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Peer Review: A Ruby Romp Novella by Ruby Rowe (10)



“Fuck, this is totally going to blow up in your face and fast. What were you thinking? I didn’t know I was moving you in with a girl you’re attracted to,” Colton says.

“Damn, dude. I thought you’d make fun of me, not seem pissed.” I throw the basketball straight at his chest, and he catches it, but not before it makes contact, causing him to cough.

He moves closer to me in the indoor gym on campus, probably so I can hear him better in the noisy facility.

“I guess I don’t understand. After you rejected Sabrina and Angie yesterday, who were practically dry humping you, you said you weren’t going to scheme on chicks any longer, yet you moved in with one just to break her after she played hard to get.”

I glare at him. “I’m sick of you treating me like I’m some piece of shit who only preys on chicks. Before you got with Summer, you treated women no differently. And I didn’t move in with Laurel to use her for sex.”

Snapping the ball back at me, he wipes the sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his shirt.

“I’m sorry, but I hardly believe you did it so you two could live happily ever after. Tell me why you moved in with her then.”

I run to do a layup and listen for the swooshing sound as I make the basket. After dribbling a couple of times, I hold the ball at my waist and look at him.

“I’ve liked her for a long time now.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“Look, I didn’t plan to move in with her, but when the opportunity presented itself, I jumped at the chance.

“Laurel doesn’t take me seriously, so living together is the ideal way for us to get to know each other and for her to get to know the real me.

“Well, I thought that until we kissed last night. She freaked out after, confusing the hell out of me.”

“Holy shit. You want to live with her. Like live with this woman. The way people do when they’re in committed relationships.”

Furrowing my brow, I throw him the basketball, hoping like hell he’ll play and drop this conversation I was stupid enough to start. Instead, he stares at me like I’ve lost my goddamn mind.

“That’s not what I’m doing.”

“Are you saying you only plan to live with her long enough to get her to date you, and then you’re moving out?”

“No. I mean, I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

He looks to the sky and laughs.

“I can’t fucking believe it. Finally, but it figures you’d go balls to the wall. You’ve never been patient, and you always think you can take whatever you want.”

“That’s bullshit seeing how I’ve been patient a long damn time with this girl.”

“How long are we talking here?”

“That’s not important.”

“Well, good luck, bro. I think asking her out on a date would’ve sufficed, but I’ll pray it works out for ya. Hell, Summer and I aren’t ready to live together, and I worship the girl.”

“Maybe it wasn’t the brightest decision, but things are different with Laurel. I can see myself in a relationship with her.”

“Yeah, and obviously living with her.”

“I told you because I don’t know what to do after last night.”

“What happened again exactly?”

“All I did was kiss her, and she wanted it. Girls don’t look at me like that unless they do, but then she bolted from the room, acting like it was a mistake.”

“I imagine your sister would have better advice than me, but if you don’t want to talk to Summer about it, then I’d tell Laurel you like her and that you won’t screw around if she’ll give you a chance.”

I consider what he said, but I don’t see Laurel caving that easily.

“I don’t think it will be that simple. She’s the one who walked in on my threesome with Angie and Sabrina.” I look away. Shit, why did I tell him that?

“Oh, dude. Yeah, you’re probably fucked. Unless a girl’s willing to participate in a threesome, she’s usually not a fan of guys who do.”

Did. I don’t plan on it happening ever again.”

“Damn, man. Tell her that, too. It might help.”

“I’ll think about it, but enough with the deep shit. Let’s play some ball.”