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Suddenly Tied (The Dirty Texas Series Book 3.5) by JA LOW (12)

“I’m kind of nervous,” Penny whispers to me as we get out of the car. We are celebrating the opening of Wyld at Evan and Sienna’s place, where they are hosting the after party.

“It’s going to be okay. Everyone was nice tonight to you, weren’t they?”

“Yes, but you know…”

“I know, but show them the new you and it will all be okay.” Penny nods as we arrive at Evan and Sienna’s home.

“Welcome,” Evan says, greeting us at the door. “The girls are out the back and the guys are in the man cave,” he tells Axel. We follow behind the boys, as we make our way through the house, which is just stunning.

“He’s hot,” Penny whispers to me.

“I know, they all are. Make sure none of the girls hear you, they are very protective of their men.” Penny zips her lips and walks silently through the home to where everyone is sitting outside.

“Princess.” Derrick rushes up to me. “Now let me see this ring, I didn’t get to catch up with you properly tonight.” I flash him my stunning, vintage Cartier diamond. Derrick whistles. “You did good, boy,” he throws out to Axel as he walks past.

“Only the best for her.” He kisses my cheek before walking off to where the rest of the boys are hanging out tonight.

“Ugh, that man is just way too good-looking for his own good,” Derrick mumbles. “I can only assume he and Christian have the same dick, you know twins and all.” Penny chokes beside me, catching Derrick’s attention. I probably should have warned her about Derrick. “Oh sorry, have I offended the scarlet woman?”

“Derrick!” I scold, surprised at his venom toward my sister.

“D, that was rude.” Sienna joins us, putting a hand on Derrick’s shoulder.

“It’s okay, I get it, he’s your friend and he is looking out for you. But sweetheart, you could only dream about all the dicks I’ve seen.” Derrick looks stunned. I think that is a first, Derrick shocked silent. Within seconds he bursts out laughing.

“Oh, I think we are going to get along just fine. Color me intrigued, if I say a name can you tell me size, length, girth, you know, all the juicy details?” He puts his arm around my sister’s shoulder and guides her toward the fire pit.


The night has been fantastic, Penny is getting along with everyone, especially Derrick, after sharing some dick pics of some footballers she has on her phone. I have never seen him so excited. I mean not like that but as in, ugh, now I have mental images that won’t leave my head. Axel kept popping out and checking on me, which was sweet. I told him we were doing okay, that we were all getting on great which calmed him down a little.

“Okay. Now, princess, when are you getting married? Because this is going to be another epic Dirty Texas wedding and we all need enough time to plan so we can look fabulous.”

“I don’t know. We haven’t really had time to discuss it. Maybe next year.” I shrug.

“Next year?” Derrick shrieks. “Oh honey, no. That boy is not going to wait until next year to marry you. You should have seen him tonight looking at the children’s clothes! That boy has a desire to knock you up and it’s written all over his face.”

“What? No. Kids are a long way away.” Sienna and Vanessa burst out laughing.

“Look at us,” Ness says, pointing at her stomach that looks like it is about to burst. “If Axel is anything like his brother, be careful he will want to multiply with you as soon as possible.”

“Exactly, look at me, I’m popping out my second baby in two years and Evan wants more. More!” Sienna raises her voice.

Okay, mild panic starts settling over me. “We haven’t discussed it yet, I want kids but…Axel and I are still so new. We don’t even live in the same country. That’s going to make it hard to knock me up.”

“True, that part of the plan sucks. So, why don’t you just move here?” Derrick asks.

“I want to, I really do. I’ve found someone to be the general manager of the whole entire estate. Camryn’s company has taken over the events side of our business as well. Penny is working closely with Kimberly as they set up their office. I guess this week away will be a test for the new manager to see how they go with things.”

“Plus, the boys have settled on a location for the studio in London. So Axel could be there soon,” Vanessa adds.

“Yeah, but I know it is going to kill him to be apart from his new nieces.”

“But he would rather be with you.” Vanessa adds giving me a weak smile.

This commuting sucks.

“Hey, sorry, I didn’t mean to get you down,” Derrick quickly adds when he sees me deflated.

“I know, it just sucks being apart from him.” I am trying to keep my tears from falling.

