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Shutdown Player New by dlady (16)

Chapter 16—Top-Shelf Goal

Steph hid out at Vi and Matt’s house all day Saturday, nursing her wounds and tolerating the parade of friends who came to check on her. Obviously, the word had spread. Izzy and Riley came first with breakfast for all of them, followed by Avery and Amelia. Last up was Bella, who was ready to do battle. Steph calmed Bella down and, in the process, calmed herself down.

As much as she wished they’d all leave her alone, her heart warmed at her new friends’ concern. Rather than being annoyed, Steph was touched. She’d never had this many people care for her so sincerely since she’d left the protection of her family home and stepped into a world she’d never imagined.

Jared called or texted every hour or two, asking how she was. He was worried, and Steph tried to lay his fears to rest. She was going to be okay. She was stronger than she’d ever imagined, and Jared’s concern bolstered her courage. She could do this. She could break free. She could have a new life.

The sisters invited her to tea on Sunday and wouldn’t take no for an answer. They sent Giles with the car, a classic Bentley limo, or so Giles told her. Steph didn’t know her cars. All she knew was the limo was beautiful and old. They didn’t make cars like that anymore.

The sisters were unusually chatty as they served tea in delicate cups. Giles hovered in the corner rather than leaving the room, as if needing to protect them. It was super sweet.

Popping one of the delicate cookies in her mouth, Steph savored the bite-sized morsel before swallowing and wiping her mouth carefully with a white linen napkin.

“Are you sure you’re okay with Jared and I being together?” She needed to clear the air with them.

“Oh, that?” Agnes waved her jewelry-clad hand in the air. “Silly, silly girl.”

Iona poured another cup of tea, placed a cube of sugar in it, and sipped. “Agnes, would you like a refill?”

“I’d love one.” Agnes held out her cup, waiting patiently while Iona poured. Steph looked from one to the other, frustrated and confused. What was wrong with these two? Were they losing their minds or toying with her?

“Do you want me to give notice?” Steph asked.

The two sisters exchanged perplexed looks and then refocused their attention on Steph.

“Why ever for?” Iona asked.

“Because I’m dating Jared.” Steph fought to keep the exasperation from her voice and failed. She glanced at Giles, hoping for some assistance from him, but he was stone-faced except for a slight twitch at one corner of his mouth. He found this amusing, and she had no clue why.

“Stephanie, we don’t want you to go,” Iona said.

“I know you said you were okay with it, but I signed something.”

“You’re Jared’s match. We’ve known it all along,” Agnes said.

“You did? Why did you ask me to interview him? And why did you insist he interview me?”

“So you could get to know each other better.” Iona rolled her eyes, as if she found Steph to be daft.

Steph shook her head in disbelief. “The whole thing was an act orchestrated to bring Jared and I together.”

“Absolutely. You were doing a piss-poor job on your own, girl.” Agnes’s gaze slipped to Giles. She quickly looked away, but Steph caught the pink tinge to her paper-white cheeks.

“You are fond of him,” Iona said with absolute confidence.

“I’m very fond of him,” Steph said. “I’ve fallen for him.”

The two women nodded and fist-bumped. Steph had to laugh. Without their intervention, she and Jared might’ve never dated. She shot to her feet and hugged each of them, even Giles. The sudden outburst of affection flustered the ladies and embarrassed Giles, even though he seemed pleased.

“Thank you.”

“There’s more you need to know.” Agnes’s voice dropped to the husky, low tone she used when imparting psychic tidbits.

Steph sobered and sat down again. “What?”

“There is a storm coming.”

Steph glanced out the window. The sky was gray, but nothing unusual for around here.

“Your life. We sense a storm.”

“Okay.” Steph did too, so they weren’t telling her anything she didn’t already know. After all, they’d witnessed the aftermath of the encounter with Gino.

“Stephanie, you must listen and take heed.” Iona’s eyes took on that faraway look Steph had seen a few other times. It gave her the creeps.

“Iona speaks the truth,” Agnes said. “We have seen things. You must be careful. This man sees you as his possession and believes he has the right to claim you by whatever means possible.”

