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Pick Six by Max Monroe (17)




“Are you sure about this?” I whispered to Sean as we waited for the elevator.

He just grinned. The bastard.

“This isn’t funny,” I said, my voice growing loud enough to catch the attention of the older, sixtysomething couple standing a few feet away from us. “I mean…” I paused and glanced down at my clothes with a sigh. “I’m hardly dressed to impress.”

The woman couldn’t not stare at my clothes after that. Her gaze moved down my body, and her lips pushed out into a disapproving frown once she saw my shirt. She smacked her lips together, the way only old ladies with disappointment do, and shook her head as she brought her eyes back to the elevator doors.

Cool it, lady, I shouted internally. I’m wearing this out of desperation.

“Are you hearing anything I’m saying right now?” I asked Sean and looked up at him with narrowed eyes.

“I’m hearing you, baby. Loud and clear,” he said and shot a little wink in my direction. “But you have nothing to worry about.”

I scowled at that. Nothing to worry about. I looked down at my outfit one more time. Yoga pants and a freaking T-shirt with a doodle of a cat holding up two middle fingers and the words fluff you, you fluffin’ fluff written on it.

The judgy old lady’s reaction was correct.

Dressed to impress? Not likely.

I cursed myself for thinking it was a victory to travel to Pittsburgh with just a carry-on. I’d brought only the essentials. No backup outfits. Only a goddamn shirt with a cat on it and yoga pants that had seen better days.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” I asked, cowardly pointing out the pink elephant in the room. Meeting his sister and brother-in-law seemed a bit odd considering we weren’t in a relationship. We weren’t even dating, really. I didn’t know what we were, but I knew it wasn’t serious. Sean Phillips didn’t do serious. He did friends with benefits, fuck buddies, one-night stands, but serious? I honestly doubted that word was in his vocabulary.

“I think it’s a fantastic idea.”

“What in the hell are you going to introduce me as?” I questioned, and he lifted one thick, muscular shoulder up into a shrug.

“What do you think I should introduce you as?”

“Nuh-uh.” I tapped his big bicep with my index finger. “Do not try to turn this around on me. I asked you first.”

“You have nothing to worry about.” He offered a toothy grin. “Thatch and Cassie aren’t the type to get too caught up in labels. Hell, they started off their relationship pranking each other, and Cassie pretty much hated Thatch.”

I figured this was his typical brush-off when any woman asked him to put a label on what they were. I couldn’t really blame him, though. It’s not like I had a label for us either.

That old lady smacked her lips together again, and I glanced around Sean to see her staring right at us, her arms crossed over her chest. Her husband was still oblivious, but I had a feeling it was the hearing aids shoved inside his big ears more than anything else.

This old bat really needed a lesson in humility.

Now, that’s an idea…

“I think you should just be honest, baby,” I cooed, and Sean’s brow furrowed.

“Be honest?”

“Yeah,” I said in a fake foreign accent that sounded more Eastern European than anything else. I let my voice carry a little too far considering we were standing right beside each other. “I think you should just tell your sister what you are to me. My American mail-order groom.”

The old lady gasped, and I had to swallow my smile.

Sean caught on quickly, glancing over his shoulder to find our audience.

“Nice one,” he muttered, and I just grinned wider.

“I’m so glad I found you on the interwebs, baby. And I’m so glad you accepted my hand in marriage. And to think, I almost didn’t send that email,” I said, keeping up the fake accent. I stood up on my tippy-toes to wrap an arm around his shoulder and stare deep into his eyes. “I’m so happy I did. These last twenty-four hours have been the best in my life. Especially…” I dropped my voice to a whisper, but it was a fucking loud whisper. “All of the s-e-x.”

Another gasp from the old lady and I had to bite my lip to fight my laughter.

“We are going to be so happy together when we go back to my homeland. You’re going to be the happiest husband in all the lands. Our village is small, but my father is very rich. He has the biggest hut, and he will shower you with gifts of gold and goats and wine.”

“Gold and goats?” he asked, playing right along with me.

I nodded. “And wine. Lots and lots of wine.”

I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “I can’t believe you were a virgin,” I added quietly, but don’t worry, my voice was still loud for my audience. “And oh my gosh, my family and our village will be so glad to hear you have a big penis. That is very important to them.”

Sean nearly choked on his own saliva, but that only fueled me further.

“Although, they will be a little disappointed that you’re circumcised. You’ll probably get fewer goats because of that.”

I pressed a soft kiss to his cheek again, and he looked down at me with a wide grin. He wrapped an arm around my back and playfully pinched my ass.

“Remind me later to pay you back for that,” he whispered discreetly into my ear.

I quirked a brow. “Pay back?”

“Yeah.” He nodded and leaned in real close to add, “I’m going to show you exactly what this big, circumcised cock is capable of after dinner.”

Oh boy.

The elevator dinged its arrival, and Sean pressed a gentle hand to the small of my back and led me inside.

