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Outlaw's Obsession: Grizzlies MC Romance (Outlaw Love) by Nicole Snow (7)


Complicated (Christa)

The bike ride went by in a blink, and that was a good thing. My muscles ached with the aftershocks of all the sex we'd had the longer I was on the motorcycle, and my pussy ached more at the thought of what was to come.

We were in the parking lot, taking off our helmets, when his phone rang.

“Yeah? What's up?” Rabid growled, annoyed at the interruption.

“You'd better get your ass to the clubhouse by six tomorrow, brother. Roman's got the prospects out on patrols, taking shifts. Word on the street says the Oregon boys are back in town.” Brass' voice boomed through the receiver.

“Fuck. Are you sure?”

“Not yet, but there's a damned good chance it's true. Don't think our local supporters and hangarounds would be bullshitting about seeing dudes with our patches who aren't in our club otherwise. They're back here for blood, and we've gotta be ready. I'm making the rounds and keeping watch on Missy and her sis so nothing fucking crazy happens. Get your girl to the clubhouse tomorrow and make sure she stays there 'til this shit blows over...”

Brass was still talking, but he'd lowered his voice. I couldn't make out the rest.

Rabid looked like he'd bitten into a lemon. “All right. Hit me back when you've got more. We'll be there.”

The phone snapped shut and he stuffed it into his pocket. We packed up our helmets and he turned to me. “Bad news, babe –“

“I heard. Sounds like we'd better make the most of this night.” I sighed, wondering if this is how those military girls feel before their men ship out overseas.

“Damned straight. We've got a few good hours before we'd better try to get some shut eye. We'll be checking out at five sharp tomorrow morning.” He grabbed my hand, and I followed him toward the hotel.

The parking lot was packed, so we had to take a space further back. We were crossing the last row of cars when a man on the ground yelled out, kneeling next to his tire. His car was jacked up. Looked like quite the clunker for a place like this, worse than the old beast I drove.

“Hey! Think you can give a guy a hand, mister?”

Rabid's jaw clenched, and so did his grip on my hand. He gave me a warning look and stepped toward the man.

“Yeah? What do you need?” Ground man looked up, an older man, and he stared at us for several seconds before Rabid bowed up. “What the fuck? You're the guy from the bar!“

Heavy boots pounded the pavement right behind me. I spun, just in time to get knocked flat on the ground by a thick silhouette. More footsteps clattered past, heading for my man. I tried to call out to warn him, but a cold hand slammed over my mouth.

Another hand tore at my hair, holding it, pinning me to the ground. I squealed into the mystery palm, but it was no use. Everything came out muffled.

More hands were on me, lifting me up, carrying me away at lightning speed.

All I could hear were the scuffles in the distance, Rabid roaring, men cursing. Someone howled in pain. Then there was a massive blast from a gun.

I was about to bite the hand around my mouth when they all let go at once. I hit some narrow, confined space and rolled. Something crashed above me, and the world went dark. I didn't realize they'd thrown me into the trunk of a car until we started moving.

“Rabid! Oh my God. Help me! Help!” I started pounding on the metal overhead as hard as I could. It was surprisingly difficult in such a narrow space, hard to get the right leverage to throw my arms into it.

And I didn't know if it would even do any good. But I had to try something, had to try to get away. These had to be the men from Klamath, and things were sure to get worse every minute I was in their hands.

I sucked in a deep breath and screamed so hard I nearly burst my lungs. “Rabid!”

“Cut it out, you fucking cunt.” Something blunt smashed me in the head. There was a flash of red, and everything started spinning.

I barely had time to roll over before I blacked out. One of the seats behind me was pulled down, and a man had a knife to my throat, reaching through the space connecting to the trunk.

“You scream or hit that trunk again, I will bleed you out right here. Same fucking way your lovebird killed our Veep.”

Why was this so familiar? Flashbacks came, rapid fire.

I saw Fang holding the knife to my throat again, recording his little threats on video to send to Blackjack and his crew during their rebellion. The dead man had set to work on me then, trying to pump me for information I didn't have. He beat me across the face with the blunt handle, just like the man in the trunk, a warm up before he started carving the ugly scars I'd have forever going up each cheek.