“I know.”

“He won’t be easily deterred. Never be caught alone. We don’t tell you this to alarm you, dear, but to caution you. He is dangerous.”

“I promise I’ll be careful.”

The ladies nodded. Steph forced a feeble smile as she clasped her hands together and tried to swallow back the fear. She’d continued to be in denial about Gino even after the encounter a few nights ago. They were right. She needed to be cautious and smart.

“When will this ever end?” she asked.

“Soon,” Agnes said. “It will end soon. There will be a confrontation, and how it plays out determines whether or not he will go away for good.”

“Giles will drive you back to Violet’s.” Iona’s abrupt dismissal didn’t surprise Steph. Both sisters didn’t like to waste time once they’d done what they needed to do.

Knowing not to overstay her welcome, Steph stood, thanked them, and followed Giles from the room.

A confrontation—soon—they’d told her. As much as she dreaded conflict, a showdown with Gino was inevitable, and she wanted to get it over with. She wanted a normal life, and she wanted it with Jared. If only there was a way.


* * * *


Steph and Vi took turns pacing the floor, waiting for the men to arrive home. The team plane had touched down minutes ago from an afternoon game in Anaheim. The guys said they’d be home as soon as possible.

It was New Year’s Eve, and Steph would be spending the evening with Jared. They’d been apart a week, yet it seemed like a year, and so much had happened.

When Steph had told him about the encounter with Gino, she’d left out the part about the blackmail threat and the physical assault. Knowing Jared, he’d have probably taken the next flight home, hockey games be damned.

Eventually, she’d tell him about Gino’s threats, but not tonight. She couldn’t bring herself to ruin his homecoming from a long road trip. As far as Gino hitting her, no one needed to know that detail. No harm done, really, and Jared and Matt would probably do major damage to Gino if they knew the entire story.

Admitting to the blackmail would be bad enough. Jared would most likely demand knowing what Gino had on her to use for blackmail. Steph wasn’t willing to go there—yet.

Steph checked the wall clock for the thousandth time. It was only one minute since the last time she’d checked. Matt’s boys dressed in their coats, gloves, and hats, and ran outside to wait on the porch for their dad. They were just as impatient as the women. A few minutes later, Steph heard the excited shouts of the boys. She ran for the door, beating Vi by a foot. The night was cold and clear. Matt’s SUV stopped, and he leaped out, immediately attacked by Vi and his rambunctious boys. Steph blinked a few times at the enthusiastic and emotional reunion. She wanted what Vi had, and she wanted it with Jared. A family to love, a good man by her side, and a nice house in a nice neighborhood. Of course, she wanted a meaningful career, too. She wasn’t asking for much, she thought wryly.

Steph stood back, watching anxiously for Jared’s car. As soon as headlights appeared, she bolted off the porch to greet him. He stepped out of the car and caught her in his arms as she barreled into him. He lifted her off her feet and swung her in a circle, laughing joyously. She clung to him, giggling and planting kisses on his face. Breathless, he stopped and slowly slid her down his body. He was hard, and she had to grin. Pulling her close, he kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. She didn’t care; breathing was overrated compared to being kissed by this man.

The sisters were right. They were destined, and somehow they would work everything out.

“I hope you don’t mind if we have our own private party tonight,” he whispered in her ear. “I don’t want to share you with anyone. I booked a waterfront suite at the Edgewater in downtown Seattle.”

“Oh, Jared. I’ve always wanted to stay there. I’d love that.” She kissed his stubble-darkened chin. A night alone with Jared. Just the two of them. Steph couldn’t think of any better way to ring in the new year.

He grinned at her, showing those dimples she loved. “Pack up, and we’ll get going.”

“Impatient, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I want to get you naked.”

He didn’t need to say any more than that. She wanted him naked too. She’d spent the last several days alone in her bed with only her imagination for company. From her past experience with Jared, the real man far exceeded even her vivid imagination.

“I’ll be right back.” Steph ran into the house, packed her belongings, thanked Vi, hugged the boys and Matt, and off they went.

