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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2) by Michelle Howard (22)

Chapter 22


Milana missed the next visiting day but Varyk found himself compelled to sit beside his mentor. He was deep in thought about the new struggle the Dracol faced along with his unsettled confusion regarding Inez.

“I wish you were here, old friend. I could use the counsel.”

Varyk outlined everything which had taken place, from Ranald to Larz, and included Faris’ recent disclosure. Afterwards, he fell silent. He had no answers for any of it. His muscles tensed to rise, prepared to expend a bit of his essence in the vaporous gas he believed held Uvem in stasis. Except there was one more thing he needed to share before leaving.

Varyk drew back and relaxed back into the chair certain of what he wanted to say. He stared at the familiar features. “There is a female.” There always was. “I’m drawn to her but she is from the Black under Rylin’s reign.”

Pausing to gather his thoughts, Varyk leaned forward and clasped his hands between his parted thighs. This next part would take a lot. “My feelings for her are strong.” More than. “I…I almost want to ask her to be my lira. She’d make a worthy mate, Uvem. You’d like her. But—”

Here is where Varyk stumbled in his confession. How did he go about explaining all of the confounding emotions he felt around Inez? Not just the powerful desire or the beauty of her face. Inez was more. Words failed to cover everything he wished to say about her. “I am at a loss.”

“Why?” Varyk jumped to his feet and gaped at the swirling gold eyes. “Why are you at a loss, young Varyk?”

“Uvem!” Elation filled him. Varyk stood next to the bed and hesitated to touch though the urge, the need left his skin twitching. “How?”

Robust as ever, Uvem pushed up in the bed and reached for Varyk. They clasped hands and the touch combined with the warmth brought a burning to the back of Varyk’s eyelids. He blinked and cleared his throat. “I have waited years for you to awaken. There is so much we need to discuss.”

The corner of Uvem’s mouth lifted as he squeezed Varyk’s hand before releasing him. “And I would hear it all, but that is not to be. The goddess has given in to my plea to speak with you.”

“You know of the madness? Can you help?” This is what Varyk hoped for. Direction from the one he’d trusted above all others.

“Tell me of your Inez first.”

Varyk could not refuse the beseeching request, though he wanted to know if Uvem had the solution to the Dracol issue. “She is a warrior. Strong and fierce but with a soft core.”

He’d experienced the softness on more than one occasion, been on the receiving end of it due to Larz’s poisoning and witnessed it when she coddled Rylin’s young. Leaving after almost creating a child with her had torn something in him.

The first few days Varyk had been in a state and lashed out at everyone. Milana made it a point to slam the door to his office when he’d snarled too hard at her insistent questions.

Earlier today Inez had sent a missive. Varyk smiled as he relayed the contents to Uvem, who listened without interrupting.

‘Come to me or I’ll come to you. I don’t care if I’m found trespassing and it starts a war.’

They did need to talk and she was right to demand his presence. Varyk wasn’t one for avoidance but dealing with his feelings had never been a quality he possessed. His voice trailed off as he finished catching Uvem up.

“You love her.”

It was a statement clear and concise.

Varyk considered how he felt around Inez, his drive to be in her presence and the constant desire to mark her as his. Then there was the matter of his essence rising the last time they’d been in bed together. If Varyk hadn’t pulled out they might have been blessed with life in one of the shells in the lower level of his home. It was always a possibility.

The thought didn’t terrify him as he expected. With distance came disappointment in his actions and Varyk wished he and Inez hadn’t been thrown off in the midst of their passion. They could have been preparing for a child. His pulse quickened. The idea of a little one with Inez didn’t bother him. In fact, his chest squeezed tight from the thought.

“Yes. I love her.”

Uvem leaned back against the bedding with a heavy exhale. “Good. Then I’m allowed to tell you the answer lies in the liras.” His voice grew heavy and his eyes drifted shut.

“Uvem? Uvem!” Varyk grabbed his shoulder and his former adviser, former King and friend opened his eyes.

“It began with the new Queen of the Black. Love will destroy the thread of madness and the mantle will be whole again.”

He didn’t understand. None of it made sense. “Uvem, you must explain.”

“Goddess,” Uvem breathed. “Not pleased. Look to the liras for absolution.”

Varyk dropped to his knees and threaded his fingers with Uvem’s. “Faris and Kon aren’t mated.”

Uvem met his gaze and Varyk flinched from the potent stare. “I love you, Varyk. A king among kings.”

The knot in Varyk’s throat thickened. “I had a good example.”

Uvem’s lips twitched then his body went still. Terror soared through him and Varyk used his free hand to direct his essence toward Uvem’s face, but this time his body glowed a bright green, vapors wrapping around him securely as his body faded away.

Grief was a red hot poker in his gut, but Varyk mumbled the ritual words to see his fellow Dracol returned to the goddess. He staggered to his feet and turned toward the door blindingly.




“I didn’t know what to expect. No one warned me.” Dara cuddled two dark haired babies in her arms, Jakob and Harmon, as she lay in bed propped by a mountain of pillows to support her precious armloads.

