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Single Dad's For Christmas: A Bad Boy Christmas Bundle by Penelope Bloom (49)

Bonus Extended Epilogue


I begin what has become my morning ritual ever since the wedding. I watch Liam King, my husband, get ready in the morning and enjoy every moment of it. I run through the list of unbelievables. He’s mine. Every single scorching hot inch of muscle and charm and arrogant swagger is all mine. He loves me. I love him. Best of all, his baby is growing inside me. Our baby.

I think maybe if I keep going over these little facts every day, they will eventually start to seem real, and the distant fear that I’m going to wake up and realize this was all a dream will fade.

The only sour note in our honeymoon is how much I already miss Sophie, Roxanne, and Donna. I’ve never been out of the country, let alone away for more than a few days, and we’ve already been gone a week.

I’m four months pregnant now, and definitely showing. We had to rush a little to take this trip before I was so pregnant that I’d be into the sore back and swollen feet stage, but so far it has been perfect. My last episode of morning sickness was weeks ago, and other than occasional hot flashes and some minor mood swings, I’ve been blessed with an incredibly easy pregnancy so far.

“I have a little surprise for you today,” says Liam.

“Last time you said that, the surprise was not little,” I say, eyeing the outline of his cock against the briefs he wears.

He smirks, “Now, if my sweetheart wants that kind of surprise, I think we have time.”

I quirk an eyebrow at him, leaning back on my elbows. I haven’t had a whole lot of practice as the whole seduction thing, and I clearly still need work, because Liam chuckles.

“Tell you what,” he says. “I’m going to fuck you today, but not here. I’m going to take you when you least expect it.”

I bite my lip, feeling an immediate surge of heat rush to my core. “That sounds kind of scary.”

“Yeah?” he asks, crawling onto the bed and planting his strong hands on either side of my head. “You probably should be scared, because I already know where I want to have that tight pussy of yours.”

I blush, unable to look away from his gorgeous green eyes. “Let’s get going then,” I say, “I don’t know how long I can wait.”

“Twenty two years a virgin and now you can’t even wait a couple hours?”

“Hours?” I groan.

He pulls me up to a sitting position and kisses me tenderly, but the tenderness quickly turns ravenous. My hands grip his back and explore his broad shoulders. I try to pull him back down to me but he straightens, grinning obnoxiously. “Nice try, sweetheart. If you want to fuck, you’re going to have to play along.”

Europe is more beautiful than I expected. We’ve already passed through Italy and Rome, and last night we stayed at a little bed and breakfast in Germany. We’ve been traveling around by train, and it turns out long train rides in private rooms with Liam are every bit as enjoyable as I might have guessed. I’ll grant that I don’t have much experience--okay, any experience--in this, but Liam seems to have an abnormally high sex drive, which suits me just fine.

Any time the two of us get a moment alone, it’s like we’re starving for each other. I was keeping a vague mental count of how many times we’d slept together at first, but I lost count somewhere between Italy and Rome.

We spend our morning in Cologne, Germany seeing the sights and just walking together hand in hand. We take a tour of the Cologne Cathedral, which is apparently a symbol of Gothic architecture. Whatever they call it, it’s beautiful, but not beautiful enough to distract me from Liam, who can’t seem to keep his hands off me. Every time the tour group turns a corner and leaves us alone he’s pinning me to a wall and kissing me like it’s our last moment alive, his hands hungry for my bare skin. We were even nearly caught when the tour group had to backtrack and they were seconds from catching him with his hand up my shirt.

After the Cathedral we take a romantic, slow boat ride on the Rhine river, where we have the entire boat to ourselves because Liam bought out all the tickets.

“You don’t think that was a little excessive?” I ask as we stand on the upper deck looking out over the city of Cologne from the water and the way the cathedral towers above it all.

“Maybe,” he says. “But when it comes to my wife, nothing really seems excessive.”

I make a face at him, trying not to grin. “It’s not fair that you can say cheesy lines like that and still make me feel all warm and fuzzy.”

“It’s not fair that you’re so fucking beautiful,” he says softly, taking my chin with his thumb and forefinger and planting a kiss on my lips that takes my breath away.

“That’s exactly what I mean,” I say a little breathlessly. “You should have to work harder.”

He smirks, looking out over the city. “I’ve got something planned for you that was a lot of hard work. Just wait.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “I can’t tell if that’s a euphemism for your… you know.”

“My rock hard cock?” he asks, still smirking. “No. You’re going to get that, too. But I have another surprise planned.”

I bite my lip. “Is this where you wanted to do me?” I ask, looking around the ship that’s completely empty except for the captain who is tucked away in a room somewhere driving the boat.

Do you?” he asks. “I love that you’re still so innocent you don’t want to say fuck,” he says.

