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Shimmering Chaos (Enchanted Chaos Series ) by Jessica Sorensen (11)

Chapter 11

The next day passes by in a blur, and is mostly filled with practicing using my powers while we wait to hear from Emaline about the room of darkness.

After we’re done practicing, Easton decides we need to have some fun, mostly because he’s bored.

I’m learning that he’s bored a lot and likes to let everyone know when he is.

“No thanks,” Foster immediately turns down Easton’s suggestion of having a little fun and doing something crazy.

He and I are sitting on a sofa in the living room and a fire is blazing in the fireplace, the flames created by Foster’s power. Music is playing from a stereo, a song by the band Ash East Arrow. I like the sound of their music, although their pained and tortured filled lyrics make me worry how frightening some of the other worlds are.

Easton fires a playful glare at Foster as he plops down in a chair across from us. “Why the instant rejection, brother?”

Foster drapes his arm across the back of the chair. “Because, usually when you want to have fun, we end up doing something stupid like burning up an entire field or accidentally opening a portal to the Underworld.”

My eyes widen. I don’t even know why. I’ve heard so much crazy shit lately that nothing should faze me anymore. “The Underworld actually exists?”

“I love how she skipped over the fact that we accidentally opened a portal to it.” Easton kicks his feet up onto a table and tucks his hands behind his head. “Come on; let’s do something fun. I’m bored.”

Foster ignores him, looking directly at me. “The Underworld does exist, and it’s probably one of the scariest worlds there is, at least according to most of the creatures that’ve been there. And when we accidentally opened that portal, that scariness leaked into our house in the form of four grim reapers. It was intense to say the least.”

Grim reapers exist? And there’re more than one? What the actual shit?”

Chuckling, Foster places a finger underneath my chin and guides my mouth closed. “There is, but unless you play let’s-see-who-can-build-a-more-powerful-orb-of-power with Easton that conclusively results in a portal to the Underworld opening up in your living room, you probably won’t cross paths with one.” He lowers his hand to his lap. “They mostly stick to their world unless they’re collecting souls.”

“So, if I see one, then they’re probably there to collect my soul?” I ask with a shudder.

He shakes his head. “Our kind’s souls aren’t collected by reapers.”

“Then what happens when we die?” I ask, leaning back against the sofa, the back of my head ending up resting against his arm.

“When our kind die, our essences leave our bodies and return to a field a lot like the one you saw when you went into that portal with my family,” Easton answers, slanting forward in his chair and resting his arms on his knees.

“That doesn’t sound too bad, I guess,” I tell him, stretching out my legs in front of me.

“It really isn’t,” Foster says, combing his fingers through my hair. “Some also believe that, when we die, our essence reunites with the essence of the creature we love.”

The touch of his fingers in my hair is like a little massage and makes my eyelids feel heavy. “That doesn’t sound too bad at all.”

“You know what does sound bad, though?” Easton asks with a cock of his brow. “The sound of your guys’ lust flowing down the link. Seriously, turn that shit off.”

I scowl at him. “I wasn’t feeling lustful.” Was I?

“You may not have been, but this guy over here.” Easton hitches his finger in Foster’s direction.

Foster blasts his brother with a glare. “Not that shit off. Seriously. I can’t take it anymore.”

“You knock it off,” Easton quips. “It’s making me want to puke all over the floor.”

I smirk at him. “Puke on the floor. Like we care. All that will result in is you having to clean puke off the floor.”

Easton mirrors my smirk. “Like I care either. I wouldn’t even have to lift a finger to do so.” His smirk morphs into an arrogant grin as he snaps his fingers.

A shimmering wave rolls over the room, wiping the dust away and making all the furniture, walls, floor, and mantle sparkle.

Feeling a little haughty myself, I lift my hand and think about the idea of a cloud appearing above him and showering rain down on him. We practiced enough that I’m fairly sure I can do it.

As a cloud forms above him, I start to grin, but then the cloud crumbles and lands on Easton, covering him in smoky dirt.

He curses, jumping to his feet and wiping the dirt off his face. “What the hell was that?”

I pull a whoops face. “Not what I was going for, but it still sort of got the job done.”

Easton drags the back of his hand across his face, wiping away the dirt from his lips as he narrows his eyes on me. “So, you want to play dirty, do you?”

Shit. I so didn’t think this through all the way. “No, not really.”

An eerie smirk possesses his face as silver sparks of light hiss across his skin. “You probably should’ve thought about that before you dumped a cloud of dirt on me, lightning eyes.” Then he raises his hands.

Fear lashes through me. Not that I think Easton will do anything to hurt me, but I’m sure whatever he’s about to do isn’t going to be nice either.

I jump to my feet, preparing to run.