The Edgewater was a short drive away. The hotel was everything Vi expected it to be and more. She stood in the middle of the large room and slowly did a three-sixty. It was decorated in a rustic, woodsy Northwest theme, and a wall of glass doors opened onto a deck right over the water. For years, the Edgewater allowed fishing from the rooms, which were on two piers extending out into Elliott Bay. A gas fireplace glowed invitingly in the corner, surrounded by a couch and two comfy chairs. A sliding partition in one wall revealed a jetted tub, making it possible to sit in the tub and enjoy the view. Beyond the tub she could see a large tiled shower. Oh, the fun they could have in that tub and shower.

“This is perfect.” She pivoted on her heel to look at Jared. He was watching her with heat in his eyes. She drew in a breath and resisted fanning herself. Just the look in his eyes was making her hot.

“Yes, perfect,” he mumbled, and stepped forward, putting his hands on her waist. “I’ve fucking missed you. It killed me not to be there when you needed me.”

“I had our friends and I was well taken care of, but I’m glad you’re here now.” She leaned her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He felt so good, so strong and solid and real. He carried her to the couch, and she snuggled into the warmth of his chest. They had the entire night together, and she didn’t plan to waste a second of it sleeping. In his arms, she was safe; her troubles melted away as if they were as inconsequential as making a cup of coffee—though she did love her coffee.

“I’d never let anything happen to you,” he said close to her ear, low and gruff with emotion.

“I know you won’t.”

“I need to know you’re safe when I’m gone. Will you stay with Vi when we’re on road trips?”

“Jared, I can’t keep running from him. He wants to scare me, to disrupt my life, and turn me into a whimpering little girl, like I once was.”

“You’re a strong woman, Steph. You needed the support from people who care about you to show you how strong you can be. No one can go it alone. Depending on others doesn’t make you weak. It makes you wise.”

She ran a hand over his cheek and smiled. “Okay, I’ll stay with Vi when you’re gone.”

“It’s only for a little while. I’m meeting with a PI who finds people. We’ll find Gino and turn him in. I’ve done some research, and he has a few warrants out for his arrest. Give me time. The good news is I’m home for the next couple weeks.”

“I’m glad. Really glad.” She’d been looking forward to having him around. He’d been gone so much.

“I have a Christmas present for you. It’s not anything special, but I wanted you to have it.”

Her eyes lit up. She loved gifts and rarely got them. “What is it? I want to see it.”

“Now?” He nuzzled her neck and sucked. She squealed when he bit down gently. Frowning, he drew back his head and searched her eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

Steph giggled. This man had no idea what hurting was. “You didn’t. You surprised me.” She rubbed her neck. “Did you leave a mark?”

“Who, me?” He gave her a boyishly innocent grin that was decidedly wicked.

She swatted at his chest, and he erupted into hearty laughter.

“You’re going to have to do better than that to make a dent in this chest of iron.”

Steph rolled her eyes and giggled. “Show me the gift, mister.”

His eyes were warm with affection. “I’d love to if you’d get off me.”

“Oh, oops.” She leaped off him and waited nearby as he rummaged in his suitcase. Part of her hoped for a diamond ring, but their relationship was too new, and she was being ridiculous to expect such a thing.

Jared whipped out a Sockeyes jersey with his name and number and held it up, but the words he said next meant more to her than a truckload of jerseys. “Because you’re mine, and I’m yours. I’d wear your number if you had one.”

She took it from him. In some ways, the jersey meant more than a ring. The blue and green garment announced to the world they belonged together. “Oh, Jared. I love it.” She hugged it to her and ran the fabric over her cheek.

“It’s a real one. I’ve worn it in games, but it’s been cleaned, of course.”

“You aren’t giving me one of your sweat-soaked jerseys? I’m offended.”

“Trust me, you wouldn’t be if you ever smelled one of them.” He chuckled and pulled her close.

After tossing the jersey on a nearby chair, Steph wrapped her arms around him, never wanting this night to end.

New Year’s Eve. The beginning of new life, a new Steph, a new love.

