would never have to feel anyone’s warm flesh against mine, never have to feel the kiss from another man. Carter sent chills down my spine.

A loud knock at the door, made us glance at the turning knob. “Guys? You okay in there?” Daren asked.

He thrust deep inside of me, holding my mouth shut with this palm. He grinned as I let out a muffled moan of pleasure. “We’re just, umph, going to bed!”

“Alright, I won’t bug you,” Daren said.

We listened as his footsteps trailed away. “Thank God,” I whispered, smiling. I flipped Carter over on his back. I wanted to ride him now. He reached his lips up and kissed me, tongue pushing against mine.

I slowly positioned him against my hole, carefully holding his cock so he didn’t go too fast. I let out a low, guttural moan when every inch slipped inside, quicker than expected. He didn’t take too much time to pull my head back down so that he could kiss me while grinding his hips upward.

“You are perfect,” he said, gripping his hands around my hips. “My omega soldier, hiding in the rank and file. I’m surprised the alphas didn’t devour you in the barracks.”

“They probably wanted to,” I played along.

“That’s fucking hot,” he grunted

With one hand, he caressed my throbbing cock against his abdomen. With every thrust, I got closer and closer to blowing all over him. He was hitting my spot. When he moved his hands to the back of my head, he ran his fingers through my hair. He pulled back and whispered, “I want to cum at the same time as you. I’m getting so close.”

I closed my eyes and rocked my hips back and forth. “You want to do this? You want to have a child with me?” I asked.

This was a big life change, and I didn’t want any uneasiness with it. If he wanted to be with me, he’d have to be with me for life. Every gray wolf knew how important and sacred bonding was, especially if you were an omega. I wanted this to feel special, but maybe we were forcing it too fast.

He brought me back down, kissing me. “I’m an adult alpha gray wolf. I’ve only met a few omegas in my life. Most are gone now. We have an obligation to do this,” Carter said. “The fact that you’re also really hot is just icing on the cake, soldier.”

“But the world is such a horrible place,” I whispered.

“Not if we change it,” he whispered back.

His hands slid up my ribcage. “I want to feel you tremble. I need to feel your hole quake against my cock. I want you to drive every last drop of cum out of me. Can you handle that?”

I slowly laid back on the bed, watching as he bowed over me. I nodded, biting my lip. “I can handle that,” I said.

He held my legs together, pushing his body against my thighs. “Just imagine what life can be like when two sides work together. That’s how the future looks. Neighborhoods. Softball games. Ice cream trucks on a warm Sunday. It’ll be just like how it used to be,” he said.

I closed my eyes and imagined all of those things. Life slowly got worse for us over time, but at least I got to see the possibilities of what could be. We were going to make something new and worthwhile out of this. Our bond was the answer to what we were missing.

His palm lay flat against my chest. He thrust, swelling up inside of me. At that point, he had a choice to hold back his knot, but he didn’t. His climax was coming, and he was going to let himself go for me.

“Are you ready?” he asked, breathing deeply.

His scent smelled incredible, better than coffee. It was creamy and warm, and I knew I wanted to smell him for the rest of my life. The bond was happening between us. “I’m almost there,” I moaned.

He stroked my cock, spitting over the long, thick shaft. Caressing the tight skin back, I felt a shockwave of pleasure form almost all at once. “Oh, fuck,” I sighed. It was coming, and there was no way I could stop it.

The pleasure was profound and nearly unsettling. My eyes shot open. “Omega, I’m cumming,” he groaned. I felt his cock bob up and down against my spot. I jutted my ass back.

“Me too,” I grunted.

I clenched my teeth down as waves of rolling pleasure shot out of me, covering my abdomen. I felt his knot swell up, attaching to me. His body shook, and I felt his warm cum blow inside of me. He lurched forward and profoundly grinded into me.

Right when the orgasmic swelling occurred, I looked into his eyes with connected understanding. “I love you,” I moaned, quivering. The deed was done. We had to put our differences aside now.

We kissed again, allowing ourselves to be closer to each other. The house was quiet and ready for the coming morning. He wrapped his arms around me and whispered, “We’re going to tear down the system, together.”

The least expected thing in the world happened. The soldier I used to be would never exist again. I was a rebel now, and I was likely starting the most intense journey of my life: pregnancy. I braced for the intense turbulence ahead.




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