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Omega's Stepbrother : An MPREG romance (Men of Meadowfall Book 3) by Anna Wineheart (33)


A month later

In the middle of their last song, Wyatt’s water broke.

Raph hadn’t been aware of it. He’d been on the violin, watching as Wyatt’s fingers flew over the piano. Penny and Hazel stood to the side, their harmonized voices rising to the high ceilings of the piano room. Before them, Mom and Dad beamed, their faces alight with joy.

Then the music trailed off, voices and notes and vibrations dying away, and Wyatt leaned back on the piano stool, looking down at his belly.

Raph hurried over, setting his violin down on the stool. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” Wyatt said, smoothing his hand over his abdomen. “I think my water broke.”

A thrill shot down Raph’s spine. “It broke?”

He must’ve yelped too loud—Mom and Dad looked over, and Penny raised her eyebrows.

“What broke?” Hazel asked.

“My water. It means the baby will be here soon,” Wyatt said, making to stand. Raph slipped his hand around Wyatt’s arm, supporting him. “I’m not an invalid, Raph.”

“I want to help.”

Around them, their family drew closer. Although Mom and Dad had said dressing up was unnecessary, Raph was in a suit, and Wyatt had worn a flowing shirt and loose pants. Hazel had worn a bowtie with a button-down shirt, and Penny, a summer dress.

We’ll give Dad the performance he always wanted, Wyatt had said. So they’d all agreed, showing up at the mansion on a Sunday morning.

The room brought back memories—of Raph sitting with Wyatt as he played, of Raph kissing Wyatt the very first time, and of Grandma yelling while Wyatt paled.

A decade later, so much had changed. Wyatt was carrying Raph’s baby. Grandma was gone, and Hazel stood with Penny, Mom and Dad watching on with tiny smiles.

“There’s no need to panic,” Wyatt said, easing away from the piano bench. There was a dark spot on the cushion, where the water had leaked. Wyatt cleaned it off with his shirt. “We’ve packed the overnight bag.”

“Yeah, it’s still in the car.”

But their baby would be here soon, and Raph wasn’t entirely prepared for this. What if he screwed up? What if he wasn’t a good dad? What if he—of all things—dropped their baby?

“It’ll be a while yet,” Mom said, pulling Wyatt into a hug. “Call us when the baby is born. Dad and I would love to visit.”

Raph glanced at Dad. Over the past few months, Chief Fleming had adjusted to the idea of his sons bonding. He’d been wary at first, uncertain of how to react to Raph and Wyatt holding hands. Then he’d hugged them both, again, and said he still loved them.

The rest of the town wasn’t aware of their relationship. That was fine. Raph was working at the drive-in as the manager now. Wyatt helped out sometimes, but was mostly on paternity leave. He refused to sit still for hours, though.

“Come on, let’s go,” Wyatt said. “We need to make sure the apartment is ready.”

“But your water just broke!” Raph said.

Wyatt cracked a smile. “I’ll tell you when the contractions start.”

Mom hugged Raph. “Take care of Wyatt, dear. Keep us updated.”

“Will do.”

Wyatt stopped by Hazel, bending to hug her. “Hon, your brother’s coming along in a few hours. Dad and I are going back home for a bit. Can you stay with Aunt Penny for now?”

Hazel looked at Wyatt, then his belly. “I can’t come along?”

“It’ll be a terribly long wait, I think. Hours! And with nothing to do at the hospital.” Wyatt kissed her cheek. “Won’t you help Grandma make some dinner for tonight? She’ll love to try your shrimp stir-fry.”

Hazel nodded. “Okay. You’ll be all right at the hospital?”


Raph reached out for her; Hazel hugged him. “Protect the fort,” Raph said. “You’re our only hope in the event of an attack.”

Hazel grinned, saluting. “Yes, sir!”

They left the mansion, Raph driving, Wyatt in the passenger seat, looking down at his belly. It was only now, when they were away from family, that the lines on Wyatt’s face returned.

“I’m almost certain I want the natural birth,” Wyatt said, fidgeting. “But chances of rupture are 40%.”

Raph’s stomach flipped every time he thought about it. He’d been ignoring it, knowing it was a hurdle they’d have to face, sooner or later. “I’ll be there. Whatever decision you make, I’ll support you.”

“Thanks.” Wyatt smiled wanly, squeezing Raph’s hand.

They made the drive to the apartment in silence, Wyatt’s hand on his belly. When Raph set his palm on Wyatt, he felt the baby kick, too. And a smile worked its way onto his lips. “I can’t wait to meet Ben,” he said. “You’re absolutely sure it’s a boy.”

“Yes, he is.” Wyatt swatted at him. “I feel it in my bones.”

Raph wasn’t sure how that worked, but he wasn’t going to question it.

Halfway to the apartment, Wyatt winced. “No, wait. I think the labor’s starting. Let’s head to the hospital.”

Raph forgot to breathe. “Already? I thought you said it’d be a while yet.”