Yeah, she was in love. She had been from the moment she met him. He was sweet and kind and strong and good. He was the kind of man every woman dreamed about. He’d arranged this special evening for the two of them. No one had ever done that for her before. No one had ever cared enough to treat her like a princess. Until Jared.

He looked in her eyes. “What are thinking?”

“I’m thinking about showing you how much you mean to me.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Show me, because I’m pretty sure I mean a lot.”

“Your head is swelling.” She wriggled out of his arms and pointed to the bed.

“That’s not all that’s swelling.”

“Off with the clothes and on the bed.”

“Oh, I like your line of thinking.”

“Just wait. You’ll like it even more.”

They stripped out of their clothes as if they were in a competition to see who could get naked the fastest. Jared had on a suit, but he still managed to win because Steph kept staring at his body and forgetting what she was doing. He jumped on the bed, stacked a couple pillows, and laced his hands behind his head. His eyes slid down her body as if he was caressing her, and she shivered in anticipation.

“It’s been too long, sweetheart.” His grin was slow and sensuous. He was one handsome man, with the face of a rugged model and the body of an Adonis. She loved that body. The scars and bruises gave him character, made him real, even though she hated to see him hurt like that. He didn’t seem to care. Hockey players were tough guys.

Steph marveled at how much she loved being with this man. He’d transformed sex from something she’d dreaded into something she craved. His body, with all those rippling muscles and the right amount of chest hair, did things to her lady parts. Right now, those very parts were screaming at her to quit gawking and get moving.

Jared’s grin turned into a smirk. He looked pointedly at his erection and met her gaze. “Someone is happy to see you.”

“Just him? What about you?”

“We both are. Really, really happy. Condoms. In my wallet on the table.”

She found the condoms and ripped one open. Boldly, she studied his cock, hard and erect and waiting just for her. Oh dear. Her body sang with anticipation as crawled onto the bed and straddled his thighs. His smirk grew wider. She unrolled the condom down his length, bent down, and sealed it with a kiss.

“Oh, fuck.” He groaned and his entire body shuddered, encouraging her. She swirled her tongue around the tip. He squeezed his eyes shut and stiffened as if the effort to hold back was killing him.

“Sweetheart, as much as I’d like you to go down on me, it’s been too long, and I won’t last two minutes if you do that. Can I take a rain check?”

She laughed and gladly obliged. She sank down on him. Inch by inch, she took him inside her body and inside her heart. Steph rode him into oblivion. Their mutual orgasm was far greater than any of the fireworks outside their window.

She loved him.

He’d healed her heart when she thought it’d never heal. They would get through all this together and be stronger. He deserved to know the truth, but this wasn’t the time. Soon she’d get up her nerve and tell him everything, because she believed in him—in them.


* * * *


The day after New Year’s, Jared left a sleeping Steph in her apartment and let himself out the door. He locked it behind him, using the spare she’d given him. Pausing on the landing, he surveyed his surroundings, looking for anything suspicious. Satisfied she was safe, he got in his car and headed to the Sodo area of downtown Seattle. There were very few businesses in this part of the city. Being close to the Port of Seattle, the buildings were mostly warehouses.

A fine mist wet the city streets and cast a dreary grayness over everything.

New Year’s Eve had been incredible thanks to Ethan, who’d given the entire team gift certificates for a night at the Edgewater. Jared had been lucky enough to get a junior suite because of a last-minute cancellation. The stars had aligned, and nothing could keep this year from being his best ever. Not even a little prick named Gino, who’d soon be locked up, if Jared and friends had anything to do with it.

Jared slowed, looking for the address Drew had given him. Gone Missing, Inc., was in an old warehouse not far from Seattle’s working waterfront. He parked in one of the spots outside, noting Drew’s truck was already there.

After briefly entertaining leaving his keys in the ignition in the hopes someone would steal it, Jared locked his car. He couldn’t afford another right now, even with whatever insurance covered. He tried the door and it opened with a creak, as if the hinges weren’t used to doing their intended job.

“Hello?” he called into a dark room stacked with boxes.

