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Pegasus in Peril by Crystal Dawn, Zodiac Shifters (10)


Chapter 10


The Dating Game


Pru was enjoying the touch of sophistication the art gallery had. The selection of paintings was considerable with a whole section of local talent. Several mediums were displayed, not just paintings. The clay pottery and blown glass art was particular interesting.

“Are you enjoying this?” Herk asked.

“Surprised that I love art?”

“Not really. You are a lovely and complicated female.”

“I think Julio is surprised by Janel.  He just discovered she makes blown glass and has some on display here.” Pru said.

“That shows she is also complicated.”

“That’s us. Two complicated females. We manage business, spy for our kind, and are in touch with our artsy sides.”

“Julio and I are creative too.”

“How so?”

“Julio has done sculptures and I do abstract paintings.”

“I had no clue. Are any of your works in a gallery or museum?”

“No, we keep our work.” Herk admitted.

“I’ll admit I thought you two mostly caroused and womanized in the past.” Pru said.

“We did a lot of that too.”

“I guess when you’re as old as dirt you have a chance to do a lot of things.”

“Are you teasing me? I hope you are because while I’m older than you, you’ll be this age someday and you won’t think it so old then.”

“I can only hope I live to be as old as you and to have the chance to do as many things.”

“I think Julio took Janel somewhere to make out.” Herk observed. “We should find them and go somewhere for lunch.”

“Are you trying to change the subject?”

“Never, Sweetheart. I’m just hungry.” Pru’s stomach growled too. “I don’t think I’m the only one.”

They searched finally finding their friends hiding in a corner kissing. “Come on you two. It’s time to get some food.”

“I am hungry now that you mentioned it.” Julio admitted.

“Where are we going to go?” Janel asked. “Most places are closed Sundays.”

That was true, but there were a handful of places open all the time. “Let’s keep it simple. There’s a cafeteria not far from here. It’s nothing like Pear Tree, but it’s filling.” Pru pointed out.

“Right now, that’s good enough.” Herk said and Julio agreed.

They left the gallery and headed down the road to the cafeteria. There were a number of people there when they went in. That was the result of it being one of the few places open right now in this area. They all got in line, grabbed trays, and filled them with what they wanted. Soups and sandwiches seemed to be the order of the day. There were four kinds of soup and all of them smelled good.

By the time they left the cafeteria to head home, they were all full. “I feel much better now.” Herk admitted.

“Males, fill them up with food and they are are happy.” Janel observed.

“Let’s go home.” Herk suggested. He was ready for some time with his mate. Their future lay ahead of them and they needed to bond and talk about what they wanted to do. Hopefully, Julio and his mate would take the time to do the same.

They all loaded in the SUV and headed home. It already felt like a routine when they went out with their friends. That wasn’t a bad thing. Once at Pru’s suite, they separated and went to their room. He pulled his female into his arms kissing her with great passion.

“I really needed that.” He admitted. “Now we need to talk about our future and make some decisions.”

“Janel is concerned that Julio wishes to live on the plains. Is that what you’re going to tell me too?”

“I feel so much for you that I can’t even find a word big enough to hold it all. Love is compromise, and that I will do for you. My sign is Capricorn, something I don’t discuss much because females are drawn to me until they know I’m a stubborn goat, but for you I will overcome the stubbornness. Pru, you are my everything.” Herk saw the tears in her eyes and knew she would do her part in making their relationship work.

“I’m a stubborn goat too, but I was also born on the cusp and have been called an Aquacorn. It makes me somewhat unpredictable but gives me qualities that usually help in leadership. That’s why I’m so high up in management at Wicked Witch.”

“Tell me about this. I’ve heard about cuspers, but never met one. I mean of course I’ve met people born close to another sign, but never one that truly showed the abilities of both. Do you know what a rare jewel you are?” Herk asked truly amazed by her revelation.

