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Powerless (Power Series Book 1) by Lauren Cooper (16)


Ifinally had a shower once I got back to my room, after figuring out the thousands of dials in the bathroom. I had a jet of water in my face, and one directly between my legs at one point. The face one I didn’t enjoy the other one however… It had taken longer than it should have but I managed to wash my hair and rid my skin of the oil from my massage. I was left with a dewy, healthy complexion and my skin was silky smooth. Dressed in a spaghetti strap, little black dress and patent black heels, with natural makeup, and some carefully applied concealer to the cut, that was now more of a scar, on my neck, and a soft curl to my inky black hair I headed down the bar.

Dark wood beams adorn this part of the hotel, keeping in tune with the historical architecture that once graced the entire building. It’s like travelling back in time as you walk into certain rooms only to be thrust into the twenty first century in others. The sleek polished wood bar lines one wall, with a huge cabinet sat behind it. Rows and rows of expensive liquors and wines line the numerous shelves, the bottles lit up by spotlights beneath them. It’s busy but not overly so that you feel uncomfortable. A fire is lit in the marble fireplace at the far end of the room, and I spot the soppy couple at a bar table in the middle. I head over to them, my heels clicking on the wooden floor before they’re hushed by a plush, vintage rug.

“You look gorgeous” Becca says before kissing my cheek. Jason puts his arm around my waist before kissing the other. Jason ushers me onto the stool he was previously occupying.

“Thank you” I smile at him before sitting.


“I’ll have a Sauvignon Blanc please”

Jason walks off towards the bar, and I glance back at Becca who is pink in the cheeks and chewing her lip. Oh great, I just interrupted their dirty talk.

“Interrupt something did I?”

Becca giggles before answering, “Maybe. I can’t help it if we’re still so hot for each other” she shrugs.

I mimic being sick by sticking my finger in my mouth.

“I hope that’s not me you’re referring to” I hear a deep, smooth voice come from behind me, so I glance over my shoulder. Liam is standing a few feet away dressed in a black suit with a white shirt and black tie. His hands are shoved into his trouser pockets and a smirk highlights his lips. I glance back at Becca with pleading eyes. Glancing at Liam behind me, she smiles.

“Liam, why don’t you join us?” I bulge my eyes at her in a what the fuck are you doing motion, but she just smiles even more. Bitch!

“I’d love to. Thank you” He signals to a passing waiter to bring us some extra stools just as Jason comes back with our drinks.

“Jason this is Liam Hadleigh, Liam this is my fiancé Jason” Becca introduces them both, they shake hands before they take a seat. Jason sits beside Becca and Liam beside me. I can feel the heat radiating from his body, his thighs are too close to my exposed skin. Why did I wear a dress? I need a coverall around this man.

“So, what are you doing out here?” Becca asks, before a waiter brings a beer to our table for Liam.

“Thank you” he glances at the waiter before he turns back to us.

“I have a house here, but I was visiting my sister. I wanted to check out the Gym here before I headed home” Liam and Jason start up a conversation about the gym, but I hardly hear any of what they’re saying. I want to know more, about his house, his sister but I can’t seem to find the words. I find myself watching Liam’s lips move, the way they tug at the sides when he smiles. The way they purse as he takes a drink, and the way his throat moves as he swallows. Flicking his eyes at me I quickly avert my gaze. Oh great, that’s the second time today that he’s caught me ogling him.

“So, what are you guys doing out here?” Liam asks, flinging his arm over the back of my stool.

“Oh, we might get married here” Becca exclaims, and Jason rolls his eyes. I smile at their interaction and the realization hits that this looks like a sodding double date.

“Excuse me, your table is ready” a young waitress comes to tell us, lingering a little too long as she glances at Liam and Jason. Run along sweetie, go and play with your Barbie dolls.

“Liam are you joining us for dinner?” Jason asks as he stands and grabs Becca’s hand. Liam glances at me and I glance back at the soppy couple.

“I’ll come in in a sec” I tell them with a smile. They turn and head into the restaurant before I turn my gaze back to Liam. I twiddle with my wine glass before taking an encouraging swig.

“I’m sorry…” I start without looking into his eyes, only for him to speak at the same time.