I make a defiant face. “Is this where you wanted to fuck me?”

“Goddamn, sweetheart,” he says. “I had other plans, but you’re sexy whether you’re talking dirty or being the innocent wife. Keep it up and I’ll have to get a little taste before I intended.”

I waggle my eyebrows, feeling the spontaneous seductiveness from a moment ago slipping into my usual, awkward self. “Want to fuck me?” I ask again, but without the conviction to keep Liam from laughing.

“God I love you,” he says, pulling me into a hug as I make a pouting face at my failure to seduce him. “You can be so fucking adorable. You know that?”

“Yeah,” I say dryly. “Except I was trying to seduce the pants off you.”

He laughs. “Trust me, even your worst attempts work magic on me. I’m just particularly motivated today to have you the way I want. I had a dream about it and I’ll be damned if I don’t live it out today.”

“Oh?” I ask. “Want to tell me about it?”

“Nah,” he says. “Unless we can talk about the dream you were having when you humped my leg in your sl--”

His voice cuts short as I press my hand to his lips. “You promised,” I say, glaring.

He smiles, but mimics sealing his lips and throwing away a key.


I get off the phone to make sure everything is still going according to plan and then slip out of the restroom to find Aubrey waiting for me. We’re in the countryside outside Cologne, where the hills seem to roll endlessly out of sight, and everything is covered in green. It’s a rare sunny day, and the weather is warm but not hot. It’s perfect, and so is my wife.

I smirk, pulling her to me and stealing a few kisses. It still blows my fucking mind how much she affects me. Even the slightest touch sends chills through my body. Thinking about taking her stiffens my cock, no matter how recently I’ve had her. Best of all, thinking of the baby growing inside her and how incredible she is with Sophie warms my heart. She’s going to be an incredible mother. Hell, she already is. I can’t wait to raise a family with her.

I run my hand over her belly for the millionth time, but a little bump of motion surprises me this time. “I just felt him kick,” I say.

“Me too!” says Aubrey. “Wait, him?

I chuckle. “Him or her.” I lean close to her belly and lower my voice to a whisper. “Him.”

Aubrey laughs, slapping at me playfully. “Don’t put your gender expectations on our baby! Can you imagine how much pressure that would put on the little thing?”

“Fine. You can be whatever gender you want,” I say to her belly. “But if you decide to be a boy, I’ll get you some ice cream.”

“In a couple years,” adds Aubrey, who is now talking to her own belly too.

Someone clears their throat behind us. We both look up to see the old German farmer who was going to take us for a horse carriage ride waiting. Aubrey and I saw horse carriages being pulled through the streets in Italy, and she looked like she wanted to try it, so I set this little experience up. I thought it’d be more fun to ride through the countryside than the smelly streets of the city. Besides, it’ll be easier to do what I’m planning to do to her out here where no one can see.

“Are we ready?” asks the German farmer in a thick accent.

“Let’s go,” I say.

Aubrey flashes me a quick smile before taking my hand and letting me help her into the beautiful carriage. It’s polished wood so dark it could be black, but the sunlight brings out the faintest lines of deep browns and patterning in the material. The farmer takes his spot at the front of the carriage, where he has two horses reigned and connected to the cart. We climb into the closed carriage, which has two doors that open outward and lead us into the cozy little space. There are two red velvet benches facing each other and windows on either side with curtains for privacy.

“Oh my God,” says Aubrey, “This is beautiful. I bet this was exactly the kind of thing royalty used to travel in,” she says.

“You don’t have to whisper,” I say.

“Shut up,” she says, trying to swing at me, but I catch her wrist and pull her in for a kiss as the carriage starts to move.

It’s a bumpy ride, but I can’t find a reason to complain as I hold Aubrey on top of me and she straddles my thigh, each bump in the road pressing her into me. I pull her dress up and pull my pants down so that her panties are against my bare leg, and it’s not long before the combination of kisses, touches, and the bumping of the carriage have her absolutely soaking for me.

“This is where you wanted to fuck me?” she asks huskily, pulling back from the kiss and meeting my eyes.

Goddamn. She’s getting better at talking dirty. Even if she wasn’t, even her innocent but failed attempts at seduction are sexy in their own way too.

“No,” I say. “This is where I’m going to fuck you. Get on your knees, sweetheart,” I say, motioning for her to turn so that her face is toward the wall.

She obeys, and I climb on the seat behind her, ripping off her panties in one powerful motion. She gasps slightly as they snap free and I toss them to the floor. I run my fingers across her slit, relishing in the wetness and warmth, loving how turned on my wife is for me.

“Touch yourself,” I say.

