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She Thinks My Dragon's Sexy: MacAllen Clan (Dragon Guard Book 35) by Julia Mills (21)

Chapter Twenty-One



“Alright, for those of us who’ve been on our honeymoon, can you slow down?” J.D., Gage’s younger brother asked as he pulled Dax, his mate, closer and kissed her on the cheek. “And start with the Berserker that was frozen in ice. Who is he and where the hell did he run off to?”

“Carrick and Zachary are working on that,” Owen answered. “Apparently two of the Berserkers have resurfaced and they’re trying to track them down and get some information. But as you can imagine, they’re laying low. They never were the most trusting bunch but after three centuries only the Universe knows how they are.”

“Well, shit, see what happens when we go away, Hun?” J.D. teased right before Dax sighed, “Heavens forbid you might not know everything first, ya’ crazy Dragon.”

Elle wondered if she and Gage looked as starry eyed and in love as Dax and J.D. They were so damned cute together, finishing each other’s sentences and giggling at their own private jokes.

Lost in her thoughts, Elle gasped as Gage’s arm wound around her waist before he kissed her on the neck and whispered, “I’m gonna let you take this explanation.” He kissed her again and this time she felt him smile against her skin as he added, “And, just so ya’ know, we look way cuter than they do.”

Rushing on, trying to hide her embarrassment, Elle cleared her throat and began, “The Psônen originally entered aboriginal history when the Abenaki saw a large bird, sort of like an eagle but with blue wings, who they believed possessed the ability to make it snow.”

“And that’s how it became known as the Snow Bringer,” Colton, the youngest of the MacAllen brothers and by far the most cantankerous piped up, giving his oldest brother a cocky look.

Trying to keep the peace, because she’d seen what those boys were capable of when left to their own devices, Elle nodded as she gave Colton a wink and agreed, “You are right.” Patting Gage’s hand and mentally telling him to chill out and not cause a seen, she continued, “As the story goes, the Rain Bird was given dominion over all the birds in the Great Creator’s kingdom. He even went so far as to name her the Bringer of Life. Conversely, the Psônen was given the title of the Purveyor of Death.”

“For many years, they lived together in harmony, but all too soon, the Psônen began wanting more. It wasn’t satisfied only being in control of the snow and death and figured if it could kill the Rain Bird and take her powers, it would then have dominion over all, from the beginning to the end, the rain and the snow, the night and the day.”

“But what the Psônen didn’t know was that the Great Creator had planned for every occasion.” A gravelly, wizened voice spoke as the man she knew from pictures to be Cheveyo Thornhill entered the room.

Closely behind was a beautiful woman Elle immediately recognized as Barbara MacAllen, Gage’s mother, and bringing up the rear was Elle’s Great Uncle Mac. Stepping out of her mate’s arms, she met Mac halfway, hugging him as tightly as he hugged her, happy to be reunited with her only remaining blood relative.

Stepping back, she smiled and nodded as Cheveyo held his arms open, winking, “If you’ll hug that ugly Chief than I know you’ll hug one as handsome as me.”

Laughing out loud as she accepted an embrace from one of the most famous Cherokee Chiefs alive, Elle teased, “Gage better be careful. I do have a thing for distinguished gentlemen.”

Releasing his hug but keeping his hands on her upper arms, Cheveyo looked over her shoulder and nodded, “See here, young man, your mate knows a catch when she sees one.”

A warm hand, one she immediately knew belonged to her mate, landed on her shoulder as Gage cleared his throat and teasingly warned, “Watch out there, Old Man. This little Rain Bird is spoken for.”

Throwing back his head, Cheveyo’s hands dropped from her arms as his laughter filled the room. With everyone joining in, Elle was sure story time was over when much to her surprise, the old Chief urged, “Please continue. I’m sorry for interrupting.”

“But he just can’t resist a chance to jump in and show off,” the gorgeous woman with long, dark hair and bright blue eyes joked before opening her arms wide and adding, “And how about a hug for your soon to be mother-in-law?”

Memories of what it was like to have true family filled Elle’s mind as the love she felt coming from every single person in the room filled her heart. Not only had she been blessed with a mate, but also a family and it felt nothing short of wonderful.

As soon as everyone had settled, Elle laid her hand over her mother’s pendant and began again. “Like Cheveyo said, the Great Creator always has and always will plan for everything and this time was no different.”

