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Sinner’s Pet: A Motorcycle Club Romance (The Immortal Devils MC) (Dirty Bikers Book 3) by Heather West (33)



I heard three gunshots in rapid succession from behind the house. The three of us stood up on the steps out front and turned around.


“Probably just Gunner handling Coyote,” Luther said.


“Yeah, but we should still check,” Duncan added.


“Thank you,” I told him, turning to make sure I looked right in his eyes to show him my very real concern for Gunner’s well-being.


“You got it,” he said back to me, offering me a smile.


I didn’t know if Luther had talked to him for me or if my look had simply worked that much, but I was glad to receive that smile from him. The three of us ascended the steps to the house. They drew their weapons as we approached the open door of Coyote’s mansion.


Duncan put his hand out to keep me from entering first. Luther stood behind me to cover the rear as we walked in. We crept into the house, unsure of exactly where the gunfire originated, and also cautiously scoping out the scene to make sure there weren’t any guards who had been missed in the initial sweep of the mansion.


“It’s done,” Gunner’s raspy voice called from the back door as he walked in, followed by the members of The Immortal Devils who had covered the back of the house throughout the ordeal.


Gunner was still the image of masculine perfection. He still wore the clothes he’d worn to dinner with me, but his shirt was open, revealing a tight white undershirt. His hair was wet and was hanging down, having fallen from the way he normally wore it, slicked straight back. He had a stern, determined look on his face as he walked into the house and came up to us.


“You finished her?” Duncan asked as they clasped hands and embraced, patting each other on the back.


“Yep, she’s out back just off a trail through the woods. They won’t find her body right away,” he told us.


After he stepped aside from Duncan, he patted Luther on his massive shoulder and grabbed me. He pulled me in for a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close to him in a moment of tender silence.


“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I said into his chest.


“Of course I am. I’m always going to make it through,” he said, pushing me back so I could look into his eyes as he spoke. He winked, that cocky bastard. I couldn’t help but laugh at hm. He was so full of himself.


“Are you okay, though?” he asked, putting a finger under my chin and lifting my face to examine me.


“Yes, Dad,” I said, dismissively brushing his hand away. “I’m fine. Please. You act like I can’t handle this.”


“I don’t know. You were looking sort of rough earlier tonight.” He gave me his trademark teasing smile and put an arm across my shoulders to keep me close.


“Gunner, I don’t want to interrupt, but it will be daylight soon,” Luther said. “Shouldn’t we get out of here?”


“Yeah.” Gunner sighed beside me. “First, have everyone comb the house. If there is anything you see that we can use or sell, take it. We’re taking the truck back, too,” Gunner told him.


Luther nodded and signaled to the rest of the men to go back into the house. I was sure if I had followed them, I wouldn’t have seen just a random raid. I was fairly certain they were going to comb over the house as methodically as they had protected the front yard.


“You’re riding with me this time,” Gunner assured me as we walked down to the driveway.


“Are we just going to leave everyone here?” I asked as he straddled his bike.


He looked at me without saying a word, and I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. I could see it in the way he sat on the bike.


“I’m tired. They can handle the house. They’ll be out of there in maybe ten minutes,” he said. “They’ll know where we rode off to when they come out front and see my bike gone.”


“Well, don’t you want to wait and make sure everyone is alright?” I suggested. “It just seems rude to ride off and leave them here like this.


He chuckled. “It’s not rude. They’ll be fine, and if anything had happened to anyone, I would have heard about it by now. Look, if you want, I can call a large, full MC meeting this evening after everyone has had time to go home and recover.”


I thought about it. I had only met Duncan and Luther. I knew there were still two other guys from the photos in his office that I hadn’t met, and there were countless others, of course, I would probably never know by name. It seemed like a good idea to have them all over to celebrate reclaiming the diamond. In fact, it seemed very appropriate to do that.


“Yeah, let’s invite them over to the mansion so you guys can celebrate your victory.”


“The mansion?” Gunner balked at the idea. “I don’t want the entire MC at the mansion.”


“Well, is there anywhere else?” I asked. “Do you guys own a clubhouse or headquarters?” If it was the shop I saw in one of the photos, there was no way we were going to fit everyone in there. And there wasn’t a club big enough to hold all of them.


“Good point,” he conceded. “The mansion, it is.”


