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Riktor: Alpha vs Alpha by Selena Illyria (2)






One Month Later…


Michaela Shaw peeked out of the corner of her eye through the airplane window; blue skies and fluffy white clouds passed by the glass. The sight didn’t comfort her in the least.

The small plane bumped up in the air.

Her stomach dropped.

Mickey shut her eyes and groaned. “Why am I doing this?” she asked herself for the hundredth time since leaving Logan Airport.

“Aren’t we almost there?” she grumbled.

When they’d loaded her into the small biplane, she’d been assured the flight would be smooth sailing. Being on the water would’ve been much safer and easier than this. Hell, she would’ve enjoyed it a lot more, plus she could swim. Not that her wolf would love that idea.

“We should be there, soon, Ms. Shaw,” Kent, the pilot, said through the radio headset. “Hang on, we’re about to hit some more turbulence. Seems the weather is shifting.”

The weather is shifting? What?

Michaela Shaw gripped the armrests until her fingers ached. She clenched her jaw until her head hurt. Her wolf half whimpered and curled up into a little ball.

The plane hit another bump, and her stomach climbed into her throat. She swallowed as best she could. “Hurry up or you’ll be meeting my breakfast,” she growled through clenched teeth.

Kent only laughed. “Sorry about that. It’s rougher today than usual, must be that storm they were talking about, but that wasn’t supposed to hit until Friday. We’ll be there in less than a minute, I promise, Ms. Shaw.”

The plane banked right, and Michaela let out an unladylike screech. Her heart hammered against her rib cage. Sweat bathed her brow and upper lip. “I’m not going to die up here,” she muttered over and over.

Solid land could not come soon enough for her.

“Last one, I promise.” Kent’s voice in her ear did nothing to soothe her.

“I’m going to kill you if we don’t land in less than a minute.” Her wolf didn’t even take the hint. It cowered in a tight ball.

“Shark week,” it thought to Michaela.

Shut it,” Michaela snarled at the beast. “We could be trying to dig out of a foot of snow.”

The wolf fell silent.

The plane landed on the water and glided to a stop. Michaela opened her eyes. It took a few moments adjust to not being in the air anymore. Her heartbeat slowed, and her wolf unfurled. She continued to grip the armrests until her breathing calmed down.

She scrambled to unlock her seat belt, grabbed her carry-on from the seat next to her, and hurtled to the door, only to stop when Kent appeared in the cockpit doorway.

“Whoa, Ms. Shaw, let me get that open for you first and precede you down, OK? We’ve landed, and we won’t sink, I promise.” If he’d been a cowboy, she was sure he would’ve tipped his Stetson at her.

He gave her a bright smile. His weather-beaten face lit up as his washed-out brown eyes sparkled at her. He reached out and unlocked the door and pushed it open.

She heard thunks and thuds and water lapping at what she presumed was the pier. The aircraft rose and fell.

She shut her eyes and breathed in deeply, taking in the stale leather, beer, briny air, and warm sunshine. The sound of seagulls and the waves crashing on the shore calmed her down even more.

“Ladder is locked into place. Ready to go? Your luggage is being unloaded as we speak and it will be taken up to the resort.”

She opened her eyes and saw Kent extend his hand to her, the wide grin still in place.

She licked her lips and eyed the doorway. The ground lay beyond that door, but she couldn’t make her way toward it. “Give me a second. I don’t feel too solid at the moment.”

Am I really doing this? I don’t even trust Everly, but here I am.

Kent’s head bobbed. “Will do. Follow me down when you’re ready.” He headed for the door, turned around, and stepped down until he disappeared from view.

Michaela drew in a depth breath, hitched up the strap on her purse, and headed straight to the opening where she stopped in the doorway. Kent was already on the pier, making her feel more alone in the plane.

“Throw down your bags, and I’ll catch them!” Kent called up from the pier.

She hesitated. The pier seemed a hundred feet away.

