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Passion, Vows & Babies: Unscarred: An Unacceptables MC Standalone Romance (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Kristen Hope Mazzola (3)

Chapter 3


Before we knew it, we had marriage licenses in hand and Scarlett was off in the back bathroom getting all dolled up with Raine and Crickett.

“This is a good thing you’re doing, Bear.” Ryder held his beer bottle up to mine.

Letting the necks tap, I responded, “She needs a win right now, and I do too. I love her, man. That shit is never going to change. Might as well give her a reason to smile while everything is going to hell in a handbasket.”

“Everything is set up in Sweetwater. Blaz and Carson are going to head up to the cabin in a few hours, and we’ll hit the road once the sun is down,” Ryder explained.

I clapped him on the back. “Thank you for doing this. I know what a huge burden I’m putting on you right now.”

“Don’t mention it.” He pointed to his chest. “Fear none. Respect few.” Our club’s mantra boomed from him as he yelled it into the crowded bar. All the guys repeated it as their old ladies cheered and raised their drinks high in the air.

“We’re ready,” Raine said, chortling as she peeked her head out of a doorway in the back.

“Ready to get that old ball and chain shackled to you?” Ryder laughed as we walked to the front of the makeshift aisle where Red was waiting for us.

“I think I was born ready to marry Scarlett,” I admitted as I rubbed the back of my neck.

“Good answer.” Ryder winked at me quickly before taking his place to my left.

Crickett hurried up to me, placing two rings in my hand. Her kind eyes met mine as tears welled up at the corners.

“What’re these?” I asked.

“Abel’s ring and mine. I figured you didn’t have time to get any of your own, and he would want you to have them. Scarlett is a special one, son—don’t you ever forget that.” Crickett’s sweet voice was soft as she closed my fingers around the metal circles. “Just put them in your pocket and surprise your old lady with ‘em.”

Raine walked up next to her stepmom, hugging her quickly.

“Are you sure you’re all right with this?” I glanced behind the women to make eye contact with Collin.

Collin resembled so much like his father, it was hard for me to look at him most of the time.

“Dad would want you to have them, Bear. It’s the right thing,” Raine said reassuringly as her brother nodded behind her.

“It’s true. He loved you like a son,” Collin added.

“Y’all are the best family a man could ever ask for,” I choked out.

“You’re right, we are family. Now make an honest woman of your old lady so we can celebrate something for a change.” Crickett gave me a quick smile before heading to the back to get my future wife.

Arm in arm with Crickett, Scarlett slowly walked out wearing a simple, white lace, knee-length dress, and she had a bouquet of yellow daisies clutched in her grasp. I had never seen a sight as breathtaking in my entire life.

Crickett kissed her on the cheek then did the same to me before making her way to take a seat between her children.

I looked down at my faded flannel, cut, jeans, and boots for a second. “Sorry if I’m a little underdressed for the occasion, darlin’.”

Scarlett gave me a tight-lipped smile as her eyes softened. “Oh, babe, I wouldn’t marry you any other way.”

Red smiled. “Ready?”

We both nodded.

He spoke loudly, addressing the crowd. “Outlaws and the women who—God knows why—love us, despite the leather and because of it, we have gathered here this afternoon to bring these two crazy kids together in holy matrimony. Now, I had the pleasure of knowing this little lady’s old man, and some of you might remember Gunner. He was like a brother to me and many of us who are here today. He was one hell of a shot, an even better rider, and a true one-percenter, but to her, he was so much more than that. He was a caring father and a devoted husband. I knew from the moment I met Scarlett that she had his fiery spirit and wild heart. She is truly the only one who would ever be able to tame a beast like Bear. Fate brought these two together, and their unwavering devotion to each other might only be matched by the bond that was shared by Abel and Crickett.”

He pulled at the collar of his white shirt as he cleared his choked-up throat, and I heard a few others doing the same before he continued.

“Now, I bring up our fallen brothers because we have to remember that they live within all of us. The lessons they bestowed on us and the example they set have made this club into a family that is unrivaled by any other. These lessons need to be applied in marriage. Always be strong, trust without question, and love without fear.”

I stared into Scarlett’s gray eyes as she smiled at me and mouthed, “I love you.”

Red asked, “Do you have the rings?”

Scarlett’s eyes got wide but before she could answer, I pulled Abel and Crickett’s wedding bands out of my pocket.

“I have them.” I gave my girl a quick wink. “Thank Crickett,” I told her quietly.

I handed Abel’s black titanium ring to Scarlett. As she slid it onto my finger, she giggled and said, “I vow to love you for the rest of my life. I promise to always be a faithful wife, loving partner, and strong old lady.”

Sliding the dented white gold band onto Scarlett’s ring finger, I said, loudly and proudly, “I vow to love you until I take my last breath. I promise to always cherish and protect you. I will be the husband you deserve, the man you are proud of, and I will treat you as good as my leather and ride you more than my bike.”

Everyone cheered as Red yelled, “With the power vested in me by the great state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now kiss the damn girl!”

I scooped Scarlett up into my arms and crashed my lips to hers, twirling her around.

“Now let’s celebrate!” she shouted joyfully, throwing her head back with a wide grin lighting up her gorgeous face.