“Good. In the meantime, let’s go back and relax. I could use a nice, hot shower.”


I climbed onto the bike behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. I let my hands drift south a little and felt the hard shaft between his legs.


“What’s that I feel?” I asked him seductively. “Are you excited to finally have me back?”


“Well, it’s one of three things. Either I am excited, or you just found the diamond, or you’ve got your hands on a stack of cash I pulled from your boss’s safe,” he said playfully.


“She’s not my boss anymore,” I said into his ear, and nibbled his ear lobe.


“She’s not much of anything now,” he added, firing up the bike. She came to life with a roar, and we sped off down the early morning highway back to his place. The ride went by quickly, even though it felt like we had travelled a fair distance. We passed through the city back to the outskirts of town on his side.


As we pulled up his driveway and parked the bike in front of the house, we were greeted by his private security. One guard stood and watched over us, while another took my hand as I climbed down from his bike. The atmosphere here was completely different from where we’d just left. It was relaxed and safe. There was no chaos here.


“Home sweet home,” I said with a heavy sigh. My body relaxed just at the sight of the place.


“You know, I never asked: where were you staying before you came to me?” Gunner asked me as he put an arm around my waist to walk me into his mansion.


“I had a hotel suite downtown,” I told him. “I didn’t have much there, just some clothes, but most of those you’ve already replaced.”


“Is there anything you need to do, like call and let them know you won’t be staying anymore?”


“Yeah, I can do that, but you don’t need to worry about sending anyone around to grab my things. If there is anyone left with loyalty to Coyote, they’ll be watching the place for a few days.” I wanted it to be clear that I didn’t need anything from the hotel. I wasn’t a sentimental person, so I rarely held onto anything. My phone was probably my oldest possession, and I kept it on me pretty much all the time.


“Are you sure you don’t need anything from there?”


“I’m sure, Gunner.” I smiled out of comfort and security. I felt cared for when I was in his presence, and it was a great feeling. “Come on,” I said, “let’s go inside and get showered. I know I need one.”


I picked up the pace and pulled him with me. He followed me up the stairs, and it felt nice not to have an entourage following us around, either as security or as members of the MC. It was just us, just as it had been for days leading up to the confrontation with Coyote.


As we walked into the bedroom, he shrugged off his vest, and I helped him with his shirt and undershirt. He pulled off my long-sleeved shirt, the one I had worn when I snuck out of his house with the diamond, the same one that was soaked in the blood of a fallen Immortal Devil. I unbuckled his belt and opened his pants, pulling them down to reveal the swell in his boxers. I gripped him through the fabric with my hungry hand while he stripped off my pants.


The whole time we continued walking towards his bathroom. I leaned into him and kissed him while I stroked his thick cock with my fingers. I still could just barely get my fingers to reach all the way around him, and it made me tingle deep between my legs every time I tried.


He reached into the tub and turned on the shower. As the water began to run and heat up, I knew where we were going. I knew what was about to happen.


“Give me this,” he said as he spun me around and pushed me against the wall. He grabbed my hips and pulled my ass against his hardening shaft. He ran himself between my cheeks. Then he unclasped my bra and let it fall to the floor. He pulled my panties down as well, revealing all of me to him.


I reached back and pulled at the waistband of his boxers, trying to release him so I could have him inside me. He pulled them down, and I felt the bare skin of his manhood rub against my wet lips. I pushed against the wall to press myself harder against him.


“Get in the shower,” he ordered me.


I did as I was told, and Gunner stepped in behind me, putting me in the hot water raining down. He handed me a washcloth and a bar of soap.


“Wash yourself for me. I want to watch,” he said plainly. It was an order. It wasn’t a suggestion or a request. He wasn’t telling me because he thought it was something exciting we could do together. He was ordering me to clean myself for him and let him watch. We were getting back down to the business of our agreement. I immediately felt the arousal between my thighs.


I did as I was told. I worked the soap in the washcloth and ran it down slowly from my neck to my breasts. I followed the lines and curves of my body with the cloth in one hand while the other soapy hand gripped my breast and squeezed it for him to see.


I washed over my flat stomach, but as the cloth made it down between my legs, I grabbed his hand and pulled it to me, placing it over my hand on the washcloth. I made him scrub me clean.


