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Redeeming Ace's Heart: Dragons Fury MC Series Book 3 by M.T. Ossler (5)

Chapter 4


We finally make it to Jules’s apartment building, and up to her apartment. For some strange reason, my heart is rapidly beating in my chest, and the anticipation of finally meeting her is causing my body to react in a weird way.

Beast rings the doorbell, the door swings open and the brown hair beauty throws herself into Beast’s arms. I have a strong urge to push him away and take her in mine, but I stay frozen, biting my lip. I observe their interaction for a moment. Then I tell them to move the reunion inside. I need to get a full look at her.

She steps back, and I take her in. Our eyes meet, and I feel like a brick is thrown into my chest. She seems to see straight through me, through all my bullshit. She can see the real me and that is not good. I’m a monster, a killer, a... loser. I don’t deserve happiness in my life, not after leaving Brookie to fend for herself. I left a sweet, innocent child with the wolves and sold my soul to the devil because of it.

But, this chocolate eyed beauty with golden flecks is lethal. Lethal to my health and I would only destroy her like I do everyone in my life I care about. This is why I have no heart. I can’t have a heart, then I’d have to feel, and I won’t survive feeling my emotions again. I blocked that part of me off and it has to stay that way. I need to stay away from her, for her own good.

She’s all good and pure, and I would only taint her life.

So, with that decision made, I look past her and get to work helping my brother save his girl.


We’re on the road on the way back to the Clubhouse, in Beast’s New Escalade. We extracted Bella from the hospital and snuck the girls out of Jules’s building. Everything went off without a hitch. Hawk, Snake, Wolf, and Cowboy will be on their way back soon after seeing to the mayhem.

I decided to do most of the driving home. Beast needs to be with his girl and I couldn’t spend 18 hours or more in this car just sitting. Yea, I’m sitting, but at least I have the road in front of me. If I sat in that passenger seat, I would be staring at her the whole time. At least this way, I have the road to distract me for the most part. My mind is pulled back to her and I take a peak in the rearview mirror. She’s sleeping behind me and looks so gorgeous and peaceful. It’s somewhat distracting, to say the least.

I need a session with Maggie, like the one we had before I left. I stare at the road and remember the other night.

I flogged her ass and fucked her hard and fast. Blindfolding her, like usual, and tying her hands with my rope to the headboard. Up, on all fours, ass in the air and on full display for me. I run the leather from the flogger up and down her back, getting her accustomed to the feel.

I whip it across her ass a few times, making her nice and wet for me. Then after a few minutes, I flip her over, spreading her legs open wide and running the warm leather across her breast and pussy. Nice and fuckin’ slow to build up the anticipation. Increasing my pressure and when she least expected it, I hit her pussy. Aiming right for her clit, a few whacks until she’s cumming before my eyes.

Seeing Maggie cum always makes me hard. I fucked her hard and fast after that. Making her cum on my cock twice before I came all over her tits.

There is a fine line between pain and pleasure and the club girls know just how I like it. I need control and they get off on it too.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and concentrate on the road. I’m so hard. I have to adjust my cock in pants and apply pressure to relieve the pain I’m in.

At that moment, I look up and see the chocolate-eyed beauty is looking back at me in the mirror. She blushes and looks away. My cock twitches in my pants and I punch him to calm my shit.

Football, baseball, basketball. Think of anything but her naked, me sucking her nipples into my mouth, making her moan and scream my name when she cums.

Fuck, I need to get my head straight and fast.


We made it to the Clubhouse a week ago. Bella got sick before we even got the girls settled in the apartment and she’s been in Beast’s room ever since. He’ll probably never let her leave at this point. I don’t blame him, she needs him, and he’s so riddled with guilt, he’ll do anything to make it up to her.

His poor girl broke down so bad the other night they had to sedate her. She needs my brother right now and he needs us to do our part as his family.

Beast left Blaze and me to take care of Jules and Gigi. We’ve introduced the girls to all the guys and showed them around. Gigi and Jules have spent every day, since arriving, with the horses in the morning and the guys on the basketball court at night, after dinner.

After settlin’ them the first night, I ordered Maggie to my room to get out my frustrations. For the first time in forever, I couldn’t get hard. He just lays there dead, not a twitch or jolt, nothing. When she tried to suck him hard, nothin’. I couldn’t even tolerate her touch.

He only gets hard when I’m alone and thinking of her. This has never happened to me before.

Keeping myself busy with Beast’s Club responsibilities helps. Watching out for the girls has become second nature. I feel protective of both of them. It’s so unlike me to feel this way. I never thought I would feel those feelings again, I thought I had reserved them for Brookie.

Boy, how the mind can control our hearts and bodies.