“Yes, I was told this recently and given in depth information. Also I researched to find out more. I will give you a quick rundown to help you understand me:

They call my time of birth the Cusp of Mystery and Imagination and say it’s an amazing birthright. All born at this time do not necessarily have the qualities mentioned, but here goes.

Those who are blessed with the gift are said to have vivid dreams and rich fantasies that must be expressed creatively. Aquacorns tend to be people persons that love to talk and entertain. I was cautioned that other parts of my birth chart might limit or add to my abilities, but so far I’ve fit this quite well. You can see with my position that I’m outgoing to the extreme when needed and friendly as well. But I also tend to temper that with a reliability and responsibility that is unmatched. Always loyal, funny, true, and fair minded, I will give you the best, but I expect the same in return. The off side is many Aquacorns go crazy and that’s because of the Aquarius qualities, but I have my mate to help me stay centered.

As far as our future, I love and hope for many children, but also want adventure and travel to be part of our lives. I can speak ten languages and I bet you know several as well. The bad side is I got impatience in a double dose. Waiting isn’t my strong suit. You’ll have to watch me or I might shoot off on a mission or trip on my own if you aren’t quick enough to suit me. My parents can share a hundred stories and they will, believe me.

Those are the highlights of my qualities. Now tell me about yours.”

“I’m not nearly as exciting as you. I’ll admit to being the typical Capricorn without the exciting additions. I’ve had my sign read many times and it rings true every time. Admittedly, I’ve never had the in depth reading with my birthday and time included. Time was considered differently back then anyway so it wouldn’t help the reader unless they were as old as I am or older.

Stubborn, of course you know and are as well. I am determined, once goals are set, to meet them in a timely manner. I am also cautious so I will try to keep on the straight and narrow as well as I can. I’m stable, serious, hardworking, and responsible keeping to the rules in general. Usually I don’t get carried away by emotions, but you, my love, will defeat that part of me. I was told I would be a good leader and that was helpful since I was born to take charge of my kind.

I am also a good manager so I will be able to help you. My stubbornness, toughness, unyielding spirit, and methodical approach are said to be my best qualities, but it has driven family and friends crazy before and I’ve learned to ease up on my approach. I can be pessimistic and even melancholy, but with you at my side, I’ll overcome those traits and anything else that’s negative.

I think that covers the most important aspects of my personality. The rest you will learn in time. So few of our kinds follow the horoscopes anymore. I never dreamed I would find a mate who also pays attention to them.”

“I read them and look for hints to the future, but they aren’t always accurate these days. Experts in that area are so hard to find as many have given up those ways.” Pru admitted.

“You don’t read those done by humans, do you? They rarely hit on anything accurate and when they do, it’s usually by accident.”

“I read the ones in the supernatural press. They are much like the human ones. It can be hard to find decent advice.”

“Have you looked into the Gypsy Herald? Only those supernatural and talented are allowed to write in there.”

“I’ll be honest in that I’ve never heard of it. I didn’t think the term gypsy was used anymore. It’s not PC.”

“It’s been around for thousands of years. PC wasn’t a term then and it wasn’t considered a slur then either.”

“Okay. I’ll look for it.”

“We have a lot of hard work ahead if us, Sweetheart. Maybe knowing more about our true horoscopes will help.” Herk suggested. It was obvious to him she wasn’t a true believer but she dabbled in the horoscopes. It was a start and in time she would learn how to use it as a guide.

Today his guide told him to embrace love and take it to the next level. It also said to take any offers under consideration because change was in the air. Now was also a good time for any offers or questions he might want to present. He knew that while the local witches mated in the old ways or the ways of their mates, they also married in the way of local humans. Odd, at least he thought so. But never the less, it was the way things were done.

“Alright, if you believe it to be so.”

“I do and can it truly hurt to know?”

“I suppose not.”

It was time to move on to the next matter which explained why he could barely breathe and his stomach rolled as he felt nauseas. Pulling a small box from his pocket he dropped to one knee. “My lovely Pru, will you consent to becoming my wife?”