And on the ride down, I continued to make a show out of whispering things about our fake nuptials—the ceremony in the river, the penis exam he’ll have to undergo before the wedding, and a whole bunch of other shit that mostly revolved around goats.

By the time we reached the lobby level, the older couple practically had to pick their jaws up off the floor just to exit the elevator.

“You’re a little minx,” he said once the old lady and her husband were out of earshot. “That woman is probably going to pull me aside and ask me if I feel safe or need her to contact the authorities.” He pinched my ass again, and a half giggle, half groan escaped my lips as I rubbed at the smarting skin.

I retaliated with a discreet elbow into his abdomen.

“Ow, fuck,” he muttered through soft chuckles. “For a tiny person, you sure pack some power.”

A big smile covered my lips. “Serves you right.”

He wrapped a big, strong arm around my shoulder and started to lead us toward the hotel dining room. “Next time,” he whispered, “You’ll be the mail-order bride.”

I shook my head and glanced up at him. “Nuh-uh. You can’t just switch up a bit that I created. You have to come up with your own.”

He chuckled softly. “Come on, you little shit stirrer, let me introduce you to my sister.”

Like a rock dropped into my stomach, anxiety felt heavy in my gut.

Meeting his sister and brother-in-law felt like a pretty big fucking step for two people who didn’t even know what they were. But I did my best to push past the discomfort and follow his lead.

I mean, what was the worst that could happen?

You could meet his family and love his family and start falling for the one guy you should never fall for.

Jesus. I shook those crazy thoughts out of my mind and forced a smile to my face as Sean led us toward the table where his sister and brother-in-law sat.

“Sean!” His sister hopped up from her seat and wrapped her arms around her brother. “I should kick you in the fluffing balls for ignoring my text messages, but I’ll let it slide because I’ve missed you, you asshole.”

He chuckled and disentangled himself from his sister. “Give me a break, Cass. I’ve been a little busy.”

A mischievous grin crossed her lips as her gaze moved to me. “I can see that.”

I felt oddly calm underneath her scrutiny. It was calculated and clever, but it wasn’t completely unwelcoming either.

Besides that, I couldn’t miss the stark contrast between Sean and his extremely beautiful sister. Where she was creamy white skin, he was smooth mocha. But I’d done my research and already knew Sean was actually adopted. Although there were no familial traits in common between the two, it was obvious they shared a close bond.

Cassie stepped forward and stuck out a hand for me to shake. I took her hand—and the opportunity of being up close to study her further.

Her features were exaggerated and bold, and the blue of her eyes was startling. Smooth curves and firm lines, her body was unbelievable. And holy shit, is she not wearing a bra?

“Hell of a game,” a voice boomed, interrupting our introduction. I looked up, up, up to find a giant of a man towering over us, a wide, toothy grin on his lips. “That catch you made in the fourth made ESPN’s top ten.”

“No shit?” Sean said with a smile, and a half bro-shake, half hug commenced between the two.

“And who is this beauty?” the incredibly good-looking giant asked, and his wife nodded.

“That’s exactly what I’m wondering.”

“Cassie, Thatch, this is Six,” Sean introduced us, and I reached out to take Thatch’s hand and complete the greeting ritual.

“It’s so nice to meet you.”

His sister’s smile stayed mischievous as she glanced discreetly at her husband. They both shared some sort of secret look before Thatch gestured for us to sit down.

“I hope you don’t mind, but I went ahead and ordered for everyone because Cassie was getting hangry.”

Sean chuckled at that and helped me into my chair.

“And what did you order?”

“A little bit of this. A little bit of that.” Thatch shrugged, and Cassie smirked.

“He pretty much ordered everything off the menu,” she offered, and her eyes met mine. “I hope you’re hungry, Six.”

I nodded. “I can definitely eat.”

“Six and I were just about to order room service right before you called,” Sean said and wrapped an easy arm around the back of my chair. “She was also having quite the hangry moment.”

That’s because three hours of sex would make anyone starved.

I rolled my eyes, but I kept my thoughts to myself.

“So, Six,” Cassie said from the across the table. “Besides Sean, we have another mutual friend.”

“Oh, really?”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded. “Georgia Brooks.”

“Oh my gosh, I love her! And I owe her so much. She’s pretty much changed my life because of this huge opportunity with the Mavericks.”

“She’s one of the best,” Cassie responded. “But she took a chance on you for a reason. Your vlogs are hilarious. Both Thatch and I are huge fans.”

“Really? You know who I am?” My brow rose. When they’d introduced themselves, they’d given absolutely no indication that they knew anything about me.

“Oh. Yeah,” she said, waving an unbothered hand in front of her face. “We just wanted Sean to feel uncomfortable by having to actually introduce you.”

Sean’s glare was only minimally serious.

“Of course, the fucker didn’t even stutter or anything. It was a little disappointing, to be honest.”

Cassie’s smile smoothed over Thatch’s words as she brought the conversation back around to the beginning. “Anyway. We can’t wait to see what you’re about to do with this Mavericks series. I’m sure it’s going to be fantastic.”