“Hospital, Raph.”

Raph took the nearest U-turn, and hit the gas. Would they get there in time? Would Wyatt give birth in the car? The hospital was ten minutes away—Raph wouldn’t have the slightest idea what to do. He should’ve read up on births in greater detail.

He held his breath as they sailed down the streets, the Sunday morning traffic light. Wyatt rubbed his belly. Raph glanced at the cars around him, looked in his mirrors, hyperaware of the traffic. He had to get his omega to the hospital safe. Their baby would be here soon.

Gods, he wanted to see what their baby would look like, wanted to hold him in his arms. “Fuck, I can’t wait.”

Wyatt cracked a smile. “You really can’t. You’re amazing.”

Raph rolled his eyes. He was just Raph, not amazing or anything.

Then Wyatt winced again, and Raph panicked a little. “We’ll be there soon, I promise.”

The hospital’s parking lot was almost full when they pulled in. Raph parked, cut the engine, and hurried around to Wyatt’s side, opening the door for him.

“I can do this myself,” Wyatt said.

“Let me help,” Raph said. “You’re gonna be swearing at me later.”

Wyatt laughed. “Watched too many movies, have you?”

“You’re not going to swear later?”

“I’d probably curse you to hell and back.” Wyatt grinned, squeezing his hand. “It’ll be the first time I have someone I know with me.”

Raph’s heart ached. “Not just anyone,” he said, sliding his arm around Wyatt’s waist. “You’ll have your alpha with you.”

Wyatt blushed, a rosy tint on his cheeks. Raph grabbed the overnight bag, and they made their way slowly across the parking lot, Wyatt waddling, Raph supporting him.

“I bought a cow plush along for you,” Raph said, nodding at the overnight bag. “It’s in there.”

Wyatt raised his eyebrow. “I never did ask why you got one for each of us.”

“I’d spoken with Sam for a bit. He said his brother got a giraffe plush for his omega—I thought you and Hazel might want one, too. Then Hazel wanted to get one for her brother, and it seemed odd if there wasn’t one for me.”

Wyatt laughed. “Is it right at the top of the bag?”

“Yeah.” Raph grinned, unzipping the bag, handing the plush toy to Wyatt.

The cow was a tiny thing, with silky-soft fur and little friendly eyes, and a wide smile under its muzzle. There were two above their bed—Ben’s was in his cot, waiting for him.

Wyatt hugged it to himself, a smile breaking across his face. “It’s so adorable.”

Raph shrugged, but couldn’t help smiling. “Thought of names for the cow?”

“Yeah. I think I want to call it Cow.”

“Cow? Really?”

“Why not?”

Raph shrugged, and Wyatt pressed a kiss to Raph’s shoulder, his other arm cradling his belly.

They checked in quickly. Raph sat Wyatt in a wheelchair, and the nurse wheeled him to the labor ward, where Raph helped him onto the bed.

Halfway through, with his feet still on the floor, Wyatt winced again. He squeezed Raph’s hand, and breathed out, his face paling. “Fuck, that hurt.”

Raph grimaced. “Sorry.”

“It’ll be worth it.” Wyatt smiled, then wriggled onto the bed, his movements awkward with his belly so big. Raph leaned in, scooped him up, and set him against the pillows. Wyatt sighed, making himself comfortable. “Did I get a lot heavier?”

“You’ll never be too heavy for me.”

Wyatt rolled his eyes, but he was smiling wider, now.

The midwife was a younger omega, one who didn’t know who they were. Wyatt leaned into Raph when she appeared, relaxing. At some point, they would have to figure things out, like what they told people about their relationship, and what their children shared with their classmates at school. Maybe they’d move out of Meadowfall by then, or maybe they’d be okay staying here.

Either way, Raph was certain that things would turn out fine. They had the support of their parents, and they had the resources to move. If things got messy for their children, they would relocate, to somewhere where he and Wyatt would be seen as alpha and omega, and not brothers.

“Oh, fucking hell,” Wyatt hissed, crushing Raph’s fingers in his grip. Raph held him, leaned over to stroke his back.

“Push,” Raph said. “Push!”

Wyatt glared. “Don’t you dare, Raph. Don’t you fucking dare.”

“That’s supposed to happen, isn’t it?” Raph grinned. “I annoy you with all the unhelpful suggestions, and you snap at me.”

Wyatt frowned. Then he grinned, breathing in. “Fine. Tell me to push. It’s not like I don’t know what to do.”

And Wyatt was probably glad, too, from the way he looked down at their hands, his eyes soft. Raph could only imagine Wyatt ten years ago, lying by himself on a hospital bed, in labor, with no family around him.

So he pressed a kiss to Wyatt’s temple, running his wrist down his omega’s forearm. “You’ll smell like me when you give birth,” Raph said. “You’ll smell like you’re mine.”

Wyatt’s smile spread across his face.

“Okay, now push again,” Raph said. “You’re not trying hard enough.”