“That’s it,” I moaned as hot water rushed down over my body. “Clean me, baby. Scrub me so I’ll be squeaky clean for you when you shove it inside me.”


I wanted him so much I hurt. I ached to feel him inside of me. After letting him run the washcloth over my tender folds of flesh, I pulled his hand away and turned while I scrubbed my ass for him. I ran the cloth down between my cheeks, and then I ran it along the curves where my ass met my legs.


He pressed himself against my cheeks, running his wet manhood along my curves. He pushed himself down to slide between my legs, and I gripped him with the washcloth. I stroked him as he stroked my lips and parted my folds.


As the water ran down over our bodies, I felt it wash away his soap. I let the washcloth fall into the tub as he pushed me against the tile wall. With one hand on my waist and another on my breast, he pushed himself deep inside me as he clutched my tender skin and rubbed my hardened nipple.


He kissed my neck and my shoulder as I moaned and bucked against him.


“I want you so badly,” I breathed. “I thought I would never get to have you again.”


“You don’t get to talk,” he said forcefully. He gripped my tits with both hands and pushed me against the wall, ramming himself all the way inside of me. “You’re going to pay for what you did,” he growled in my ear.


For the first time since we’d been together, I was actually a little afraid of him in that moment. I felt my muscles tense up around him. The wall was hard and cold despite the hot water and steam from the shower, but his hands were warm and smooth. His grip was firm but his touch was still gentle.


His anger, while it might have had some element of truth to it, was mostly for show. Still, I didn’t relax against his hard muscles pressing into my back. I didn’t want to make his anger and rage a real concern.


“Make me pay,” I taunted him. “Teach me my lesson.” I pressed my hips against his, pushing myself back from the wall and shoving him deeper inside me. I could feel his cock growing harder in me as I challenged him to punish me.


He squeezed my breasts until they hurt and pulled me back as he pushed himself forward. It felt like he was going to rip me open. And if he didn’t, the pleasure that rushed through my body was going to.


I moaned and put my hands over his while he gripped me and pulled my body back, using my tits like handles or knobs. He grunted and groaned as he thrust himself into me. Our hips smacked together with the force he was using to stab me with his manhood.


“Please,” I begged, “make me pay for screwing you.”


“Oh, I’m going to,” he said through his teeth. His breath hissed as he gritted his teeth while he was panting. His entire body tensed up while he was punishing me in the shower, and I could feel his muscles popping out, bulging through his skin.


The ridge on the underside of his shaft ran along the g-spot in my front wall each time he moved it, causing my body to jerk against his. Eventually, I had to put my hands back on the wall to steady myself as ecstasy overcame me.


“Come for me,” he demanded. “I want to feel it.”


I rocked my hips against him, working him deep inside of me. I rocked furiously against him as he thrust into me. The blinding sensation of pleasure quickly built deep inside of me. It was driven by his firm erection and his grip on my tits sending just enough pain through me to top it off.


I erupted and cried out against the tile wall. I pushed myself against him, holding him deep inside of me as my muscles worked around him, gripping him tight and letting him go as my orgasm came in waves.


He felt like he was about to explode inside of me, and I didn’t want to let him out, but he moved his hands slowly around to my ass and pushed me forward just enough to let him slide out. I heard his breath shudder as he left me, and I felt his warm juice spill out on my ass. The water washed it away as fast as he could pump it out. He spread my cheeks and let himself rain down on my crack.


When he finished, I turned around and took his face in my hands. I pulled him to me and kissed him under the hot water. I could taste his breath and the water running over us. I kissed him frantically, as if I were afraid I would never kiss him again.


At one point, I had been.


As we kissed and groped each other under the water, another feeling welled up inside of me, one I wasn’t ready to give words to just yet. It wasn’t desire or pleasure, or any of those other things he had made me feel. It was deeper and bigger. It wanted to fill my arms as I wrapped them around him and held him to me. It wanted me to tell him I felt it. It wanted me to say its name breathlessly under the running water as we parted.


So I did.


“I love you, Gunner,” I breathed to him, our foreheads touching.


“I love you, too,” he admitted.


The feeling only intensified at hearing its name spoken aloud. I pulled him back to me and kissed him again. We pressed our bodies together as the shower washed away all of the pretense, all of the grime, and every wall we had built up around us to keep us apart because this was supposed to just be business.


It wasn’t business anymore. It had become personal.




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