His smile broadens as he stalks toward me. “Chasing is only going to make this more fun.”

Panicking, I try to drag my powers out of me, but the panic is making the energy inside me falter. Luckily, Foster stands up and positions himself in front of me.

“Move out of my way, Fost,” Easton gripes. “I just want to play with her for a while.”

Foster crosses his arms. “No fucking way.”

“I’m not going to hurt her,” Easton says, sounding hurt.

“I know, but …” Foster takes a breath. “I just can’t let you do this, okay? It goes against all of my instincts.”

“Oh, fine. Ruin my fun.” Pouting, Easton trudges out of the room with his shoulders slumped. Right as he reaches the doorway, though, he sneaks a smile at me then snaps his fingers.

Water pours down from the ceiling and spills across me. I let out a squeal, stumbling into Foster.

“You little shit,” I growl out at Easton, water dripping down my face and soaking my clothes.

Easton takes one look at me, particularly the blue sparks zapping from my fingertips, and hightails it out of the room, laughing his ass off.

Sighing, Foster reels around toward me. “Are you okay?” He looks like he’s on the verge of laughing.

I wring my hair out. “This isn’t funny.”

“It sort of is.” His smile breaks through as I glare at him. “I’m sorry, but you did dump a cloud of dirt on him, which was pretty badass, by the way.”

“Yeah, it was, except for I was trying to make it rain on him.”

“You’ll get better,” he promises, tugging on a strand of my wet hair. “And if it makes you feel any better, the whole wet look looks really good on you.” His gaze deliberately scrolls up and down my body.

I roll my eyes, but heat rushes through me. Not wanting him to see me blush, I raise my chin and turn for the doorway.

“I’m going to change,” I announce. “And then I’m going to bed.”

“You want me to sleep with you again tonight?” The chuckling in his tone makes me want to say no. But ever since he started spending the night in my bed, nightmares of darkness have been less prominent. Plus, I like having him lay next to me, of knowing I’m not alone. Whether that makes me needy or not, I don’t have a clue.

“Yeah, fine,” I mumble, then haul ass out of the room before he can see how much I want him to sleep by me.

* * *

About an hour later, I’m showered and lounging around in my bed when a knock sounds on my door.

“Come in,” I call out, figuring it’s Foster.

But when the door opens, Easton steps inside.

He’s wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms and a grey T-shirt, and his hair is a little damp. He also appears a bit apprehensive, which seems very out of character for him.

“So,” he starts, raking his fingers through his hair and glancing around at the photos I hung up on the wall of my past life. Or well, it’s starting to feel like my past life.

When his gaze skims across one of Gage, Nina, and I having a snowball fight and laughing our asses off, a small smile tugs at his lips. “You look happy in this one.”

“I was.” I scoot to the edge of the bed, stand up, and make my way over to him. “It was a couple of years ago and my mom took the photo without us knowing… I think it was the first photo she ever took of me.” I press my lips together, suddenly aware of how true my statement is.

How did I never notice this before? That my parents never took photos of me?

Easton’s gaze glides toward me and his lips part. I wait for him to ask me questions about what I said, if my parents were shitty, but all he says is, “Your hair’s still wet.”

I fidget with the ends of the strands, running my fingers through them. “Not from the water you dumped on me. I took a shower to wash that off.” I scowl at him, but my lips threaten to turn upward.

I’m not sure why, but it’s difficult to stay pissed off at him, even after he dumped water on me. Maybe it’s because he’s usually smiling and joking around, but right now he seems extremely sedated.

“Is everything okay? You seem quiet. Plus, you’re in my room…” I leave the question hanging out there, hoping he’ll explain.

Instead he smirks.

I should’ve known better.

“Is lightning eyes worried about my wellbeing?” he teases. “I’m touched.”

I aim an unimpressed look at him and cross my arms. “I was worried about you until you opened your mouth.”

He flashes me a toothy grin, but then his smile deflates. “Actually, Fost sent me in here. Max just sent him a message and said he needed his help with something.” He makes a path around my room, examining more of the photos on the walls. “He asked me to come in here and lay down with you while you fall asleep.” He turns toward me, tapping his fingers against the sides of his legs. “I’ll only stay though if you want me to.”

He’s being oddly serious and it’s making me feel super uneasy.

“Wow, is that your way of trying to be a gentlemen?” I joke in an attempt to lighten his sullen mood.

The corners of his mouth twitch. “It’s a rare occurrence, but it sometimes happens. Like a eclipse or the stars aligning.”

My brow teases upward. “So I should consider myself lucky?”

He grins. “Absolutely.”

The uneasiness leaves me and I grin back at him. But the corners of my mouth tip downward again when he plops down onto my bed and tucks his arms behind his head, totally comfortable.