I came all the way here. I can’t turn back now. Pa will send one of the boys or one of my uncles to check things out, and shit really will hit the fan.

She squared her shoulders and tossed her carry-on bag down. Kent caught it right away. The plane rolled up and down. Her fears spiked. She wanted to get out of there ASAP. Without hesitation, she sent her purse down the same way, thankful that she’d gone with the zip and snap style. No one needed to see her extra tampons or the mini silver bullet she kept on a key chain, nor did she want her brand new cell phone to take a dunk in the drink.

With care and mindful of her heels, she turned around, gripped the entryway, and stepped down onto the first rung of the ladder. She went slow, taking her time. Her heart hammered hard against her rib cage. She struggled to take in enough air. Every inhale left her feeling suffocated. She gripped the cool metal tightly. Turquoise water winked at her. Seagulls cried out over the pier. Salty, warm air caressed her face and cooled some of her sweat.

She stopped whenever the plane moved, holding the railings with a death grip. Her wolf whimpered inside of her. The sound grated on her nerves.

“We’ve traveled the world,” she said to her animal half.

“But never like this,” the wolf retorted. “Shark week!”

Michaela couldn’t figure out a retort. She peeked over her shoulder down at the damp wooden pier.

“It’s OK, Ms. Shaw, I’m here, just keep going,” Kent called up.

She drew in as deep a breath as she could, blew it out, and continued until Kent’s hands gripped her hips and helped her the rest of the way down onto the pier.

Once on solid ground, her legs shook. With her strength of will, she kept on her feet to avoid disgracing herself and falling down and kissing the sun-kissed, waterlogged wooden boards. She stood still to allow the sensation of stability to filter through her body. Her wolf stood up and stretched, letting out a wide yawn, then settled once more, this time to sleep. Michaela took strength from the calm of her animal half’s assurance that they were safe.

“Thanks, Kent.” She shuffled around to face Kent and resisted the urge to hug him.

Kent nodded his head. “Welcome, Ms. Shaw.” He turned away from her and started talking to the attendants unloading the plane.

Footsteps thudded toward her. She moved around to meet them.

Mr. Everly waved at her, wisps of his gray-and-white hair fluttered around his head creating a halo. His staid black suit, purple plaid tie, and bright white shirt contrasted with the warm and tropical environment. “Ah, Ms. Shaw, welcome to the Golden Wolves Paranormal Resort. I’m Everly, Mr. Maxwell Brody’s lawyer.” He strode toward her. Tension radiated off his body. Though he smiled, it didn’t reach his gray eyes.

He arrived at her position and extended a hand. She accepted and shook it. His firm grip didn’t evince confidence or put her at ease.

“Good to put a face to a voice on the phone. I may be here, but that doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with all this secrecy.” She released his hand and met his stare.

He gave nothing away in his look, but she could feel the stress emanating from of his body.

Everly stepped back. “Your luggage will be delivered to your room. I have some information to help you make your decision. As one of the few female alphas of a werewolf pack as large as yours, you must weigh all your investments properly.” He gestured up the pier. “Shall we?”

Michaela swallowed the urge to let out an unladylike snort. He still wasn’t explaining the invitation or why the Brody’s crazy ass patriarch would offer her ownership of his most prized possession, but what the hell. Good enough to own his legacy but not marry his son. Uh-huh.

“We shall.” She followed him up the walkway. The sun beating down on her head felt wonderful after being trapped in a tin tube in the sky. The warmth reassured her that she was alive and enjoying nature’s bounty. She took in her new surroundings. Palm trees swayed in the breeze; golden sand sparkled in the afternoon light. The warm air buffeting her face was a wonderful change to the icy wind back home in Boston. Before she’d left, heavy snowfall had been predicted. She shuddered at the thought of being snowed in.

Everly walked and talked with her trailing behind. “As you know, the brothers own the rights to the island for now. But if they fail Mr. Brody’s challenge, the rights of the island and all its property will fall to you.”