I'd been a hostage before. I could do it again, just as long as Rabid was okay.

God, please let him be okay. Don't let him be dead.

The man with the knife was a nasty looking bastard with an eye patch. Bruises peppered the skin over his jaw and around his lone good eye. “Remember me, bitch? It's Marrow. I helped trash your fucking dive when you didn't pay up and tried to blow town. Did you really think you'd get away from us? Hmmm?”

I shook my head. No.

Just give him what he wants. Buy time. Stay alive.

Stay breathing for Rabid. He's okay – he fucking has to be!

My thoughts raced as fast as my heart, a pulse so manic it shook my entire body.

“Big Eddy told me about your daddy too. We'll be back for him when we're done having our fun with you and your fuck buddy. We'll give those old farts at the nursing home a fucking show they'll never forget.”

“No!” Adrenaline rattled my throat. I couldn't help it. The knife twitched, pressing closer, one ounce of pressure away from digging into me and drawing blood.

Dad. Fuck! I'm so sorry.

Tears came, hot and explosive, as if the fire in my brain was spilling out my eyes.

“Cry all you want, baby, it isn't gonna help. But don't fucking worry.” He snorted. “Some good will come of this. Settling score with both of you assholes just might keep our brothers from killing each other all the way between Redding and Klamath Falls. Blackjack's a reasonable man. He'll understand.”

Wrong, wrong, so fucking wrong. I wanted to scream it in his face. But I didn't dare as long as he could kill me with a quick swipe of his wrist.

The car drove on. There was nothing more to say.

The bastard with his knife to my throat relaxed after a while, satisfied that he'd scared me into submission. He had to know I wouldn't try to pop the trunk either while we were speeding down the highway, probably heading north.

We'd be across the Oregon border soon. Nothing else mattered just then except knowing Rabid was safe. If he was still free, still in one piece, he'd come for me. If he wasn't...

The other possibility hurt so much it formed a lump in my throat. I'd gone from hating his guts to loving him. Jesus, I hadn't even said it either. The universe was fair, wasn't it?

I couldn't die before I saw him again. I swore I wouldn't miss another chance to tell him everything, say the dreaded L-word. If only we escaped this alive.

The car rumbled and jerked, turning tight corners as it headed through the mountains, onward toward destiny. Death or defiance waited up ahead. Only time would tell which.

* * *

Come on! Get the fuck up!” Marrow didn't bother opening the trunk

He yanked me into the back of the car through the narrow space where he'd held his weapon, pushing down the other seat to make room. I went flying out carelessly and banged my knees on the trunk when I tried to twist.

“Okay, okay!” It was all I could manage with him ripping my hair out of my head, jerking me through the passenger door.

I'd never been inside the Klamath Falls clubhouse before. I recognized it, though, a large concrete building that looked like it had been a police station or a post office once. Several other guys walked ahead of us. They flung the entry door open and held it for Marrow, who pushed me through it.

The stink that hit me in the face instantly said this wasn't like the one in Redding. It was like somebody died in there – maybe many somebodies. I swallowed hard, hoping I wouldn't be the latest to add to their sick body count.

“The fuck? Do I have to do everything to get your ass to move? Go!” The bastard slapped me on the ass.

It was more like a fist than an open hand. One more bruise I'd have there tomorrow – if I lived to see another day. He pushed me against the wall when we were next to a door. The greasy biker ripped it open and pushed me inside.

I held my hands out and hit the wall hard, thankful I didn't fall.

“Sit and keep still 'til the Prez comes to see you, bitch. You're our property now.” The door slammed shut behind him.

No, I'd never be theirs. Not in body, mind, or soul. I'd already given everything to Rabid, wherever he was.

The room was completely dark. Thinking about my old man was all I had to keep me sane. I wanted to freak every time my foot brushed something on the floor, thinking it was a rat.

Probably just debris. It didn't move much. My fingers slid over the wall, searching for a light switch. Five or ten minutes must have passed before I gave up, leaning against the wall in the darkness. I stayed perfectly still.

Hoping. Praying. Trying not to scream.