Laying her free hand over Gage’s on her shoulder, she felt not only his strength but that of all her ancestors fill her spirit as she explained, “He made sure that not only the spirit but also the magic and strength of each of the Rain Birds who have gone before found its place in this simple pendant.”

Clearing her throat, promising herself she wouldn’t cry, she went on, “And then he and the Universe worked together to make me for Gage and Gage for me, each the perfect complement to the other. Now, I know you’re thinkin’ that I’m just being a sappy woman, and you might be right – at least partly, if there wasn’t this little thing called a prophecy that the Great Creator’s Messenger delivered to me not long before I made the trip back here, back home…to my mate.”

“She simply said…”

“Fire to destroy. Water to cleanse. Love to create. The Blessing to sustain,” she and Gage said in unison.

“It wasn’t until that blue feathered freak resurrected for the second time that I understood what the Messenger meant.” She looked over her shoulder and smiled at her wonderful mate. “But now I know and dammit all, I couldn’t be happier.”

“Alright, alright, enough of the mushy stuff,” Tree rolled his eyes while pretending to be disgusted. “Can we please eat before I lose my appetite?”

As the room once again erupted in laughter, Elle only had eyes for her Dragon as she willingly went into his arms and kissed him with all the love in her heart.


After talking to Dax, her soon-to-be sister-in-law and Barbara, Elle was more excited than ever to make her and Gage’s mating ceremony a beautiful culmination of everything they were together. She even convinced Jodie to pay top dollar for a next day flight to be there on time. Everything was perfect.

Staying up until all hours the night before hadn’t been the best decision she’d ever made, but it was so worth it when Barbara finished taking in the gown Elle’s mother had worn for her mating ceremony. It somehow completed the circle and was the perfect icing on the cake for the couple’s special day.

Wearing the simple elegant, floor-length gown made of cream-colored silk with purple and blue crystals along the neckline and decorated with tiny bronze flames Barbara had meticulously added, she walked out of the MacAllen’s home and stood at the edge of Barbara’s garden. Loving the natural feel of the entire MacAllen Ranch, Elle had asked that everything be left just as it was and Gage had quickly agreed.

Standing just inside the white picket gate, tilting her head towards the cloudless sky, Elle let her eyes slide shut and silently prayed, “Thank you for the blessing of this day, Great Creator. May my Dragon and I always keep our eyes upon the horizon and our hearts open to one another for I know it is your fondest wish.”

Opening her eyes, expecting to see the sun in all its glory, her breath caught in her lungs as she took in billowy images of her mother, father, and sister. Trying her best not to cry even though her eyes filled with tears, she felt as if she could fly without wings when her father’s voice sounded in her mind. “Today and always, we are with you, Little Chicken. Your Dragon is an honorable man and fierce warrior, together you two will have a bright and wonderful forever. Always trust your heart and you’ll never go wrong. We love you, Elle, and will for all time.”

Watching as they faded out of sight, she dropped her watery gaze to the fountain in the middle of the garden just as Cheveyo entered from the side wearing the traditional dress of their Tribe with Mac, also appropriately dressed, following behind.

Gripping her bouquet of red tulips that she found on the pillow beside her head when she woke up with a note that read, “You are the light to my darkness, the feathers to my scales, and the only one I want to spend forever with. All my love, today, tomorrow, and forever, Gage.” she breathed a sigh of relief when J.D., Zach, Tree, Colton, Heath and Junior filed in through a pair of perfectly manicured flowering shrubs with Owen leading the bunch.

Wish Jed could’ve been here, but duty called and he answered…

It had been such a surprise when Gage invited Junior to stand up with his brothers. Her Dragon didn’t care that it was breaking tradition, he knew she wanted her old friend there and he made it happen.

Grinning from ear-to-ear and cracking jokes, the MacAllen boys winked in her direction and tipped their heads as if they were tipping an imaginary hat. She’d never had brothers and couldn’t wait to get to know each of them better, however, all thought was stolen from her brain as Gage stepped into view looking damn near good enough to eat.

Dressed just like his dad and brothers in what they called a surcoat but to her looked like what she’d seen the Knights wear in the old black and white movies about King Arthur. The light woven fabric exactly matched the scales of his Dragon and the hem, neck, and shoulders were decorated with black corded trim. It made her giddy to think that in a very short time she would be finding out what was under all those clothes.