The girls have been cooking with Maggie in the big Clubhouse kitchen. Gotta admit, the girls know their way around a kitchen and can sure cook.


Jules, Gigi, and Bella have been here for a few weeks now. Jules and Gigi have developed a routine of sorts for themselves. Bella, of course, hasn’t left Beast’s room once. He’s still helping her heal. After the night he declared his love to her, I had stayed with her in the mornin’ at his request and got to know her. She is a special girl and I can see why my brother loves her. She’s strong, sassy and has a heart of gold, even after the things that she’s gone through. Just like the girls, I’ve become protective of her, too. She reminds me of Brookie in some ways. I can’t explain it, but she and Gigi are like sisters I must protect from the monsters in this big bad world.

Jules, on the other hand, has turned my whole world upside down. She’s a feisty little thing and loves to challenge me at every turn. I can’t get enough of her or her sassy mouth.

The night of Bella’s surprise birthday party, that Beast planned for her, something changed for a little bit at least. Jules let her guard down that she keeps up around me. I saw the real her. She’s good at hiding it, but that night I saw the scared little girl inside her. It just made me want her more, until the next day when she pushed me away again.



Things have been crazy around here since our Fourth of July party, to say the least. This morning Gator and I got a call about Bella. My brother has a big decision coming his way, but I know what way he’ll go. So, that’s why I’m on my way to see Jules.

When I enter Jules and Gigi’s apartment, it’s around eight in the mornin’ and it’s quiet. Gigi is with Rosie, Iceman’s ol’ lady doing schoolwork. Jules’s bedroom door is shut. I knock and wait, nothing, I knock again and get the same response. Maybe she’s still sleeping or in the bathroom. I open the door slowly and look at the empty bed. There is music comin’ from the bathroom that’s why she didn’t hear me. As I pass the threshold, she comes out of the bathroom in a towel.

Fuck, I’ve seen her sexy body in a bikini when we took the girls to the beach for Bella’s birthday last month, but in this towel... My eyes roam up and down her stunning body with no shame. I growl, jealous of a fuckin’ towel. My cock throbs in my pants and I want her. Right here and fuckin’ now, but I came here for business not pleasure. This is too important to push aside. My cock just needs to get the memo.

“What the fuck are you doing in my room? Get out now!” she screams at me. I do the gentlemanly thing and turn around, giving her my back. I don’t leave the room, though, not yet.

“Babe,” I grunt. “I have information on Bella and I need your help. Get your ass dressed and meet me in the living room. You got five minutes, or I am coming back in here. Time is not on our side.” With that said, I walk out of the room, shutting the door behind me and wait for her in the other room.

I pace the living room while I wait, so my raging hard-on can go down before she walks out here. I was running through the conversation Gator and I had with Ricco this morning again. Ricco is the head of the Mafia here in the states, based out of Chicago. He seems to like Beast, so he threw us a bone to support him and Bella.

Apparently, Antonio, the man that attack Bella, is having a judge marry him and Bella by the end of the week to solidify him as the head boss in New York. He has to be stopped. This is mostly about protecting Bella from him, but also her family. He’s caused enough damage already by murdering her parents, leaving her baby sister an orphan, and possibly both girls alone in this world with no blood relatives, if he’s killed her brothers.

Gator and I came up with a solution for them. If things go as planned, my brother Beast will be a married man by the end of today. Him marrying her keeps her here under Club protection and the asshole’s slimy hands off her for good.

I want Jules to help me plan a wedding in a couple of hours. Bella deserves so much more than this quickie wedding, but since time isn’t on their side, this is the only option left. I want to salvage this day in some way for her, them. It’s the least my brothers and I can do after all the shit the two of them have been through.

Throttle - our Club’s computer genius - is planning the honeymoon as we speak. They won’t be completely alone. Jules, Gigi, Blaze, Dusty and I will be tagging along. Like I said, they deserve more, and this is a way of salvaging a part of this, for them.

Also, it will keep the girls away from the Clubhouse while the shit hits the fan. There will be repercussions from this. It may even blow up in our faces, who knows; it’s a chance we are all willing to take for our family. And the girls are as much our family as my brothers are.

“What’s going on with Bella that you had to barge in my room this early in the morning, asshole?” she sasses, knocking me out of my reverie as she hits me on my back.

God, I love this girl and her mouth. Shit, where did that come from?

I turn around to face her with a smirk on my face. I inform her of the conversation Gator and I had with Ricco this morning and Jules sets her sights on working on things. She designs clothes for a living, so I have no doubt she could plan a wedding in a couple of hours. I leave Prospect Red to take her to the store with my Credit Card to get whatever the fuck she needs, to make this day special for Bella.

