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Snared: A Science Fiction Adventure Romance (Star Breed Book 6) by Elin Wyn (23)


Your Highness?

Despite the fancy getup, that was Burr, not any...

Oh Void.

“I inspect whatever catches my attention,” Burr answered.

No, I caught myself. Prince Vanadalar. Who for some reason had been masquerading as a mechanic.

“And at the moment I'm wondering what's going on here.”

Stanton rose to his feet, bowed. “Your Highness, these traitors infiltrated the facility.”

Prince Vandalar met my eyes without a flicker of recognition, turned to Xander and shrugged. “It doesn't seem like they're very good at it. What do you think they're doing?”

Stanton blinked at the question and I shoved back a nervous giggle. The poor man must've gotten used to being surrounded by people he already controlled.

“They're planting a bomb.”

“Really.” The Prince turned in place surveying the scattered casings and housings from our search. “It does seem a bit messy in here. Did it already go off?”

“No, your highness.” A muscle near Stanton's jaw jumped.

“Oh, good. Can you show the bomb to me? I've always been terribly fascinated by explosives.”


Was he deliberately baiting Stanton?

In theory I approved, but I'd feel better about it if there wasn't still a shock stick pressed to my skin.

But anything that slowed Stanton and his goons down had to be a net positive.

“Burr, Your Highness, we're not traitors.” I protested.

The shock stick pressed harder and I flinched.

“My agents have the situation under control, your highness.”

Vandalar tilted his head, eyes narrowed. “Is it necessary to keep that weapon at her throat? I find it disturbing.”

“Yes, your highness,” Stanton ground out. “It's the only way to control the beast.”

Vandalar tapped his foot, making a show of deliberating. “No. I'm sorry. You'll have to figure something else out. I'm taking her.”

“What?” Stanton, Xander and I all shouted.

Vandalar flicked a finger my way. “Her. I'm taking her now.” Two of the Crimson guard peeled off from the squad surrounding him and approached the SysSec agents that held me.

“You will release her to my care,” Vandalar said silkily. “Unless you think you can override my orders.”

“Of course not, your highness.” Stanton commanded the agents to step away with a quick gesture.

“Good. I so dislike having to repeat myself.”

The moment the weapon moved away I took a deep breath, cleared my mind.

The surprise of Burr's identity didn't change anything, not really. We still had to find the virus.

“The fire tower,” I whispered softly as I could, wishing for Conner and Eris' bond. “Go.”

I met Xander's eyes as they burned through me. Saw his small shake of refusal.

“Quit worrying,” I insisted. “That's my job.”

His lips tilted up, then he vaulted over the housing, making a break for the entrance of the room.

“Stop him!” Stanton roared, but the Crimson Guard stayed still.

“They really don't take orders from anyone but me,” Vanladar said. “And I'm busy I'm afraid.”

Stanton bowed stiffly then marched out of the room, talking quickly on a commlink, the SysSec agents following behind in lockstep.

I slumped against the partition.

“Good thing you got here. That was about to go bad.” I pulled myself together. “Now I've got to go help Xander.”

Vandalar raised his eyebrows. “No, you seem to misunderstand. You're coming with me.”

“But he needs my help!” I insisted, but the Crimson guard boxed me in, not leaving any room for me to break away.

He'd find it, I reassured myself. Xander would be fine. Time to let him do his job, and see what I can do from here.

“I'm not sure if you understand what's going on,” I tried again.

“I'm not sure if you do,” he snapped. “I suggest you learn quickly, and start by remaining silent.” With a swish of his cape he left my side.

Escorted by his guard we twisted through the facility until suddenly the corridor changed, became less utilitarian, more ornate.

“Let me guess, they redecorated for you?” And then I realized. We weren't on the map anymore. “Where are we? And don't tell me to be quiet, that's not happening.”

“Somehow I supposed that. No, my ship's been docked here for over a week.”

Oh. We could take off and Xander would be left behind. He'd have no way of finding me.

I swallowed my fear back. Of course, Xander would find me. And I would make Burr's life a living hell if he tried something so stupid.

That settled, I looked around the room. Gold brocade covered the walls, dark wooden furniture with carved gilded accents and deep crimson upholstery.

“What do you think?”

“It's a little overpowering.”

“It's a family ship. It's designed to be,” he answered blandly.”Can I get you a drink?

“No, you can listen to me. There's a plot against you, and Stanton's at the head of it.”

“There's always a plot. And usually Stanton is the one trying to tell me about it.”

He reclined on an obscenely overstuffed lounge, and patted the seat next to him.

I paced instead. “How did you get here without anyone knowing?”

“I'm the prince. I can get places. Besides. Boehm is related to the captain of my guard. It's better to observe without people putting on a show.”

Likely true, but not helpful, not right now.

“But I'm much more interested in you,” he continued. “ And don't tell me the whole trader who needs the cash to fix the ship story. I checked your file, that's what it says.” He smirked. “But you told me you've coded your whole life. And I watched how you worked. That was the truth, not what was in your file. So I followed you.”

“Does that mean you'll listen to me?”

He leered. “Maybe later.”

I spun, threw my hands in the air. “If your grandfather was this much of an idiot, no wonder Granny Zayda left him,” I snapped.

Vandalar jumped upright, sloshing his drink. “What?”

For the first time since he walked into the environmental controls room the bored mask slipped away.

“You heard me. She'd have eaten him for breakfast but at least their heirs would have the sense to listen when someone is trying to warn them about a mind control virus.”

“I want to know what you're talking about,” he insisted, stalking across the room towards me.

“That's fine, we all want things. I need you to listen to something else first.”

He grabbed my shoulder and I slapped his hand away. “Don't try it.”

Vandalar took a deep breath. “I apologize. However, I would like you to explain that remark. What part of me being the prince are you not understanding?”

“The part where I'm wondering why we're trying to keep you alive.”

He refilled his drink, stirred it gently. “You say you're trying to save my life. Stanton says you're trying to kill me. Why should I believe you?”

I took a breath, let it out. Said the words as calmly as I could. “Stanton has a mind control virus. He's planning on releasing it in the dome. Probably during a ceremony, to get you, as well as the guards and the scientists.”

Vandalar merely slid open a panel on the wall. “Captain, make sure our air supply is not in contact with that of the dome. Thank you.” He closed the panel. “Was there something else?”

“You really want Stanton in charge of a research facility? Whatever they've dreamed up for a power source, it wouldn't take much to turn it into a weapon.”

“If it comes to that, we can always liquidate Themis. But I'm not convinced of your story yet. Mind control, really? No one's managed that. And believe me, we've tried.”

How to make him listen? He have access to Stanton's files, but the tracks would be too carefully covered. I could try to contact Tobias or Zayda, but no reason he wouldn't wave them off as disgruntled agents.


“Have your guards get that Zoombies console. Speed game, fortieth level. I win, you back us up.”

The fop and the mechanic disguise were both gone now, just a canny man, not much older than me.

“I won't act against the Empire.”

“Then we better start playing fast. Because if Stanton wins, the Empire falls.”

And I could lose everything.