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Shameless Kiss: A Billionaire Possession Novel by Amelia Wilde (28)

Chapter 28


I feel like a complete asshole, showing up at the Rose like this without warning Juliet, but Gideon wanted to come here. He decided at the last moment, which is classic Gideon, and once he’s made up his mind on a whim, it’s nearly impossible to talk him out of it. I know, because I’ve tried to talk him out of jumping from more than one plane just for the thrill of it. The man is unstoppable.

I sent Juliet a few texts, but she keeps her phone in the back room when she’s working, and by the look in her eyes, she received none of them.

It’s almost as impossible to tear my eyes away from her, and the moment lingers a heartbeat too long. I open my mouth to order some bottles of wine for the table, and the manager appears at Juliet’s elbow.

“I’m so sorry for the interruption,” he says in a low tone. “But I need to borrow Juliet for a moment. She has an urgent call to take.”

Juliet’s brow wrinkles in concern, but just as quickly, the expression disappears, replaced by the unflappable expression she always wears at the Rose. “Thank you, Greg.” Then she steps away and moves toward the back. Greg replaces her without missing a beat, but my mind follows after her. Urgent call? That can only mean one thing—at least, one thing that I know about. I stay in my seat, but it takes every ounce of effort in my body.

I order the drinks. I can feel Gideon’s eyes on me, and when Greg steps away, he leans closer, eyes lit up with what they’ve both just witnessed. 

“You’re a shit liar, Wes,” he says, and I raise my eyebrows at him. “Don’t try to pretend she’s still just the waitress.”

I keep a stone-faced expression on my face for as long as I can, and then I turn to Kennedy. “Where are you two headed next?”

She narrows her eyes at me, twirling the stem of her wine glass in her fingers. “Southeast Asia. Where are you headed?”

“I’m staying right here.”

“Because of your friend Juliet?” Kennedy gives me a searching look, leaning in, her eyes wide like she’d be so flattered to hear my secrets.

“What has this man done to you?” I give her the same look, then shake my head, feigning disapproval. “It’s like he’s recruited you to harass me when we’re out for a nice dinner and drinks. This is the last time I agree to come out with you if I’m just going to get the third degree.”

Both of them laugh, Kennedy leaning in toward Gideon, and the way she looks at him—her eyes filled with love—makes my heart twist in my chest. I want to be able to look into Juliet’s eyes like this, even if we are at the Rose.

At this moment, I’m most concerned about whatever this urgent call is. I’m dying to go after her. 

Greg reappears with the wine, pouring out the three glasses at the same time he’s introducing us to another waitress. This one is wearing a black dress similar to Juliet’s, her face expertly enhanced with makeup, but this one is a redhead like Kennedy and has a bubbly personality. “Kimberly will be taking care of you for the rest of your evening,” Greg says, and maybe I imagine it, but his eyes linger on me for just a second too long. Then he’s gone, without any further explanation.

The look on my face must give me away, even though I’m doing my damn best to keep it under control, because the moment Kimberly steps away to place Gideon’s order for a cheese plate to start, he looks at me with none of his characteristic playfulness. “Are you going to go after her or what?”

“I don’t know—”

He snaps his fingers together a foot from my face. “Shut your mouth, Wes, and go see what’s wrong. I’d be curious as hell, too, if the roles were reversed.

“Keep your mouth shut.” He gives me a nod like he knows what I mean, but Gideon’s not the kind of man to strike up gossip with the new waitress. Not for as long as I’ve known him, anyway. He covered for me with professors more than once when I couldn’t bounce back from one of his wild adventures at the local bars.

I stand up and move toward the entrance at a leisurely pace, like I’m just heading for the restrooms in the lobby, except that my heart is hammering in my chest.

Juliet is almost to the door, her bag slung over her shoulder, and she’s moving fast.


It’s all I can do not to shout after her, and she turns at the sound of her name, irritation flashing in her eyes. Then her expression softens, conveying a mix of concern and cold determination. Her eyes flick back over my shoulder, and then she steps out the door, cocking her head to the side like I wasn’t going to follow her.

Out on the sidewalk, she looks up and down the street for a cab. “I can’t talk right now.”

This isn’t the Juliet of the past few days, and I step to her side, putting my hand against the small of her back. “I don’t think that’s an option, angel.”

She leans into me, just an inch, and then turns under my hand. “I have to get to Overbrook, and I have to go alone.”

I pull out my phone from my pocket and send a single text, which will have Dave pulling the car around in a matter of moments. “All right.” Her eyes go wide. “Dave will be pulling up to the curb in two minutes. He’ll take you there and bring you back.”

“You—” Juliet shakes her head a little bit, like she can’t believe the words coming out of my mouth. “That’s all you’re going to say?”

I put my fingers under her chin and raise her face to mine, looking into those violet eyes like they’re the most gorgeous sight I’ve ever seen. They’re certainly tied with a few other parts of her flawless body. “You belong to me, Juliet James. For another eleven days. This comes with the package.”

She laughs a little, worry still clouding her face. “I’d have thought you’d insist on coming.” 

“And leave my guests behind?” Her lips press into a thin line. “Angel, I’d leave in an instant if you asked me to come with you, but I know you’ll come home as soon as you’re done. I know you will, because you’re mine.”

A relieved expression washes over her face. Dave pulls the town car up to the curb and gets out, rushing around to open the door for Juliet. She leans in and presses her lips against mine, a fleeting kiss that sends hot waves of lust coiling through my gut. Damn, I wish I could take her away right now. Her lips drop open like she’s going to say something, but then she must decide that words wouldn’t be enough because she turns and steps into the car.

“Tell me how he is, angel.”

She nods, just once, and then Dave closes the door behind her. He meets my eyes, a little grin on his face. “I’ll keep in touch.”

“Do that.”

Then they’re both gone, the car speeding off into the night.