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Sexy Mother Faker (Hot Maine Men Book 2) by Remy Rose (5)

We’re in Madeline’s kitchen, capping off an impromptu Monday night dinner while her contractor boyfriend is working late. Her eyes widen as she samples the double chocolate torte I made. “Damn, Lane...this is delicious!”

“Don’t look so surprised, girlfriend. I’ve been practicing. I’m getting like you, baking as a stress reliever.”

“Funny, I haven’t been baking that much.” Maddie winks at me slyly.

“Let me’re using, um, something else as a stress release. A certain someone’s special tool?”

She blushes and laughs. “Maybe.”

My BFF has always been gorgeous, but looking at her now, so obviously in love...the glow she’s giving off is brightening her face and enhancing her beautiful features. There’s a softness about her, a lightness that wasn’t there before.

“Jesus, Mads—you’ve got it bad, don’t you? Your hair even looks shinier, for God’s sake.”

“New shampoo,” she smirks.

“Uh huh.”

“Anyway…to get back to you and your insanely good dessert here.”

“Thank you.”

“This will be a major hit when you get your café.”

“If I get my café.”

“No. When. Your job sucks too much for you to stay there, and having your own business has been your passion. You want it too much for it not to happen.”

“Unfortunately, sometimes wanting something isn’t enough.”

“When there’s a will, there’s a way. My offer of a loan is always open, you know. Remember that.”

“And once again, I will graciously decline, but loving you lots for being so nice.”

Maddie sighs. “Okay, Lane. I just want you to be happy.” She gets up from her kitchen table and brings our dessert plates over to the sink.

“Is that a new faucet?”

“It is. Jack installed it a couple nights ago. You like?”

“I love. The way it arches high, and the spray head that’s also the faucet, and the bronze-y finish. Very cool.”

“Thanks. It’s a Moen—it has a no-touch sensor, too. You could get it for your café.”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

“Nope. I hope you’re keeping a list of things you want when it happens.”

I tap the side of my head. “It’s all up here. I do think about it. God, sometimes it’s the only way I can stay sane during the Stu and Lou Show.”

“Alcohol helps, too. And I’ve got that. Hang on.” Madeline goes around the corner of the kitchen to the basement door and heads downstairs, her bare feet quick on the steps, and comes back with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. “This will be good after the torte.” She pours us each a glass, and we go into her living room. Sitting down on her pale green sofa, she pulls her legs underneath her, flipping her hair off her shoulders. I take a seat on the other end, sipping at my wine and looking around at the décor with a mixture of admiration and wistfulness, because it’s the type of place you don’t want to leave. It’s done in blues, greens and whites—the room has a very calm, ocean-y feel and an ideal theme for a coastal home like this. My gaze drops to the small stack of gray rocks on the coffee table’s pale blue runner, and I can’t help but smile. Cairns have particular significance to Maddie and Jack. Everything in this living room—the driftwood-framed photo of Bass Harbor lighthouse at sunrise, the jewel-toned blue and green mosaic glass framing the fireplace, the old bottles filled with sea glass on the mantel—it’s all put together perfectly, with everything just where it should be.

Like Maddie. She is also just where she should be.

“I might have Jack put up some bead board in here—make it more cottage-y.”

“Love that idea. The fringe benefits of having a contractor for a boyfriend.”

“There are definitely benefits to Jack.” Madeline’s pink-cheeked and smiling again, tucking a piece of glossy brown hair behind her ear.

“Are you two do I say this so it’s not totally crude...banging like bunnies?”

“Delaney. Behave.” Her lips curve into a sly smile. “And yes. All the time.”

Part of me wants to know details, honestly. I’m sure you can guess which part. But my common sense tells me to leave it alone. Better not to go there, because it just opens up feelings and wants, which feel like they’re bordering on needs…

I just can’t do that.

I take a big swallow of wine. “So. First day of spring yesterday. I can’t wait for summer.”

“I know. March in Maine is such a tease. Mild one day, snow the next...but better weather is coming.”

“Are sales starting to pick up?”

“Yes. I’m meeting with a new client tomorrow morning, actually, who’s wanting to buy an oceanfront property.”

“As long as it’s not my mother. She keeps threatening to move here, and I’m all like, but Bangor’s so nice, shouldn’t leave. Ever.”

