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SAVAGE: Rogue Demons MC by Sophia Gray (16)




I could not sit by and wait for work knowing that this man had fooled me. I could not ignore my brother’s words echoing in my head, that they’d had run-ins before and that Falcon wasn’t an upstanding person.


I grabbed my laptop and opened it on my coffee table. I was going to find out what I could about Falcon and my brother. Everything was online, and if my brother had been telling the truth about how Falcon was involved in some shady dealings, there would be news articles about him.


I went into Google and started typing his name, realizing that I didn’t know his last name. I typed out what I did know—Jackson Falcon—and Google brought up several search suggestions, starting with Jackson Falcon Urloch prison sentence.


“Prison sentence?” He hadn’t said anything to me about going to prison for anything, but it would have explained why he had appeared out of nowhere like he did. I clicked on the suggestion and pulled up a list of results.


Apparently, he had been convicted in the murder of a local business owner after robbing his store. It was crazy. According to the article, he maintained his innocence the entire time, even when his attorney went in to cut a deal with the prosecution. The items stolen were never found.


I looked through other articles about the investigation, looking for any involvement his MC may have had. Surely they went to Rogue Demons to try to find anything that had been stolen, I thought. According to the news articles, there had been quite a few weapons and other things removed from the store, none of which was on Falcon’s person when they found him, of course.


Early on, he had tried to convince everyone that someone who was trying to get him off the street had set him up. However, everything I read made it seem like everyone had been pretty sure from the start it had been him.


I didn’t know what I expected to find by searching through articles about the murder and the trial that followed it, so I went back to just search for his name. There must have been something else prior to the murder trial to make everyone so eager to believe Falcon was capable of the crimes for which he’d been convicted.


A search under just his name brought up a long list of articles and blog entries about his trial. After scrolling through the list, I finally came to some articles about his MC, Rogue Demons. None of it was positive.


They had been under investigation for trafficking drugs, weapons, and even people. He had gone into prison before I left home, so everything I was reading was before my time, so to speak. That thought was of some comfort as I realized I couldn’t have known about what he had done before he walked into my life.


Even the murder happened during my senior year of high school. I knew he was older, but if I judged his age by the timeline of his other alleged activity, he would have been close to a decade older than I was, unless some of what he had been accused of in the past happened in his early teens.


I couldn’t find any other murders, though I found theft, robbery, and lots of drunk and disorderly conduct. Prior to his prison sentence, Falcon had been a popular topic on a local crime blog.


I read through several entries in the blog, written by an anonymous cyber journalist who wrote like a cross between a newspaper journalist and a cop, though the voice was probably by design. I imagined some pretentious college student or recent grad sitting behind a computer screen writing from a position of self-proclaimed privilege and superiority for the rest of us who sat in fear and curiosity as the city around us went to hell.


Apparently, Rogue Demons had practically run the city prior to losing Falcon to prison. After Falcon went away, they had all but crumbled under the weight of police scrutiny, allowing other criminal organizations to rise in their place. A couple of the larger ones were faceless and finely tuned so they were hard to crack.


I began to wonder if Falcon hadn’t been telling the truth when he claimed someone had set him up to take the fall for the murder of the pawn shop owner. It appeared he never said who it was, and if he had, that information never made it out to the press.


“What do you think, Clementine?” I asked myself. I sat and stared blankly at my computer screen. I had looked at so many different articles and interpretations of what had happened that I didn’t know what to think anymore.


It was obvious that my brother’s opinion of Falcon was pretty much spot-on. Looking at his reputation alone, he was a lowlife. He came across as just another street thug biker who was trying to make a less-than-honest living through crime.


Falcon had found himself jailed for petty crimes a few times early on in his career. It seemed like he had run into trouble every time he tried to make a buck, but after Rogue Demons came into the picture, he had obviously figured out how to keep himself out of trouble. It didn’t help that no one knew what he was up to, but he made it so no one could really peg anything on him legally, apparently.


The one thing missing from the story I pieced together about his MC, though, was murder. There were no tales of murder in the articles and blogs I read while researching Falcon and Rogue Demons. There was only one murder, and Falcon had claimed someone else committed it and set him up, though he had never provided a name.


