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Sassy Ever After: Shaking Her Sass (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Bayside Omegas Book 1) by Blake Camden (6)


I step into my shoes, ready to leave for work, just as someone knocks on my door. I only get a handful of visitors, so I can pretty well guess who it is. “Good morning, Eli.”

He looks surprised when I say his name before I’ve even fully opened the door. “How did you know it was me?”

“Because you’re the only one who comes over this early…or at all.”

Eli shoves his way inside my cottage, patting my shoulder as he passes. “Aww, is somebody sad that her best friend has a new best friend to play with?”

“No, I’m very happy for Emily. I’m just wondering what brings you over so early in the morning.” I give a pointed look at my watch. I’m not late, yet. But I can only chat for a few minutes before I need to get on the road. My first appointment is in an hour, but I’m hoping to get a few minutes with Mark before that.

I’ve only officially worked at Fate Advisors for a week, but I’m curious to find out if he’s gotten any feedback about me. So far, my tips have been amazing, so I think that’s all the feedback I really care about. But hearing it from him would be nice.

Eli rests his ass against the back of my couch and crosses his ankles. “Well, Oscar mentioned that some of his friends are in Cub Scouts, and I wanted to know what you thought about that.”

“Um, I haven’t given it much thought. I’m not sure I’m the outdoorsy type. Unless they do glamping in Cub Scouts, I’m probably not interested.”

Eli shakes his head to stop me. “I’m talking about me, you dork. I could take him. I was a scout when I was his age, and it was fun. We hiked and swam and threw tomahawks. It’ll be good for him.”

“Really?” I stop short, genuinely surprised by the offer. “You would be willing to do that?”

Eli flashes that sexy smirk of his. “Yeah, sure. Especially if it earns me brownie points with a certain someone.”

I cock my head and give him an incredulous look. “You’re like my brother. It ain’t gonna happen. But if you’d like to do Cub Scouts with Oscar, I think that’d be awesome. He totally adores you.”

“Well, that makes one of you,” Eli scoffs and then playfully nudges my shoulder as he walks toward my front door. “But, cool. I’ll get us all signed up for some manly fun.”

“Sounds great.” Now I have to pee before I get on the road, so instead of leaving with him, I walk him to the door to say goodbye. “Thanks.”

“Anytime.” Eli takes a few steps toward the cottage he used to share with his sister then turns back with his finger in the air. “Does Oscar have a BB gun?”

“Goodbye, Eli.” He’s gonna be a good dad someday. And I’m glad he’s willing to get some practice in with Oscar. If Eli wasn’t my best friend’s brother, I might consider taking him up on all his flirtatious offers. But he is Emily’s brother, which practically makes him my brother, so it could never work. And more importantly, I could never make him the father he was meant to be.

Besides, I need to focus on filling my bank account with enough money to provide for Oscar and myself. If I can save up a decent nest egg, I can go back to school and become a CPA. Then I can really make a dent in the debt my pack owes to the Wolfe pack. We would have lost our land last year if they didn’t bail us out. Until we’re square with the Wolfes, I won’t be able to truly improve the quality of life for my people.

Besides, I’ve always found comfort in the elegance and stability of numbers. They don’t lie and there are no shades of gray.

They just are.

And that’s what I need to be.

* * *

“Okay, darling. Can we get on with it already?” Mr. Montgomery has been bouncing his leg since the second he sat down. If he doesn’t stop soon, I’m afraid it’s gonna vibrate right off.

I force a patient smile for this jerk that I’ve already heard stories about. Apparently, he just wants a fast fuck and to move on.

And that’s fine by me.

I certainly don’t want to spend any extra time with him than necessary. “Yes, of course. If you’re done with your session, that’s fine.”

“Well, all righty then.” He waves his hand toward the Murphy bed. “Let’s get this show on the road. I’ve got places to be.”

After hitting the button on the remote control to drop the bed, I begin to untie the belt at the front of my wrap dress.

“Don’t bother with that. Just hike up your skirt and climb on.”

I can see why this charmer doesn’t have a woman in his life. As soon as he drops his pants and sits on the edge of the bed, he pats the mattress next to his thighs to indicate I should climb on.