If Rabid got away, he'd come for me soon with his men. He'd free me. I'd be back in his arms in no time, and we'd both live happily ever –

The door swung open, shattering my optimism. Marrow stepped inside and marched to the room's center, giving the string attached to a light bulb overhead a hard jerk. I felt like an idiot for not finding it before.

A tall, heavily bearded man I recognized was right behind him, looking like an angry Norse god. Rip. I'd only met the bastard a couple times when he came to my bar, and he always had some skank at his side.

When the bitch behind him stepped in on her bright red heels, at first I thought she was another slut. Then I thought I was seeing things.

I blinked, and the woman didn't disappear. My heart caught in my throat. Jesus, there was no mistaking her, she was really there.

Red. The club slut who'd upset Rabid and given me the evil eye. Now, I was starting to understand how these assholes had gotten the upper hand and surprised us. They had a rat in Redding all along.

“Hiii,” Red cooed, stepping close. “Surprised to see me?”

I shook my head and spat at the ground. My spit landed on the toe of her over-polished hooker shoe. She looked down, then raised her head, locking eyes with me. Then the bitch's teeth came out.

She slapped me across the face so hard the impact twisted my head to the side.

“Stupid skank! Can't you see who's got you by the throat, or are you just retarded? You've disrespected me enough. You stole my man. I'll kill you before I let you take anything else away from me.”

Go ahead, I thought with a smirk. Something tells me you've never so much as sliced a steak in your miserable life.

“Red, Red. Down, girl.” Rip laughed, pulling her away with a rough hand to the shoulder. “It's been a long time, Little Miss Kimmel.”

“Not long enough.” Yeah, my sarcastic tongue was probably going to get me killed, but if I did I was going out with a few parting shots.

“Fuck.” Rip stopped when he was just a couple inches from my face, close enough to feel the overgrown bristles sprouting on his chin. “My boys weren't bullshitting. I remember you being a lot prettier when you were serving drinks to the crew. Fang did a fucking number on you, didn't he?”

His fat fingers touched my cheek, tracing the longest scar. I twisted my head, throwing him off.

The big man stood up, grunted, and shook his head. “Looks aside, you're still the same cunt I remember. Defiant. Fucking ungrateful. Only now your debt to this club's in blood – not just money.”

Hate lit up his dark eyes. I watched his arm tense and tried to brace myself. There wasn't enough time. His hand crashed against my face, ten times harder than Red's, temporarily blinding me.

“You think this is a fucking joke, bitch!? You killed an officer in this club, my right hand man!” He stepped back, trembling with rage. “You were dead the second Marrow threw you in the damned trunk. Only question is how much fun we're gonna have before your heart stops.”

Red smiled at me from her perch in the corner. She walked up behind the Prez, who looked like he was about to keel over from the rage shooting through his veins.

If only I were that lucky.

“Easy, Prez,” Red whispered, soft and almost seductive. “You're too close to this little rat to work her over without cutting her throat. Let me start in on her. I'll save the final blow for you. Promise.”

Rip spun, arm raised. Red's eyes widened with fear, stretching her dark mascara rings like a craven raccoon.

“I'm calling the shots here. This is my fucking club. You're lucky I didn't kill that other fucking rat on the spot. Both these fucks owe a debt to me, not you. You're just a pretty looking tip line.” Growling, he looked her up and down, eyes openly sticking to her ass.

Yep, that was the Rip I knew. A nasty, violent, demanding pig. Except now the pig was a wild boar, and he was going to eat me alive.

Why was it like they were talking about two people anyway? Wasn't it enough that I was here for their torture? Who else did they have?

“Whatever you say, boss.” The whore smiled sweetly. “I just like to have my fun. You can beat me any old day with the torture. But I bet I can do a few things to their hearts.”

“Whatever,” Rip snorted, pacing the room. He stopped next to the half-cracked door and roared through it. “Hey! Where is that other piece of shit? Bring him in here.”

It can't be.

Oh, but it was. A second later, Marrow and another bulldog faced creep marched Rabid through the door. His face had dried blood on it and a couple patchy bruises.

My heart sank. For the first time since I'd gotten here, the nightmare seemed real and permanent. Him being here meant the Redding crew wouldn't know what happened. By the time they figured it out, it could easily be too late.