When I make no effort to join him, his lips pull up into an impish half-grin. “Don’t look at me like that. I don’t bite.”

“I have a feeling that’s a lie,” I mumble, but climb onto the other side of the bed.

He pivots onto his side, propping up onto his elbow and resting his chin against his hand. “You seem nervous,” he remarks.

I make a big show of rolling my eyes. “Why would I be nervous?”

“I have no idea,” he says with surprising seriousness. “You know, most of the stuff I say is just me messing around, right?”

With a yawn, I pull a blanket over me then stare up at the ceiling, feeling a light buzzing sensation just underneath my skin. I find it strange but relaxing, along with the faint scent of rain lingering in the air. Is it coming from him? “Yeah, why?”

“I just want to make sure you don’t think I’m being serious when I tease you. I rarely am serious.”

I tilt my head toward him. “Why is that?”

“Why is what?” He acts like he doesn’t know what I’m talking about, but I think he does.

“Why do you joke around all the time?”

“Why does anyone joke around all the time?”

“Aw, the old answering a question with a question. Usually that means someone’s hiding something.”

He dismisses me with a flick of his wrist. “Nah, I’m the most straightforward creature you’ll ever meet. I say whatever’s on my mind whenever I want.”

For the faintest instant, worry tiptoes through my veins. Worry that doesn’t belong to me. Is it the link doing it? Who feels worried? Easton?

“We should get some sleep,” he says, purposefully ending the conversation as he rolls onto his back and shuts his eyes. “It’s fucking exhausting keeping an eye on you, lightning eyes.” Hilarity rings in his tone.

“You’re equally as exhausting,” I quip, rolling onto my side.

He stays quiet, pretending to go to sleep. And yes, I know for a fact he’s pretending. I have no damn clue how. Only that I do. Maybe I would’ve asked him if tiredness hadn’t grabbed me by the hand and yanked me into dreamland.

* * *

I dream of being in a lightning bolt again, of wearing a crown on my head, only this time I’m alone.

“You’re the only one who can save them,” the lightning whispers to me. “Find the others and save them.”

“What are you talking about?” I whisper to the lightning. “Save who? And find who?”

“You’ll know what to do when the time is right.” The lightning crackles around me. “You’re the strongest one.”

“Strongest one of what?” I ask, diving farther into the lightning.

When I get no response, I feel as though my chest is going to tear apart, as if something has been stolen from me.

“Come back, please,” I whisper, tears spilling from my eyes. “Don’t leave me.”

The only response I get is silence.

* * *

“Don’t leave me,” I sputter as my eyelids spring open and I bolt upright.

Warm hands touch my shoulders. “Easy, Sky,” Foster says as he sits up in the bed beside me. “Take a deep breath.”

I obey, breathing in and out until my nerves have settled down.

The sun is rising just outside and faint soft orange-pink light filters in through the window, cascading across Foster’s face and the concern pouring from his lightning blue eyes.

“When did you climb into my bed?” I ask. “Where’s Easton?”

For the briefest instant, jealousy flashes in his eyes, and I swear I hear thunder boom in the distance. But as swiftly as the chaos happened, it grows still again.

“We traded places after I got back from helping Max with a job thing. I hope that’s okay.” He watches my reaction closely.

“It’s fine,” I assure him. “I just asked because I was confused.”

His gaze traces the angles of my face. “What were you dreaming about just barely? Darkness?”

I brush the tangled strands of my hair out of my face. “The opposite actually. I dreamt of lightning.”

A crease forms between his brows. “Really?”

I nod. “Have you ever dreamt of that before?”

He shakes his head. “I haven’t, but since lightning is our main power source, I’m guessing it’s not a bad thing to dream about it. But you seemed scared when you woke up.”

“I was just upset that the lightning left me.”

I tell him a bit more about my dream.

He taps his finger against his lips, contemplating something. “Your dreams … the way you describe them makes them sound like they’re very vivid.”

“They kind of are.” My mind briefly drifts back to the dream I had of Porter sucking something from me, of how amazing it felt, like he was actually doing it to me. Then I think of the fear I felt when the lightning left me. And then, of course, there’s the fear I feel when darkness appears in my dreams.

“I almost wonder if maybe you have an ability that materializes through your dreams.”

“What sort of ability?”

“I’m not sure, but we can talk to my parents about it when they get back. They know more about this stuff than I do.”

Speaking of his parents…

“Have you heard from either of your parents yet?” I ask, kicking the blanket off me and arching my back as I stretch.

“Yeah, actually Easton texted me a bit ago and said my mom finally got ahold of the headmistress. And she assured my mom that what happens in the room of darkness stays in the room of darkness, so unfortunately, we have to go to school today.”