As the alpha of the Shaw pack, she owned majority shares in all the pack’s investments, but this would be all hers by right of alpha privilege. She didn’t know if this was a good or a bad thing. To her father, it would be a wonderful place to retire; to her, it would be an investment in the future.

But how did the brothers feel about this? That thought bothered her.

“Right now, the resort is the primary source of income for the brothers.” Everly’s neutral tone grated on her nerves.

“Do they have any other way of earning a living?” She couldn’t believe a father would put his children out without a good reason.

“Yes, they have several investments and ways of income as listed in the folder I’ve put together for you. You shouldn’t worry about them. I would advise you to—”

Her body warmed, and her wolf stood up. A low warning growl rattled around in her head and ears. She cut him off. “Take my time with my decision. You do realize you’re not the first lawyer I’ve dealt with, yes? And despite what you may think, I refuse to take any action that would toss this pack out on their asses without letting them know first. So, yes, I do worry about them.”

Everly made an audible gulp. “Yes, I’ve dealt with your law firm Whittle, White, and Buckle. Very good men. I should tell you that the brothers shouldn’t know about this tour. It wouldn’t be a good for anyone.”

“For you, you mean. I’ll do what I please,” she snapped.

They fell silent, much to her happiness.

She continued to take in the scenery around her. Her boot heels thunked on the water-soaked wood. The resort sat ensconced in palm trees, surrounded by low walls with flowering vines. They arrived at the edge of a white stone patio with boxes of plants, mini trees, and flowers perfuming the air with understated sweetness. She inhaled, imprinting the scent to memory and allowing it to relax her further. Tables and chairs were strewn around the space with a wide enough distance to allow for conversation and privacy. A few waiters walked around refilling drinks.

The giant white stucco building didn’t even have a sign to announce what it was, only a large gray rock etched with the resort’s name sitting next to the entrance to the patio.

“Nice, exclusive, not flashy. I get why people shell out lots of money to stay here.” She spotted several cameras in the trees and among the boxes of flora. “What kind of security do they have? I assume top of the line.” Her thoughts fled to the playboy brother, Ace Brody, and his security firm.

“As to security, it’s all in the dossiers I have for you.” Everly didn’t even slow down or look back at her. All business.

She gritted her teeth in annoyance.

Mickey followed him around the tables, keeping watch for any of the Brody brothers. Everly wasn’t the only one who had dossiers. “I take it Riktor and Banan run this place while Ace is gone?”

“It’s all in—”

“In the dossiers,” she snapped. “Yes, you’ve said.”

Everly opened the back entrance into the building and held the door for her. “Ms. Shaw, I put you in one of the private suites in the resort, as per Mr. Brody’s instructions. The other two rooms on the floor are empty at the moment. Your stay has been paid for, and you have access to all the amenities, which are on the house.”

She doubted Banan or Riktor wouldn’t notice one of the best rooms in the house being filled—and the resort paying for it—but she didn’t speak her thoughts aloud.

She stepped over the threshold and into an airy space with high, white stucco walls and soaring, rectangular windows that gave magnificent views of the sun and clouds. In the very center of the room sat a large fire pit with flames crackling as if this were a mountain ski lodge and not set on an island in the Pacific Ocean. Different artwork of wolves and stages of the moon—etched in gold, bronze, and silver—hung at random points of the walls. Comfortable chairs, sofas, and couches grouped around low tables were spread all over the place but didn’t bump up against each other.

Nothing gauche or nothing that screamed bad taste and too much money. Earth and metallic tones with dark maple tables and accents made up the color scheme. The scent of cedar and various animal musks filled the air, giving her an even bigger sense of stability. She sniffed the air, and a light scent of something she couldn’t identify—but it screamed vampire deterrent—drifted around them.

“Don’t like vampires?” she asked.

“No one likes vampires, Ms. Shaw,” Everly responded.