Inez held the tiniest of the new brood and Rylin sat on the side of the bed holding Racer and Alden. Four males and one female. Five children born to the king.

“I can’t imagine.” Inez chuckled remembering Dara’s fear at five tumbling Dracol babies. They only stayed in their second form for a week. It helped keep them safe, since little ones were at their most vulnerable when first born. But Her Queen had needed to time to adjust and accept.

Inez and several others laughed often as Dara chased the hatchlings through the halls of the castle, smiling each time Dara threatened to lock them in a room. A threat they of course ignored. In the end, she’d find them in a corner tumbled in a pile fast asleep and join them. When his day was done, Rylin had only to search for a crowd to discover where his family napped.

“It wouldn’t have been so bad if I’d known.” Dara glared at Rylin who remained wisely quiet.

The baby in Inez’s arm cooed. Finley. The one she felt most drawn to. “It’s a precious time. Especially for this little one, since it is the only time she’ll ever shift forms.”

After birth, females did not retain the ability to transition into their inner Dracol.

“They’re beautiful,” Inez added.

Downy black hair covered their heads, their golden eyes already bright with their Dracol nature. A handful indeed.

“Thank you, I agree.” Dara’s chuckle followed her statement and Rylin joined in.

Inez could only shake her head. After everything with Larz, it was good to see both of them without worry and surrounded by the little ones. “When will you have the official naming ceremony?”

“We’re not.”

Inez’s shocked gaze snapped toward her cousin. All kings held an official naming ceremony. It gave the sect an opportunity to welcome the newest member and enrich the mantle with an outpouring of love. “What do you mean, Rylin? It’s tradition.”

Rylin shifted about and he and Dara exchanged glances before he faced Inez. “An official announcement will go out from Nolan this evening now that they’ve shifted from their scaled state. Because of the abduction and…other things, I don’t want to expose them to more potential harm. From anyone.”

Other things? Inez wanted to question but a swift check on Dara negated the words poised on her tongue. She’d ask Rylin when they were alone, but she suspected it had quite a lot to do with the genetics the babies inherited from their human mother. Had the alien half of them caused a dangerous condition?

Finley reached up, chubby fingers grasping at air. Inez nuzzled a soft cheek and chose to support her king without questions right now. His advisor would have warned if this change was a cause for upset. Nolan worked with the prior king and served Rylin well.

“I’m sure Nolan will handle everything.”

The babies in Dara’s arms let out a low cry. The sound set off the two in Rylin’s arms. Inez waited, but Finley pursed her lips and kept quiet. “Time to put these guys to bed.”

It took all of them but eventually the babies were in beds, covered with bright blankets and deep asleep. Amazing to see the royal nursery hold more than one newly born baby. Inez planted her hands on her hips and smirked. “I hope this has taught you not to touch anything in the future, Dara.”

The Queen’s cheeks went bright red and Rylin burst into laughter. Rylin leaned over and kissed Dara on the forehead. “I’m going to speak with Inez. You stay with the children.”

Rylin’s family was guarded well. Inez stayed at Rylin’s side as they left his personal suite and entered his office. Her cousin went straight to his desk and sat on the edge, hands clasped between his legs. The jovial mood of earlier shifted to one of seriousness. “I haven’t thanked you.”

Inez inhaled sharply. “Rylin, you know that’s not necessary.”

He waved away her denial. “I can never thank you enough or explain what it means to have Dara and our children safe.”

“We’re family.” It was the only answer she had. There had been no other reason behind her decision.

“Because of your efforts, I was able to keep my most trusted here without worry someone would get to my lira and the other shells. I don’t take that likely Inez, family or not. Especially since it involved working with the head of the Green.”

It embarrassed Inez to receive such profuse praise. Rylin sacrificed for them all the time as King. She could do no less. In terms of Varyk, her feelings were mixed after the way he’d shut her down. “He’s really not that bad, you know.”

Rylin’s dark brows arched at the slight conversation change. “We are talking about Varyk, correct?”

Flushing, Inez turned to avoid his avid gaze. “Yes. He’s arrogant absolutely. But there were flashes of…dare I say kindness?”

Rich chuckles poured forth. “You’re the only one who thinks so. Varyk has made himself a thorn in my side deliberately. He uses every opportunity to be contrary.”

“He saved Finley.” Inez felt the need to point out. “You wouldn’t be thanking me now if I didn’t have his help. And while I have every faith in my abilities, a male Dracol as gone as Larz, would have rent me in two.”

Raising his hands chest high, Rylin shook his dark head. “I’ll take your word you saw something in the Green king that none of us sees.”

Cheeks on fire, Inez changed the topic. She couldn’t discuss her love for Varyk right now. “What about the naming? Why have you really decided not to do it?”

Running a hand through his hair, Rylin stood with a sigh. “I’m not prepared to talk about it yet. Let’s just say I’ve noted anomalies and until Nolan and I can figure it out, I’m doing what I deem best to protect my family.”

Not quite understanding but letting the matter go, Inez nodded. She’d protect his family because he was her king and family. “I’m here for you, Rylin.”