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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three by Samantha McCoy (21)


Chapter Twenty-One



Diesel flopped back on the bed, bringing Rachel with him. Trying to catch his breath, he stroked her back.

“Are you okay? I didn’t mean to get that rough,” Diesel whispered.

“I’m great. That was... Amazing,” Rachel replied. “I never knew sex could be like that.”

Diesel chuckled.

“If I had, I’d have done it a long time ago.”

Diesel rolled them over until Rachel was pinned beneath him.

“It would have never been like that with anyone else,” Diesel said, all playfulness gone. “The only reason it was that explosive is because it was us.”

The thought of Rachel giving her virginity to anyone else made him want to punch something. Her virginity was his. It was always meant for him.

“I don’t know,” Rachel teased. “I might have to try out some others and see what it’s like.”

“Okay. One, that is not even funny. Two, I will kill any man that comes within five feet of you. And three, don’t make me tie you to this bed for the rest of your life.”

“Would you?” Rachel asked.

“Would I what?”

“Tie me up?” Rachel answered, another blush taking over her face.

“Oh, you naughty, naughty girl,” Diesel grinned.

“There is so much that I don’t know. So much I want to experience.”

“We’ll get there, baby. I will open your world to a brand new level of kink every single day, if that is what you want.”

“Okay,” she said, reaching up to pull Diesel’s head down for another kiss.

Diesel could feel himself growing hard all over again. He would never get enough of her. But tonight was not the night for seconds. He knew Rachel would be sore tomorrow. Pulling away, he moved them both so they were lying fully on the bed.

“I want nothing more than to bury my dick back inside that pretty pussy of yours, but you are already going to be sore.”

‘I’m already a little tender,” Rachel giggled.

“Come here. Let me hold you.”

Diesel wrapped his arms around her and snuggled her against his side. Within minutes, Rachel was fast asleep. Placing a soft kiss on the top of her head, Diesel closed his eyes and drifted off.


“Diesel!” The panic in Rachel’s voice ripped Diesel from a sound sleep.


“Someone is in the house!”

Diesel sat up and listened. The house was quiet, silent, and then suddenly, the sound of glass shattering interrupted the night. Jumping from the bed, he pulled on his boxers and moved into the closet.

“Rachel, come here.”

As soon as she was by his side, he placed a gun in her hand.

“Can you shoot?


“Good. Stay in here. Lock the door behind me. And do not come out for any reason,” Diesel instructed.


“No buts,” Diesel said. “If I am not back in one hour, press the red button next to the door. It will sound a silent alarm to Banjo. He’ll contact the Henchmen and they will come. But do not leave this room.”

“Marcus, I’m scared.” The tremble in Rachel’s voice just about gutted him.

“Everything will be okay, baby.”

Placing a quick kiss on her lips, Diesel walked out of the closet and pointed to the red button.

“Press it. One hour. If I’m not back. Got it?”


Diesel eased the bedroom door open. Whoever was in his house hadn’t made it up the stairs yet. Silently, he slipped from the room closing the door behind him. He waited a few seconds, until he heard the lock click into place, before he made his way into the shadows. This was like second nature to him. Leaning over the upper rail, he could see four dark figures enter the house through one of the large windows by the door.

These guys were not professionals. Professionals would have never made their presences known. Lining up a shot, Diesel took it. The last man to enter fell to the ground with a thump. Quickly, before the chaos started he fired off another, and another man hit the ground. This one, the other two noticed.

Shots rang out through the house. More glass shattered. Furniture exploded. Diesel took cover and tried to make his way downstairs. The only way would be over the upstairs railing. But he needed to hurry. He needed to get back to Rachel. She would have heard the shots. His house wasn’t sound proof. Diesel knew she would be in full panic mode when he finally opened the door to the bedroom again. And that pissed him off. These mother fuckers invaded his home. Rachel’s home. They ripped her safety net from her. And for that, they would all die.

Taking a running start, Diesel leaped over the railing and sailed through the air. He landed in the middle of the living room, and rolled across the floor. Coming up on a knee, he fired another shot. Three down, one more to go. Diesel made his way around the room and into the kitchen. Searching, he couldn’t find the third man anywhere. Thinking he must have run during the small firefight, Diesel headed back into the living room.

The hit came out of nowhere. Stars exploded behind Diesel’s eyes and he fell to his knees.

“I want the woman. Where is she?” The fourth man asked.

“Fuck you.” Diesel replied.

Gathering up all his strength, Diesel jumped to his feet and swung around just in time to grab the board from the man’s hand. Diesel let a fist fly, connecting to the guy’s jaw and sent him sprawling across the floor.

“Stupid mother fucker.” Diesel grounded out between clenched teeth.

Walking into the kitchen he found a length of rope and his emergency cell phone. He needed to call Reaper.

“This better fuckin’ be important. It’s four o’clock in the Goddamn morning,” Reaper answered.

“Does four gunmen entering my home, count as important?” Diesel fired back.

“Maybe. Any of them alive?”


“Be right there.” And with that, Reaper ended the call.

Dragging the man over to the pool table, Diesel made quick work of tying his hands and feet. There was no way he would get away if he came to. After he was sure the man was secure, he ran upstairs. He needed to see Rachel.

“Rachel. Baby, unlock the door,” Diesel called.

Within seconds, the bedroom door flew open and Rachel launched herself into his arms.

“Oh my goodness,” she cried. “I... I heard...  I heard the shots. I was so scared you were hurt.”

“Oh baby,” Diesel soothed. “I’m alright. Not a scratch on me. A bit of a headache but that’s it.”

Diesel kept her wrapped in his arms. Walking over to the bed, he sat down with her in his lap. Rocking back and forth, he tried to calm her. Using a hand, he lifted her face to his. The tears flowing down her cheeks broke his heart. Rachel was not meant for this life. In that moment, Diesel vowed he would eliminate any and all threats that ever came in this woman’s direction. The world would know - if you fuck with Rachel Moore, you will have to get through Marcus Briggs first.

Leaning in, he placed a kiss on her forehead, her cheek, the tip of her nose, and then on her lips. Diesel continued to kiss her as her breathing finally leveled out.

“Better?’ Diesel asked, grinning.

“Much better. Thank you,” Rachel smiled back. “You can kiss me senseless anytime.”

“I’ll remember that.”

“So what happened?’

“Four men came in through the window. Three are dead. One is securely tied to the pool table. I am waiting on Reaper to get here.”

“Why is Reaper coming?”

“Because he is the best, and most terrifying interrogator I have ever met. He’ll take the guy back to the compound and get answers from him.”

“Like torture?” Rachel’s face lost a bit of color.

“I don’t know his methods. But those men were after you. So I’m voting for the most inhumane method possible.”

“Will this ever stop?” Sadness took over Rachel’s eyes. This woman would be the death of him. All he wanted for her was happiness, peace, and puppies.

“Listen to me,” Diesel said. “It doesn’t matter how many or how often people send others to get you. I will fight every battle until they get the point. Nobody will touch you. You are mine, Rachel. Mine.”