“What happens in the room of darkness stays in the room of darkness, huh?” I pretend not be bummed out about having to go back to school, but I kind of am. “Sounds like the rules of Fight Club.”

“What’s Fight Club?”

“It’s a movie.” I pause. “Do you guys watch those?”

“We do occasionally, but honestly, we’re pretty busy with practicing sessions, school, jobs, and helping take care of our world when we need to. We barely have time to do ordinary things.”

“I kind of got that already. And I’m sure having me around is making it worse.”

“Having you here is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.” Quickly stroking his fingers across my cheekbone, he withdraws his hand and scratches at his cheek. “I need to go shower and get ready for school.” He wets his lips with his tongue, hesitating, then a grin spreads across his lips. “Want to shower with me?”

I give him an unimpressed look, but my lips fight to turn upward. “You know, you’re getting as bad as Easton.”

“Hey, I heard that!” Easton shouts from outside my bedroom door. “And that’s a good thing! It means he’s finally getting some fucking game!”

“He’s such a drama queen,” Foster mutters, his cheeks a little flushed.

“You know, him and my friend Nina would probably get along really well.” I climb out of bed, tugging at the hem of my shirt. “She’s equally as dramatic. Then again, they might just end up killing each other.”

“Probably the latter. East doesn’t usually play nice with others like him. He needs to be the center of attention.”

“I hate that.”

“Me, too.”

We share a smile, and then he heads to leave.

I almost hate to see him go. Being around him is starting to get so comfortable.

“Foster,” I call out as he opens the door. He pauses, glancing back at me with his brows knit. “Thanks for sleeping with me again.” As soon as the words leave my lips, I blush while Foster grins. “I mean, thanks for … You know what? Never mind.”

Chuckling, he walks back toward me and sweeps a strand of my hair out of my eyes. “Thanks for sleeping with me, too.” He winks then leaves the room, laughing under his breath.

Sighing at my spazzy-ness, I close the door then grab a pair of jeans and a black top with boots to match. Then I head out of my room and into the bathroom to take a shower. Once I’m dressed and my hair is done, I wander downstairs to make my own breakfast, something I’ve been promising myself I’m going to start doing. But, as with every day this week, when I enter the room, Charlotte has already made breakfast.

Easton and Foster are already there too, which is a bit odd. Usually, they take longer than me to get ready.

Foster hands me a plate stacked with French toast as I walk in. “Breakfast is on the go today.” He grabs his bag from off the counter and slings the handle onto his shoulder. His hair is a bit damp, and he’s rocking dark jeans and a black T-shirt. “We have to be at the school a little early because Easton has practice.”

I glance at Easton, who’s stuffing his mouth with French toast. “Practice for what?” I ask him curiously.

“Cheerleading.” He grins, looking pretty pleased with himself. “I look amazing in a skirt.”

I restrain a smile, putting on my best dead serious expression. “I can actually see that.”

His brow meticulously elevates. “You think I seem like the cheerleading type and that I’d look good in a skirt?”

“Yeah, you seem really peppy, and I bet you’re legs look super cute in those uniforms.” I grin when he gives me a disgusted look.

“I’m going to pay you back for that one,” he warns with a smirk as he hitches his bag over his shoulder. “For the record, though, my practice is for the water team.”

“Is that like a fancy word for swimming?” I ask, quickly dumping more syrup onto my French toast.

“Nope. It’s water shape-shifting.” When my eyes grow huge, a pleased grin etches across Easton’s face as he steps toward me. “You should come watch me. I’m really good at it. Plus, you’ll get to see me shirtless, so that’s a bonus.”

More than curious to see what water shape-shifting looks like, I nod. “Okay, I will. It actually sounds really fun.”

His eyes dance with amusement. “Me being shirtless?”

“Nah, that part I’m not looking forward to at all,” I give a shudder.

“I know you’re full of shit. I can tell you think I’m sexy.” Grinning, he stuffs a piece of French toast into his mouth. The entire damn thing. Then he wipes off his hands and deliberately reaches for the hem of his shirt. “I can take it off for you right now. You don’t have to wait.”

For a flickering, very stupid, instant, my lips stay zipped. But as he starts to lift up his shirt, I pull my head out of my ass and my lips part with a snarky remark. But Foster interrupts me.

“We should get going or you’re going to be late,” he tells Easton, then lines his palm to the small of my back and urges me toward the doorway.

“Yes, Mom.” Easton strolls toward the doorway, calling over his shoulder, “Don’t worry, lightning eyes, you’ll still get to see me shirtless sometime.”

“No thanks,” I say. “I don’t want to risk my retinas getting burned from seeing, what I’m betting is a very pasty, hairy, skinny chest.