The men swung their arms and threw him into the opposite corner of the room. My man hit the wall hard with an oomph. He landed, coming out of his fugue state to sit up straight.

Rabid finally looked at me, and his eyes swelled with everything bad.

Horror. Anguish. Apologies. Shame.

The fissures in my heart burned and scratched like broken glass. He turned his head away, shaking it slightly.

Rip shuffled. He snorted, then headed for the door, pointing a finger at Red on his way out. “You got thirty minutes. Make it good. My fists aren't gonna wait any longer. Come on, boys.”

The men left the room, slamming the door shut behind them. It was just us and Red. Ignoring me, she clicked by on her heels, heading for Rabid. She crouched down next to him, cupped his face in her hands.

“Oh, baby. I wish you didn't have to learn your lesson this way. I begged them to take it easy on you.” She swept a quick, cautious hand over his cheek.

My half-dead heartbeat suddenly picked up, thumping with jealousy. God damn it. Common sense told me I should've been more worried about the bikers – not this stupid slut trying to get underneath my skin.

But my heart didn't know any better, and I wanted to make her bleed as bad as I wanted out of here. I wanted to rip her apart with my bare hands, even if it was the last thing I ever did.

Rabid kicked his legs, pushing himself back against the wall, grunting with pain. They'd definitely beaten him. I wondered how many bones they'd broken – maybe that was why he didn't try to stand.

Red put her hand against the wall and helped herself down, resting on her knees, trying to stroke his brow. “All your ouchies will be gone in no time. I'll help. I'll talk him out of making them worse, I promise. We'll figure something out. We can get past this, baby. You're meant to be my old man. We just got ourselves a little off track...”

Rabid's head rolled, half-conscious, trying to get away from her despite slipping the concussion probably rattling his brain. And the stupid bitch kept trying to touch him – my man!

I stumbled up, ignoring the ache in my knees, and flew toward her. She screamed when I kicked her in the spine, grabbing at her hair. She thrashed, pulling me onto the floor. We rolled, hissing and tearing at each other's hair, scratching and screaming. The door burst open and boots thundered around us.

Marrow ripped me off the floor and slammed me against the wall. “Fucking shit! Are you bitches stupid?” He aimed his one good eye at Red. “Prez's gonna cut your time down to zero if you can't control this cunt. Here, take this.”

Holding me against the wall with one hand, he reached into his pocket and handed her a switchblade. Red fumbled it in her hands so pathetically I almost rolled my eyes. Then the blade popped out, shiny and cold. She smiled, her little button eyes filling with her new power.

“We'll be okay now. Promise. I'll call if I need anything.”

With a snarl, Marrow released me, waving to his buddy. Deja vu. The door slammed shut and we were alone, but this time the bitch facing me brandished her blade. He'd given her the upper hand.

“There's still room on that ugly face for a few more lines,” she said, stepping close to me. “Think I can make some pretty patterns? There's a limit to what even Rabid can love – unless he's a lot sicker than I think.”

She paused, turned, and looked at him. “Baby, will you love me as much as her if I put those scars on my face? I can make myself look just like her if you want, only I'll be hotter.”

Rabid and I looked at each other, sharing a mad gaze. I didn't even care about her insults and threats. This bitch was certifiably crazy, and that made her more dangerous than I thought.

I folded my arms. The movement caught her peripheral vision. She darted toward me, slapped me across the face. The second knife of the night pressed against my throat.

“Don't you fucking move unless I tell you, bitch!” she screamed. “I'll cut a hole in your fucking neck and drag your tongue right through it. I ought to do it anyway for kissing what's mine. You don't deserve to even speak to him!”

Rabid twisted in the corner, trying to stand, growling the whole time. He staggered and fell over when he was halfway up, clawing at the wall for support. Tears clouded my eyes. His injuries were worse than I thought.

Red watched him collapse too, and the raging murder in her deflated. “Oh, baby. You're struggling too hard. Sit still. Try not to hurt yourself. This'll all be over soon.”

She leaned next to him. I considered trying to jump her again, but she had the blade in her fist. The knife was so sharp she'd easily kill me if she got a lucky hit. And luck was definitely plentiful with a weapon like that.

