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Rescued by the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates (The Alva) by Miranda Martn (11)



There’s a lot to learn about my new home. I’m constantly studying or asking questions. Fortunately for me, everyone is pretty patient. Especially Naefaren. I ask him detailed questions about the Alvan language all the time.

"The emphasis goes on the last part."

"I am putting the emphasis on the last part!" I say, exasperated.

"No, you are not," he repeats patiently. Then he says the word again.

Taking a deep breath, I repeat it a few more times while Naefaren listens. I look at him hopefully.

He smiles, his eyes warm. "Yes, perfect."

I thrust my fists up in the air and do a victory dance. Sometimes, the more tonal sounds really trip me up. "I did it!" I say for good measure.

"Yes, you did," Naefaren chuckles, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me in close. "Perhaps a victory kiss would be appropriate."

I'm still laughing when his lips cover mine, his mouth sure and warm.

I sigh at the contact. God, he can really kiss.

Someone clears their throat.

I jump back instinctively, though I don't know who I’d be hiding our relationship from. I don't know if you can get more public than we are.

"My apologies," the maid says, trying to hide a smile. "Princess Margot and Princess Clara are here to see Princess Ling."

I'm never going to get used to being called Princess. Of course, it's probably better that I don't, considering the fact that Naefaren and I haven't officially sealed the deal.

So to speak.

That dims my mood a little, but I shake off that thought as two pretty, but very different, women appear.

"Ah, Margot, Clara," Naefaren greets, his voice warm. "I am happy to see you. I know it is difficult to travel when one has children."

"It's a good reason to take a break. I'm Margot, by the way," the woman with the warm brown eyes and curly hair introduces herself. She's wearing a brown dress that seems to be made of a much heavier material than the clothing I've seen on anyone but Elorshin.

Which makes sense, considering she's his Pari.

And man, is it nice to hear English.

The other woman is actually wearing a pair of blue lightweight pants, her loose, darker blue shirt tucked in at the cinched waist. "I’m Clara," she introduces herself with a smile, her hazel eyes a little mischievous as she looks over at Naefaren. "I mean, who else can she turn to for advice about how to deal with a stubborn Alvan guy?"

Naefaren takes the ribbing with a good natured smile.

"I'm Ling," I say, introducing myself as I step towards them. "And man am I glad to hear someone American."

They both chuckle, sharing a glance.

"We know exactly how you feel," Margot assures me. "Now, why don't we sit down and you can ask us all the questions that have been burning a hole in your brain."

"We'll do our best to answer," Clara adds. "I know how glad I was to see Margot for the first time."

"That would be so beyond great," I say, relieved.

And I certainly take them up on the offer. Naefaren slips out of the room as I pepper them both with questions, general and specific.It's such a relief not to have to translate what I'm saying even though my Alvan is definitely improving.

"So, both of you have children?" I ask.

"Yes," they say in unison, laughing.

"You'll have to come meet my little girl. She's so excited that there's someone new here now that's like her Aunt Clara," she says, the love she has for her little girl beaming from her face.

"My little guy isn't talking yet, but he loves a pretty girl, so I know he'll love you," Clara says, laughing.

I grin. "I'd love to meet them both. Life here is such an adjustment, but the oddest thing is that there are so few children around," I remark.

Margot and Clara both turn somber at that comment.

"Yes. The Alvan birth rate is down. It's why they signed up with Celestial Mates. The fact that both Clara and I have been able to have children with our Paris is actually really important. Otherwise, they were facing a slow slide into extinction."

I read a short snippet about the declining population, but I didn’t realized how dire the situation actually was until she puts it in that way.

"That's terrible," I murmur.

"It is," Clara agrees as Margot nods.

We discuss that for a bit, but as if by mutual accord, they steer the conversation to more lighthearted topics pretty quickly.

I appreciate it. Hearing their perspective on the culture, politics, and the people is a whole different animal than reading it or listening to Naefaren's answers. This is all he's ever known, so sometimes he doesn't realize that he has to explain details that seem very obvious to him.

The maid comes in with a cart and we continue talking over food while I continue to pick their brains.

Right up until it's time for them to go.

"Don't worry, we're not that far," Margot says, accurately reading my desire to have them stay. "And you won't be able to get rid of us now," she chuckles.

"Good," I say firmly.

"Oh, I almost forgot," Clara says, reaching into her knit bag to pull something out. "Just something I know I wanted when I first got here."

I take the bundle of cloth and unravel it.

"Pants!" I exclaim as they both laugh. They're a muted pink, almost tan, made of a light, flowy fabric. "Thank you so much!" I exclaim, giving her a hug. "I actually love all the beautiful dresses but sometimes I just wanna lounge you know?"

"Totally," she agrees, hugging me back. "If you want more, you can give your House seamstress these ones as a template." She scans my body. "Though you might want to shorten them a bit. I've gone through different variations and cloths, but these are perfect for mobility and the heat."

"I'll definitely look into that," I say.

"And feel free to come over any time," Margot adds as I walk them out.

"Ditto," Clara adds.