“Ha! My chest is far from pasty, hairy, or skinny.” Right before he exits the room, he spins around and lifts up the hem of his shirt, flashing me.

Good lord, he’s not lying. His chest and abs are lean and toned and tan and hairless and… Is that a tattoo?

“See sexy.” He drags his hand across his chest and abs and I hurriedly look away.

“No, it’s not—”

He walks out before I can finish, looking pretty damn cocky.

“He’s so annoying,” I grumble, shifting the handle of my bag higher onto my shoulder.

“Yeah, he is.” Foster quietly sighs, then steers me out of the kitchen and into the foyer.

I get the weirdest vibe that he’s… disappointed in me?

He stays rather quiet as he collects his car keys from off the table. Then he puts eye drops in my eyes and his. The silence only grows as we head outside and get into the car. I expect Easton to break the silence, since he’s such a chatterbox, but he’s busy texting on his phone for most of the drive. The longer the silence stretches, the more I sense something is off between the two brothers. And the feeling is flowing through the link, which means they’re probably too distracted to block me out. I can’t figure out what’s bothering them, though, and it starts to drive me crazy. So does the silence.

As we’re cruising down the road and I’m stuffing my face with French toast and drowning in the feeling of off balance between the two of them, Foster’s stomach suddenly lets out the loudest rumble.

I pause mid-bite, latching onto the opportunity to break the maddening silence. “Are you hungry?” I ask him.

He shakes his head. “Nah, I’m good.”

“He’s so full of shit. He didn’t eat breakfast,” Easton tells me, sliding forward in the seat and putting his phone away.

I secretly breathe in relief at the noise. Thank god. I don’t think I could’ve dealt with their silent tension for much longer.

I move the forkful of French toast I was about to eat toward Foster’s mouth. “Here. Have some of mine.”

“I’m good,” Foster insists. “I’ll just grab something from the vending machines.”

I leave the fork right where it is. “Just take the bite. There’s more than enough on this plate.”

His gaze slides to mine, and then he reluctantly opens his mouth and I stick the French toast in it, getting a glob of syrup on his lips. He licks it up, looking at me for an unnerving amount of time before focusing back on the road.


“You’re welcome.” I take another bite then feed him the next one, doing it over and over again as we near the school.

“You guys are disgustingly cute,” Easton finally whines. “Seriously, you’re going to turn into one of those lovey-dovey couples, aren’t you?”

Couple? We’re not a couple. We’re just friends.

Sure, we hold hands a lot, and he sleeps in my bed. Not to mention I just fed him breakfast. None of those things I ever did with Nina or Gage …

Shit, we kind of do act like a couple.

But I’m not sure what I want to be with Foster. Honestly, I don’t know what I want at all. Everything is so new to me.

“We’re not …” I trail off as Foster slows the car down at the end of at least a half-mile-long line of cars backed up from the school’s gated entrance.

“What’s going on?” I ask, putting the plate down on the dashboard and scooting forward in the seat.

Foster shoves the car into park. “I have no idea, but we need to find out because this looks sketchy as hell.”

“Yeah, I know.” Easton fishes his phone out of his pocket. “Let me text Jane. She always gets here really early and might know what’s up. Although, she was ignoring my other texts this morning. Hopefully, she’ll respond this time. I think she might be pissed off at me.”

Foster surveys the line of cars in front of us with concern. His worry makes me anxious, which causes the clouds to react as a storm blows in and sends rain down on us.

“Shit,” Foster mumbles, his gaze gliding to me as someone honks a horn. “Sky, you need to calm down. If the storm gets too bad, everyone’s going to start wondering what’s causing it. Just take a deep breath, okay?”

Dammit! I’d been doing so much better lately. I thought I was starting to get the hang of controlling my powers.

“I’m sorry,” I tell him. “I don’t know why I’m losing control of them so badly right now.”

“You’re fine. Just keep taking deep breaths.” Foster shuts off the engine, twists to face me, and cups my face between his hands, his skin warm against mine. “Just try to focus on being calm, like when we were in the bathroom the other day and your powers were at peace.”

“But we built a little world when that happened,” I remind him, draping my hand over my waist.

“I’ll make sure nothing builds this time,” he swears, his gaze intense. “Just take a few deep breaths and focus on connecting with my powers. It’ll be good practice for you, okay?”

I nod and do as he instructs. Air in. Air out. Calm. Calm. Calm. Feel the energy around me, so connected to it …

He watches me as he skims his fingers along my cheekbones, the touch having a calming effect on me. The rain shushes, the clouds parting again and letting sunlight kiss the world.

“See? No more storm. No more fear.” One side of his mouth tugs upward into a gorgeous half-smile. “You’re so good at this. You know that? Seriously, I bet, in just a couple of months, you’ll be better than I am.”