She resisted a retort. Vampires and werewolves had been at war with each other for centuries, but in her lifetime she had met a few bloodsuckers who hadn’t been so bad.

She opened her paranormal senses further. Feline, wolf, and various other types of shifter scents moved on the air. No hostility, no tension whatsoever. She spotted several cameras hidden all around the room.

Impressive. She didn’t see a single area that was a blind spot. They arrived at the reception desk near a wide bank of double doors that led to the official entrance of the resort. Luxury cars pulled away from the curb after dropping people off.

Everly did the honors of checking her in while she took in a grand staircase with solid wood handrails leading up to a bank of elevators on the second level. Off to the right of elevators, she spotted a casual dining area, and to the left of the elevators, she saw a more formal eating area.

“Ready to go to your room? We have a lot to cover still.” Everly gestured to the staircase. His features were expressionless; not even his eyes gave away what he was thinking. With her preternatural hearing, his heartbeat and breathing were slow and steady.

She wondered why he was so calm now but didn’t question the change.

“Ready.” She pulled the strap of her purse onto her shoulder, secured her grip on her carry-on, and followed Everly to the elevators. He pushed the button. The doors slipped open within a few seconds. She followed him into an empty cabin, where he pushed the tab for the top floor.

Unlike most hotels, the elevator interior contained padded leather walls. Discreet security cameras watched them from above and from the matte bronze selection panel.

“Do the brothers know about me? About the offer?” She needed the full picture.

“Yes, they know everything. Although, out of curiosity, may I ask why your packs are rivals? Your packs are of equal stature and arrived in America around the same time. Mr. Brody never clarified your families’ feud with each other.” He gave her a sheepish smile; twin splotches of red colored his cheeks.

Her stomach clenched. Shame dulled her excitement. A flush filled her face. She hated talking about the enmity between their two packs, but what could it hurt to tell Everly? He’d asked, and she knew. She cleared her throat. “Our ancestors arrived from Ireland on the same ship. The youngest sons of each family became friends, and the families became close. They shared a flat in New York. It was all going well at first, but the Shaw pack had ambitions.”

She licked her lips and glanced everywhere in the cabin but at Everly. The silence settled in like dust. The smooth, quiet ride became a presence all its own. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts before she continued the story.

She forced her next words out of her mouth. “The Shaws had ambition, some of us think too much. When the youngest Brody son had designs on the Shaws’ only daughter and asked for her hand in marriage, they laughed him off. The Shaws had promised her to a wealthy Irish importer. When she married into that family, they started putting on airs and humiliated the Brodys every chance they got. Later generations, who felt shame, couldn’t apologize enough. The anger between our packs just festered. Throughout the years, each pack built their respective lucrative empires. My family offers luxury goods, lumber, and cattle, and is involved in the fashion industry. The Brodys settled on one thing: this island, all won by a dead man’s hand during a game of high-stakes poker.” Her lips twitched, and she allowed herself a small smile. “No one believed this island could be turned into anything of value. Now look at it.”

“Very sad. Makes me wonder why Mr. Brody wanted to bequeath the island and resort and all he had to you, Ms. Shaw.” Everly gave her a pointed look, which she ignored.

Michaela shrugged. “From the rumors, he was desperate for grandchildren. The Shaw pack is triple the size of the Brody pack. Nothing is more important to an alpha than the continuation of his pack.”

She could hear her father in her head, asking her when she would settle down and have kids of her own.

Mickey continued her explanation to Everly. “You can grow your pack several ways: children, mergers, marriage, adoption of rejected, abandoned or orphaned cubs. Werewolves are reluctant to break off on their own. Having no other wolves around can make a wolf feel defenseless and opens you up in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine. It can also make you wild and reckless. Lone wolves are unpredictable and dangerous.”