“Did you seriously make my fiancée cry again, Derrick?” Axel’s gravelly voice surprises me. “Are you okay, babe?” he asks, sitting down beside me.

“Yeah, I was just explaining to them all about how much I hate living apart.” Axel pushes my hair from my face and looks at me with those whiskey eyes that I get lost in.

“It sucks, but I have been thinking…” He lets the rest of his sentence fall away.

“What?” My heart starts to kick into overdrive.

“Thinking about our wedding.” Oh no, has he change his mind? “Hey, hey, I can see that frown on your face, it isn’t anything bad,” he quickly says. “I just thought maybe we could do it sooner.”

“Yes, yes, yes,” Derrick squeals.

“You want to get married sooner?”

“I would marry you tonight, if you wanted to.” My eyes widen and I hear a couple of sighs.

“Vegas, let’s go to Vegas,” Derrick chants.

“No, no way are they going to Vegas,” Vanessa adds. “Seriously, don't do it. Plus, your mom will kill you.”

“That’s what Chris said,” Axel laughs.

“It’s true, I mean if you want to get married in Vegas, I could technically see if I could distract your mom by going into labor.”

“What?” I reply, confused by this conversation. “No, no, there will be no Vegas wedding and definitely no early labor distraction techniques.”

“Look, you’d be doing me a favor. These babies need to get out of me. Seriously, they are squashing me to death from the inside,” Ness moans.

I turn and look at Axel. “You want to get married sooner? Like how soon?”

“After our babies please, because I want to go to the wedding,” Sienna adds.

“Yeah, me too,” Vanessa seconds her.

“I guess in a couple of months then?” Axel asks.

“What? A couple of months. You think I can organize a wedding, my dream wedding, in a couple of months?” I think I am having a heart attack.

“Hello, that is what we are here for,” Derrick states.

“You have all of us, plus Camryn at your disposal,” Stacey suggests.

“You’re my closest friends, you’re supposed to be on my side,” I tell Stacey.

“But I want to see you guys get married.”

I roll my eyes.

“Come on, you have enough homes to choose from for the venue and Yvette lives in Paris so she can do your dress. We could even hire Sebastien again and catch up with Isla.” Derrick is just full of ideas.

“See, babe, the wedding is practically organized,” Axel laughs.

Yep, I am most definitely having a heart attack. Getting married in a couple of months.

“Plus, Daddy’s health isn’t good,” Penny whispers. My eyes widen, I hadn't even thought about that. “Daddy got to walk me down the aisle, yes to Eddie, and well we all know how that worked out…but I know he would love to walk you down the aisle, Liv. I know he’s still not a hundred percent and will never be, but he will want that, to walk you down the aisle.” A small tear falls down my cheek and Penny grabs my hand and gives it a sympathetic squeeze.

“Maybe you’re right, Pen. In a year’s time who knows if he is able to travel, he possibly could even have another heart attack. I would never forgive myself if something happened to him and if he…” Tears fall rapidly down my cheeks. “If he didn’t get the chance to walk me down the aisle.”

“Do it, Liv. The man loves you. You have waited too long to get married, you turn thirty in August. Why not kill two birds with one stone?” Penny suggests.

“Oh my God. Yes, yes, yes.” Derrick is screaming. “We know how to celebrate thirtieth birthdays in style.”

“What do you think?” Axel asks me. “August, around your birthday?” I blink a couple of times; it’s a crazy idea, but why not. Why wait? I want to spend the rest of my life with Axel. So why not just do it?

“Yes.” Axel stares at me for a moment, my answer not sinking in.

“Yes, as in yes?” he asks to double check.

“Yes as in yes, I will marry you in a couple of months.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him. The kiss turns a little more heated than I intended and our friends’ cat calls pull me away from Axel.

“What’s going on here?” Christian asks.

“We’re planning their wedding,” Vanessa answers him, but he looks confused.

“We’re getting married in a couple of months,” Axel replies.

“No way, man, no way!” His brother excitedly pulls him into a hug and then grabs me. “Where, when?”

“France, August for my thirtieth birthday,” I reply.

Christian whistles. “Wow, that’s close, but I’m pretty sure these guys have it already planned.” Pointing to his friends they all give him a thumbs up. I can’t believe this; I’m getting married in a couple of months.