Pru screeched, a noise he’d never heard before as it was sharp and high pitched. She dove into his arms unexpectedly pushing him over on the floor where she covered him as she kissed him repeatedly. “Is that a yes?”

“Dear goddess of course it is. Yes, yes, and yes a hundred times.” Pru repeated.

Her excitement fed his and he pulled her head back down to slowly kiss her until neither of them could catch their breath. There was no need to hurry, they had their long lives ahead of them. His intentions were honorable, but naughty. When he was through, they would start all over again and again making love and giving each other the ultimate in pleasure.

Hours later, they slept the deep sleep of the happy and satisfied. At least they did until a ringing woke them. It was Pru’s phone and she answered immediately. “Yes, Mom. I’m sorry, but it just happened and we were celebrating. Yes, I’m aware there’ll be a ball. Isn’t this more something between me and Herk? Alright, I understand. I’ll see you in the morning. Okay, we’ll see you in the morning.” Pru sighed heavily as if she was being really put upon.

“Your mother?”

“Yes, she found out we got engaged. She was unhappy that she wasn’t called right away.”

“I would have been unhappy had she been. We males want some love and attention at times like these. How did she find out?”

“She was probably casting for information or reading her crystal ball. You’d think she’d understand not being called immediately since Daddy always expected to be the top of her list. Maybe she’s forgotten what it was like before.” Pru conjectured.

“I’ve heard your dad is more laid back than he was before.”

“That’s true. Those who hadn’t known him before wouldn’t recognize him from then. Someday he’ll be back then you’ll see what I mean.”

“I’m sure that’s true. Few things will keep a strong male down for long.”

“Mom’s enjoyed running things for now, but I fear we’ll need both of them before it’s all done.”

“I can’t help but feel you’re right.” Herk thought about all he’d been told about this coming war and what he and Julio had seen. The power this Hubolla had on a place he couldn’t visit physically was unbelievable. What could he do if he ever managed to come here in person?

“We’ll have a large part in the upcoming battle.” Pru declared.

“You know or you suspect?” He asked. Not that it made much difference since his mate always seemed right.

“Suspect. Maybe I’ll be wrong. That would be best.”

“A guy can hope.”

Pru laughed. There wouldn’t be much cause to laugh in the future so he enjoyed it now. She had a sweet tinkling laugh. “My gifts are too strong I guess if you already know them.”

“I’d be a fool not to see you know things and are usually right. That gift might save our lives sometime.”

“It’s saved me and my family more than once.”

“That’s why the goddess gave it to you.” Herk replied. ”Now when is your mother expecting us?”

“First thing in the morning. She wouldn’t relent and give us more time.”

“I’m not surprised. Impatience runs in the family.”

“You have a share of it too.” Pru observed. “Now let’s get back to sleep.”

They held each other as they slipped back into the sweet bliss of sleep. Next time they woke, it was morning and time to prepare for the visit to her mom. Normally she’d go to work, but Herk was free from responsibilities for now. This was a time he could spend with his mate getting to know her better and perhaps, seeding her womb. Now that he’d fully accepted her as his mate, the thought of her round with his offspring excited him.

The trip to her parent’s house went fast. He wondered if her mom would still be put out at not being notified right away. Regardless, they would know soon since they were pulling into the driveway. Pru showed him where to park and they headed in the door. Delicious aromas of breakfast foods combined to make his stomach growl fiercely.

“Our cooks are the best. At least you’ll not die hungry.” Herk swiveled quickly to look at his mate. “Just joking.”

”Very funny. You assured me she wasn’t mad at me only you.”

“That’s true but you’ve heard of death by friendly fire?”

“I believe you’re teasing me.” Herk replied.

“There you two are.” Maybelle said. “I’m delighted that you’re getting married. The wedding will be amazing, trust me.”

That was the start of hours of wedding and engagement talk. Herk thought he’d go deaf or maybe he just wished it. Pru promised she’d order his clothes and anything he needed and all he’d have to do was dress and show up. Her mother assured him she would make sure Pru took care of all his requirements for the events. Lucky him.