"I'll definitely take you both up on that," I warn. "So tell me if you're just paying lip service."

They both laugh as they continue out, not taking back the invitations.

With a last wave as they climb onto their respective carriages, I walk back inside. I don't have a lot of time until the next meeting I want to sit in on. Going up to my bedchamber, I quickly put away the pants, resolving to try them on later, and head to the meeting room. I've sat in on more than a few now and I've learned quite a bit just form listening. Enough that I'm actually following along pretty well without having to ask a lot of questions, which I'm really proud of.

I greet everyone as I come into the room, the faces now familiar. It's nice, like I'm actually settling into a place I can call home. I sit down in what I think of as my chair now, next to Elorshin and Drevakin and by Naefaren’s side.

"Did you meet our Paris?" Elorshin asks.

"Yes," I say, smiling. "They're really great."

"We like to think so," Drevakin chimes in, grinning.

And then Naefaren comes in and everyone looks over at him as their conversations start to die down. My match isn't officially the head of the group, but he's definitely the glue that holds everyone together and the visionary that got everything going. Add in the fact that these meetings are always held at House Viir, everyone looks to him to start.

"Thank you for coming," he says, nodding at everyone.

He meets my eyes and gives me a smile as he sits. I almost sigh like a schoolgirl. I'm so far gone. Jeez could he be any more gorgeous!

"The first issue we have to talk about today is the increased number of attacks our females have been facing due to the increase in visiting traffic to all of our Houses," Naefaren starts, his tone serious. "This is unacceptable."

Everyone murmurs their agreement.

"Perhaps we should set a certain period of time for females to go to the marketplace?" one of the older Alvan suggests.

"Or perhaps they should come accompanied with a guard to ensure their safety?" another adds.

Naefaren nods. "I have been thinking along those lines. If we insist women be accompanied by a male, I think it would greatly reduce the number of attacks. If everyone is in agreement—"

"I am not." Well, that just popped right out, didn't it?

The table goes silent.

I watch Naefaren's face close down as he looks over. "You are not?" he asks, his voice calm and steady even though his face looks downright intimidating.

Doesn't mean I'm going to back down.

It's one of my strengths and sometimes one of my weaknesses.

"It sounds to me like you would be restricting and almost punishing the females rather than the males who are attacking them. And I may be incorrect, but from what I have seen in the marketplace so far, at least half the buyers who come are females. They trade for goods for their families, their households." I shake my head. "Putting such a policy into place will not only discourage females from coming by making the trip more difficult, it will also decrease revenue for the vendors. It is a losing situation all around."

There are reluctant murmurs of agreement and thoughtful sounds as the other men look to gauge Naefaren's reaction.

"I think Ling is correct," Drevakin chimes in, nodding at me. "And I know if I agree to such restrictions, Clara will not be happy with me," he adds with a slight smile.

"I concur," Elorshin adds.

Naefaren nods. "What is your counter proposal, Ling?" he asks, the first time he has addressed me directly like this in one of these meetings.

In for a penny, in for a pound so the saying goes.

"I think it’s a better idea to increase the amount of guards, both in the marketplace and in the surrounding alleys of each House. I believe many of the attacks would most likely occur in such hidden areas?"

Naefaren nods.

"Also, the attackers need to be punished swiftly and fairly so everyone knows such behavior will not be tolerated."

"We could announce when attackers are caught so our people know when the problem is taken care of," someone suggests.

The others murmur their agreement, talking among themselves as they consider all the angles. We soon move on to a different topic as everyone agrees to try what I suggested first.

Well, that was nerve racking. A lone trickle of sweat slides down my back.

But they listened.

And, I have to say, things move a lot quicker here than I'm used to. It would take months for me to hammer out a new policy in the Senate, even if it was universally popular. The addictive sense of accomplishment, that glow, is what first got me hooked into public office.

I missed it.

The rest of the meeting continues as usual, with everyone giving their input and a consensus being reached pretty quickly. The Princes are mostly on the same page, though there are some sticking points that get tabled for discussion later so the meetings don't run long. After methodically going down the agenda, the time allotted for the meeting runs out and people get up to leave.

I watch them exit the room, my stomach a little queasy as I wonder what Naefaren is going to say to me when we're alone. I've never said anything in a meeting before, at least not addressing the whole table with my opinion on a particular point.

And I've certainly never argued against Naefaren, I would understand if he’s angry. If someone undermined my authority, I wouldn't like it either. Though I can't take it back. If I hadn't spoken up then, they might have gone with those initial ideas.

When the last person leaves, Naefaren turns to me, his expression unreadable. I stand as he walks over, wanting to be on my feet for the confrontation even though I'm still way shorter.

Maybe I should stand on the table...

He stops just inches from me, his eyes on my face. He doesn't say anything, just watches me.

I open my mouth to say something, anything, wanting to break the tension. But before I can, he hauls me up in his arms, crushing me to him and starts a kiss that has me making a surprised sound in the back of my throat.

A sharp bolt of lust tightens my clit.

Oh. Well then.

I'll definitely take it.

Sighing, I slide my hands into his hair and kiss him back.