Michaela shuddered at the thought of leaving her family behind. She couldn’t imagine a day without talking to her parents or checking in on her various siblings. As the new alpha, with her siblings all mated off, she worried about her future as much as her parents did. She may not have baby fever, but she did want to do what was right for her pack. She just wished that her father would stop pestering her about the clock that wasn’t ticking, not even a little bit.

“Understandable, Ms. Shaw. I just hope that perhaps you can come to some sort of agreement with the brothers. I’ve known them since they were pups. Good boys, all of them. Prone to be stubborn, but what werewolf isn’t?” Everly chuckled at his own joke.

Michaela rolled her eyes. If she’d had a penny for every time someone made a joke about the stubbornness of werewolves she’d be a trillionaire. But meet a feline shifter that needed to cross water and then see who was more stubborn.

So far they hadn’t stopped on any other floors. She couldn’t help but wonder just how many people were at the resort right now. Being that there was winter weather on the East Coast and Midwest, she figured more shifters would want to go where the warmth was.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slid open. Everly preceded her out into the hallway. She peeked around him and spotted three doors, all of them closed. He led them past the first two doors to the one at the end of the corridor.

“So this dossier you have, just how detailed is it?” She had an idea but wanted to hear it said out loud.

“Very detailed. Information on the brothers, the staff, the schedule of the resort, the security, the character and the worth of the clientele, things like that. Everything that Mr. Brody thought you’d need to know before you made a decision.” Everly swiped the keycard into the reader. The light turned green, and he turned the knob. He pushed the door open. “After you, Ms. Shaw.”

They entered a luxurious suite with a kitchenette to the right and a living room with a fireplace ahead of them. A small dining room table stood near a set of French doors leading out onto a balcony. To their left were side tables, hooks for coats and jackets, and an umbrella stand. An opaque set of double doors on the back wall led to what she presumed was the bedroom. The color scheme was similar to the lobby: cool grays, warm golds, rich burgundies, and pine greens. All the chairs had plush cushions, and the dark wood furniture complemented the low-maintenance feel of the room. Simple, elegant, comfortable. Her heels sank into the high pile rug. When she moved forward, they didn’t get caught. More artwork with wolves decorated the walls, but so did moon and night skies. If she did take over this place, she wanted to change things up a bit. Soft scents of sage, cedar and lavender perfumed the air. She took in deep breaths, allowing the fragrance to fill her with even more calm. This she’d keep.

Everly fumbled with his briefcase, undid the latch, and opened the satchel. He pulled out a thick file and offered it to her. “For your perusal. I should tell you that Ace, to my knowledge, isn’t on the premises. He has his own private security system. Banan hardly ever leaves the computer room, which connects to his suite of rooms on the other side of the resort where the family resides.”

She flipped open the dossier and scanned the first report. “And Riktor?” He would be the one she wanted to avoid the most. When she’d turned eighteen, her father, in a desperate bid to pair her off and make up for the past, had tried to convince old Maxwell to a matchmaking scheme: Mickey and Riktor.

Maxwell nixed the idea. No reason why, just no. She didn’t know if Riktor had been made aware of the offer. Out of all the brothers, she found him the most mysterious and dangerous—and the most attractive.

“He’ll be spending most of your stay in the offices. It’s tax time, and he’ll be overseeing the accountants and the finances as well as making sure that the payroll is correct. He’s very hands on.” Everly shifted from one foot to the other, nervous energy fluttered in the air coming from his direction.

“What aren’t you telling me?” She had an idea but wanted it said out loud.

Everly glanced down at his briefcase. His fingers fiddled with the latch. “I’m uncomfortable with my role in this. As I’ve said, I’ve known those boys since they were pups. This feels like a betrayal to me.”

Michaela shut the folder. “You are doing your job, but I will say I don’t want to take anything away from the Brody men. I really don’t. OK?” She didn’t add that her father wanted her to accept the deal.

Everly bobbed his head. “Thank you, Ms. Shaw.”