“God, I really hope so,” I answered truthfully. No doubt I was working my ass off on this series, but it was a huge deal. And it was hard to push insecurities out the door with something that meant this much and had so much hype built around it.

She leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. “So, what are you two?” she asked, glancing between Sean and me. “Friends? Fucking? Dating?”

Sean nearly choked on his water. “Jesus, Cass.”

“What? It’s an honest question.” She just shrugged. “And don’t think I haven’t picked up on the fact that my manwhore brother is actually introducing me to one of his lady friends. Pretty sure that’s never happened.”

“Sure, it has,” Sean muttered, and both she and her husband shook their heads.

“Sorry, dude,” Thatch said through a chuckle. “I’ve been around for a while now, and yeah, it’s never happened.”

Sean glanced at me and then back at his sister.

He obviously wasn’t sure how to answer her question.

So, I did what I did best and chimed in with my brand of humor and sarcasm.

“Oh, we’re definitely not dating. I’m just mentoring him.”

“Mentoring him?” Cassie asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah, I’m his sex mentor,” I explained with a straight face. “We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but so far, he’s shown great progress.”

“Jesus Christ,” Sean muttered, but both his sister and brother-in-law had already caught on to my lie.

Thatch slapped one big hand on the table and burst out into laughter.

And Cassie, well, her smile couldn’t have gotten any bigger.

“You’re such a little troublemaker.” Sean’s lips crested up in hilarity as he leaned into me. His gaze was soft and affectionate, and I felt myself melting helplessly into it. “No fucking wonder you and my sister are getting along so easily.”

“Why?” I asked delicately, pretending to be a lady for once. “Your sister doesn’t seem like a menace.”

His laughter was soul-shaking, rolling through my body in delicious waves, and I felt myself sink. Into the chair, into him—into oblivion.

God, I like him so much.

“Oh yeah, T,” Cassie said on a near whisper and looked at her husband. “You’re totally going to lose this bet.”

“Wait… What bet?” Sean asked, pulled rudely from the trance of my beauty, and Cassie just shrugged.

“It’s none of your business.”

“Because it’s about me.”

She shrugged again. “Maybe. Maybe not.”

“You’re such a pain in my ass,” Sean muttered. Cassie’s grin didn’t wane, but her eyes did come to me. They were sweetness and mischief all wrapped up in one, and a shiver ran up my spine. I wasn’t one to feel intimidated, but as a woman of sarcasm and wit, I had a feeling I had a lot to learn at the comedic altar of Cassie Phillips.

“Preaching to the choir, dude,” Thatch chimed in. “She’s been a pain in my ass since the day I met her crazy ass.”

“Yeah, but you love my crazy,” she said with a wink, and then proceeded to reach out and twist her husband’s nipple through the material of his shirt.

“Ow, fuck,” he muttered. “You’re an evil fluffing woman, Cassie Kelly.”

She laughed and then pointed across the table toward my T-shirt. “Speaking of fluffing, I need to know where you got that shirt. I fluffing yell at my fluffing kids all the fluffing time, and my voice is tired. I feel like maybe, with that shirt, they’d get the message subliminally.”

“It was just some random shop online.” I smiled. “But I can definitely get the link for you. And, kids?” I asked.

Cassie’s eyes glazed over as she waved me off. “Two little boys. Light of my lives and my ticket to prison all in one if they don’t stop whipping out their little cocks like they’re some kind of prized gems and pissing everywhere but inside the fluffing toilet.”

A bark of a laugh bubbled out of me without prompting. Cassie and Thatch smiled.

“It’s genetics,” Thatch touted proudly. “I’ve got a superior amount of testosterone.”

Sean’s smile pulled my gaze, the light in his eyes dancing. I looked to his sister and brother-in-law briefly and then back again, and everything clicked.

Sean’s cocksure attitude. His easy laughs and smiles. The way he made everyone feel at ease around him.

He had a team other than the Mavericks behind him, and they were built just like him.


Without hesitation, Cassie pulled out her cell phone and proceeded to demand that we exchange phone numbers.

So, we did.

Sean’s sister and me.

And then, Thatch joined in, and by the time three servers brought all ten plates of food that had been ordered for our table, I had everyone’s phone number but Sean’s.

The mere ridiculousness of it made me giggle.

But it lasted all of two seconds.

While Cassie and Thatch argued over who got to eat the rib eye, Sean snagged my phone out of my hands and added his number to my contacts. Then he sent himself a text before handing it back to me.

I glanced down at the screen and read the text he’d messaged himself from my phone.


Me: I love your big cock. Put it inside me again after dinner? Pretty please with whipped cream and my cherry-flavored pussy on top?


Then my phone vibrated with a message.


Sean: Okay, baby. But only because you asked so nicely.


I couldn’t not laugh at that.

Nor could I really be upset.

Because, yeah, more sex with Sean? Count me in.




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