The jukebox started blasting, drinks started flowing, and everyone danced in the middle of the bar together. We all knew the elation was a mask, knew there was a mission in motion and a threat waiting off in the distance, but none of it mattered. There was always a war, always enemies looming, always something to be worried about. If you’re not careful, it can consume you, and your may life pass you by. In that bar, wading through the muck of our lives, we found happiness and a reason to remember why we fought so hard to protect our lifestyle and the people we loved. I had gone so many years without knowing what it was like to be happy, always believing club business needed to be at the forefront of every single moment.

As I stood with Ryder, beer in hand, I saw what life was really about—the small moments that take your breath away and remind you why you’re breathing.

“Thanks for all of this,” I mumbled to him under my breath.

“Thank you for letting us be the ones to make this happen for y’all. It ain’t every day that two people as meant to be together as you two actually realize it.”

“How’d we get so lucky?” I asked, motioning to Raine and Scarlett as they laughed together at a high-top table.

“Fuck if I know, brother. Don’t question it though, just be grateful.”

“Oh, I am, and I think I’ll show that little lady how fucking grateful I really am.” I hopped off my stool as Ryder held his bottle up to me.

Chuckling, he called out, “The Fun Dip is in Abel’s old desk drawer, just in case you need it.”

I shook my head, laughing. “I’ll remember that for after.”

Walking over to the girls, I scooped Scarlett up in my arms. “I need to borrow my wife for a bit.”

Raine giggle as she waved us off.

“What’re you doing?” Scarlett questioned into my ear.

I stopped by the back door, setting her down. “I hear a marriage isn’t official until after consummation. Rules are rules.”

I led her by the hand, and we went into Abel’s old office. All of his pictures still lined the walls, and nostalgia took over for a second as I pulled one down.

Handing it to Scarlett, I watched as her eyes got wide. It was an old black and white of her father standing with Red and Rave, smoking cigars behind the Atlanta clubhouse.

“That’s the day your old man’s charter patched over to the Unacceptables,” I explained. “I’m sure Ryder wouldn’t mind if you kept it.” I pointed to Rave. “That guy was Crickett’s father.”

“I remember this day…they had a big cookout.” Scarlett beamed as she removed the photo from its casing. “Thank you.”

Cradling her face in my hands, I kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome, baby.” I backed her up against the wall. “I know this isn’t a fancy hotel room or the honeymoon you probably pictured, but it’ll have to do for now.”

“I burn in the sun, and mimosas with strawberries are totally overrated,” she responded.

“You’re perfect.”

Hiking up her dress, I pulled her blue thong down to her knees. “Something blue—nice touch.”

“The dress is borrowed, and the panties, as you can see, are blue. My earrings were Raine’s mother’s—something old—and we picked up some new perfume, tradition and all. Why mess with a good thing, ya know?”

“I like it.” I bit down on the nape of Scarlett’s neck.

A low moan escaped my lips as she undid the buckle of my belt. She got down on her knees after freeing my cock, and my jeans and boxers fell to my ankles.

I stared at her pale pink Cupid’s bow as her lips parted, gently wrapping around the head of my dick. Letting her tongue do most of the work, she teased until my staff was full and ready for her.

Grabbing her shoulders, I pulled my new wife to her feet. “Look at me, Scarlett. I want you to see everything.”

Sliding in softly, I watched as her jaw slackened and her breath caught.

“I love you.” I breathed deeply as I slowly made love to my girl against the wood-paneled wall. There was nothing fast, nothing fancy, just us, pure and raw, taking in the moment of us surrendering to the commitment we’d just made.

When we finished, I helped Scarlett fix her dress before opening the top drawer. “Want a little more tradition?” I asked, taking out two packets of RazzApple Magic Fun Dip.

“Why the heck not?” She grabbed the candy from me and ripped open the packet.

With blue lips, we made our way back into the bar.

Trent clapped me on the back as I leaned against the bar next to him. “Atta boy,” he said, congratulating me with a knowing smile. “Doin’ Abel proud.”

Just as I was about to respond, my cell rang. Checking it, I saw Weston Davis’s name flashing.

“I gotta take this.” I pushed away from the bar and made my way outside.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Hey man, I know this is none of my business, but I just caught wind from a buddy of mine at the DA’s office that Scarlett’s ex-husband was released a couple of days ago. Thought y’all would want a heads-up.” I could hear the worry in Weston’s voice. Over the years of me working on his bike at Wheeler’s, we had developed a decent friendship. I kept my business to myself for the most part, as did he, but we both knew which side of the law we each stood on.

“We’re aware, but thank you for the tip.”

“I can try to call around and see if anyone has spotted him for you if need be. I know he isn’t the most savory of characters.”

“I’d appreciate that, man. Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. I’ll let you know what I find out.”

I stood outside for a few minutes, and the reality of our situation smacked me hard. The time for fun and games was over. I needed to switch gears.

As the sun started to lower behind the mountain line, I walked back in and over to Ryder. “I think it’s about that time, brother.”

He nodded. “I’ll pull the truck around.”

Scarlett, Crickett, and Raine were off in the corner. The threesome looked so happy and carefree, I hated to interrupt, but I knew it had to be done.

“Ladies,” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck. “I think y’all are about to head west with Ryder and Collin.”

Scarlett hopped down, hooking her arm around my middle. “You’re not coming with us?”

I looked down at her face, the fear and worry battling away the elation that had consumed her being only seconds before.

“I’m going to smoke out the rat bastard while you’re safe up on the side of a mountain. I promise I will come for you as soon as I can.”