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ReWined: Volume 3 (Party Ever After) by Kim Karr (6)



Fabian was waiting for him outside the restaurant to drive him home. They both tried to convince me to go back to L.A. with the two of them.

I politely declined.

My life was here, now, and I had to face it. Whatever it was.

I took my time walking down Main Street, glancing in windows, looking at the restaurants, watching the people on the street.

What was I doing?

When I passed the Cupcakery, I decided an apology treat was in order for my meeting with Tabitha. After buying a box of delicious little cakes and two hot teas, I took a deep breath of the crisp winter air and then headed for the tasting room.

I walked into the club with my heart in my throat. I wished I’d put some makeup on, brushed my hair, and changed my clothes. Instead, I’d left my face bare, wore my locks in a messy bun, and donned a pair of leggings.

The staff couldn’t have cared less.

They all greeted me like they always had, with a shrug and a polite hello. Like the party girl had come to party in her pajamas and it was no big deal. I realized then that I wasn’t a part of this place. I had created it, yes, but I had never really been here, and that my recent absence had gone unnoticed.

In truth, I wasn’t a part of anything.

I wanted to change that.

I wanted to change a lot.

When I opened my office door, Tabitha sprung to her feet. I barely emptied my hands onto the table between the two guest chairs before she swept me into her arms, squeezing the breath out of me.

Maybe I was a part of something, after all.

“Hi.” I wriggled out of her grasp so I could get some air in my lungs.

She pulled back. “I can’t believe you disappeared on me like that,” she scowled.

“I’m sorry.” I took her hand and squeezed it. “I just couldn’t talk about what happened.”

“I get it, but you know you’re my friend, too, not just Tyler. Right?” She held my hand, tight, and gave me a look. “Women have to stick together.”

Already past the point of being emotional, I nodded to avoid any more leaking tears. When I knew I was safe from crying, I pointed to the pink box I’d set on the table. “I brought you something.”

With a huge grin, she said, “Oh, my God, cupcakes, I forgive you already.” And then she bent over, opened the lid, smiled, sniffed, and plucked a chocolate one out.

The moment she took her first bite, I knew things were indeed okay between us.

After setting the scrumptious treat down, she clapped her hands together. “Good, now that that is settled, take your coat off and have a seat, we have a lot to discuss.”

Twenty minutes later, I found myself sitting across from Tabitha. I was in the guest chair and she was leaning against my desk, all I am woman hear me roar.

My mouth was agape. “Are you serious? Christian wants to divorce Lane?’

She used her finger to scoop some icing from her cupcake and licked it off. “Yep. He told her today that he’s in love with Sophie Barton.”

“Wow, I can’t believe that.”

“It wasn’t a total shocker to Lane. I guess she already suspected something.”

“She did?”

Tabitha nodded. “At first she thought Christian and Sophie were only working together but things started to add up fast.”

“Still,” I mused. “She must have been upset.”

“Oh, she’s pissed as hell. He violated their contract and he’s going to pay dearly for it.”

I blinked in surprise. “Really? She’s going after his money?”

She nodded. “Found an attorney from the city. But that’s Lane for you. She might be my best friend, but she’s a total bitch.”

I said no more about that.

Tabitha smiled and brought a second cupcake to her lips. “So, now that the slutty Sophie experience has been explained, you can go home to Tyler, right?”

I took a sip of my tea, contemplating what this meant for Tyler and me. Although I felt relief, it wasn’t enough. I shook my head. “No, I don’t think so.”

She finished chewing before she spoke. “Why not?”

“I’m not sure we’re right for each other.”

“You most certainly are.”

I shook my head. “No, we’re not. I’m safe and he’s anything but.”

She shrugged. “That can be exciting sometimes.”

“Not when your heart is on the line.”

With a confused look on her face, she said, “But you love him?”

“I do.”

“So you’re afraid?”

“I guess I am. He’s too much of a wildcard.”

“He has always been a bit reckless. Yes. But I have to say, I think you’ve tamed him quite a bit and it’s only been two weeks. Imagine what more time will do,” she said with a smile.

“Or what it won’t do. I just can’t take any more disappointment in my life.”

She got the oddest twinkle in her eyes. “Then divorce him.”

I shook my head and my heart broke into even more pieces. “I don’t want that either.”

She raised a cupcake. “Then the only solution is for you to have your cake and eat it too.”

I made a complete face of confusion.

“Do you trust me?” she asked.

“Sure, I guess I do.”

“Well, that wasn’t exactly convincing, but I’ll take it. So, as your lawyer, I’ll need a copy of your marriage contract before I can do anything.”

I furrowed my brows. “But you don’t practice anymore.”

“For you, I’ll come out of retirement. Now, just to be clear, you want him to remain your husband, but only if he can prove to you that he’s changed,” she said, twisting her lip as she spoke.

I swirled the liquid in the cup. “Yes, I suppose I never really thought he cheated with Sophie. He was way too hungover for that.”

“Yeah, the whole getting it up thing.”

I narrowed my gaze at her.

“What?” she shrugged, “I’m just saying in general when someone is that drunk, it’s a problem.”

All I could do was shake my head. “His behavior is the real problem. He’s a fly off the cuff, drown in self-pity, destructive kind of guy, and I can’t sit back and watch him implode.”

“Then we’ll change him.”

I laughed. “You can’t change people just like that.”

“Sure, you can.” She took another bite of her cupcake and a crumb fell. She caught it before it hit the floor.

Curious, I set my cup down and straightened my posture. “I’m not sure I understand.”

“It’s easy. We show him what he’ll be missing if he doesn’t get his shit together.”

I furrowed my brows. “And how exactly do we do that?”

Tabitha’s eyes scoured me from tip to toe. She bit her nail. Tapped her chin. And then she pranced from the desk to the chair beside me and sat down. “You go after his balls, his dick, and his heart, all at once.”

I think my mouth fell open. “Ouch . . . that sounds painful,” I winced.

She smiled. “For him, it will be. Now listen—”

And I did . . . to every word.