Okay, this should be quick.

I hand him a condom while I step out of my panties then pull the bottom of my dress up around my waist so I can straddle his lap.

The good thing about clients like Mr. Montgomery is that they don’t take much effort. Literally. All I have to do to get him off is to slide him inside me and roll my hips a little then moan his name. I’m not sure sixty seconds have passed before he’s thrusting into me like his life depends on it.

Trying to help move things along, I slip my hand into the opening of my dress then push the fabric aside so one breast is hanging out. The demi bra I’m wearing holds my tit up nice and perky while still leaving the top half of my nipple exposed.

It looks like his eyes might pop out of his head when I reach for my nipple and give it a little pinch. Mr. Montgomery whimpers as he comes inside me with a grunt and a shudder.

It’s even less attractive than it sounds, if you can believe that.

I give the man a few words of praise while I carefully extract myself from his body, taking the condom with me to dispose of it. I usually let my clients take care of their own clean up, but someone like him would probably tie it off and keep it in his underwear drawer for future smelling.

No thank you.

He moves surprisingly quick once he’s satisfied, tucking back into his slacks and finger-combing his thinning hair. “That was good, Angel. I’ll probably request you again.”

“Thank you, Mr. Montgomery.” I walk my fingers down his arm and then gently tug his hand toward the door. “I’m looking forward to it.”

As soon as he’s gone, I lock the door behind him, grateful I didn’t puke on him.

My last appointment is running late, so I quickly get cleaned up then go find Mark. I don’t have to look far because as soon as I step outside, I see him walking a new guy to the parking lot, joking about something I can’t hear.

This guy is hot as hell and will be starting as a relationship advisor in a few days. Unfortunately for me, he doesn’t like vaginas as much as he likes dicks. Oh, well, they can’t all be straight.

Mark sees me approaching and breaks away from the new guy, heading my way.

“Angel, how’s it going?”

“Pretty good.” I squint against the sun and look up into Mark’s handsome face. “I just wanted to check in and see how things are going on your end. Have you gotten any feedback? Are my clients happy?”

Mark laughs as he wraps his arm around my shoulder and walks with me back to my office. “Of course, they’re happy. I’ve even gotten some special requests for you.” He winks when I look up at him but doesn’t elaborate.

I give him a minute to explain, and when he doesn’t, I put my hand on my hip and stop walking. “What are you talking about? What kind of special requests?”

“Let’s go inside.”

Reluctantly, I walk into my office with Mark hot on my heels. He immediately takes a seat in the guest chair and waits for me to sit too. But I’m too wound up to sit still, so I pace the length of the room.

“Well, Garrett seems to be pretty impressed by you. He came asking about exclusivity.”

“No way.” I don’t know if I should be pissed off or flattered. I think I’m pissed. Why would he ask Mark instead of coming directly to me? Even though this is ultimately a prostitution situation, Mark is not my pimp. If I want to go work for Garrett, I will. And when I told him I didn’t, I meant it.

Mark has zero input in the matter.

And Garrett had no right to go above my head and ask my boss.

“What an ass.”

Mark chuckles. “I take it he didn’t run this past you first?”

“Not exactly. He wanted me to work on the weekends for him, but I told him that’s out of the question. I need a day job.”

Mark smiles as he crosses his ankle over his knee and leans back. “I don’t want to see you go anywhere, so I’m happy to hear that you plan to stay. I think you can become very wealthy if you stick this out for a while.”

“Yeah, that’s my plan.” I sigh heavily at what my life has become. Is prostitution really my life plan? I guess it is. It might not be the most respectable plan ever, but it’s certainly the most lucrative for a barren omega without any skills beyond sucking dick.

“Glad we talked.” Mark stands up and stretches his long arms over his head. “Damn, I need to get into shape. I spent an hour on my bike yesterday, and everything hurts.” He shakes his head as he reaches for the door. “Let me know if you need anything, Angel. Anything at all.”

Yeah, what I need is to not have men trying to control me, regardless of how sweet and sexy and disgustingly rich they might be.