“Great, now I know you had a lot more to tell, but I’m feeling tired from my trip,” she lied. “I want to be left alone.”

Relief flitted across Everly’s face. “If you have any questions, my card is in the file with my room number on the back. I’m going to be staying here for the next three days to check in on the boys. Have a pleasant stay.” Everly headed to the door and showed himself out, pausing to let the bellboy bring in her luggage.

She tipped the bellboy and locked the door behind him. Once alone, she kicked off her shoes and settled down on the couch rather than explore. The first thing to do: check in with her father. She dug through her purse and pulled out her cell phone. Mickey hit speed dial.

He answered on the first ring. “Mickey, my love, how was the flight? Did you lose your lunch? Did they at least give you peanuts? Tell me everything.”

Michaela smirked. “You owe me five dollars, Dad, close but no cigar. The ride was OK, no peanuts, though. Everly met me at the pier and gave me the information. All but one of the brothers is in-house, and they’re all busy.”

“Ah, so no encounters. Good. We don’t want them to get wind of this visit, not yet, anyway. Mom is baking up a storm. Snow cookies, your favorite. Blizzard has arrived, but don’t worry, the snow blower is all ready to go, and I’m gonna get your brothers to pull their weight this time. No showboating for me this year. Your ma says so. Anyway, power is holding, which means no fireplace. Bah. So sad you’re missing all this. But you have fun, kiddo, and don’t forget to bring me back something nice so I can give it to your ma and say it’s from me.”

Michaela laughed. “Not a chance, Dad, not a chance. Do your own shopping. And I’m not sad to be missing the snow, just don’t eat all the cookies, OK?”

Her father chuckled. “That’s what you get for leaving for a week, but I’ll try. Love you, Mickey. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

“Love you, Dad. And streaking around the swimming pool while security chases me isn’t on my agenda.” She hung up before he could try to con her into getting into trouble.

She checked her watch. Only half an hour had gone by since she’d arrived. Not dinner time yet. Jet lag hadn’t set in. She decided to read the dossier.

She opened the folder and started to read. The first page contained information all about Riktor: eldest brother, new alpha, and co-owner of the Golden Wolf Paranormal Resorts. He had no contenders for the title, which was good for such a small pack.

Mickey wondered if he was strong enough to take on a challenge. He’d gotten the title based solely on blood, not on a show of strength. Good for their bank accounts, but not so good for withstanding the onslaught of being hunted by other packs. How strong was Riktor Brody?

Based on the figures listed in his file, he was worth well over ten billion dollars. Most of it came from the resort and smart investments. The rest came from physical assets such as cars or art. He didn’t take a lot of risks and didn’t date, at all. His last potential mate was a human woman from college who became a high school algebra teacher. Did that mean he wasn’t interested in werewolves or shifters in general? Most shifters stuck with their kind.

She raised an eyebrow at how deep the dossier went. Surprisingly, it even included his bedroom wants and needs. She read the list of kinks. Her face flushed with heat. Domination, bondage, role play, voyeurism. All done at Black Howl, the brothers’ private adult club, at the other end of the five-mile island.

It had been a long time since she’d gotten a good spanking or taken part in a scene. Her pussy contracted and her panties grew damp at the very thought of a strong man tying her down and teasing her with the tip of a flogger before inflicting that sweet sting on her ass and slit. She shifted around in her seat. Her wolf sat up. It had been so long since both halves of her had been fully satiated.

Michaela’s gaze snagged on the photo of Riktor included in the dossier and slid from his trimmed beard with just a smattering of gray hairs to his dark blue eyes, framed by ink-black lashes and thick brows, to the sharp planes of his cheekbones, to his full, sensual lips. Her pussy fluttered. A kernel of yearning grew in her belly.