She knows exactly what I want, and I lean back, watching the amazing view of her perfectly round ass and her fingers as they frantically circle her clit and plunge into her heat. She rocks slightly against her own touch, and her other hand reaches back, searching for my cock. I give her what she wants, and she scoots back slightly so she can work the full length of me as she fingers herself.

I throw my head back, groaning. The carriage still bumps and jostles beneath us, but it’s a pleasant accompaniment rather than a bother, and I always enjoy taking my wife somewhere new.

“Fuck,” I growl. “I need to be inside you.”

My words draw a fresh moan from her, and she plants her hands down on the seat, looking back at me with desperate eyes. I grip the base of my cock and take in her glistening folds. I press myself inside her in a single thrust, burying myself to the root. She gasps, slapping a hand against the window to brace herself as I relentlessly fuck her, gripping her hips and pulling her ass into me as I pump myself into her again and again.

I don’t take my time building to a pace. I dive in, rutting into her with wild lust and urgency, gripping her tightly and fucking her like it could be my last time. Aubrey cums for me almost immediately. Her head falls between her shoulders and I feel her pussy clench around me, so fucking tight I could explode, but I don’t. Aubrey cums at least half a dozen times every time we fuck, and I don’t like to let myself cum until I’ve hit that number.

I bend down, gripping her heavy tits that are starting to grow even larger.

“Ride me,” I demand, sitting back against the bench and letting her get up.

She eagerly obeys, climbing on top of me and crossing her arms behind my neck. She sits on my hard cock, shamelessly grinding herself against me, as if she can’t fucking wait for more, and I love every second of it. I guide myself into her and let her rock her hips against me. I pull her face down toward me, kissing her and using my hands to pull her into me, driving myself deeper.

She breaks the kiss as another orgasm tears through her, throwing her head back and squeezing her own tits as she squeezes her eyes shut against the intensity, mouth open in a silent exclamation of pleasure.

Her pussy milks me, and it’s all I can do not to give her the cum she craves. It’s almost enough to put me over the edge to know that she always climaxes the moment I cum inside her, as if she craves it so desperately she can barely contain herself.

I can’t wait any longer though, and as she increases her pace, pumping her hips against me so quickly that her body glistens in sweat, I cum. I cum like a fucking explosion, filling her deeply with my seed, and as always, she responds, crying out as her pussy chokes my cock.

She slips off me when the aftershocks have faded, resting her head against my shoulder, dress still hiked up so I can see the bare curve of her hip.

“You had better pull that dress down, sweetheart,” I say. “Unless you’re ready to go another round.”

She sits up, cupping her tit and showing me her hard nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. “Maybe I am, Mr. King,” she says throatily.

I bite my lip, fuck. As much as I want to, we’re probably nearly to the cabin by now, and I don’t think we have time. “You fucking minx,” I laugh. “I don’t think we have time, but I’ll take you again tonight until you beg me to stop.”

“I guess you’ll never stop then,” she says, grinning.

I hold her silently, happy in the moment and not needing to say any more. We watch the green hills and peaceful farm houses roll by at a leisurely pace outside the window for another few minutes before the carriage comes to a stop.

The farmer knocks twice at our door. I push them open, leading Aubrey down the steps. I realize only after we’ve stepped out of the carriage that I left the panties I ripped off her on the ground. The farmer follows my eyes and clears his throat. I reach back in and grab them, stuffing them in my pocket with a quick smile.

“Strange,” I say. “Wonder how those got there.”

Aubrey is squinting toward the little cabin on the edge of a lake that’s surrounded by trees. There are two small shapes standing in front and looking toward us.

I look to Aubrey, who looks at me with a questioning but hopeful face. “Is that…” she starts. “Oh my God!” she says, clapping hands to her face. “They’re here?”

She hurries off, half-running the couple dozen yards that separate us from Sophie and Roxanne, who wait outside the cabin I rented for us.

And that’s where we spend the last week of our honeymoon. Our new family, all together. It couldn’t be more perfect. We walk through the woods in the morning when the air still has a chilly bite and the fog hasn’t risen, talking about nothing and everything, enjoying eachother’s company. We spend our afternoons snacking by the lake, swimming and lounging in the sun. And our nights are spent by the fire, telling stories to Aubrey and listening to hers as we eat simple, hearty meals.

And our late nights, well, Aubrey and I don’t get much sleep, but neither of us are complaining.

It’s perfect. The only word for what we’ve built together is perfection. I’ve learned that I never knew what it was to love someone other than family, but I feel it now, so strongly it surprises me sometimes. I love Aubrey with a depth that no ocean could match. There’s nothing I won’t do for her or my family. And after we get a call from our doctor on the day we’re set to head home, I can also say there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for our son when he’s born, either.




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