Wyatt smacked his arm. “Why don’t you try giving birth, and tell me what that feels like.”

Raph grinned. He stroked Wyatt’s belly, felt the bump of their child. “I would, you know. Just tell me how.”

Wyatt laughed. Then he tugged Raph onto the bed with him, so they were sitting side-by-side, Wyatt smelling like magnolia and honey and teak. Wyatt pressed his face into Raph’s neck, and breathed.

Time passed quickly. Wyatt’s contractions grew more frequent, until they were a few minutes apart. He’d wince as the pain rolled through him, his belly firm through the contraction. Raph eyed Wyatt’s abdomen, acutely aware of the silvery scar there, the threat it held to Wyatt’s safety.

The midwife checked the fetal heart monitor, and Raph watched her for signs of anything wrong. She showed them their baby’s pulse on the monitor—it was fine. Raph relaxed slightly. “Feel okay? No horrible pain?”

“No,” Wyatt panted, his hair damp with sweat.

Midway through, the midwife reached into Wyatt with gloved fingers. Raph tried to stop growling. He’s mine. The instinct didn’t make sense; Wyatt was already his. But Raph wanted to be the only one to touch his omega, wanted Wyatt and their baby all to himself.

“You’re halfway dilated,” the midwife said, smiling. “Not long to go!”

Three hours in, the contractions came quicker. Wyatt clung to Raph’s arm, sweating, panting as his body squeezed. Raph rubbed his back, held on to him as he cried out.

It seemed an eternity before the doctor came over. Wyatt’s scar tissue was still holding up. Raph couldn’t help the tendril of worry that still gripped him—as long as the baby wasn’t born, he’d be afraid that Wyatt’s belly would rupture. His stomach twisted.

He ran his fingers through Wyatt’s hair, pressing kisses to his forehead. “Not long now.”

Wyatt chuckled weakly. “You know that much, huh?”

“Not really.” Raph gave a sheepish grin. “I just don’t want you to be in pain.”

Then Wyatt cried out again, and Raph held his hand, his heart pounding. The doctor and midwife both monitored Wyatt, and Wyatt heaved, his teeth bared, his hair plastered to his face. Gods, Raph loved him so damn much.

“I’m gonna kill you, Raph,” Wyatt hissed between gasping, his knuckles white.

“Remember you said that,” Raph told him.

“Sure I will.”

“Almost there,” the doctor said.

Wyatt grimaced, and gave a great heave. Then Raph glimpsed a bloody mess sliding into the doctor’s hands, and his heart thumped. Wyatt flopped back onto the bed, panting. He didn’t seem to be in pain.

The midwife took over with the baby. Raph went to Wyatt’s side, brushing damp hair off his forehead. “How’re you feeling?”

“Great,” Wyatt breathed, his eyes half-lidded.

Wyatt had done so much, and Raph’s chest was too small for everything he felt for his omega. He leaned in close, pressed kisses to Wyatt’s forehead. “So proud of you,” Raph whispered. “You did great.”

Wyatt cracked a smile. “How’s my baby?”

“It’s a healthy boy,” the midwife said, stepping over with the mostly-clean newborn. “Congrats!”

Ben’s skin was flushed, smears of blood on his hands. He was the most perfect baby Raph had ever seen. His eyes were closed, and his fingers were tiny. Wyatt took the baby into his arms, his eyes tired and warm.

Raph swallowed the tightness in his throat, slipping his arm around Wyatt’s shoulders. Their baby was born. Both Ben and Wyatt were fine.

“He’s beautiful,” Wyatt whispered, kissing Ben’s head. “I think he looks like you.”

Raph didn’t know which of them their baby resembled, only that Ben looked like an infant to him. And he was a dad. Hazel counted, but Raph hadn’t held her when she’d been a newborn.

“Do you want to hold him?” Wyatt asked.

Raph gulped. Could he? He’d never held a baby before.

“We practiced, remember?” Wyatt said, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Here.”

He handed Ben to Raph, and Raph held his breath, cradling Ben’s head, supporting his bottom. He was so damn tiny in Raph’s hands, all heavy and warm and damp.

Ben began to wail. Raph froze. For a person so small, Ben sure was loud. Wyatt laughed. “I think he’ll take some time to warm up to you.”

That was fine. Raph had done that with Hazel. He’d do it again.

He was a dad, as incredible as that was.

He pressed a feather-light kiss to Ben’s forehead, then handed him back to Wyatt, wrapping his arms around his son and omega. “Can’t wait to bring you both home.”

Wyatt grinned, tipping his face up. Raph kissed him, his heart full. In an hour or so, Penny would bring Hazel over, and maybe Mom and Dad would be here, too. Raph couldn’t wait to show Ben to them, have his family all together.

They’d fought hard for this, him and Wyatt. And Raph breathed Wyatt in, knowing this time, he’d stand by Wyatt no matter what. They were in this together for the decades to come.




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