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Safe Haven: Hollow Rock Shifters Book 2 by Brenda Trim, Tami Julka (11)

Chapter 11

Liv’s mouth dropped when she saw what Kristi was wearing. Or, not wearing. Liv cursed the female for her disservice to Ariel and the movie The Little Mermaid.

Her long red wig was the only item that wasn’t tasteless. Kristi was topless, except for the two postage-sized clamshells covering her nipples. The bottom half of the costume was a mermaid tail which would’ve been fine had the material not been translucent. Liv could see everything from the crack in her ass to her hairless crotch. It was downright vulgar.

Liv felt a nudge at her side. “That must be the four-legged bitch,” Cassie hissed.

“What was your first clue?” Liv replied sarcastically.

The two of them watched Kristi sashay into the room. All eyes were on the woman, and it was obvious she loved it. She walked right up to Liv and Cassie then turned on her spiked heels to face Lawson.

“Hey, Law. Nice tights,” she said as she tossed her hair over her shoulder, giving him a full view of her barely-covered breasts.

“Thank you, Kristi. And, your costume is…interesting. Where did you find it?” he replied and Liv could tell he was trying not to stare at her chest. Unfortunately, he was doing a shitty job because his gaze kept lowering as he spoke. Men. It seemed all species couldn’t resist the lure of a naked woman.

“Oh, I can help you with that, Lawson,” Cassie interjected. “I think I saw it at Sluts-R-Us,” she added, and Liv couldn’t stop the snicker that escaped.

Kristi looked over her shoulder at Liv and Cassie. “Of course. I should’ve known the humans would be uptight about showing a little skin. Shifters don’t think anything about it. In fact, Lawson saw me completely naked the night of the hunt. Isn’t that right, Law? This flesh is nothing he hasn’t seen before.”

Lawson’s gaze immediately went to Liv’s. “Actually, I turned my back when you got dressed. I did it out of respect to you and my relationship with Liv,” he answered, his gaze never leaving Liv’s.

Liv’s chest constricted as hurt assailed. He hadn’t mentioned anything about it to her. Liv hadn’t even considered their nudity when they shifted. She couldn’t fathom the four of them standing around naked together. They barely knew each other. Was it that accepted between shifters to see each other without any clothes? She would never be okay with Lawson seeing naked women all the time.

It wasn’t as if he was going to a strip club to watch women dance. That she could handle. These were women he interacted with daily. How was she ever going to accept this way of life? Honestly, she didn’t think she could.

“Yes, of course. Law is so gallant, Liv. And, I’m sure he didn’t even sneak a peek,” Kristi said and winked at Lawson.

The woman was trying to get under Liv’s skin. Nothing would make Kristi happier than to cause a fight between her and Lawson. She promised him she wouldn’t allow the woman to come between them.

Liv bit her tongue and smiled. “Yes, he is a gentleman. That’s’ why I love him so much,” she replied curtly then looked to Lawson.

Liv could tell he was trying to determine if she was mad at him. She gave him a half-smile then reached into her basket on the bar top and pulled out a pink syringe. “I think I need about a dozen of these,” she muttered to Cassie.

“Grab me one, too,” Cassie replied, and the two tilted back their heads and injected the sweet substance into their mouths. Liv had a sinking feeling it was going to take a lot of alcohol to get through the evening.

Liv felt a tug on her cloak and looked down to see a kid dressed as Spiderman standing at her side. Had to be Luke Anderson. He was the only child living at Safe Haven.

“Well, hey there, Spidey,” she said by way of greeting.

Luke removed his mask and smiled. “It’s me, Miss Olivia,” he said and grinned.

“Luke, you could’ve fooled me with all those big muscles. You know, I think Miss Ashley has something special for you. Make sure you go up to her tonight and say ‘trick-or-treat,’” she explained.

Liv made a goodie bag filled with candy and small toys for the boy. She had no idea if shifters celebrated Halloween, but what kid didn’t love treats?

“Okay, I will, but first I wanted to ask you if I could play with the village in the other room. My mom said I had to get permission,” he said and looked at the table where his parents were sitting.

Liv gave them a friendly wave. “So, you like my spooky town, huh? How about I go with you, and we’ll play together,” she said and offered him her hand.

The eight-year-old looked to his parents, and they gave him the approving nod. Luke grabbed her hand, and she started toward the great room.

“Where are you going, Sunshine?” Lawson asked, and she turned around to see him staring her way.

“Seems I’ve found a fellow horror fan. I’m taking him to the other room where it’s a little more child appropriate,” she said and glared at Kristi. How could the woman stand there in front of this boy with her pink parts on display? She obviously had no couth.

* * *

“Hurry back,” Lawson called out as Liv guided Luke to the other room.

When he turned back to the group, Tyler and Devin had joined the discussion. Lawson didn’t miss the way Tyler’s gaze roamed over Kristi like she was a prime grade of beef. If Kristi was still in heat, Lawson couldn’t detect it. She would have to be in wolf form for him to pick up that scent.

“Lawson, Tyler and I were telling Ryan about our hunt last night. We spotted the Ravin again,” Devin explained as he sipped on his beer.

Lawson appreciated the male’s t-shirt. He obviously didn’t care for costume parties because it read ‘This Is My Costume.’ Lawson could take it or leave it, but since it meant a great deal to Liv, he went along with it. He had to admit it was a lot of fun to see everyone having a good time together.