“Aw, be nice! Your mom is great.”

“She’s entertaining, that’s for sure. I do love her—just don’t love the idea of her living near me.”

“Well, this person I’m meeting with is a guy. Had a sexy voice on the phone.” Madeline widens her brown eyes and blinks at me innocently. “Maybe he’s our age, and single.”

“Isn’t your handyman enough for you? Or are you interested in a threesome?”

“Very funny. You know where I was going with that.”

“Let’s talk about my café.” I figure that’s the only detour she’ll take.

“Ooh, you said my café. Makes it more of a reality that way...I like that.”

“A girl can dream. And I do.”

“So what are some of the things you’ve been dreaming about?”

I feel little thrills spiraling in my chest. Can’t help it...I do get excited even just imagining the possibilities. “I have lots of ideas. I know I’d like to have a retro type of theme for it. I’ve thought about hosting a paint and sip or a plant and sip...I’d love to display artwork by local artists. Maybe do something fun like a bring your dog day, although that might get a little crazy.”

“Awesome. What about cats? Could I bring Murphy?” Maddie grins and nods in the direction of her orange tiger cat who’s methodically cleaning himself on the hardwood floor.

“Ha. Possibly. I’ve read online about these cat cafés where these shops bring in shelter cats and have customers interact with them. I’d want it to be a unique and very welcoming kind of place, where people can come to relax. Maybe even get a couple of chair massagers for stress release—you know, for people who may not be having hot sex like you are.” I grin at her, breaking into a laugh as she grabs a pillow and hurls it at me.

“They don’t call these throw pillows for nothing,” she smirks. “But seriously—I love your ideas.”

“Thanks. I need to stand out from the seventy billion Dunkin Donuts around, you know? I love thinking of what I’d do.”

“Ohh, Lane. Your eyes.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your eyes, just now. Sparkling like champagne.”

I take another sip of wine and lean forward to set the glass on the coffee table. “Kind of how your eyes get when you talk about Jack. Does that make me fucked up? How I’m in love with a place instead of a person?”

“You just haven’t met the right guy.”

“According to my mother, I’m gay, so maybe I haven’t met the right woman.”

“She seriously thinks that?! God, she cracks me up. Anyway—I remember very well how you kept encouraging me to take a risk with Jack, so I guess now it’s my turn to encourage you.”

“To take a risk with Jack? Won’t you be jealous?”

Madeline gives me a major eye roll. I deserve it.

“It was different when I encouraged you with Jack. You could handle getting involved with a guy. Me, on the other hand...not so much.”

Maddie’s eyebrows draw together, the skin above her nose wrinkling with confusion. Damn. I’ve got her a little too curious.

Luckily, rescue comes in the form of a 6’5” hunk named Jack Decker, who just happens to have totally stolen my best friend’s heart, locked it up and threw away the key. Hands on hips, he fills up the living room doorway, his thick, dark hair sexily messy, Carhartt jacket open to reveal a navy sweatshirt and faded jeans. “Hey. Am I lucky or what? Coming home to not one but two beautiful women.” He flashes a dazzling smile, and even though he’s my BFF’s boyfriend and completely untouchable, Jesus...I can still appreciate—like fine art. Look, but don’t touch.

“And just think—you get to go to bed with one of them later.” Madeline unfolds her legs and hops off the couch, going to him and looping her arms around his waist, leaning back to look up at him adoringly.

“Yeah...Delaney, I’ll be over after I shower.”

I can’t help but giggle as Maddie huffs and gives Jack a smack on the arm. He bursts out laughing, raising his index finger to chalk up a point for himself. This is one of many cute little couple-y things they do.

Still chuckling, he pulls her into his arms and nuzzles her hair. It’s like they’re filled to the brim with all these glorious secrets that the world wishes they knew. Jack’s squeezing her in a strong, sweet hug, and I can practically see those secrets releasing in this giant burst of colorful butterflies.

I can be a little weird like that, imagining things—the same way I imagine things like cafés that I’ll never own. But these two are definitely butterflies and rainbows and unicorns. And ordinarily, I’d be making gagging noises—maybe even throwing up in my mouth a little, but with them—it totally works. Definitely straight-from-the-movies, makes-you-squishy-inside, warm, yummy, crazy love.

It’s perfect.

And here comes the tightness in my throat.