“There, there.” She ran her fingers through his bloody hair. “I'll tell you what, baby. I won't cut her. I'll leave that up to Rip. She has to die one way or another, that's the agreement I made. But she doesn't have to suffer first.”

His face snapped up. The look he gave her chilled my blood to sub-zero. Even if every bone in his body was shattered, he looked like he could ignite the entire room, vaporizing this cruel bitch purring her sickly fake concern into his ear.

And she wouldn't fucking stop.

“This is how it's going to go down. We've got twenty minutes before Rip does his thing. That's just enough time for me to fuck you silly right here on the floor while the bitch in the corner watches. We'll let her see how a real woman pleases you.” Red licked her lips and put her hand on his crotch.

Fire shot through my veins. Hold back. Just a little bit longer.

Resisting the urge to throw myself at her was pure hell. But if I embraced the instinct to fly forward and gouge out her eyes, I'd get myself killed, and probably Rabid too.

My old man squirmed on the ground. He fought. His hand flew up, knocked her bright red fingernails away from his dick. I knew a bulge in those jeans when I saw it, and right now he wasn't hard. Small relief.

Disgusted, Red put her hands on her hips, thumbing the switchblade. “God. How can such a beautiful man be so fucking stupid?”

“I dunno. How can such an ugly whore be so fucking delusional?” I said it to get her away from him.

She pivoted toward me, new anger shining in her eyes. A smirk pulled at her lips.

“I'll get to you soon enough, bitch. Here, I'll tell you exactly what's going to happen.” She licked her lips. “You're a dead girl, Christa. If Rabid knows what's good for him, he'll leave you buried in some pit and run away with me. It's not too late for him. I can talk Rip into sparing him – I know I can!”

“Red, you'll never talk anybody into jack shit. Even if you could, I'd rather die than go anywhere with you,” Rabid growled, reaching for her leg. “I swear I'll fucking kill you myself, you fucked up little –“

Red screamed, slashing the blade across his arm. Her shoe flailed, kicked him in the face. He lost his grip in the commotion. I watched, horrified, as Rabid rolled, grabbing at the long, jagged red stripe seeping from his forearm.

“Oh my God. Baby, I'm so fucking sorry.” Red stumbled backward, her mouth hanging open in horror. She looked at me again, blade pointed like an accusing finger. “This is your fault! You made me hurt him, you bitch!”

She flew forward, punching, kicking, and swinging her blade. I tried to cover myself, kneeling on the ground. She slapped and punched but she didn't stab. A feral growl echoed through the room as the whore went crazy. Then she stepped back, panting for breath when she'd gotten it out of her system.

“You're dead, thieving cunt. But not before you make a choice, the last one you'll ever be offered.” She smiled. “You can watch me have sex with him right here, right now – or I'll bring all the guys in and have them fill your holes as much as they can until Rip's ready to slice out your throat. Rabid and I'll watch. What's it going to be?”

Fire invaded my heart. The bitch was stupid, but she was downright evil too. I refused to look at her. There was no good option in this monstrous choice she'd offered.


“Leave her the fuck alone. You're a cowardly little shit, Red. You've fucking betrayed everyone around you and signed your death warrant.” Rabid looked up, his fists curled, still losing blood from the cut on his arm.

“It sounds like you're too angry to fuck me right now, baby. That's okay. I know we'll get through this – we're meant to.” She cleared her throat, turning back to me. “Last chance, Christa. Are you going to pick an option, or should I just start in on you right now?”

I stared right through her. If looks could've burned, then she would've melted on the spot. Shame the universe wasn't that kind. Uncertainty filled her eyes, and she tightened her grip on the blade, alternating her gaze between Rabid and me.

“Okay. Fine. We'll do it my way.” Red drew a deep breath. “Christa, you're going to get the shit fucked out of you before you die. Rabid, baby, I want you to see everything. You'll want her a lot less after she's had a few dicks down her throat.”

The fuse was lit. Tense silence reigned as I tried to keep my heart from beating out of my chest, letting the vile fate she'd picked sink in. Rabid exploded, hurled himself at her, and caught the asshole off guard.

She went flying, hit the wall hard. I swung for her face. Caught her hair in one hand and pulled it until she screamed, praying we could finish her before the men burst in. Then the stupid heels she had on caused her to topple over.