“I’m not that great,” I tell him. “You’re just good at telling me what to do.”

“Maybe we’re just good together,” he suggests, tangling his fingers through my hair.

“Dude, if you two are going to make out for the first time, please don’t do it in front of me,” Easton breaks the moment like … well, like only Easton can. “And do us all a favor and try to block out that sexual tension between you two. It’s beyond uncomfortable knowing how much you guys want to screw each other.” He throws a joking smile at us, but I detect a hint of tension in his eyes.

What’s going on? Because something weird definitely is.

“Maybe you shouldn’t listen to it then,” I quip with a sugary sweet smirk. “I’m sure it’s happened enough times at this point that you can just block them out if you want to.”

Easton’s lips span into a mischievous grin as he slants closer to me. “You do realize you just admitted you want to fuck Foster, right?”


I replay what I just said.


I face the window, letting my hair veil my flushing cheeks. “That’s not what I meant.”

“You’re such an asshole sometimes, East,” Foster grumbles, and I can feel his gaze boring into me. “Sky, just ignore him. You know he gets off on it, especially when he makes you blush.”

“I know.” But I’m unable to look either of them in the eyes.

Not until my cheeks stop feeling like they’re going to erupt into flames.

Foster fixes his finger underneath my chin then angles my head toward him. “It’s okay. You don’t need to be embarrassed. It’s just Easton and I in here with you and neither of us care.”

“That’s easy for you to say. You’re not the one who embarrassed yourself a ton of times around me.” I shift in the seat, scratching my wrist. “I, on the other hand, have embarrassed myself a lot around you. Like the first time we spoke, amongst many other times. And all the times I asked you to sleep with me.”

He drops his hand to his lap, and his gaze descends as he mutters, “The first time we spoke … it didn’t happen like you think it did.”

I recall something he said to me the other night about liking me. “What do you mean?”

His eyes flicker with light as he looks up at me. “When you approached me that day, it wasn’t the first time—”

“No, no, no, no, no,” Easton blurts out as he grips the life out of his phone. “Fost, we have to go. Now.”

Foster rips his gaze off me. “Why?”

Panic flares in Easton’s eyes. “Jane just texted me back, and apparently, a whole army of hunters showed up earlier today, through portals, took over the school, and trapped everyone already inside.”

My heart thunders inside my chest, and above, the sky booms. But they are too preoccupied to notice.

Calm down, Sky. Panicking isn’t going to help.

“Dammit,” Foster growls out, strangling the life out of the steering wheel. “How the hell did they get access to portals?”

“I have no damn idea,” Easton shakes his head. “But we’re lucky we were running late today or we might’ve been locked in there, too.”

Foster hurries and revs up the engine. “Does the council know or are they still being silent?”

“I have no idea.” Easton yanks his fingers through his hair, the strands sticking up. “This is bad, Fost. Really bad. We need to get the hell out of here and then message Mom.”

Foster presses on the gas, backing up a bit. “Why didn’t anyone warn us about this before we showed up here? And everyone else for that matter?”

“Because no one on the outside of the school knows what’s going on yet,” Easton explains, his gaze tracking the land and cars around us. “Everyone who made it inside the school has been put on lockdown and can’t communicate with anyone outside. The only reason Jane could text me is because of her gift.”

“What’s her gift?” I work to breathe evenly, to not freak the hell out.

“Controlling energy that flows through electronic devices,” Easton explains then glances worriedly at Foster. “But she said the hunters put a blocking spell up around the school and it’s making everyone’s powers weak. She could barely get the text out to me, and that’s why she wasn’t answering any of my messages earlier.” He slumps in the seat, his jaw working from side to side. “Everyone’s just trapped in there with them. We need to do something. We’re more powerful than them. There has to be a way to overthrow them.”

Foster glances at the school then back at Easton. “Send out a text to everyone you know and those on the school’s directory. That way, no one else will go inside. Then message Mom and send out an emergency signal to everyone we trust. Tell them we need to gather somewhere and make a plan on how we’re going to get into the school. We’re going to have to be careful since, once we get inside those walls, we won’t be able to use our powers.” He cranes the wheel to turn the car around. “What I don’t get is why the hunters are here and how they suddenly got in the school. Are they gathering subjects for the experiments or is it for another reason? And how did they even get in with all the spells around this place …? They shouldn’t have been able to, even through a portal.”

Rain drips down and splatters against the dirt as my fear elevates and my control nosedives. I don’t know what to say. What to do. And this overwhelming helplessness is consuming me. I want to be stronger. I want to be as powerful as Foster believes I am—as I want to be. But I’m not there yet and I’m panicking. And I don’t think it’s just my own panic I’m feeling…

No, I’m fairly positive I can feel Easton’s and Foster’s too.