“How are you feeling?” his sympathetic eyes meet mine before his gaze flicks to my neck, and I have to look away. I smile slightly before he speaks again.

“Stop apologizing. You are never allowed to apologize to me again okay?” he demands rather than questions.

“Fine. But just this last one. I’m sorry for the way I treated you last weekend, I appreciate everything that you done for me, and I will always be grateful. Are you coming for dinner?” I almost spit at him. I don’t know why I’m suddenly being bitchy about it. I’m so confused about this whole thing, I want him to fuck me, but I also want him to jump off the nearest cliff and for my life to return to normal. Urgh.

“Not if you’re going to avoid speaking to me all night” he smirks, crossing his arms across his chest. I’m suddenly seeing him in a new environment, one I wouldn’t mind seeing him in more often. Calm, collected and laid-back Liam is someone I wouldn’t mind getting to know.

“I am speaking to you”

“Staring at me and talking to me are two different things Amelia” Guilt sets in as I realize I have been short with him since he joined our little party.

“I’m sorry” I swig the rest of my wine before standing, wincing at the fact that I just apologized again. He raises a questioning eyebrow and I offer him a tilted smile for apologizing again “I’m all out of sorts since…”

“I get it” he nods and gives me a real smile.

“Come on, I’m starving” I gesture towards the restaurant and he signals his arm for me to walk first. I awkwardly smile and start to walk in the direction Becca and Jason headed, when Liam grabs my arm and links it with his. I glance up at his gorgeous face and he smiles a closed mouth smile down at me. I can’t help but smile shyly back at him. My arm rests in the crook of his elbow and his large hand covers mine as we walk by numerous other tables into the restaurant. It didn’t slip my gaze that countless women watched as we walked by. A fleeting feeling of proudness filled my chest, as I walked by with him. He’s with me. Me!

Dinner is a gorgeous trio of meals. I honestly don’t think I could walk afterwards. Fish, meats, salads and gorgeous creamy pastas served in mini versions as per Becca’s request. A mini tasting, she called it, although there was nothing small about the portion sizes. We all chatted comfortably and freely, and I found myself laughing along. The restaurant is dimly lit by sconces on the walls as we finish off our coffees, setting the ambience of romance and relaxation. Jason leans in to whisper something in Becca’s ear and she blushes. I don’t want to know what he said to her, so I turn my attention to Liam, who’s smirking in their direction.

“You look beautiful tonight” he watches my face for a reaction as I fiddle with my hands in my lap. I feel my cheeks flush and the hairs on my arms rise.

“Thank you”

Bringing his hand from his side to my face, he tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear and I relish at the contact, closing my eyes in the process. My body reacts so differently to his touch, it’s almost unbearable. Opening my eyes, I catch him as he licks his bottom lip with his tongue and my core clenches.

“We’re going to turn in” Jason grins as he drags Becca from her seat. Shaking Liam’s hand as he stands too, “It was nice to meet you”


“See you in the morning” I smile at them both as they walk out. Jason smacks Becca’s bum in the process and I cringe.

“They’re gross” I tell Liam before taking a sip of my wine. I’ve drank so much today, but I don’t feel the tiniest bit drunk.

“Don’t like PDA’s?”

“It’s not the PDA’s, but I mean come on? Get a room” I huff, and Liam laughs along with me. Chewing the inside of his cheek, he appears to think before looking back at me.

“I’d like to get you in a room” Liam’s deep voice carries over my skin as his words melt into my brain. Did he really just say that? I smirk at his confidence and throw my shoulders back in defiance. After Saturday I need to show him that woman he first met. The one who wouldn’t take his shit. Tonight, I would. If he wants to sleep with me, then I’ll let him. For my benefit, not his. I can’t cope with this unyielding need any longer.

“Do you have a room here?” my voice carries authority as it comes out smoothly. Liam’s eyebrow raises in silent question before he clears his throat.

“No. I was planning on driving back to the city”

I chew my lip as I think this through. Should I just ask him? I glance at his full bee-stung lips and down across his broad shoulders. What I wouldn’t give to have that on top of me, pounding into me.

“I have a room” I blurt, meeting his darkening baby blues as I do.