She read the list again and ruminated over one item in particular: bondage. The phantom scent of leather floated in the air around her, and she could almost feel the press of warm, smooth fabric against her wrists and ankles, tethering her to a bed or table, maybe a strap across her stomach or over her back to really keep her from moving. How far would he go? What types of creative things could he come up with to give her that full satisfaction that she’d been missing? Her heartbeat kicked up. She panted.

Michaela shut her eyes, shook her head, and took a few shallow breaths. It had been so long since she’d done any kind meditation. She loved allowing her mind to clear and the ability to let go. It’s what attracted her to domination and bondage: the trust and turning over the responsibility to someone else for her care. Doing that felt better than going to the spa or a massage, and coupled with someone she loved and trusted, it was better than chocolate. OK, not better than but close.

Maybe it could happen with Riktor. The thought came out of nowhere. She frowned. As much as she enjoyed looking at his photo and having this new knowledge about him—and could maybe use the picture for late-night fodder when porn wouldn’t do—they had nothing in common beyond their preferred list of kinks and their new positions in werewolf society.

She opened her eyes and picked up the file again, flipping past Riktor’s page without taking a second peek and studied Ace’s profile. Nothing about him screamed, take me now. Instead, she wanted to stay clear of him as much as possible, and his absence only helped that desire. Michaela hated playboys. Had dated a few and always found them wanting the appearance of the relationship rather than the real thing. Commitment-phobic to the nth degree and always ready to cut ties if she even brought up staying at their place for more than a night.

Michaela wasn’t sure what could force Ace to settle down, but at least he didn’t have any unclaimed children running around, at least not according to the detectives Everly had hired. How a secret baby scenario could play into Maxwell Brody’s instructions, she didn’t know, but at least there wasn’t anyone who could come back to haunt the family with a paternity suit.

Out of boredom, she skipped the last few pages of the information on Ace and flipped to the section dealing with Banan. She smiled at his file photo—an adorable geek with glasses, but everything from the neck down was all man. He had the same dark hair, dark blue eyes, and was clean shaven with the same broad shoulders, hard wall of muscle and trim waist, and long legs. All his brothers were muscular, based on how a well-cut suit looked on all of them. In his picture, he sported slacks, blazer, and a comic book hero T-shirt underneath. He reminded her of one of her younger cousins, Rosaleen, who was obsessed with comic book heroes.

She read further into the details about the staff, security, and the inner workings of the hotel. Nothing about the adult club. Curious. Was this something the brothers did on their own? She scribbled down a note to herself to ask Everly why he’d mentioned the club but didn’t go into any detail. There better be a damn good reason, otherwise she’d feel he was trying to hide something.

She checked the time. Five-thirty. “Time to shower and change. I got here at around four o’clock so that should be a good time for dinner, right?” Her stomach rumbled, and she had a hankering for pancakes.

She shut the file and put it on the table, then stood and headed for the closed double doors. The bedroom, just as she’d thought. The room’s color scheme seemed to be a reverse of the living room and kitchenette area. Burgundy with dark grays and gold accent colors covered the walls. Black-and-white photos of the universe decorated the space. A queen-size bed—with a padded, black leather headboard—was piled high with iron- and burnished gold-colored accent pillows and a duvet in a rich Bordeaux color dominated the space. A line of rectangular windows allowed in the late-afternoon sun and showed off priceless views of the sunset, ocean, and the beaches below.

To her right was another set of French doors to the balcony. To her left, another door that when opened revealed the closet. She shut the doors and went straight through to the bathroom. With the shower running, she stripped out of her clothes and wandered around while things heated up.

She picked up a brochure sitting next to a basket of spa goodies on the counter of the double sinks. The pamphlet offered personal massage, spa, and meditative services with just a phone call. That impressed her. She liked the personal considerations for people who were a bit too shy for a public spa, or who just didn’t want to leave their rooms.

Michaela put the brochure down and picked up a bottle of bath milk, unscrewed the top, and took a deep inhale. High-quality lavender, sage, and hint of lemon and vanilla. Lovely.