I watch her sweet ass leave with him and get in his truck. Then I head straight back to the Clubhouse to Gator’s office.

On my way, I send out a mass text to the guys calling another emergency Church. Gator and I talk while the guys text me back that they’re on their way in. The only reply I don’t get is one from Beast.

I retrieve his sleepin’ ass and get him to Church on time. I send Bella off with Prospect Tiny to be with Gigi at the stables for a while.

We explain things to the guys and Beast. My brother truly loves his girl.

We can all see it shining brightly in his eyes when she walks into the room.

I watch them together, discussing what he just found out, if she wants to marry him. She does, of course, and my brother does right by her. He had Gator and I retrieve his grandmother’s engagement ring and he proposed to her. She accepted. I took her to Jules and Gigi’s apartment to get ready.

Some days I want what they have. That worries me and unsettles a part of me. I don’t like the unsettled feelings. I’m not an indecisive person.

What the hell is goin’ on with me? I think I need to have my head examined by a shrink like the one Bella sees. These mixed emotions are not normal for me.

The wedding turned out beautifully, and if I do say so myself a memorable day for them. They delayed it a little, but it all worked out and I’m happy for my brother and his girl.

Jules and I danced at the reception my brothers put together for the lovely couple. Having her in my arms for the first time felt... like home, it felt so right. She fits me in ways I don’t understand and if I’m honest, in ways that scare me, and I don’t want.

So, now we’re all on our way to the Resort in Kissimmee. Throttle booked our little weekend getaway. A friend of Shadow’s owned it and he assured us it would safe.

Blaze and I are on our bikes and Beast is in his cage with the girls and Dusty.

He rented us two, three bedrooms and three-bathroom villas. The plan is for Beast and Bella to stay in one, alone. The rest of us will be in the other one, next door to them.

I’ve set Jules and Gigi in the master bedroom in the back. Blaze and Dusty are sharing the room across from mine. It has two full beds and I took the single room.

I lay in bed after gettin’ Jules and Shorty settled in their room for the night. My thoughts always stray to my beauty. My cock stirs in my pants and I decide to give him some relief.

Spitting on the palm of my hand before stroking him. I close my eyes and images of Jules invade my mind. She’s on her knees, naked, her luscious plump lips wrapped around my long, hard, thick cock. Her warm mouth, making love to him as she bobs her head up and down, taking him to the back of her throat. Humming when she deep throats him. Then she pulls back, running her tongue along my slit and over my piercing. Yea, I have my dick pierce in a Prince Albert. The whores love it, which makes fuckin’ better for me.

She slobs on my knob some more and massages my balls. I moan and run my hands down her chest, capturing her nipples in-between my fingers. I roll her nipples and her moans vibrate through my cock. I feel my balls start to tighten, and a tingle runs up my spine. I’m close, so fuckin’ close.

I take my daydream further. I have Jules’s hands tied to the headboard of my bed, my mouth suckling her nipple as I pound my hard cock into her nice warm, tight cunt. I bite down on her hard bud and she screams my name, my real name. She explodes around me, squeezing the shit out of him.

I tighten my grip on my hard rod and pump faster, moaning softly into the room. A few more strokes and I cum hard all over my stomach. Spots take over my vision and my breathing halts.

Fuck, I need some pussy soon. My hands chafed to shit and so is my dick. I used to fuck the whores a couple of times a day, I have a healthy, hardy sexual appetite. I need sex to survive. I am still a growing boy, after all. I know laugh it up, but I’ve never gone this long without sex. Not even when I was in the service. If I don’t fix my dick and get into a warm tight hole, not some imaginary one I might never get, I just may die. Watching porn on my phone doesn’t even work anymore.

I go back to my bathroom and take another quick shower to clean myself off. Then I return to my bed and try to get some sleep. Tomorrow, the guys and I are taking the girls to the pool to give Beast and Bella the day alone together to celebrate.

My thoughts roam back to what Bella asked me earlier today about Jules. Do I have feelings for her? I couldn’t answer her when she put me on the spot.

Yea, I like Jules, damn it, I do really like her. Bella said she’s guarding her heart. I know she is. I don’t want to hurt her or break her heart, that’s why I’ve stayed away. She’s not like the girls that party at the Clubhouse. Jules is special, very special and I want her to stay that way.

What the fuck am I going to do? We’ve been playing this stupid push and pull game since we met. Maybe it’s time to walk away completely and let her leave with her brothers when we find them.

Fuck, I don’t think I want that. I don’t know what I want anymore. My head and heart are on two different planets these days.

I need to get my shit together, and fuckin’ fast. If not for myself, for her. She deserves so much better than the likes of me.