Letting her eyes roam her mate’s magnificent body, her eyes landed on the impeccable needlework on the front of his surcoat. Unable to look away, she was blown away by the perfect rendition of Gage’s Dragon flying across a cloudless sky. It was nothing short of amazing.

Looking back to Cheveyo as he cleared his throat, Elle slowly started to make her way to the front of the garden. The thick bronze runner leading to the fountain warmed the bottom of her bare feet as she drew closer and closer to the man the Universe had created for her.

Stopping next to her great uncle who had stepped forward, she laid her hand in his outstretched one, and let out the breath she’d been holding. Feeling the love and support he was lending her through their embrace, Elle smiled as Cheveyo asked, “Do you, Mac Burntwing, Peace Chief of the Burntwing Tribe, willingly and with the love only an uncle can have for his beloved niece, give your Blessing to the union of Elle to Gage?”

“I do. May they know the love and devotion promised to them by the Great Creator and the Universe.” He paused, leaned down and kissed Elle on the cheek then placed her hand in Gage’s before adding, “May all your days be filled with happiness, may the sun always shine on your path, and may your children’s children smile upon you for all the days of your life.”

“The Great Creator, the Universe, and the Goddess of All hear your Blessing, Mac Burntwing, and wish nothing but the best for you and yours,” Cheveyo nodded as he waited for Mac to take a seat behind her.

“Gage and Eleanor are here with family and friends, under the beautiful sky, the wind kissing their cheeks, and the sun shining brightly upon them to profess not only their love for one another, but their commitment to an eternity together as one for it is the greatest wish of the Creator and the Universe for these two blessed souls to live long, be happy, and know the love that can only come from one’s only true mate.”

“They’ve chosen to combine all that they are for a truly special Mating Ceremony that honors every step of their journey thus far and into the future. I stand before you, Chief of the Thorntree Wolf Clan of the Cherokee Nation and grandfather to Gage, to give you the Blessing of our Nation, our Tribe and our Clan.”

“Eleanor Anna and Gage Zachariah, may you feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. May you feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other.”

 “Now you are two people, but there is only one life before you. May beauty surround you both in the journey ahead and through all the years. May happiness be your companion and your days together be good and long upon the earth.”

“Treat yourselves and each other with respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together. Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness and kindness that your connection deserves.”

“When frustration, difficulties and fear assail your relationship, as they threaten all relationships at one time or another, remember to focus on what is right between you, not only the part which seems wrong. In this way, you can ride out the storms when clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives - remembering that even if you lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there. And if each of you takes responsibility for the quality of your life together, it will be marked by abundance and delight. This is the promise of the Great Creator and the Universe that you will have nothing but abundance and delight.”

“With the love only a grandfather can have for his grandchildren, I wish you both nothing but love and happiness. Cherish one another. Remember that faith, hope, and love are all that remains, and the greatest of these is love.”

Stepping forward, Cheveyo laid his hands upon theirs, and looking at Gage whispered, “You have been given the greatest gift a man can receive that of a mate who completes you in ways you have yet to discover. Cherish her with all that you are, Son and never will a dark cloud fall upon you and yours.”

Smiling at her, Gage winked, “I most assuredly will, Granddad. Thank you for everything.”

Next to stand before them was Owen, dressed in a bronze surcoat but on his there was not only one large Dragon, but five others. It was such a perfect representation of the MacAllen Dragons that Elle wasn’t surprised he wore it with such pride.

Nodding to them both, he looked out at their families and began, “For the Dragons, these ceremonies are traditionally open only to the Elders of the Clan and the Guardsmen of the Male’s Clan. In this case, and because his brother before him had the same, I am happier than ever to have all of our friends and families witnessing this blessed event.”

“Long ago, when Knights and Dragons fought side by side for King and Country, it became apparent that Dragon kin was no longer safe from those who would expose, exploit, and destroy them. Seeking to remain hidden but also continue the mission of the Universe to preserve not only their species but human kind, they sought to join with the Knights who had so valiantly fought by their sides for so very many years. Thus, through magic and the will of both Dragon and Knight, the Dragon Shifters were born.”