“Back here.”

Jared followed the voice to a back office with the only light on. Two men were sitting in an enclosed office. The metal desk had seen better days, as had the chair. The guy was messy, like Jared. Papers were scattered all over the desk and stacked in the corners. He considered that a good omen.

“Hey, Jared, this is Bronson Warner, the owner of Gone Missing and my karate instructor,” Drew said.

Bronson grunted and ran his gaze up and down Jared with an assessing glare that didn’t seem to miss anything.

Jared stuck out his hand, and Bronson took it in a firm handshake. He was about six foot four, lean but with broad shoulders and not an ounce of fat on his body. He was dressed casually in faded jeans and a Sockeyes hoodie. His dark hair was a little too long, and stubble darkened his jaw and chin. This man had danger written all over him. He’d be more than a match for a coward like Gino.

“You a fan?” Jared pointed at the Sockeyes sweatshirt Bronson was wearing.

“Fuck yeah. Never played myself, having grown up here, but I played other sports, and I’m pretty much a fan no matter the sport. Have a seat.”

They sat down, and Bronson wasted no time getting to the meat of the matter—another trait Jared appreciated. He was going to like doing business with this guy.

“Drew’s filled me on the situation. What do you want done with this asshole? For our basic package, I could beat the crap of him. Or would you prefer our premium package? The forest is a great place to bury a body that’ll never be found.” Bronson waited patiently for Jared to answer, his expression completely unreadable.

“I—uh—” Jared stammered. What the hell kind of PI was this guy?

Drew threw back his head and laughed. “He’s toying with you.”

Jared looked to Bronson for confirmation. He detected a slight twitch in the left corner of the man’s mouth. Bronson held his poker face for a moment longer then barked out a laugh.

“What can I help with?” he said.

Flustered, Jared gathered his wits about him. He’d thought for a moment that Drew had gotten him in touch with hitman. “My priority is to keep Steph safe. Second, I want this asshole hunted down and turned into the police. He got out on bail and has gone to ground and doesn’t have an address. I understand there are warrants, but the cops aren’t going to work that hard at arresting him. He needs to fall into their lap.”

“Do you have a picture of this fucker? Any information we could use to find him?” Jared handed over a piece of paper with all the details Steph could give him on Gino’s hangouts and habits. Bronson studied it for a long moment. “Likes the sleazy strip clubs, doesn’t he?”

Jared nodded. “And here’s the most current pic of him Steph could find.”

Bronson scowled at the grainy image. “That’s the best you got?”


Bronson sighed and read through the description again. “At least he has some distinctive tattoos. Any aliases?”

“Probably, but we don’t know them.”

“Does he deal in drugs?”

“Possibly, at times. He’s more of a gambler and drinker, from what I’ve been told—and a woman beater.”

Bronson’s frown deepened. “There should be a special place in hell for bastards like that.”

“I’d like to send him there.” Jared fisted his hands on the table, wishing he could wrap them around Gino’s neck and squeeze the life out of him. “Prison would be good enough,” he added quickly before Bronson got the wrong idea.

The PI chuckled and winked at him. “Got it.”

“I’ll help you, Bron. I’m a whiz on the computer, and you’re not.” Drew’s eagerness surprised Jared. He hadn’t seen his teammate get this excited about something in months, if ever.

“Yeah, I’m more of a beat-the-streets kinda guy,” Bronson said.

“We’re at home for the next two weeks, so I can spare some time,” Drew said.

“How much—how much do you think this’ll cost?” Jared asked. He needed to figure out his budget for the next month and how the hell he would be paying for this. Worst-case scenario, he’d ask Matt for money, as much as he hated to do so.

Bronson regarded him with a hooded gaze. “It’s on the house.”

“I can’t allow you to do that.”

“Sure you can. Just send your teammates my way when they need PI work. The best advertising is word of mouth, after all.”


“Now get the fuck out of here and let me get started on this.”

Jared almost laughed. The guy was blunt and rude, and Jared didn’t mind one bit, especially if he got results, kept Steph safe, and locked up her bastard ex for good.





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