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Roses for His Omega: A Mapleville Valentine's Day Novella: M/M Non Shifter Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Mapleville Omegas Book 2) by Lorelei M. Hart, Ophelia Heart (15)

Chapter Fifteen



The rehearsal dinner was awful. Not even a little awful, either. It was full-on, absolutely awful.

The food was nice enough, and my date was the sexiest man in the room. The bride and groom—they turned every part of the night awkward.

Celeste hated pretty much everything and was so nervous about things being perfect the next day, she switched which person walked with whom a bazillion times. I’d never been more glad to not be a groomsman in my entire life. Who would’ve thought being an out-of-towner invited to the dinner because it felt like the right thing to do and not because they were in the wedding would be the best position to be in.

First, she paired them by who knew who. They looked fine. Celeste thought it looked unorganized.

Then she tried to pair them so that people with similar hair color walked together. They looked fine. Celeste thought they looked like sibling pairs.

Then she tried to pair them by descending heights. They looked fine. Celeste thought it looked too contrived.

Eventually, Knox told her that having them paired by the wedding planner, who was set to arrive in the morning after having to miss tonight with a flat tire, was the best way to go.

She cried.

Then we ate a pretty decent meal of prime rib, and she worried that the guests at the table would be “too beefed out” since they were having beef tips for dinner at the wedding.

She cried.

Finally, dessert was eaten, and I could excuse us, blaming jet lag. Technically, I’d come from the same time zone, but no one batted an eye at my excuse, although I could have sworn a few of the bridesmaids and groomsmen had their eyes turn green from jealousy that we got to leave first.

“About time.” Reid had my back against the back wall of the restaurant, kissing me soundly before I could reply. Damn, he was a good kisser.

When we came up for breath, I rolled my eyes. “Sorry. I had no idea it would be—that—just that.” Even when she tried to save the day by giving us all little Valentine’s Day favors, it ended with her in tears, for what reason, I had zero clues. There were simply no words to cover it.

“How could you?” Kayson kissed the spot below my earlobe, sending my mind far away from the dinner and straight to his bed—or couch—or car—I wasn’t really concerned with the logistics. “That was fucking awful.”

“Do you know her? Is she always like this?” Because the Celeste I had seen glimpses of this trip sounded absolutely nothing like the Celeste Knox had talked about ceaselessly.

“Naw.” His fingers traced the path from my ear to the crook of my neck. I swear he was trying to kill me. “She’s usually a bit of a prima donna, but I blame most of it on pregnancy hormones.”

That explained so much. Especially why people weren’t trying to give her wine to help her chill out.

“I didn’t realize.”

“Yeah. So, hopefully, the stress of the wedding and the hormones are what is causing that.” Reid pushed off the wall and held his hand out for mine. “So, my place? Coffee.”

Oh, there would be coffee, all right.

“Only if coffee is served in the morning after a night of naked fun.” I pecked his check as I grabbed his hand, loving the way we could be so naturally playful with each other.

“You’re killing me.” He grumbled my earlier sentiment. Looked like we were even.

“Don’t die.” I sucked on his earlobe briefly before giving it a little nip and whispering, “I need your knot.”

“Not helping,” he said under his breath as he headed toward the car, taking me in tow.

“Not trying to,” I teased back.

Before I knew it, Kayson had us home and stumbling into his apartment, which was the back half of an old house, our hands already exploring places they shouldn’t in polite company. Eff polite. I needed him and fast.

“Nice couch,” I sassed. We fell back into it as our kissing and fondling became more than we could handle standing up.

“Don’t think I wouldn’t.” His voice, husky with need, told my body that I wanted him to do whatever it was he thought I thought he wouldn’t do. Because words just didn’t mean a thing at the moment. All that mattered was touching him, tasting him, scenting him, taking his knot.

“Do it,” I panted as I latched my mouth to his.

Next thing I knew, our kiss broke, and he had me turned around, my back to his front, his need pressing into my ass—so close yet so far from where I wanted him to be. Damn clothing.

He reached around me and as he kissed and nibbled my neck leisurely, he opened button after button with such haste, I was surprised that buttons weren’t flying everywhere.

As he pulled it from my shoulders, allowing it to drop to the floor, his kissing and nibbling became more frenzied. I was pretty sure my moans helped that along. The shirt had barely hit the floor when he had my undershirt up and over my head. Darn dress clothes had too many freaking layers.

“Bend over and hold on here and here,” he directed as he relieved me of my pants.


That one swift slap to my ass had me doing the opposite of what my logical brain would have told me to do. Instead of moving away from the source of the pain, I wiggled my ass back at him, encouraging him to do it again.

Instead of complying, he walked around to my side where I could see him. He never said I couldn’t move, but I was staying put until he told me otherwise. I liked this side of Kayson. A lot. And wanted to see where it was going.

He removed his clothing one piece at a time, taking out a condom and placing it on the coffee table before stepping out of his pants. He was a stunning man, and I could stay there forever, looking at the lines of his muscles and the light smattering of hair leading directly to his very-happy-to-see-me cock if it weren’t for the need building in me, begging him to take me.

“Don’t make me wait,” I cried out.

He rewarded me with a deep kiss as I heard the crinkle of the condom wrapper opening. How had I not even seen him get it off the table. Lust. Lust and need were how.

“Patience,” he chuckled as he broke the kiss, leaving me breathless.

“You stole it all,” I whined.

“So you want my knot.” It wasn’t a question, and I could feel the heat of his body so close, yet so far from mine.

“Very much so.” I pushed back a tiny bit, and instead of continuing his game of “torment the omega,” his fingers danced around my hole, already so slick for him.

“Then have it you shall.” His fingers left my ass, working their way around to my front, giving my cock a bit of attention as he lined his up against my waiting hole. “You sure?”

Fine. Torture time was still on.

Instead of answering with words, I pushed back, earning me both a chuckle and his cock. He entered me in one fell swoop, filling me the way I needed him to.

“I wasn’t joking about holding on. We can all be sweet and romantic like—later,” I bit out.

I grabbed on to the closest piece of furniture as he began to pump into me, his fingers tight around my hips. I tried to meet him move for move, but he held me still as he brought me closer and closer to orgasm. Not that it was going to take much. Just being around him, enveloped by his scent, had me ready to go. Adding his cock made it nearly impossible to hold back.

It couldn’t be any more than a minute and I was shooting out my cum, Kayson following behind in moments, his knot instantly filling me, sating me.

Saying goodbye was going to suck monkey balls.