“In the infinite wisdom of the Universe and our Founding Elders, Clans were set up, one for each color of the Dragon Kings whose soul we carry within our own. Each was assigned a region in which to make their home and to protect their families. Over time, some have flourished, some have ceased to exist, and others have been born from the joining of many. As the Leader of the MacAllen Clan of the Bronze Dragons, it is an incredible honor to stand here today among family and friends, on the land my ancestors settled and have maintained for centuries. We have always lived our lives on a simple principle – Keep Creator/Universe, Family, and Love at the center of our world and none can ever come between us.”

“Gathered in the place so sacred to my family, I can feel the Universe’s unconditional acceptance of the one and only true Rain Bird, Bringer of Life, Star of the Morning, and Winged Chieftess. Although she has suffered great loss, I know in my heart that her family is now at peace and they are smiling down upon her today, proud of the woman she has become.”

“The Creator and the Universe continue to astound one and all as they bless the Dragons with extraordinary mates for the best among us. Every Dragon who finds the Light of his Soul knows how very sacred she is. It is an honor to witness the power of what the Universe and our Elders put into place at our inception. We acknowledge and bless the mating of Gage Zachariah MacAllen to the One the Universe made for him, Eleanor Anna Burntwing. Will those seeking to witness this union please step forward?”

Taking a step forward, J.D. grinned like the Dragon who found the gold as he began, “We, the Dragons of the MacAllen Clan, brothers to Gage, one and all, wish to witness and offer our blessing to one born of our blood and the mate of his heart. May their lives now and forever be a testament to all we hold dear…love, honor, and loyalty.” Turning to face only his brother, he continued, “As you are one, let your combined strength see you through many years and the children of your children’s children smile upon you.” Chuckling, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes, he added, “Having your mate at your side is better than anything you’ve ever imagined. Just keep your mouth shut and remember four very important words – Honey, you’re so right.”

Laughter rang out from everyone in attendance, but Elle ended up laughing the most as Gage’s deep baritone flowed through her mind. “Honey, you’re so right.”

Clearing his throat as loudly as possible, Owen waited until the frivolity quieted down before continuing, “The witness and blessing of each and every one of you gathered here today has been acknowledged, not only by myself, but by the Great Creator, the Universe, the Goddess of all, and the Ancients for whom we owe our very existence. It is truly a blessed event to have witnessed and officiated the Mating Ceremony of another of my sons and to have gained another wonderful daughter.”

Looking at Gage and then at her, before raising his eyes to the others for just a moment, Owen went on, “The Bronze Dragons were born of the flawless combination of Earth and Sea. They possess a charitable nature and are larger and stronger than any of the other Metallic Dragons. Their impenetrable scales protect them in battle and their ability to take the form of the Timber Wolf makes them a true enigma to their foes. Truth and honor lie at the heart of a Bronze Dragon and will always be the guiding light in his effort to be all that his mate ever needs. To mate a Bronze Dragon is to accept all that they are and honor the power shared between mates.”

“As the one and only true Rain Bird, Bringer of Life, Star of the Morning, and Winged Chieftess do you Eleanor take this man, his Dragon, and his Wolf as not only your mate but that of your miraculous Rain Bird?” Owen asked, authority and reverence ringing true in his tone.

“With all that I was, all that I am, all I will ever be, and all that we are together, I accept Gage and all that he is into my heart and my soul. I will share everything that I am with these three spectacular males every day of our lives together, both here and in the Heavens.”

Turning to her mate, Owen asked, “As a Bronze Dragon and my son, do you Gage take this woman and her Rain Bird as not only your mate but that of your Dragon and your Wolf?”

“For every day, rain or shine, fire or snow, day or night, with all that I am or all that I will ever be, I pledge to love, honor, and cherish Elle and her Rain Bird with all that I am. They will always come first, be the center of my focus, and the love of my heart.”

“Now is the time of the marking and in true MacAllen fashion, my son has something special planned for his mate. At this time, the rest of us get to eat, drink, and toast to their happiness in the big house.”

As everyone left the garden, Elle narrowed her eyes while trying to read her mate’s mind that had suspiciously closed up tight the moment Owen dismissed their friends and families. Pushing up on her toes, she whispered, “You didn’t tell me about any surprise.”

Holding her close, Gage kissed the tip of her nose as he chuckled, “’Cause then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”