My heart thunders in my chest. So does the sky. But neither of them seem to notice.

“Unless something powerful tore the protection spells down,” Foster says abruptly as he backs up the car as far as it’ll go. “Can you ask Jane if something else is in there with them?”

“No … the connection’s lost.” Easton’s fingers are hovering over his phone screen. “I’ll text Mom and Dad and let them know. Maybe they’ll be able to give us a few ideas.”

Foster shoves the shifter into drive. “You should send a text to our brothers, too, just in case the hunters plan on trying to raid more places. Tell them to meet us at the house for now. We have enough protection spells up that we should be safe there for a bit. At least until we can figure out what’s going on.”

Easton stops typing and glances up at Foster. “You don’t think the hunters are after us, do you?” His gaze travels toward the school then to the line of vehicles, some of which are trying to turn around. “Maybe they’re trying to capture us. It’d be easier to do while we are here and not around our family.”

“You don’t think they’re after me, do you?” I interrupt. When Foster tosses a questioning look at me, I add, “A couple of nights ago, I had a dream with hunters and darkness in it, and darkness said they were coming to get me. And since you said maybe I have some sort of ability connected to my dreams …” I shrug, unsure if I’m overthinking things or not or where I’m even going with this.

“Usually dreams of darkness are just dreams, little taunting whispers that feed off your fears, which might be why the hunters were in it. But I’ve been wondering why your dreams are so vivid …” Fear unexpectedly flickers in Foster’s eyes. “Fuck, what if you have a dream seer ability? It’s rare, but …” Shaking his head, he shifts the car’s gears and presses down on the gas, suddenly seeming more frantic to get out of here.

“What is that?” I ask loudly over the rumble of the engine. “A dream seer ability?”

“The ability for others to visit your dreams and you can visit dreams as well,” Easton explains, gripping onto the back of my seat as the car lurches forward. “No one can touch you while you’re there, but they can send you messages and talk to you if they realize they’re in your dreams or you’re in theirs.”

Well, that sounds weird and creepy. “I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before.”

“Some of the more powerful abilities manifest later in life, and since your powers have been so restrained with that wall around you that’s now cracking, things might just be surfacing. Plus, you’re so damn powerful …” Fear rises across Foster’s face and pours through me. “We need to get the fuck out of here.”

But the truck parked behind us, the SUV in front of us, and the steep drop off on one side of the road makes it complicated for him to get his car turned around. It doesn’t help that I started a rainstorm that’s muddying the land.

As the tires spin in the wet dirt, Foster lets out a string of curses. “Shit.” He throws the car in reverse again and tries to back up, but the tires can’t get traction. Sighing, he meets my gaze. “Sky, baby, I know this is really fucking scary, but you have to try to calm down and let the sun through to dry up the ground, okay?”

“I’m trying. But I can’t get it to stop …” I pause, question marks popping up everywhere. “Did you just call me baby?”

His eyes slightly widen. “Yeah, sorry. It accidentally slipped out. I think Porter is rubbing off on me or something.”

“Does he call people baby a lot?” I flinch as hail plinks against the glass.

He nods, peering up at the cloudy sky with a frown. “That and honey and sweetheart and every other cheesy endearment possible.” His gaze shifts back to me, and then he unbuckles his seatbelt. “We need to calm you down.” He reaches for me. To do what, who knows, but probably something that requires a lot of touching.

But I never do find out because Easton shouts, “No, what we need is a fucking portal!” His eyes are fastened on something on the other side of the windshield. “Now!”

I turn to see what has him panicking, only to regret that I ever looked.

Tendrils of shadowy smoke have curled across the land, so thick I can barely see anything. Just like the other night in my dream.

“Darkness,” I whisper in horror.

Foster pales as he stares at me, terror possessing him, as if he suddenly sees me in a different light, as if he’s afraid of me.

I prepare myself to be kicked out of the car. After all, the guys have stressed more than a few times that they’ll do whatever it takes to protect their brothers. If darkness is after me, then they’ll be safe if they ditch me.

When Foster splays his fingers across my cheek, I flinch.

“We’re going to get you out of here,” he promises. “Nothing is going to happen to you, but I need you to stay as calm as possible, okay?”

I nod, relief washing over me like the rain outside.

“As lovely as this little moment is, we need to go,” Easton warns. “Now, Romeo.”

Foster’s and my attention snaps back to the window, and then we freeze in horror.

The tendrils of smoke are close; wisps of evil reaching for our car.

“Drive forward into the field while I try to work on creating a portal.” Easton’s palms ignite with vibrant silver flames while droplets of water dew on his skin.

