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Prince of Midnight (Dracula's Bloodline Book 1) by Ana Calin (17)


Lord Dracula

The Old Priest drags himself into my cave, surrounded by angry, hungry vampires. I keep my back to him, but I don’t need my eyes to know what’s happening behind me. He’s breathless, leaning on his cane, looking desperately around himself at the starved vampires closing in on him.

“Lord Dracula, I plead for protection,” he whines. “Your brother, the Prince of Midnight, has emerged from the entire thing more powerful than before. He’s returned to his castle, with that woman he calls his future wife, and he demanded that I come see him. You know what will happen if he gets his hands on me. He knows I’ve always been on the side of the Blood Angels. On your side.”

“Yes, old man,” my voice ripples through the cave and bounces off the walls. Often I feel it’s disembodied, as if I don’t even know the monster that looks and sounds like me. But the confusion lasts only a split second, I have been this monster for so long I don’t remember myself differently.

“You have my protection. And, under my protection, you’re going to see Radek.”

The Old Priest panics. “But he’ll kill me! You can’t protect me from him, if he gets his hands on me, I’m dead.”

“No, he won’t kill you. Not if you tell him exactly what I tell you to.”

“But your plan has failed! Even Miss Victoria barely survived. He won’t listen to anything I have to say.”

“You’re wrong, old man. My plan is going fabulously well.”

A grin stretches on my face, the entire cave darkening with the energy of my plan.

“I told you from the start,” I say darkly. “This love affair will be Radek’s undoing.” I turn around, my full attention on the priest. “Plus, you won’t be going to see him as a normal man. But as what you always dreamed of becoming—A Blood Angel.”

My shadow grows huge and swallows the entire cave, casting it in darkness as the vampires befall the old priest, turning him into what he always wanted to become—an immortal. But he failed to take into account one thing—immortality comes at a heavy cost for a greedy, evil old man.



Enjoyed this story and want more like it? You won’t have to wait long. Stay tuned for the next book in this series, Prince of Obsession, coming out as soon as January 18th!


Prince Radek the Handsome made a mistake. Before he knew he’d fall in love with fling Juliet Jochs, he promised her to his brother, Lord Dracula.

Three days before their wedding, Dracula stakes his claim. But he’s willing to compromise—he’ll relinquish the girl if Radek helps him get his hands on the world’s best guarded secret that will make Dracula invincible.

Radek breaks up with Juliet in order to keep her safe. Feeling balanced and in power at first, he’s certain he’ll be able to cope with the break-up. But, as his mission to help Dracula brings him back in Juliet’s life, he finds her surrounded by other men, and all bets are off.

Radek tries to fight his obsession, since the stakes are too high. But jealousy is a ticking time bomb for a deadly man like him. Will his brother’s menace and a deadly secret be enough to keep him away from Juliet?


Until then...

Enjoy other books by Ana Calin to keep you warm until Prince of Obsession hits the Zon : )