She took me with her. We hit the ground hard, and I lost all the air in my lungs. Next thing I knew, Rabid wasn't fighting her anymore. Something icy-hot slid down my neck.

Sharp pain filled my nerves. I reached up and touched just below her knife, feeling the trickle of blood running around my collar.

Jesus! No! My other hand reached for her wrist and I pulled as hard as I could.

“Don't. Neither one of you move. This thing's happening. Let it, or I'll cut this bitch's throat out now.”

I caught Rabid's eyes. I was her hostage now, and he knew it. The raging seas in his eyes looked on helplessly, searching for another opportunity to turn this around.

Fuck. Why couldn't we get one lucky break?

“You really hate me, don't you? Both of you!” Her eyes were completely crazy. She pushed her face against mine, snarling, knife twitching at my throat. “Let's see how you like this, bitch. Maybe I can kiss away everything you've stolen before you're full of Grizzlies dick. Here, I'll warm you up for the last cock you're ever going to enjoy in this life...”

Something hot and tight pressed against my mouth.

What. The. Fuck?

The whore was actually kissing me. Her filthy tongue pushed past my lips and my stomach heaved. I struggled, hating how there was no way to move my head that wouldn't end in her cutting my jugular. She had me trapped in her madness, her cruelty, her –


Maybe I wasn't as trapped as I thought. A brain running on pure survival comes up with some crazy ideas. And I had one that just might work.

I cleared my mind. My eyes shot to Rabid, and held his gaze the entire time, focusing entirely on my man as I started to feel my lips again. I kissed her back.

My hands gently wrapped around the whore's shoulders, and I stiffened, moaning into her mouth.

She spluttered, her eyes flashing like I was the crazy one. Good. Exactly what I needed her to think.

Baby, no. Don't fucking do this, Rabid mouthed, shaking his head.

I had to ignore him. Had to play along. Had to survive.

Just like I thought, she rose to the challenge. Red pulled away for a second and looked at me in disgust, but then her mouth was on me, hard and aggressive. She tried to suffocate me with her gross tongue.

I sucked it deep, twining it with mine. Frustration steamed through her every time she moved her mouth on mine, kissing me so hard it hurt, angry that her sick torture wasn't paying off. I waited until her hand slid between my legs and started to rub before I moved my tongue away from hers.

My teeth snapped down, hard enough to break. The bitch managed to get her tongue out of my mouth before it was too late, but I caught her bottom lip. I bit her hard, tasting blood, and held on, rolling on the floor in desperate strokes to avoid the knife.

The shock of feeling my teeth go through her lip weakened her grip. Red screamed, blubbering like a baby when she finally pulled away with her torn up mouth, bleeding bright crimson.

Rabid's war cry filled the whole room. He lunged, jerked her off me, rolling on the floor with her. Everything around me became a tangle of arms and legs and twisting bodies.

I hit the wall and scrambled to my feet, watching as he tore the blade out of her hand. Red sobbed and spit blood. His arm hooked tight around her neck and squeezed, hard enough to choke off her breath.

Footsteps thudded outside. “Rabid! Look out, they're coming.”

He nodded. The door flew open. Rip, Marrow, and a couple other goons piled in. They took one look at me against the wall and then saw Red.

“Fucking shit.” It was all their President managed before Rabid lunged, jabbing the switchblade into his thigh.

Guns came out. They were fast, but Rabid was even faster.

He managed to pull the weapon out of Rip's holster before he could, and he aimed it at the President's spine, slowly pulling himself up, dragging the gun up to the man's head.

“Nobody fucking moves, or I'll blow this bastard's brains out. Get the fuck out of this room if you want to see him alive again.” I flinched at his cold, killer tone.

“We're not leaving 'til we know he's alive, asshole. Let him fucking go!” Marrow barked.

“Idiot, do what this jackass says.” Rip's eyes were wide with fear. His beard trembled like a tumbleweed glued to his chin. “You heard him! Go!”

Slowly, the men backed away into the hall, never taking their eyes off them. Rabid looked at me. Red lay on the ground, crying and writhing in pain, fingers pressed tight to her injured mouth.

