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Rangers of the Dark by Michelle Hart (41)

The sex was how I always dreamed it would be—my cock sinking into Lilly over and over again. Lilly moaning my name as she came around me. My engorged manliness unloading inside her. Life never tasted so sweet.


Lilly ran her fingertips along my skin. The sensation was so calming. Her fingers found the scars on my sides and she hesitated. “When did you get these?”


“First few days of prison.”


It was a hellish time of my life. The Blood Dogs MC didn't have very many allies and that meant no help. I knew prison was going to be hard. And the first day I realized how hard.


The 809 MC had a lot of members in prison. I knew payback was inevitable. I always thought it would happen in the shower. At least that's how the movies always portrayed it. But it happened in the weight room. I was trying to keep a low profile and just work on my bench presses.


That's when three black guys from the 809 held me down and slid two shanks up my sides. The amount of blood that poured out of me was unimaginable. I should have died on that bench but the doctor was able to keep me alive.


After that, the 809s left me alone. I'd suffered enough in their eyes. If I had the power of the Blood Dogs behind me, I'd have taken out every last one of those motherfuckers. But not knowing how long I'd be in prison, I knew the more enemies I made, the sooner my life would end.


“How did it happen?” she asked. The details were too gruesome for Lilly. She didn't have to hear it all.




Her lips pressed against my scars and made everything all right. It was almost worth getting stabbed just so I could feel her mouth against my skin again.


“You have a lot more tattoos since the last time I saw you. What does the hand of playing cards mean?” Lilly pointed to the ink on my chest.


“One of the prizes of winning a poker game. Money doesn't mean much in prison. ”


Lilly nodded like she knew what I meant. But she'd never grasp the darkness of prison. And I had to keep that away from her.


Everything was how it should be with Lilly naked and back in my arms. Her tits were pressed against my side and I could feel her heartbeat. It was strong and confident. But Lilly was different somehow. She wasn't being her true self. I'd known her for a long time and could tell when she was hiding something from me.


“What are you not telling me, Lilly?”


Lilly raised her head from my chest and glanced at me. Her blue eyes sparkled. “What do you mean?”


“Don't play fucking games with me. What's on your mind?”


She ran her fingers through my hair. “Can't we just enjoy the moment, Kellan?”


My eyes bore holes into her soul, forcing Lilly to give up her secrets.


Lilly sighed. “You always were a mood killer.” She got out of bed and collected her clothes from the ground. Her underwear was destroyed so she went to a drawer and pulled out a fresh pair. Lilly was pissed at me and I didn't know why.


I lay in bed and watched her get dressed. Her body was so fucking fantastic. The curves of her legs and hips. I couldn't help but be mesmerized.


“We were broken up, Kellan,” Lilly stated, biting her lip to hold back tears.


I sat up, my hands clenching into fists. “What the fuck are you talking about, Lilly?”


“That's the reason I never visited you in prison. It's the reason I never went to your trial. Once you were arrested, my father explained that I was never going to see you again. That I needed to move on and forget.”


“It was your fucking father again!” My voice was raised and I couldn't help it.


“No, Kellan. It wasn't his fault. It was yours. You were the one who got arrested and went prison. If it's anyones fault, it's yours.”


Her words dug a knife deep into my back. “You believe I did it. You believe I tried to kill that member of the 809.”


Lilly looked at the floor and didn't say a word. She twisted the knife around causing blinding pain. The only woman I'd ever loved betrayed me.


“What was I supposed to think, Kellan? You were in a motorcycle club. It wasn't a big stretch of the imagination to think that you tried to kill a man.”


“But if you had just come to see me. I could have explained everything.”


“I'm sorry, Kellan. But we can't change the past.”


The sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks. My blood curdled and nausea set in. “Have you been with another man?” The thought of Lilly being with someone else made me want to vomit. If I ever got my hands on him, I'd wring the life from his body.


She shook her head and a wave of relief washed over me. “I tried to date other guys but it didn't work out.”


“And what about the sex we just had? Did that mean nothing to you?”


Lilly couldn't even face me anymore. “Momentary weakness,” she replied.


“You got to be fucking kidding me! You're telling me what we just had was a lapse of judgment?”


Lilly finally looked up at me with tears rolling down her cheeks. “I never wanted to hurt you Kellan. I never thought I'd see you again. When you showed up at my door, I forgot about everything.”


I got out of bed and walked over to Lilly. “You can't mean this.”


“I was finally getting over you, Kellan. Then you just waltzed right back into my life. I can't deal with all this right now.”


“Not everything is about you, Lilly. I was in fucking prison for four years. For a crime I didn't commit. I thought about you every damn day. I thought you'd be waiting for me when I got out.”


“I'm sorry, Kellan. I really am.”


The door to the bedroom swung open and in came Samantha, Lilly's best friend. She got a good look at my naked flesh and turned red instantly. She covered her eyes and turned away. “Holy shit, Lilly. I thought something happened to you. I didn't know you had a guy over.”


“What are you doing here, Samantha?”


I threw on my jeans and t-shirt. The conversation between Lilly and I was over.


Samantha kept her eyes closed. “I thought something bad happened. You went to answer the door and then the line went dead.” She peeked through her fingers and finally realized. “What the fuck! Kellan! What the fuck are you doing out of jail?” Samantha reached for her phone. No doubt to call the police because she assumed I escaped.


“Samantha! Hold on,” Lilly yelled. “Kellan was released from jail. You don't need to call anyone.”


“I was just leaving anyways.” I walked past Lilly without looking at her. Samantha blocked the door and made me squeeze by.


My legs were weak as I walked down the hallway and to the front door. I could hear Samantha and Lilly whispering to each other in the bedroom. Was that really how it was going to end between Lilly and I? That couldn't be the last time we spoke to each other.


I left her apartment, choking back the tears. I wouldn't cry over her. I went through worse in prison. I'd get by fine without her. It was time to see what the Blood Dogs MC had been up to.