Foster slams his foot down on the gas, and the tires spin before the car jerks forward, ramping off the edge of the road and bottoming out in the field. My seatbelt locks from the impact, my teeth clanking together as my jaw pops.

“Everyone, hang on!” Foster shouts out a little too late.

Still, I clutch the sides of the seat and hold on as he gives the car gas. But with the muddy ground, we’re not speeding up very quickly and the darkness is gaining on us, reaching for the car.

“My queen, can you hear me?” Darkness laughs inside my mind. “Join me now. If you don’t, you’ll die.”

“Shut up.” I throw my hands over my ears, trying to block it out, but the laughter only grows louder.

“Block it out, Sky,” Foster begs as he speeds toward the trees. “Don’t let it get to you, okay?”

“I’m trying.” But darkness is seeping into the cracks of my mind, spinning a web of doubt and calling to a power I never thought I had, a darkness in my veins that begs to spread a plague across the land.

“East, how’s the portal coming?” Foster guides a hand away from my ear then tangles his fingers through mine, his touch sparking heat through my veins and making the darkness within me flicker.

“I’m trying to get one up, but I think—”

Easton curses over the crackling of sparks.

“Fuck! I think the darkness is messing with my powers.”

Foster’s gaze zips to the side of me, and fear reflects in his eyes. “Well, block it out.”

“I’m trying!” Easton shouts. “But it’s fucking powerful, like it’s the goddamn god himself or something …” He trails off, gulping. “What if it is the god of darkness himself? Because it feels really, really powerful, man … Like the end of the world.”

“But, why would he be here …?” Fear abruptly pulsates off Foster as he glances over his shoulder at Easton while continuing to floor the car across the field. “You don’t think that maybe when Mom talked to the headmistress, the hunters had already taken over the school, do you? Because, if so, she may have lied about the room of darkness being secure.”

A slamming heartbeat of silence goes by.

“We need to get her the hell out of here,” Easton whispers, his wide eyes landing on me.

My body turns to ice, goosebumps sprouting across my flesh.

The god of darkness is here?

For me?

It knows what I am.

I’m going to die.

“You’re not going to die,” Foster vows to me, leaving me to wonder if I said my thoughts aloud or sent my feelings down the link. “I won’t let that happen.” His gaze sears into me and, down the link, I feel that he means what he says.

That he’ll do whatever he can to stop me from dying.

But I hate how helpless I feel.

Maybe if I unleashed some of my powers, I could hurt darkness—

Foster’s gaze darts to something behind me.

I turn my head to see what he’s looking at, and my heart nearly stops.

The tendrils have found us and are brushing against the car, working to get into the cracks of the windows and vents.

I open my mouth to scream as one squeezes through the vent and billows toward me, reaching for me, wanting to drag me into the darkness where I’ll use my power for only bad, for—

Foster swats it away. Then, keeping one hand on the steering wheel, he uses his other hand to cup the back of my head. When his gaze melds with mine, remorse fills his eyes. “I’m so sorry about this.”

Fear whiplashes through me as I prepare to be shoved out of the car, but instead he glances at Easton.

“Take ahold of her hand,” he tells him in a strained tone.

Easton hesitates, giving Foster a strange, shocked look.

“Just do it,” Foster repeats tightly.

Swallowing hard, Easton reaches out and slips his fingers through mine.

Confusion whips through me as Foster’s eyes lock on mine. Sparks are showering in his pupils as he pulls me toward him and crashes his lips against mine. I gasp as he sweeps his tongue into my mouth and deepens the kiss. My hold on Easton’s hand tightens as heat spills through my veins, pulsating through me, and my heart rate quickens. My chest warms, glowing with heat, and sparks zap through my body as his power mixes with mine. The potency of it is so overpowering that I swear I’m going to ignite.

“Let your power out,” Foster breathes against my lips. “Let it all the way out. Don’t be afraid. It’s like creating our own little world again, only it’s going to be a portal. I know you can do it. You’re fucking powerful. We’re powerful. More powerful than him. Do you understand?”

I nod, even though I’m not fully sure I believe him. But I do what he says and just let everything go. Let everything I’ve ever felt all out. Let it connect with the world. With the elements.

When he kisses me again, Easton’s hand constricts on mine and water spills across my skin. I feel Foster’s power and Easton’s all the way through me. I feel the power of the kiss. And, as a bright ball of blue light abruptly pierces the air and swallows up the darkness, and us right along with it, I wonder if my powers and freed emotions swallowed up the entire world.

“You may have escaped me this time, Sky, but I will find you,” darkness whispers to me. “And either you can join me or you’ll join the other gods and goddesses.”

I scream before silence overtakes me.