Let's see who's got scars now, bitch, I thought, grim satisfaction humming in my blood.

It wasn't time to celebrate yet. I didn't have a clue how we were going to actually get out of here. One little slip with Rip as hostage, and we'd both be dead. And it was a long way between Klamath and Redding, even if we could secure a ride and head out. They'd come roaring after us and shoot out our tires the second his gun wasn't against the bastard's head.

I swallowed. Rabid looked at me, the same long odds in his eyes.

“Let's go,” he whispered. “Everybody outta my fucking way!”

The men in the halls stared at us like wild animals when they saw he had their leader with a gun to his head. Rip was a heavy man, and it looked like Rabid was trying to drag him. I kept my switchblade ready for stabbing at a moment's notice, edging past the dangerous looking men, and hoping they wouldn't lunge for me.

None of them were brave enough to try. Rabid's headlock was tight, and Rip blubbered the whole way down the hall, toward their garages.

When we got outside, motorcycles were rumbling. Lots of motorcycles. There must've been more than a dozen.

Rabid spun, pointed his finger at one-eyed Marrow. “What the fuck is this? You trying to get the jump on us? I'll blow this bastard's brains out right here – I swear to Christ!”

His hand trembled. My heart caught in my throat and I tried to stand behind him, the only protection I had from the men slowly following us. Marrow came to a stop just a couple feet away and smiled.

“Let him go, asshole. You both know there's no way out. You try to stuff him in one of our cars, we'll fucking shoot the tires out and drag you up against the wall where you belong. You kill him, you lose your leverage. Fucking idiots!” he spat. “You're goddamned right we're jumping your asses! Nobody fucks us over!”

“Rabid!” I called out, eyes locked on the ugly bastard's hand, knowing he was about to draw.

Rabid hesitated. He couldn't pull his gun away from Rip's temple and risk the Prez getting out. My turn.

I threw myself at Marrow and plunged the switchblade right into his guts. He stopped, dead in his tracks, his lone eye wide with disbelief. He sputtered in my face one time and then hit the ground. His weight nearly pulled me over with him. I had to pull on the blade with both hands to keep it from sticking in him.

Growling, the others circled us. I matched Rabid's steps, keeping my bloody dagger aimed at them, ready to lash out like a cornered beast.

Marrow was still alive, groaning on the ground, holding the bleeding hole I'd torn in his stomach.

“Anybody else? Just try me! There's two of us you've got to deal with.” A big man with a wiry mustache looked like he was about to try it. I jabbed the blade toward his face a couple times and bared my teeth. “Don't. Next time, I'm going for an eye. Go on. Get back. Bring your man inside if you want him to live.”

“Baby, we've got to go,” Rabid said, stabbing his handgun tighter to the man's head. “You're gonna tell 'em to give us the keys to that old LTD over there, and you're gonna tell us what the fuck's out there. You got more men surrounding this place? Trying to block us from getting out?”

“What're you talking –“

Rabid smashed him in the head with his free hand. “Shut up, motherfucker! You know damned well what I'm saying. Whose fucking bikes are out there? Sounds like the end of the world.”

It really did. The growl was getting louder, and men were yelling somewhere behind the big brick wall built around the clubhouse. Rip sniffed, choking back the blood Rabid struck from his nose. I never thought I'd live to see the big evil bastard so defeated. It caused me to smile, even through all this.

“Okay, asshole. Let's do it the hard way. We're going for a walk to see what we're dealing with, and you're coming too.”

“No, no!” Rip started to struggle, kick and scream when we'd crossed half the long strip of pavement leading to the gate. “It's got to be the Mexicans. They know I fucked up. Turn back – turn the fuck back! I'd rather die with your bullet in my brain than what they do to kill a man. Stop, stop, fucking stop!

My heart was pounding so hard I thought I'd pass out. The Klamath President was terrified, and that scared me. I almost put my hand on Rabid's shoulder and begged him to turn around. But he was so confident, so determined to keep going, to see what was waiting behind the wall.

Nothing ever tested my faith in him like this. But I realized just then the love and trust I had for this man was unconditional. If the men with the mystery bikes were going to kill us, we'd die together.

I held my tongue, forced myself forward step by concrete step, and prayed it would be enough.