I wanted to know who that had been, even if it was just someone Falcon had imagined. It was hard to imagine that a criminal organization as large and successful as Rogue Demons had managed to make it to their level without getting any blood on their hands, but I also didn’t know a whole lot about that world. I didn’t know what it took to do what Falcon and his men did day in and day out.


I closed my laptop and got up from my couch.


“I can’t believe it,” I said aloud as I walked out of the room. I needed to move around. I needed to get out of the apartment, but first I needed a shower.


My eyes felt dry and swollen after all the crying from that morning. My head hurt. It felt like I was recovering from a cold or the flu, or even from a night out on the town. A shower would do me good.


I stood in front of the bathroom mirror after starting the shower, while I waited for it to heat up. As steam slowly filled the room, I looked at my reflection. I looked different, like something was missing. Sure, I had lost my virginity to Falcon, but it looked like he had taken something else along with it.


I turned and looked at myself from the side. From the neck down, my body still looked the same. My eyes ran down over my whole body. From the neck down, it was like nothing special or out of the ordinary had happened to me at all.


My face, however, told a completely different story. All of my worry, my pain, and my stress rested heavily in my face. The corners of my lips sagged. My eyes drooped. My cheeks seemed to sag, even though they were thin and there was no possible way for them to do it.


There was a light that had gone out behind my eyes. That was what I was seeing, what I was noticing in the mirror.


I sighed and climbed behind my shower curtain. The warm water rushed over my body, soothing all of my tired, aching muscles. I closed my eyes and imagined that the warmth came from Falcon’s gentle hands running over my body. I could feel his thumbs digging into my shoulders. Then he moved his fingers and thumbs down along my back.


I gasped and leaned against the tile wall while the water hit my back. I imagined him grabbing my hips and pulling me back against him. My body ached to have him inside me again, to know that feeling again of being filled by his long, thick manhood.


I craved him. It was as though I had starved my body for all these years, and now that it knew what it had been missing, it demanded more of it immediately. I didn’t know if it was okay to want someone who had fucked me and then fucked me over the way Falcon had, and I didn’t care.


I ran a hand down over my stomach as the shower water traced its way down the front of my body. I slid a finger between the folds between my legs. I was still tender from the night before, but as soon as my fingertip brushed over my skin, I shook with the thrill of my own touch.


I closed my eyes and pressed my face against the wall while I slid two thin fingers inside myself, imagining that they were Falcon’s massive cock. I gripped myself, running my fingers along the front inside wall and pressing my palm against my clit. I worked myself slowly like that, dreaming of Falcon taking me from behind in the shower and pushing himself deep inside of me.


My body shivered as I ran my fingers back and forth across myself. It was wrong to want him, but I couldn’t help it. The man I knew was not the man I had read about in those articles and blogs. The man I had come to know was gentle, at least with me. There was no way he was just using me as a way to get back at anyone.


I slid my wet fingers out of myself and ran them up between my folds to the swollen nub of pleasure at the top of my slit. I flicked my fingertip across my clit and bit my bottom lip as pleasure roared through my body.


I whimpered against my pursed lips and closed eyes as I quickly ran my finger back and forth, up and down, driving my ecstasy to its crescendo before letting myself erupt. My knees nearly collapsed underneath me in the shower as my whole body started shaking. I gasped against the wall and panted under the rushing water.


“Fuck,” I called out alone, leaning against the tiles to hold myself up.


I couldn’t accept that our first time was going to be our last time together. I couldn’t accept that I would never sleep with Falcon again. I couldn’t accept that he would have done to me what he did.


As my body relaxed and came down from ecstasy, I washed so I could get ready for work. After work, I was going to drive over to his MC’s headquarters. He hadn’t invited me there yet, but I was determined to get to the bottom of this. I needed to know exactly why he had run out on me this morning and why my brother insisted that this was about him instead of about me.


No, it was about me, too. I was the one he had slept with. I was the one who had gone out on dates with him. Regardless of what Leo wanted to believe, I was the one who had been fucked over by Falcon.


And I wasn’t about to let him off the hook.




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