He would have to ask her what other holidays she enjoyed so they could start planning their next event. It was good for them to gather and spend time getting to know one another. Such activities made them feel more like a family.

“Really? Where?” Lawson asked as he met his brother’s gaze. He continued to worry about Ryan and if he were nearing the edge of control.

Lawson recalled the brief conversation with the Ravin in captivity and how calm and reasonable the male seemed until he attacked. It was a calculated move, not one from a crazed lunatic with no sense of reason. Was that what it was like? He wished he had more information. It might help him determine if his brother was close to turning into one.

“Around the same place, we saw him the last time. We chased him off our property. What we were thinking is that we might want to put up a fence around the entire border. Having it at the entrance isn’t enough,” Tyler added, his arms crossed over his chest.

“We could do that. Make it an electric fence that’ll jolt the fucker,” Ryan interjected, and Lawson nodded his agreement.

“We’ll get started on it first thing tomorrow. I need to let Luke’s parents know. I don’t want that boy wandering around by himself. And I’ll find out who owns the adjoining property. Might need to warn them about the Ravin, as well,” Lawson shared as he looked in the direction where Liv took Luke.

He imagined her talking the kid’s ear off as she explained each detail of her village. He would have to go and rescue the boy soon, or he might never get away.

“Okay, enough talk of business,” Kristi piped in, bringing Lawson back to the group discussion.

The female walked up, holding a tray filled with shot glasses and limes. “Time to liven things up,” she quipped, and everyone grabbed a drink.

Lawson shook his head. “I’ll pass, thanks. Tequila and I don’t mix,” Lawson admitted as he watched his brother and Cassie throw back their shots. He cringed just thinking about the taste. Last time he drank tequila he was sick the entire next day.

“Oh, come on, Alpha. Just one,” Kristi coaxed as she held her glass to his mouth. “It won’t kill you.”

“Yeah, don’t be a pussy,” Ryan interjected as he threw back another shot and licked his lips. “This is the good stuff. Smooth as a woman’s––,”

“Fine, just one,” Lawson interrupted. He knew his brother wouldn’t stop until he took a shot so he might as well suck one down now.

He tried to take the glass from Kristi, but she held tight, placing it to his lips again. “Tilt back, Law. I want to make sure you drink the whole thing,” she coaxed with a smile.

“Whatever,” he replied and tilted his head back. The liquid rushed down his throat, burning a path to his stomach. It had a very bitter taste, and Lawson quickly grabbed one of the limes and bit into the wedge.

“If that’s the good stuff, I can’t imagine what the bad stuff tastes like,” he managed as his face contorted. “I hate that shit.”

“You’re a good sport, Law. That’s why you’re such a great leader,” Kristi said as she rubbed his arm.

Moments later, Lawson stumbled as dizziness assailed.

“You okay, bro?” Ryan asked, and Lawson glanced sideways to reply to his brother. Immediately, his vision blurred.

Lawson shook his head, and the room came into focus. “Yeah, I’m good. Just feeling a little dizzy. I’ll be right back,” he announced and headed for the elevator. Maybe if he could lie down for a few minutes, he’d feel better.

As soon as he made it to the main entrance of the hotel, nausea had him running to the public restroom. Luckily, it was on the first floor, and he made it into the male’s bathroom just in time. He bolted into the nearest stall and vomited. He’d never reacted like that to one shot of alcohol. His vision wavered again, and he placed his hands on the metal walls, bracing himself.

“Lawson,” came a female’s voice.

“Liv? Is that you?” he asked and turned around as he heard the click of heels on the concrete floor.

He could see an image standing in the doorway but couldn’t make out any details except long red hair. “Sunshine?”

“Here, Outlaw, drink this,” answered the female. Had to be his Liv. She was the only one that called him that.

He took the small container and drank it in one swig. It burned his throat as much as the shot of tequila.

“Damn, baby, trying to kill me?” he said with a laugh. He was beginning to feel the effects of something, he thought, as he looked at his hands. They tingled as he wiggled them in front of his face.

“Let’s get you to bed,” she said, and he felt her arm wrap around his waist.

“Bed sounds fun, Naughty Red,” he said and nuzzled her long locks. The smell of plastic attacked his senses, and he jerked back, trying to determine what was wrong. Typically, she smelled like lemony sunshine, not a roomful of grocery bags.

He let her guide him from the restroom, and it seemed like it took no time before she was pushing him onto the bed. Lawson rolled onto his back, and his head spun from the movement. He cracked an eye and barely noticed the dimly lit room. His sexy redhead must be feeling good, too. She was at his feet, removing his boots.

“Come closer, Naughty Red. All the better to see you with,” he chuckled, thinking about the children’s storybook.

“Mmm,” she replied as she continued to remove his clothes.

He felt his tights slide down his legs and then the tinkling of metal as she unhooked the closure of his vest. His body rolled to the side briefly then he was on his back again. “Wow, you’re fast, Naughty Red,” he said and reached for her hair, but she grabbed his hand.

“Shhh, just relax,” she whispered.

Lawson let his head fall against the mattress and drunkenness washed through his system. He couldn’t believe he was this messed up but, damn, he felt good.

He groaned when he felt soft hands stroke his shaft. His cock jumped to attention. His world blurred again, but the steel rod between his legs was ready for action with his sexy redhead.

He glanced down as she straddled his hips. “Ride me, Red,” he moaned and reached, grabbing her breasts.