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Sinful Intent (Alfa Pi Series Book 1) by Chelle Bliss (16)

The Morning After


I tiptoed out of bed, trying not to wake him, dressing as I headed toward the kitchen.

I couldn’t wipe the silly grin off my face, but I had to remember that this was nothing more than mutual attraction.

Morgan and I didn’t have a future.

He hadn’t promised me anything more, and I hadn’t asked him to be mine.

As I grabbed the coffee pot to fill it with water, I hissed then pulled my hand back.

I stood there and glared at the empty pot. It took everything in me not to cry. Coffee was my elixir, and I felt like a zombie until I’d had at least one cup.

The floor creaked.

I glanced over, finding Morgan standing there.

“Morning,” he said through a yawn, completely naked. His muscles tightened and his cock bobbed as he straightened.

Fuck me. The man was more beautiful in the daylight, every muscle taut and perfect.

“Morning,” I whispered, my eyes glued to him. I swallowed hard, mesmerized.

“Need help?” he asked as he strode toward me, his cock waving.

I shook my head. “I can do it.” I waved my hands.

He took a step closer, giving me a sleepy smile. “If you say so.”

I sighed, reaching for the coffee pot again.

I cringed as my hand slid around the handle, and I bit my lip. As I gritted my teeth, I carried it to the sink.

“Move over,” he commanded as he nudged my hip with his. “Let me do it.”

I glared up at him. “I can do this,” I argued.

“Race, you’re sweating and your face is redder than an apple from carrying an empty pot. Let me do this. I’ve made coffee more times than I can count.” His blue eyes twinkled, and his cock twitched. “Plus, I don’t feel like waiting an hour for the first cup.”

I rounded the island and took a seat on one of the barstools to get a better view. Watching him as he worked his magic on the coffee pot, I was enthralled by his nakedness.

“How did you know where I kept my coffee?”

He turned around to face me and leaned against the counter, pushing his cock farther out. “Lucky guess that you kept it in the cupboard above the pot. It’s something most people do.”

“Thanks for making it,” I said, yawning against the back of my hand.

He pushed off the counter and his cock came toward me. “Let me take a look at your hands.”

I tried to swallow, wishing I’d brushed my teeth before I’d left my room. “They’re fine.”

“Stop being so stubborn. I want to make sure they’re healing. Last night, you couldn’t stop moaning yes, and now you’re back to your hard-ass self.”

I straightened my back. “I’m just cranky until I get my coffee.”

Overnight, the cuts had begun to scab and the blood had dried.

“You’d already have it if you would’ve let me make it to begin with.” He cleared his throat. “We’ll need to clean the dried blood off these, but they look good.” He reached for the first-aid kit he’d left on the counter last night and pulled fresh bandages from the container. “First, let’s have coffee, and then we’ll clean them.” He set the bandages off to the side. “It’s best to give them some air for a little while.”

“Yes, sir,” I said to the side, blowing my nasty breath away from him.

“That’s sexy,” he replied, chuckling quietly.

Before I could say anything, the pot beeped.

“Stay there, I’ll grab you a cup.” His eyes shifted to my shirt and the corner of his mouth twitched before he turned around.

I glanced down, noticing that my nipples were standing at attention. I tried to hide them, pulling my tank top away from my body, but it did nothing.

“How do you want your coffee?” he asked as he pulled two cups down, keeping his back to me.

I stared at his naked ass, studying it. “A dash of cream and two sugars, please,” I mumbled.

His ass was as beautiful as the rest of him. The skin was blemish-free and smooth, sitting higher from the muscle tone. I’d say one thing about the military: It did a body good.

“Did you let work know you weren’t coming in today?” he asked, turning around and catching me as I gawked at him.

Slowly, I dragged my eyes up to his. “Yeah,” I said, trying not to glance at his dick as he set the coffee in front of me.

I looped my fingers through the handle, holding it loosely. Then I took two short sips and sighed. “You can go whenever you want. I’m just going to chill on the couch and get some work done.” I kept my eyes down, peeking at him through my veiled eyelashes. Which, coincidently, were about crotch level.

“I’m going wherever you are,” he said, setting his cup down.

“For the love of God,” I said, but he lifted an eyebrow.

“I’m not going anywhere. So drop it. Why don’t we do something today? You can work here later.”

“I really need to work,” I lied. I didn’t know if I could spend the day in his presence without ending up in bed with him again.

“I won’t keep you out long. I don’t know the area well.” He leaned forward, resting his hands against the counter. “You could show me around a little bit. Your hands need time to rest anyway.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” I asked, peeking at him from under my eyelashes.

“We’ll call it a workday. I need to pick your brain a little.”

I chewed my lip. “As long as it’s for work. I don’t want to keep you from doing your job.”

“Race, no one can make me do what I don’t want to. Finish your cup and then you’re mine.”

I wished his statement were true. “Where to first?”

“I need to stop at my place for a change of clothes.”

“You can shower here.”

“With you?” He grinned, running his thumb across his chin.

“If you want,” I blurted out. The truth was that I wanted him to. Sitting here, watching him saunter around nude, threw my body into overdrive.

He walked around the counter, holding his hand out to me. “Oh, I want. Let’s get your pretty ass wet.”

I swallowed hard, wishing I could press my legs together to squash the familiar ache that amplified with his words. As I stood, sliding my hand into his, I rose up on my tiptoes and kissed him.

“Someday, you’ll admit you want me for more than just my cock,” he teased, brushing his nose against mine.

When I started to walk away, he smacked me on the ass, the echo reverberating through my kitchen.

“That’s for being difficult.”

I yelped, jumping from the impact and rubbing my ass as he followed me to the shower.