Steam billowed over the door to the shower. She secured the top to the bottle, replaced it in the basket, and padded over to the glass doors. Humid air moved around her in an opaque cloud. She shut her eyes and savored the warmth. After a long, tense plane ride, this was heaven. What the mini-meditation session started, the shower continued.

Her stomach growled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten yet. With a sigh, she opened her eyes and went through her shower process, careful to keep her head away from the deluge of hot water. She finished, exited the cubicle, and grabbed a towel on the way out.

She dried off and slipped into a robe before returning to the bedroom. Next time she would try the jets.

They had placed her luggage at the foot of her bed. She opened one of her suitcases and pulled out her makeup bag, some black lingerie, and a red wrap dress that would lovingly hug her generous curves. She went through the rest of her luggage and grabbed a pair of strappy stiletto sandals and a black clutch.

After she dressed, Michaela unwound her hair from the bun and finger combed it. A bit of scrunching helped her natural curls maintain their shape without looking too wild. She chose a simple look: eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick to match her dress.

She blew a kiss to her reflection and left the room.

The quiet on her floor made things seem serene. She tilted her head back to take in the late afternoon sky from the skylights. Streaks of pink, red, orange, and purple painted the clouds.

So different from her family home set in a small town surrounded by mountains and forests. There she had seclusion, privacy, and a place to shift and hunt without encountering many humans. It also served as an emergency safe place if they needed it. Being a close-knit family had its advantages and disadvantages. She couldn’t suppress her curiosity about just how close the brothers were.

Time to find out.

She reached the elevators and pushed the call button. The doors slid open on a whisper. She stepped into the cabin and pushed the button for the second floor.

The elevator stopped, and the door opened once more. She arrived at the same floor she and Everly had walked up to earlier from the lobby. On either side lay the dining rooms. Guests had their pick of the more casual one on the left or the more private dining room on the right. From her vantage point, she could see booths and small, intimate tables set for only two.

Michaela decided to go for the option that would allow her to people-watch and observe the guests. She turned right and entered the more easygoing restaurant.

A waiter came up to her. “May I help you?”

She turned her attention to the young man, dressed in black slacks, a crisp white shirt, and a waist apron. “Yes, table for one please.”

He smiled at her. “Wonderful. Do you have a preference for where to sit? And the type of meal you would like? We serve breakfast and brunch all day, and we can accommodate any food allergies or dietary needs.”

She cast her gaze over the space once more.

“I’d like a booth, please.” The banquets with their plush black leather looked cozy and private, but not too far away. “And I’d like to see a breakfast menu. Do you have macadamia nuts?” She crossed her fingers hoping he’d say yes.

Her waiter beamed at her. “Yes. Since we’re so close to Hawaii, we get shipments all the time. Would you like an assortment of macadamia nuts sent to your room? Our gift shop has wonderful gift baskets filled with candies and snack foods. I can get you a listing.”

Joy filled her. Macadamia nuts were a luxury she rarely had, given the shipping price and living on the opposite coast. “Please. You can order it for me?”

“Yes, it will be charged to your room or a card of your choice.” He tilted his head toward the area she would be seated in. “Please follow me. All our food is made from scratch and fresh to order. I can recommend our breakfast parfaits with homemade granola. And our pancakes are heavenly, so light and fluffy, or the crepes with fruit or chocolate filling. Absolutely delicious.”

Her stomach rumbled just hearing those options. She followed him around tables and chairs until they stopped at a booth with a view of the dining room and a clear sightline to the pool area. After she slid into the seat, her waiter handed her the menu for both the restaurant and the gift shop.

“I’ll start with a cappuccino, large dollop of whipped cream, please,” she requested while she perused her options.

“Excellent. I’ll be back in less than five minutes.” He bowed and left her.

She relaxed against the plush leather seating. All in all, this looked like a promising start to her stay.

Now, how did she deal with the problem of Riktor Brody?